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David Dell’Aquila Responds to Marion Hammer’s Attacks in NRA Fund Raising Letter

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

If you’ve been paying attention at all, you’re aware of David Dell’Aquila’s months-long effort to force NRA EVP and CEO Wayne LaPierre out of the Association’s top job. He’s gone so far as to file a multi-million dollar class action lawsuit against the NRA and NRA Foundation alleging fraud in its fundraising practices.

That’s now prompted NRA past president and Florida lobbyist consultant Marion Hammer to feature the Dell’Aquila effort in a fund-raising letter she sent to United Sportsmen of Florida and NRA members today.

The letter also notably blames the decision to move the NRA’s board of directors meeting from Alaska to Virginia on a strategic attack by anti-gunners designed to “to take advantage of Wayne LaPierre, NRA Board members and key NRA staff members” being in the frozen north, far away from the capitol.

Here’s Hammer’s letter:

DATE: August 29, 2019
TO: USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President


Are David Dell’Aquila’s gun rights worth $100,000?  Worth more than $100 million?  Worth whatever it takes to defeat the anti-gun agitators and enemies of the Second Amendment? You’re damned right!  Whether he donates money to NRA to fund the fight or not – NRA is fighting for his rights and yours.

And, YES! NRA has just moved its Fall Board meeting from Anchorage, Alaska to the Washington D.C. area at a cost of around $100,000.  Why? Keep reading.

Anti-Gun Democrats in Congress have announced that gun control hearings have been scheduled on Capitol Hill. The timing is clearly to take advantage of Wayne LaPierre, NRA Board members and key NRA staff members being in Alaska.  If they are in Alaska, it would make it impossible for NRA’s officers and senior staff to be engaged in the fight for your rights in the nation’s capital.

So, it was imperative that the meeting be moved so the officers and staff are fully engaged, with the full Board also there to give support and assistance.

David Dell’Aquila’s gun rights are worth whatever NRA has to spend to protect his gun rights — because his gun rights are the same as YOURS and MINE.  Help fund the fight!

Go here:  https://donate.nra.org/donate

I just went to NRA’s donation page and made my donation to help Wayne protect David Dell’Aquila’s gun rights and yours and mine. I invite you to do the same thing.  Donating is what you can do to help in this critical time.  Give as much as you can. https://donate.nra.org/donate

NRA needs your help to save our gun rights.  Nobody else can do what NRA does.  Does anybody really think any of the dissidents or their leaders get a call from the President of the United States? Do you really think any of them talks to the President, the Vice President or our leaders of the US Congress?  Does anybody believe they even have a clue what to do on Capitol Hill? Absolutely not, they can’t even hold Wayne LaPierre’s coat.

It’s time to stop the lies, stop the attacks, stop manufacturing fake documents, stop cutting off your nose to spite your face.  It’s time to focus on stopping the anti-gun, anti-freedom, hate-mongering enemies of our rights.  https://donate.nra.org/donate

Hey, David Dell’Aquila! you may have abandoned the only organization capable of protecting your rights — shame on you — but nonetheless, we’ve got your back.  We’re donating to the fight!

TTAG asked Dell’Aquila for a reaction to Hammer’s broadside and here is his response:

Marion, I have some questions of my own:

How much of the $270,000 in consulting and lobbying fees you were paid by the NRA in 2018 have you contributed back to the Association?

If it’s critical for the NRA’s officers to be in D.C. to combat gun control efforts, why would the board schedule a September meeting in Alaska at the beginning of the fall congressional session, when you knew (or should have known) gun control will be on the agenda a year out from the presidential election?

How many times have you flown on private jets paid for by the Association’s members’ dues? And to what locations did you travel?

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