School Shooting David Hogg Book
David Hogg (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

David Hogg, the ostensible cofounder of March For Our Lives, an anti-gun organization formed after the Parkland school shooting, has announced that he will “step back and take a leave of absence” from the organization. His departure comes after disputes with other board members over the use of his fame to launch an unrelated business.

“…[S]ome of my recent actions have undermined my peers within the movement.” Hogg said in a Twitter post. “To my fellow organizers and those I love most, I want to express my deepest apologies.”

After a public argument with the conservative founder of the My Pillow company, Mike Lindell, Hogg announced his intention to start a competing pillow company apparently to get back at the conservative Lindell. He claimed that his company, backed by a wealthy left-leaning tech entrepreneur, could drive Lindell out of business.

When asked about the challenge, Lindell told Axios, “Good for them. … Nothing wrong with competition that does not infringe on someone’s patent.”

A review of Hogg’s Twitter account shows that he’s been posting heavily about the launch of his company, Good Pillow. Hogg says the idea for the company started as a joke, like Dogecoin, but that he’s now very serious about the idea of starting the company.

Hogg claims he’ll run the company in a way that reflects his left-leaning values. He said the company would hire “formerly inceaserateb [sic] people, vets and the workers from my pillow in the case we put them out of business” and would appoint a “chief progressive officer” to act as a sort of company commissar.

May of his fellow anti-gun activists weren’t impressed by the formation of the company and Hogg’s use of his Parkland celebrity to promote it. “To those of you who marched, donated, lobbied, and called for change… I’m so sorry this is what it turned into. This is embarrassing,” said Cameron Kasky, another cofounder of March For Our Lives, in a tweet. “But, welcome to America, everything ends up a grift.”

The March for our Lives Twitter account was less accusatory, but clearly wanted to distance itself from Hogg. “We want our youth activists, supporters, and followers to know that the Good Pillow company is not associated with March For Our Lives,” they said. Elsewhere in the statement, they made it clear that they didn’t expect Hogg to dedicate his whole life to the organization’s mission.

“I am more than my trauma- I am more than an activist I’m a human being that gets to decide what I want to do with my life. If I want to start a pillow company to help people, feed myself and create jobs I’m going to do it.” Hogg said on Twitter.

Getting into business is probably a good thing for Hogg. People who have experienced trauma eventually need to heal and move on to be productive. I know this from personal experience. It would be good to see Hogg make that journey.

On the other hand, it’s sad to see a business venture be so tainted by politics. Not only does it reduce its chance of success, but any healing process or sense of accomplishment will be muffled by the fact that the business was built on the back of fame from his activism.

I’ve long called the anti-gun activist community “vultures”. When tragedy strikes, the bodies don’t even reach room temperature before they are on the scene trying to see what benefit they can get from the dead. They have a long history of this, from wheeling a confused and semi-present James Brady around like a prop in the 90s to the more recent exploitation of people like David Hogg to further their agenda of civilian disarmament.

Hogg may be starting to see the light, though.

He’s right to be upset that people are bashing him for doing something productive, like starting a company, instead of being an activist his whole life. Mike Lindell may have actually inspired him to be a better, more whole person. Hopefully the Harvard undergrad will eventually see how deep the rabbithole of gaslighting goes, and fully free himself from the people who used him to further their agenda.


    • “Better, more wholesome” shit is still…


      It looks the same, smells the same, is the same.

      *snicker* 😉

    • After a public argument with the conservative founder of the My Pillow company, Mike Lindell, Hogg announced his intention to start a competing pillow company apparently to get back at the conservative Lindell. He claimed that his company, backed by a wealthy left-leaning tech entrepreneur, could drive Lindell out of business.

      Ok. So it’s just for the purpose of canceling him. Got it. Lindell doesn’t have a leftist manager ready to fire him because Lindell is an entrepreneur. So to cancel him Hogg is trying to make a competing pillow company to drive him out of business. Got it!

