The Atlantic’s David Frum thinks firearms are icky and should be left to society’s barbarians (and then outlawed from there, once all the good people have been disarmed). The way to reduce “gun violence,” as he sees it, is by convincing ordinary, responsible gun owners that their firearms make them less safe. What he doesn’t know — or refuses to acknowledge — is that ordinary, responsible gun owners know that is simply a lie.

You want to be a protective spouse, a concerned parent, a good citizen, a patriotic American? Save your family and your community from danger by getting rid of your weapons, and especially your handguns. Don’t wait for the law. Do it yourself; do it now. Do it because you just bought your first home, do it because you just got married, do it because you just had the baby you cherish more than anything in this world. The gun you trust against your fears is itself the thing you should fear. The gun is a lie.

As more Americans recognize the lie, they may notice a powerful new possibility. Once emancipated from the false myth of the home-protecting gun, they will find it easier to write laws and adopt policies to stop the criminals and zealots who carry guns into the streets. Win enough elections, and the federal courts will retreat from their sudden gun advocacy—and return to their historic deference to state regulation of firearms.

None of this will be easy, but it is not impossible. Over the past half decade, we’ve seen American society changed for the better through mass movements such as #MeToo. Now we need a new moral reckoning.

Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek writer Thucydides described the progress of civilization. It began, he said, when the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city, and left that savage custom to the barbarians. It’s long past time for Americans to absorb this first lesson from the first democracy.

— David Frum in How to Persuade Americans to Give Up Their Guns



    • David Frumm is a 1/2 Canadian wimp who wrote speeches for Bush.
      No surprise he is an enemy of freedom.

  1. Frum just wants other men to fag out like he did. That’s all. Might as well cut that punishment off too while you’re at it Ms. Frum.

  2. The Athenians? He never got to the part about the 30 Tyrants did he? You know, judicially sanctioned murder or exile and the theft of property, Socrates, hemlock drinking, the end of democracy, etc.

    Talk about cherry picking.

    • What about the obvious, “where are those Athenians, today?” The civilization disappeared. Should be a lesson there, somewhere!

      • Larry………But – but – the unicorns will protect us !!!! Look at how the those in power in the District of Communists behave now, can you imagine how they would be to a disarmed population ? History gives us the answer to that.

        • “But – but – the unicorns will protect us !!!! ”

          I’m one of the barbarians, and I intend to shoot your unicorns and roast them for thanksgiving dinner. Whatcha gonna do then? LOL

  3. I find David Frum’s lack of logic… disturbing…


    Citizenship – Canada & United States
    Education – Yale University (BA, MA), Harvard University (JD)
    Occupation – Journalist, author, speechwriter
    Political party – Republican

    I think he’s confused.

      • Good point…

        At age 14, Frum was a campaign volunteer for an Ontario New Democratic Party candidate Jan Dukszta for the 1975 provincial election.[3] During the hour-long bus/subway/bus ride each way to and from the campaign office in western Toronto, he read a paperback edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, which his mother had given to him. “My campaign colleagues jeered at the book—and by the end of the campaign, any lingering interest I might have had in the political left had vanished like yesterday’s smoke.”

        Like I said before, I think he’s confused since he allegedly had some sense at age 14.

    • Not confused at all.
      He’s a Country Club R, a RINO.
      Cut from the same cloth as POSes like Liz Chaney.
      More people are awakening to the reality that the Republican Party is the liberal Party.
      The Dems are anti-liberal, anti-liberty, anti-constitution. Pro-racist though.

        • Wait, wait, wait, MinorIQ. Can all y’all Leftist/statist/fascists just get it together on the narrative????

          Is Trump “literally Hitler”, and a dangerous dictator, or is he a “country club RINO” neocon pussy? Inquiring minds want to know.

          Or do you actually even HAVE a point, other than “Orange man bad!”???

    • It was Pat Buchanan who exposed David Frum for being a Canadian. A Canadian who was hired by an American news company, to criticize an American citizen who supported traditional American values. After he was exposed for not being a citizen of the United States, Frum began the process to get his American citizenship. Now he works to turn the United States into the sh!thole he ran away from.

  4. Why is this scumbag relevant? And why TTAG should waste their web page space and our time to care what he and his fake news Atlantic think about guns?