      • The only thing this twerp knows about pillows comes from the years of sleep overs with his gay buddies when the whack each other with feather pillows and giggle like school girls.

  1. He started out trolling someone and decided to make a meme company that he actually takes seriously now. Nice.

  2. He needs the pillows so he can cry his whiney little a55 to sleep. He should crawl under the sheets and never come out again.

  3. Does Hoggboy realize there’s a glut of pillow maker’s?!? Probably not…Mike sells a LOT of pillows & bedding from his popularity with conservative’s & Christian’s. I wish him ill.

    • Hogg is NOT going to drive Lindell out of business. Too many right leaning individuals know Lindell sits on the right – and even if by some stroke of amazing luck that Hogg can make a better pillow, right leaning individuals will still rather support Lindell than Hogg.

  4. I hope he smother tests them all and one fails. What a fucking jackass. “Oh, I’m gonna start a company to name jobs! Hopefully it’ll drive another company out of business though.” Typical Leftist. They have the Biggest Hearts! And they’re all as black as night.

    • “Hopefully it’ll drive another company out of business though.” Typical Leftist.”

      Yeah, but it might be a graft engine for him to milk.

      What made ‘March’ recoil away from him so publicly?

      • “What made ‘March’ recoil away from him so publicly?”

        They can no longer use him as a kid shield to hide behind. He never had anything else to offer.

        • That’s a good question Geoff. I would say it’s because he’s an insufferable bastard, but they ALL insufferable bitches and bastards. I think Dude is correct.

      • That’s a good question Geoff. I would say it’s because he’s an insufferable bastard, but they ALL insufferable turds. I think Dude is correct.

        • S h e eli tt n i gga……
          My name be demarcus…..iza black ghetto roach and iza says youz ain’t sheet nilka…..

  5. Anyone surprised? He wasn’t even there that day it was never about gun control it was about opportunity.
    CBS INTERVIEW : (Documentary)
    On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could 3 miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another Mass Shooting.

    And there ya go, beats working I guess.

    • “On February 14, 2018, Hogg was a senior at Stoneman Douglas and on campus when a 19-year-old former student of the school entered Building 12 and started shooting with a semi-automatic rifle after pulling the fire alarm. Hogg, who was in his AP environmental science class, told the teacher that the repeated “pop” sounds the class heard sounded like gunshots.[4][30] Hogg and other students made an attempt to exit the building, but a janitor instructed the students to go back into the classroom. Hogg credits the janitor for saving them, as the group of students were inadvertently heading towards the shooter.[4] A culinary arts teacher pulled Hogg and others inside her classroom and they hid in a closet.[4]

      Hogg checked social media and discovered that the shooting was occurring at his high school.[5] He used his cell phone to record the scene in real time, to interview the other students hiding in the closet, and to leave a record in the event that they did not survive the shooting.[31][32] Hogg’s sister, Lauren Hogg, who was a freshman student at the time, corresponded with her brother via text message while the shooting was taking place.[33] After about an hour, SWAT team police officers came into the classroom and escorted them out. Hogg reunited with his sister and father later that day.[33]“

    • That’s hilarious. I told my sister (lifelong Democrat), who’s spent her entire life working for the public education system, that becoming an entrepreneur would probably turn her into a Republican. She laughed pretty hard at the joke, so she probably already understands there’s some truth to it.

  6. From the deranged mind of a pasty mouth Gun Control twerp submerged in an agenda rooted in racism and genocide now flows self gratification at the expense of others who placed their hopes and dreams in him.

    A real let down for his team of useful idiots who believe if there were no guns everyone would be safe and no one would dare think of using bats, knives, cars, gasoline, bricks, ropes, chains, hammers, feet and hands to murder, rape, rob, kidnap and torture defenseless people.

    Listen to david hogg and you and yours can endure the horrors of those who are murdered everyday at the hands of sick criminals…Criminals applaud nitwits like d. hogg for their ongoing insane efforts to increase the supply of helpless, unarmed victims.