    • Why? Because you and I already know what you and I and other POTG think. It’s always useful to see how the enemy is thinking. It’s a foregone conclusion that Frum isn’t going to talk you or I into giving up our guns. Maybe Frum knows that or maybe he’s deluded enough to think some – one – of us might be persuaded by his impeccable [/s] logic. Either way, as Sun Tzu wrote, you have to know your enemy to defeat him.

      • You have to wonder why he never seems to be asked to explain WTF makes him think so?! Like we are all supposed to recognize his eliteness and just believe all the crap he wishes to spew without any manner of rationale or evidence.

    • Yes, Frum is your typical Northeast elitist RINO who is full of it, largely because he lives in an echo chamber where none of his friends or acquaintances are POTG who might contradict his worldview.

      But that is why it is 100% appropriate for TTAG to cover this. Living in an echo chamber, where all you hear are like-minded voices, warps your perspective and makes you intellectually lazy. We need to be aware of what the other side is saying and thinking so that we can do our best to effectively counter it.

      In short: Know Your Enemy.

  5. Pedophiles, rapists, kidnappers, thieves, tyrants, bullies and other such garbage would love to reside in the world of david frum. What a loser.

  6. That way (Fudd’s), you can then be a sheep living among wolves. Better to be armed and eradicate the wolves, for your families sake…

    • Unfortunately for your fantasy, David would love to go downtown with some frilly underwear and a few gold chains. Sounds like his preferred Saturday night entertainment.

  7. Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek writer Thucydides described the progress of civilization. It began, he said, when the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city

    I guess he forgot that 50 years later (480-479 BC) Xerxes and the Persian Army burned an “abandoned” Athens to the ground and 50 years after that it was destroyed again by Sparta in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC)… I think I’ll keep my guns… OBTW: Thucydides, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that it broke out, and believing that it would be a great war and more worthy of documentation than any that had preceded it. .. Seems dude was okay with soldiers slaughtering each other in the streets but not okay for citizens to defend themselves.. But then what do you expect from the Atlantic? Frum, just another self important, Soi Boi, Snowflake..

    • Stay out of history Mad man to the Max your an absolute Moron. The incidents you mention were war between two countries not citizens carrying weapons in a city and attacking each other which was the original quote. Two different scenarios. Its like comparing big city crime to the war in Afghanistan.

      Your a real laugh flag waver. It makes me realize the value of a good education.

      • It makes me realize the value of a good education.

        You sure are a Moron for such an alleged “educated” person… If you can’t see the relevance between a disarmed citizenry and the the destruction of their city “twice” once by the Persians and again by Sparta (which is also a Greek city NOT a foriegn country) then I won’t waste my time explaining the ignorance of your post…

        • quote—————-by Sparta (which is also a Greek city NOT a foriegn country) ————-quote

          And historical genius have you ever heard of the Greek City State? It encompassed the city and the surrounding area which formed the state. And no dumb ass, Sparta was a Greek City State, not just a city.
          Athens and Sparta were two different city states with different languages and customs during that time period. To the ancient world they were indeed different countries with different laws, customs and leaders.

          Within Greece today the Macedonians speak a different dialect than Greek. And yes the northern Macedonians do consider themselves a different country than Greece. Just ask them some time how much they like the Greeks. The point being it was much the same in ancient times.

          And by the way historical genius the Persians and the Greeks were two different countries as well.

          Your analogy of people within one city killing each other and warfare between different countries or city states was non sequitur.

          Give up you are out of your league dufus.

  8. What the FAR-RIGHT refuses to admit is that people that own guns eventually turn into criminals. They end up doing things like killing their old lady for the insurance money.

    • They end up doing things like killing their old lady for the insurance money.

      Yeah, YOU’RE a bright one…

    • And chainsaws turn people into chainsaw murders.
      And axes turn people into axe murderers.
      And forks make people fat.
      And colleges make people smart. 🤔

      • You were correct without realizing it. Each was a tool to be used by the user for good or bad. And college increases ones knowledge as to how the world really works while morons like yourself blindly believe everything authority has ever told you. Critical thinking to you is as alien fetal tissue research.

        • Oh shitpiss, college don’t teach nobody how to run a chainsaw and if it did it would take all day to get it started and they’d cut their own leg off..

    • You know, Little D; between age 12 and 15, that I had between 90 and 100 serious(as in significant injuries and law enforcement attention)due to the places and times I grew up in? And that I have had years engaged in occupations and avocations(active military service in a combat arms, boxing etc)and am still employed as a few weeks contractor? That,one way or another; there’s always been arms in my possession/under my control?
      And yet I have never endangered/posed a threat to/perpetrated violence against family/friends/those I care about? And that I am much closer to 60 than 50?
      That’s a lot of years and yet my family comes to me for love/support/assistance/companionship. And in all this time, neither the weapons in my possession nor the experienced physical skills that I have retained have given any of them cause for worry…why is that? Because according to you,I should be incarcerated and they should be dead or hiding in fear.
      Is it a case of Classical Projection? Are you seeing your own inner weakness,lack of control;moral and physical cowardice in others? And are you trying to turn your own cowardice into a virtue?
      Or is it even a lower tone? Are you seeking to weaken others because that’s the only way for you to feel strong by comparison?

      • Again you know little of human nature Dupont. Studies show that you are far more likely to die of gun violence from someone you know i.e. a family member than you are to die by a home break in or even a shooting on the street. Little d’s statement was correct and every study on guns has proven him correct and you wrong.

    • Strange, I’ve owned many guns over the last several decades. Never had the urge to become a criminal or commit some violent crime. But then, in over 50 years of driving I’ve had 1 parking ticket and no accidents or moving violations. Never been arrested, never convicted of anything, and never been anything but far right conservative after I grew up. Can’t say I’ve never used a gun in anger. A couple tours in S.E.Asia, and assorted other crap holes while in the Army, and 1 defensive use of firearms when some punks tried a home invasion. But, still, no criminal record and would do any and all of it again if needs be.

  9. Lol
    People that think owning a gun automaticly makes you a threat to your family.

    Yet, they think its perfectly acceptable to abort all children and let loose killers from behind bars. People that see no problem giving assault rifles to terrorists.

    • Reminder no children get aborted just cells….. Nobody is ripping live babies out of people well in the United States at least

  10. BackgroundEdit

    Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to a Jewish family,[2] Frum is the son of the late Barbara Frum (née Rosberg), a well-known, Niagara Falls, New York-born journalist and broadcaster in Canada, and the late Murray Frum, a dentist, who later became a real estate developer, philanthropist, and art collector. 

    • Yes he is an educated man, not your typical tattooed , bearded hillbilly riding in a pickup truck and waving an assault rifle at terrorized citizens. Civilized people seem to be a vanishing breed in Capitalvania, tattoos, pick up trucks, assault rifle sales prove it.

      • And the world if full of “over-edumacated” idiots that haven’t done a damn thing except lead people to more death, disease, slaughter and slavery. And your point???

      • Just out of curiosity, what is an assault rifle by your definition?
        I know what the actual, military definition is and those rifles are not commonly available for the general public.
        Did 22 years in the Army and a couple tours in SE Asia. Been in nearly crap hole in the world and have seen the results of leftist/socialist governments.
        Was in the food service industry for 25 years after the Army and am now semi-retired on my little homestead farm. I own a number of firearms, a pick up truck, and am a staunch supporter of not just the 2nd Amendment, but the entire Constitution and Bill of Rights. Never was a fan of DJT the man, but, did support most of his policies. Don’t see much I can support with the current crop of Dementiacrats.
        When the anti gun folks can guarantee that some chump will not cause harm to me and mine, Guarantee the safety of my country, including any threat from our own government, and remove all threats of predators, feral, or stray animals for my farm and livestock, we can talk about me giving up any of my firearms.
        And just as an fyi, was born and raised in the far north and moved down here to the South in 1996 when I sold my business and wanted to get out of the Minneapolis area. So, not a hillbilly, nor do I have any tattoos. My pick up is a work vehicle and my everyday car is a retired police crown vic.
        Live mostly off grid/green. farm my land with horses and oxen. Run electric with solar and wind with a propane generator as back up.
        Still vote right wing and haven’t voted for a democrat since Humphrey.