  7. Not sure how many vets want to work on his commune. What word was he struggling to spell, “incarcerated”, or maybe “incel”?

  8. There is an episode of the TV show Community where two collage age friends get into a fight over whether to build a pillow fort or a blanket fort (Season 3 Episode 14 “Pillows and Blankets). That now seems less ridiculous then reality.

    • That episode was awesome. (Pop-pop, General!)

      Sometimes I think leftists believe the world works exactly like that. Give enough publicity to a cause that feels cuddly and virtuous, and the whole world will spontaneously start building a blanket fort with you, and nobody ever has to go to class. No, not a blanket fort, a PILLOW FORT! Sorry, Goodpillow Boss Hogg.

      Pop-pop, General!

  9. “He’s right to be upset that people are bashing him for doing something productive, like starting a company, instead of being an activist his whole life. Mike Lindell may have actually inspired him to be a better, more whole person.”

    What are you talking about? The foundation of his business is coming from a place of hate and intolerance. Is everyone feeling the unity yet?

  10. As a fellow school shooting survivor (I wasn’t present at any of them, either), I would like to tell Hoggboy “dream on, mutherf*$@&er !!!!!” I hope reality bites his ass when he’s exposed to it !

  11. This is going to be truly karmic. Hogg has about as much business/management/sales savvy as your average cowpie, and unlike a lot of dotcom or social media businesses, this enterprise will actually have to make, sell, and distribute tangible products in a market where the competition is cutthroat (especially from imported goods). Plus MyPillow is covered by a patent that still has about 2 years on its term (and when that expires the foreign knock offs will flood the market.)

    As similar progressives have found out, starting a business based on progressive slogans almost never works, e.g.: The laws of economics don’t suddenly evaporate because of how woke you are.

    Hogg will likely burn through whatever capital the suckers put up in a couple of quarters. Hopefully the investors will then turn on him with a vengeance.

    • They’re just going to use his picture. He isn’t really going to run the company, or anything else.

      • Interesting handle you’re using, “Hunat master”

        Have you ever actually visited the Hunat Hatun Complex?

        I understand it is a very beautiful Muslim school, I’m surprised you would admit knowledge of this facility on a American right wing conservative forum.

    • “As similar progressives have found out, starting a business based on progressive slogans almost never works,…”

      As ‘Air America’, a supposed competitor to ‘Right-Wing Talk Radio’ found out the hard (and expensive) way…

      *snicker* 😉

      • Doesn’t take any “savvy” to own a business….. all it takes is money…..
        If you come from a family that has money, THAT’S what ALL successful business owners have behind them….. in one way or another….
        These stories about starting a business with 50 bucks and a good work ethic are B S…. nobody believes it except maybe a fool whose being used by said people with money….
        A little socialism would do this country some good… these rich f k s have been allowed to take over… corporate takeover of the country…. by Chinese communists no less….
        When will the majority of Americans wake up and put a stop to this mess before it’s too late??????

        • “I started my business with a small loan of $1 million” DJT

          No credit history, no assets, no security, no collateral, etc.

          Yes, multi-millionaire parents are an excellent way to start a successful business.

          Especially if your dad made his millions from government sponsored housing programs.

  12. I think that this could be a good, and eye-opening, experience for him. He’s young yet. There are reasons why things are done the way they are, and—if he’s not completely blinded by ideology—young Mr. Hogg may be about to have his eyes ripped open.

    Anything that brings people out of fantasyland and back into the real world has my support.

    This episode kind of reminds me of the widget scene in Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield.

  13. I’m starting my own pillow company called “Take a Fvcking Rest, A$$h0le” and put Pigg’s Pillows out of business.

    You know what they say on Wall Street: “Bulls make money, Bears make money, Piggs get slaughtered.”

  14. I’m fascinated by the Hogg Boy, he “survived” Parkland by not being at Parkland. And has now parlayed his “survival” into a burgeoning pillow empire. WOW.