        • quote—————–Just out of curiosity, what is an assault rifle by your definition?
          I know what the actual, military definition is and those rifles are not commonly available for the general public.————-quote

          Here we go again playing the game of asinine semantics. It takes a second or two more to empty a semi-auto AR 15 as opposed to a full auto M16 and even U.S. troops for a time were armed with M16’s that only fired 3 round bursts.

          So if you have 60 or more people dead in only 1 or 2 seconds more what the hell is the difference between the two? The general public already knows that answer, “not a damn fking thing”.

          Get real do not play games with me.

        • Wow you farm with oxen. That’s just to cool.
          I’ve got like a bunch of questions, can they pull more, do they eat more, do they last longer? Why did you chose oxen?
          I’d like to watch them work a field.

        • It takes a second or two more to empty a semi-auto AR 15… have 60 or more people dead in only 1 or 2 seconds more …

          I’ve got a thousand bucks that says you can’t empty a 30 round mag in one OR two seconds and you DAMN sure won’t KILL 60 people doing that… Oh I know you choose TRUTH over FACTS but you are talking pure fantasy…

        • quote————–I’ve got a thousand bucks that says you can’t empty a 30 round mag in one OR two seconds and you DAMN sure won’t KILL 60 people doing that…———-quote

          Now Mad to the Max you are arguing over a second or two not the results of dead bodies piled 3 high in the streets.

          Say Jed are you such a moron you do not know that the 60 people killed at Los Vegas were killed with semi-auto assault rifles????? Or is this way over your head as usual. And yes I know he used a bump stock but the rifles were semi-auto so try and lie your way out of this one.

          And if he had not had bump stocks are you a big enough moron to claim he would not have killed just as many people when the people did not even know what was happening until dead bodies were piling up everywhere. Get real he would have killed just as many only it would have taken again 1 or 2 seconds more.

        • Sorry VLAD once again your wanton ignorance is on display… Allow me to further educate you dumb ass… First of all, there was only one rifle with a bumpstock and it was found “jammed” after having only fired a few rounds… second there were several rifles involved and third he killed “58” people in nearly TEN MINUTES, hardly what I would call “rapid” fire and finally most of his kills occurred before the crowd (which was packed asshole to elbow) even realized they were being shot at and from his elevated position it was “literally” like shooting fish in a barrel… Now you can come back with one (or more) of your usual “slurs” (like I care) then pick one irrelevant word and run on for six paragraphs about it… Schools out….

      • I grew up with and know educated men and women from the ivy league and my share of bearded, tattooed hillbillies with pickups and guns. Because of my background I can get along with both groups. Some of the hillbillies are even coal miners! In general I like and trust the hillbillies more and some have more practical wisdom than the ivy leaguers.

  11. Jim Crow Gun Control joe just left mountains and I do mean mountains of US Munitions to real barbarians. The pompous pasty mouth pos d. frum can stfu and climb down from his ivory tower and go clean joe’s dodo up.

  12. Huge increase in minority firearms ownership + firearms are for barbarians = Frum is a racist who thinks minorities are barbarians. Not that anyone should be surprised.

  13. This article when it originally popped up was titled “Responsible Gun Ownership Is a Lie.”

    Then yesterday at some point they retitled the online version, but added this note at the bottom, weird:
    ‘This article appears in the October 2021 print edition with the headline “Responsible Gun Ownership Is a Lie.”’

    Says he was a speech writer for George W. Bush.

    His whole argument is that barely anyone hunts (less than those who go to ballet performances he says) and that average people with handguns are the problem, because they will be unsafe and kill their neighbors or family or themselves, thus if you have a gun, you are irresponsible.

    His solution is more moms waving the bloody shirt to convince the non-gun-nuts that having handguns will kill them… And then I guess when enough are convinced they voluntarily give up their guns… And then I guess at that point the government can swipe the remaining handguns from the gun nuts.

    Any accidental death is tragic, but these cases are outliers compared to the millions of “irresponsible” owners who, contrary to the author’s opinion, are actually responsible and don’t die or kill someone.

  14. “The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”
    – Thucydides

    • Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.
      – Thucydides

  15. Frum was instrumental in persuading Bush to start the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Those foreign adventures might have been worthwhile if the United States had been willing to wage purely punitive war rather than attempting to export democracy at the point of a bayonet.

    BTW, I resent people referring to this soy boy as a Fudd.

  16. He’s right!! Just “one” more gun law and the criminals will stop committing crime. 🙄 Guess I better give up my guns. Oops! I just went ahead and bought a 1911 and I am deciding on a shotgun and probably a Hellcat next. Damn.

  17. I’m almost persuaded to give up my guns (some that I never use and don’t care about) while the prices are crazy high. Then I can buy a couple that I really would like to have, while they are still available.

  18. I’m almost persuaded to give up my guns, ones i never use and don’t care about , while the prices are crazy. Then I can buy a couple I’d like to have while yhey are still available

  19. As I keep saying, guns are not the primary target of the anti-gunners. Their primary target is the right of private citizens to use force in defense against violent criminals.

    • +1
      This asshat needs to get a place next door to the anti-gun ex-Kimber exec Douche that moved to Colorado.
      Made a fortune with Kimber, then “poisoned the well” on the way out.
      They would make great neighbors.

      I was offered a Kimber 1911 at a bargain price, passed. My money will NEVER go toward a company that employs people like these.
      Sold my only Ruger back in the ’80s after Bill R opened his fat yap supporting mag limits. 🤪

      • At least with Ruger they turned it around to go all in with affordable MSR while still making options for states with stupid laws. Kimber…….looks pretty I guess.

      • What’s wrong with that? In the 80s Ruger sold revolvers, makes perfect sense he’d argue against 17-round Glocks or whatever.

        • “…makes perfect sense he’d argue against 17-round Glocks or whatever.”

          If only someone would invent a reliable belt-fed revolver.

          (would pay extra if it had a chainsaw bayonet)

        • Ruger marketed a few semi-autos in the latter part of the 1980s.
          Sold my semi-auto for a loss after a few months of ownership.
          Replaced it with a 92FS.

        • Sold my semi-auto for a loss

          Bought a P90 (45 APC) for $300 21 years ago, still got it on my night stand, wouldn’t take twice what I paid for it….

      • Bill Ruger was one of a rare breed of brilliant firearms designers much like John Browning. This is a group of human beings who have never produced a gifted politician. Ruger should have stuck to designing and developing new manufacturing methods and hired a political consultant or two.

  20. David Frum, beta male, thinks we should all be beta males. This is what happens when you take a Canadian who had a reduced chance already of resisting the toxic estrogen thick environment of those universities (and that is among the male faculty) and require he breath that for six years. It is rather amazing that he didn’t turn into a raving left wing Democrat.

    • amazing that he didn’t turn into a raving left wing Democrat.

      No he’s worse, he’s a raving left wing RINO… The thing that let’s those left wing Democrats shout about “bipartisan” agreements and their “EVEN Republicans agree” bullshit…

      • Good point, though he is not in Congress or worse, the Senate like that RINO from South Carolina that kept bombarding me with requests for money this time last year. Really glad I gave nothing to Lindsey Graham, though two of the three Senators I donated to got kicked to the curb.

  21. Yet another example of how ALL immigration has been bad for America and Americans.

    Frum never should have been allowed in the US. A foreigner with no ties to the United States and it’s history before 1930. He does not care about legacy Americans and the nation our ancestors left to us.

    • Unfortunately your Libertarian leadership and most Libertarians don’t believe in National borders. They support open borders.

      A year ago I started to hear the terms “right-wing libertarian” and “left wing libertarian”. This might explain a few things?

  22. This snowflake needs to put on his big girl panties. He probably lives in a gated community or building with guards and locked door security’s. And even if not he is defiantly living in a fantastic fantasyland.
    We have laws that deal with those who would harm people using guns and they damn sure haven’t stopped anyone in 150 years or longer. And if not a gun then knives, baseball bats, clubs or vehicles and booze. He’ll we got idiots pushing voodoo cures for covid on the internet and even bigger idiots buying into it and the powers to be haven’t put a stop to that. Bet you this snowflake didn’t put out an article telling people not to use horse and cow meds to kill the viruses that scares them.
    That kind of B.S. is why you get robbed or beaten or killed in places that say your not allowed to PROTECT you self or family when the police are already overwhelmed by so many other distractions. While city leader would rather use your tax dollars to pay criminal elements to promise not to shoot or stab you while robbing you than fix the rest of city problems that they told you your tax dollars are for.
    I have to stop now as this well go on for pages.
    Sorry. Not really. Somebody needed to say it.