  15. Hogg is allowing himself to once again be used as a tool, this time by the wealthy left-leaning tech entrepreneur who wants to cancel Mike Lindell.

  16. “A real let down for his team of useful idiots who believe if there were no guns everyone would be safe and no one would dare think of using bats, knives, cars, gasoline, bricks, ropes, chains, hammers, feet and hands to murder, rape, rob, kidnap and torture defenseless people. ”

    Next, you’re going to tell me that professional wrestling is fake.

  17. “Hogg pillows will have a unique stuffing called Chitterlings.”

    That may actually work out. I was thinking the pillows would be filled with pork rinds.

    • I’d be *highly* disappointed if that could get a rise out of you, so to speak… *cough*

  18. “I’m fascinated by the Hogg Boy, he “survived” Parkland by not being at Parkland. And has now parlayed his “survival” into a burgeoning pillow empire. WOW.”

    You are so clueless, unfair, uncompassionate, evil, wicked, mean, bad, and nasty.

    Mr. Hogg survived knowing many of the people involved, knowing someone who knew someone who knew someone who was actually present, sharing their trauma as if it were his own. He survived the aftermath of seeing and hearing reports of those directly affected. He survived because if he had actually been present, he too would have been in danger. Mr. Hogg is a hero because he told anyone who would listen what he heard and videoed.

    • I too am a survivor of the Vietnam War. Altho only 60 I grew up watching the news casts that showed the bloody horror of that war in my living room every night I also got to talk to returning Vietnam vets in my neighborhood and saw how the war actually effected them and their families in real time. So don’t tell me how Hogg is a survivor I feel sorry for those families who suffered and lost. But Hogg is just an opportunist who is making bank off other peoples tragedies

    • Why do you dispute the reporting that Mr. Hogg was indeed hiding from the gunman at the school on that day?

  19. “People who have experienced trauma eventually need to heal and move on to be productive.” exactly what trauma has Hogg experienced?

  20. Youd think with a name like Hogg hed look a lot tougher, but no.
    What a spoiled little bitch, ” I dont like you so me and my rich friend ( Bloomberg ) are going to put you out of business. ” ,,,gawd forbid if one of his 110lb employees becomes disgruntled and shoves a Not My Pillow up his ass, sideways.

      • Well we could always set fire to it.
        “You can build a man a fire and keep him warm for a day, or you can set a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.”

  21. The sniveling little putz is a perfect fit for that idiot greta thorn-ass the climate change darling. I can see this guy becoming some big wig liberal politician or some such thing in the future. His kind is what they are.

  22. I’m not in the least surprised that happened to you, a miserable piece of sh!t that no one wants to be around… 😉

  23. This guy still looks like a slimeball. He would be more suitable selling used cars at a side street location on some city strip. I guess he’s trying to prolong his 15 minutes of fame by jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon.

  24. Bloomburg is funding him and if a single pillow is ever offered for sale, it will include a made in china label. Nope, wont have it.

      • do u think he’d actually show in person? maybe with a protection detail that would make Heels Up Harris green with envy. honestly, the only way I like to see a Hogg is 16 – 18 hours over apple wood.

  25. The company won’t last long, because the pillows will keep falling off the left side of the bed.

    • LOL maybe the pillow will snuff the light out of him. Wonder where he’s going to get the money to do this. Oh I’m sure mommy and daddy will come up with it.


    • Interesting point. Better than using socialism to ruin a capitalist, especially if it burns through a chunk of his socialist backer’s wad and keeps him busy for a couple years. Maybe more of them will try this.

  27. Does he really expect people on the left would buy his product . LOL No conservative person would work for this loser. Get real

  28. “Nagasaki too.”

    You survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima AND Nagasaki? Man, oh man.

    You should have your own TV show, or pillow company, or something. Someone is cheating you out of fame and fortune. Rotten luck, that.