  23. “You want to be a protective spouse, a concerned parent, a good citizen, a patriotic American? Save your family and your community from danger by getting rid of your weapons, and especially your handguns. Don’t wait for the law. Do it yourself; do it now. Do it because you just bought your first home, do it because you just got married, do it because you just had the baby you cherish more than anything in this world. The gun you trust against your fears is itself the thing you should fear. The gun is a lie.”

    Well, people like this are idiots and do not realize the reality of life. They live in their personal bubbles believing it could never happen to them. What they do not realize is that a gun in the hands of ordinary Joe Citizen saves a life or prevents serious injury up to 2.5 million times a year, over 6,800 times a day. When it comes for you I’m pretty sure that David Frum and the rest of the anti-gun people are not going to be there to help you. They will maybe hear about it and go “tsk tsk, too bad so sad’ from the safety of their hired security or their and personal make believe bubble they think will protect them. Then of you are successful in your defensive gun use they will call you a criminal and tell you how much of a bad person you are for wanting to save the lives of your family or your own life. I’m also pretty sure that the law, unless they just happen to be there at the time, are not going to be there in that moment of time to save you either. Simply put, you are your own first responder and its up to you to take the responsibility to be ready.

    So for David Frum, I’d like to rephrase a little of what he said and put it in context with reality and so here it is…

    You want to be a protective spouse, a concerned parent, a good citizen, a patriotic American? Save your family and your community from danger by getting your weapons, and especially your handguns. Don’t wait for the law to save you because its not going to happen. Do it yourself; do it now. Do it because you just bought your first home, do it because you just got married, do it because you just had the baby you cherish more than anything in this world. The gun you trust against your fears is itself the thing you should learn to use more effectively. The gun is a life saving truth.

    • You are using the guns are good for self defense argument.
      He actually address this in his article.
      First he sets up a strawman that statistics showing millions of defensive gun uses are self reported and likely exaggerated.
      He continues the straw man argument by suggesting that many of these reported defensive gun uses are examples of arguments escalating to brandishing when that would never of happened if the person arguing had not carried a gun.

      You and I both know that home invasions happen.
      They are certainly very rare in the wealthy neighborhood the author lives in.
      The rest of us live in the real world where we might actually have to defend ourselves in our homes.

      • Yes, but I used that portion because its his false emotional appeal. You think he really cares that your home and baby are safe? In a sort of “awww, that would be terrible” way maybe he does, but that’s where it ends and he goes along his merry crusading way.

    • Worse at least with the let them eat cake it involved having vendors sell higher quality bread at lower quality bread prices for the destitute when quantity could never keep up with supply. This is more on the if you kill your enemies they win level of sense.

  24. “Once emancipated from the false myth of the home-protecting gun, they will find it easier to write laws and adopt policies to stop the criminals and zealots who carry guns into the streets.”

    Well, holy cow, people. Finally we have an answer to why politicians can’t seem to address criminal gun use. Once law abiding, responsible gun owners turn in their guns, government will have the ability to write and pass much needed legislation to reduce violent crime.

    Legal, responsible, gun owners are taking up so much attention, that the ruling class are too exhausted to write laws to end violent crime.

  25. Most likely it’s just that he’s attempting to reach those that are uniformed about them and sway THOSE opinions. It’s the same reason the left leaning politicians make idiotic assertions and statements about firearms. As an example, it’s not that they don’t know there is no fully-semi-autos and every black scary rifle is an assault rifle. Those comments are purposeful. People that know different aren’t listening to those morons. Only morons are listening and believing it.

    • Most likely it’s just that he’s attempting to reach those that are uniformed about them and sway THOSE opinions.

      MORE likely that he is projecting his own fears of future HIM if he were ever to possess a gun… He’s AFRAID he will become a violent criminal and kill his wife for the insurance to support his drug, alcohol, gambling and prostitute habits (wait this clown sounds like Hunter) just like his mommy told him whenever he was naughty…

      • I considered him simply projecting and actually wrote that out then deleted it and went with the shorter version.

        I’m going to assume that being who he is, it’s not projecting but simply purposeful recognition of his intended readers.

        I’m mindful though that I could be wrong and naturally that’s just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions, they’re like a– holes, everyone’s got one.

  26. If only this woman had David Frum around she would have been safe… oh wait…

    HOUSTON, TEXAS — Early Thursday morning, police say an estranged boyfriend tried breaking into a home where his ex and two children were located. The woman called 911 around 3 a.m. to report that her boyfriend was trying to break into the home.

    Shortly after, he successfully gained entry. The woman, however, had armed herself and shot him, stopping the invasion and whatever else was planned.

    He was taken to the hospital where he later died.

    Two children were in the back of the home at the time of the incident. The children were not hurt.

  27. More Americans recognize this low-energy soy boy beta cuck’s lies – and are arming themselves at a higher rate than ever before.

    Nobody is coming to save you. Your app that calls the police requires you to pull out your phone, unlock it, open the app, and ask for help. By that point you’re dead.

    You are responsible for your own protection and nothing protects like a pistol.

  28. “the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city, and left that savage custom to the barbarians.”

    Unfortunately, the modern barbarians are inside the city where they burn, loot and murder at will.

  29. He says, ” Do not wait for the law, do it yourself.”
    So either hes got some inside privy or dont wait for the law, do it yourself , means shoot, shovel, shutup.
    No we know what he meant.

  30. quote—————–Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek writer Thucydides described the progress of civilization. It began, he said, when the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city, and left that savage custom to the barbarians. It’s long past time for Americans to absorb this first lesson from the first democracy.————–quote

    And 2,500 years later Robert Reich found much the same thing, as every study done found that an increase in people carrying guns resulted in more homicides. “An “armed society IS NOT a polite society”. European bans on carrying guns for self defense have also proved much the same.

    The Naked Apes paranoia and viciousness homicidal tendencies have not changed since the days of the Neanderthals and Denisovans and it is a miracle nuclear weapons have not by now destroyed the Homo Sapien Savage Naked Apes.

    • Knife crime
      misc Terrorist attacks with guns and bombs
      Acid attacks
      Multiple world wars started
      Multiple ethnic cleansings
      yup banning guns sure does work there Jethro

    • Nuclear option ain’t over yet.
      It would be good if the history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would be brought to the world’s attention more often.
      Time has away of making people forget. And the devastation of nuclear war is something not to be forgotten.
      With an irradiated world I might have to wait 500 years or more to regenerate. That kinda sucks I was hoping to be turned into a buzzard a little sooner then that.

    • AND, it has been reliably reported that 87.9% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot. Studies are bullshit unless you include who paid for them and why.

    • viciousness homicidal tendencies have not changed since the days of the Neanderthals and Denisovans

      It’s in the DNA…. Hell you might even find some of that Neanderthal “homicidal shit” hiding deep down in YOUR genes underneath all that high end intellectul garbage you claim to be…

      • Dear Neanderthal the difference between an educated person and a hillbilly like yourself is that the educated person is well aware of his natural tendency to be tribal, racist, xenophobic and bigoted, all the hallmarks of people like you, except of course you think it is acceptable and even desirable. Educated people do not consider such behavior and attitudes and beliefs acceptable and yes they do often suppress them but creatures like you flaunt them.

        • A person who flaunts them is simply being honest about that “natural tendency” dacian. Instead of living a lie, they are honest about being tribal, racist, xenophobic and bigoted, since it’s “natural”
          Deception lies, misdirection irritate most people the most. People can deal with the truth.

          Most of the gun safety is total crap. Is there room for improvement in some areas? Absolutely there is but the constant 24/7 cry of gun violence epidemic is pale and wrinkled with age and destined for failure.
          Lies have to be covered, the truth can run around naked

        • quote———–A person who flaunts them is simply being honest about that “natural tendency” dacian.————quote

          Making excuses for yourself being a rabid racist? It did not work. Educated people are laughing at your post.

        • VLAD: There are truly NO words in any language on this planet that can effectively convey to you just how unimpressed I am with your inane drivel…

    • Folks, just ignore dacian the dim – he’s too stupid and uneducated to have a point, and too illiterate to communicate it, if he did. He’s a low-IQ, ignorant troll, and responding to him just encourages him to post more mindless, ungrammatical, illiterate, illogical, ahistorical drivel.