    Oh, oh, oh….maybe you could do some research and find if there were others who survived both bombings. You could start, like, a survivors support group and maybe get some government funding, or Done Funded Me donations.

    • Perhaps you would be interested in the story of Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who actually did survive both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      In his later years he became an activist for peace and nuclear disarmament.

  29. “So don’t tell me how Hogg is a survivor ”

    Have another read through of the comment; all the clues are there.

    • I would be interested in seeing what evidence contradicts the accepted account of Mr. Hogg’s experience, detailed below:

      “On February 14, 2018, Hogg was a senior at Stoneman Douglas and on campus when a 19-year-old former student of the school entered Building 12 and started shooting with a semi-automatic rifle after pulling the fire alarm. Hogg, who was in his AP environmental science class, told the teacher that the repeated “pop” sounds the class heard sounded like gunshots.[4][30] Hogg and other students made an attempt to exit the building, but a janitor instructed the students to go back into the classroom. Hogg credits the janitor for saving them, as the group of students were inadvertently heading towards the shooter.[4] A culinary arts teacher pulled Hogg and others inside her classroom and they hid in a closet.[4]

      Hogg checked social media and discovered that the shooting was occurring at his high school.[5] He used his cell phone to record the scene in real time, to interview the other students hiding in the closet, and to leave a record in the event that they did not survive the shooting.[31][32] Hogg’s sister, Lauren Hogg, who was a freshman student at the time, corresponded with her brother via text message while the shooting was taking place.[33] After about an hour, SWAT team police officers came into the classroom and escorted them out. Hogg reunited with his sister and father later that day.[33]“

  30. Let’s hope Mr. Hogg is a better corporate citizen than Mike Wendell who has proven to be a tax cheat:

    “In August 2016, the New York State Attorney General’s office charged that My Pillow failed to collect and remit over $500,000 in sales tax. The company denied any wrongdoing but agreed to pay $1.1 million in settlement.[29]

    On November 1, 2016, My Pillow agreed to pay $1 million ($995,000 in civil penalties and $100,000 to California charities benefitting homeless persons and victims of domestic violence) to settle a false advertising lawsuit brought in Alameda County Superior Court by Alameda County and eight other California counties.[30] The lawsuit challenged the company’s marketing claims, which asserted without proof that its pillows could treat symptoms of fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, cerebral palsy, acid reflux, and other conditions.[30] As part of the settlement, the company was banned “from making claims in California that its pillows can cure or treat diseases and their symptoms without a human trial to back up the statements.”[30] “In addition, My Pillow must stop promoting itself as the ‘official pillow’ of the National Sleep Foundation because it failed to disclose its financial connection with the foundation to consumers.”[29]

    In November 2017, the lawsuit, which challenged the appropriateness of the marketing, packaging, and sale of My Pillow products, including health claims about the product, buy one get one promotions, and the use of third party endorsements and logos, was settled.“

  31. His PTSD??? His only “trauma” is CNN letting it slip out that he wasn’t even on campus when the Parkland shooting occurred! The only “therapy” he needs is the kind used to treat pathalogical liars!

  32. The first thing he is going to learn in business is not to offend your target age group.

    The problem is that he already has. It would be interesting that if he can understand the pitfalls of actually running a business in this climate.

  33. David Hogg is a great example of why you don’t throw your pearls to swine. He’s a child of the devil and it appears, willing so. Embracing every lie and deceitful tactic of those who oppose God. Nothing but evil coming from this compromised one. Hogg is his own worst enemy. Blinded. On a wide road of destruction. Another puppet for the elite.
    This foolish little boy has no clue what’s going on. It wouldn’t matter if you banned every gun in the world, you can’t stop criminals still getting them. Hogg, like others like him, live in a delusional world where they think we can save the planet, the world, ban guns, etc…yet they fail to see we can’t even save a town, a city, a state or our country. These people can’t even save their own families or friends. But they want to save the world from all things they think should be banned. Fools.

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