      Don’t go away mad, little dacian the dim, just go away . . . far, far away. The adults are speaking.

    • “Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek writer Thucydides described the progress of civilization. It began, he said, when the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city, and left that savage custom to the barbarians.”

      Of course, “back in the day” 2500 years ago, the “barbarians” were not allowed into the cities by the “powers that were”.

      Today, the ruling regime in DC, under the willing edicts of a ruler suffering from Dementia and the gang trying to prop him up are using taxpayer money to actually transport the barbarians from their original countries into the heart of what was once the American civilization.

      Surely, during the times in which Thucydides lived, the Greeks underwent an “extermination of the barbarians” process to rid their cities of them. I doubt they were treated “fairly” under 21st Century guidelines… After a few years of this sort of activity in the US, the need for one to provide their own protection might recede a bit. Personally, I’d never allow it to be taken away by the ruling class, which always has the priveledge of armed personal security due to the important nature of their “being”. You and me- not so much.

      • quote—————to actually transport the barbarians from their original countries into the heart of what was once the American civilization.————-quote

        Whenever you point your racist finger at another country you have 3 fingers pointed right back at your own.

        Next time brush up on history before pontificating and making an ass of yourself.

        Now tell me about the slaughter of millions of native American Indians or how about the enslavement and murder of millions of blacks. You call that a civilized society. America has behaved no different than the peoples of Europe 2,500 years ago that also enslaved people.

        • “Whenever you point your racist finger at another country you have 3 fingers pointed right back at your own.”

          I’m not sure how facts can actually be “racist”, but you’ve been long on personal attacks around TTAG but short on facts. The facts prove that the fence jumpers are being transpoirted into the inner regions of the US with no attempt to quarantine even those who test positive for the WuFlu. The illegals ARE NOT paying for this transportation, nor for the hotels, food and facilities in which they are being relocated.

          As far as re/misdirecting the conversation to some other topic since prevailing in this one is impossible for you. I have no idea what any perceived injustices to other people has to do with the topic being discussed here. It has, however, become a well-tried tactic of the Losers on the Left to attempt to change the subject from their dismal failures over history. And, as per “history”, the abject failure of Communism and Socialism have been well-documented since ca. 1916 through the present and will project itself far into the future. It seems the desires of the Utopians will never be satisfied no matter how badly, and obviously, they fail.

  31. Just out of idle curiosity – I’d wonder what kind of security Mr. Frum has as his role as an editor of the atlantic…is he provided an armed bodyguard or a security team? Past history shows that when these talking-head types are yapping about citizen disarmament, they’re usually guarded by others.

  32. Screw that. If he hates guns so much, maybe he should move to the UK, where he would feel much more comfortable being a disarmed surf. My friend in Australia is really regretting giving up his guns right about now. People like Frum can go straight to hell with this crap, and I will give him map and directions if he does not now where “hell” is.

  33. Frum is the perfect example of why knowledge is not the same as wisdom.
    That, and the ability to quote is never a suitable substitute for experience.

  34. We can discuss me giving up my arms when the anti gun folks can give me an iron clad guarantee that some miscreant won’t try to cause harm to me and mine. When they can guarantee no one will ever commit an act of violence against my family, country, or property.
    Since they can’t guarantee anything of the sort, they can go get stuffed.

  35. and once the athenians stopped carrying their swords they began buggering each other creating yet another problem for society thru to the present!

    • Yup. Ditto the Romans… And it’s very difficult to “continue” your civilization with a negative birth rate. Contrary to the Great American Woke, men do not become pregnant.

      Pity that issue wasn’t remedied once-and-for-all when Lot left the Sodom city limits…

  36. Mr. Frum, if you want to try and make guns disappear, amend the Constitution. The Founders bequeathed to us a political process to do so.

    Until then, take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

  37. “As more Americans recognize the lie, they may notice a powerful new possibility.”

    You mean the lie that the state can protect you? That the protests last year were mostly peaceful when they were burning down neighborhoods and murdering people? Luckily people did notice the powerful new possibility and have been arming up! People from all walks of life are now new gun owners as they have seen through the lie.

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