In the ongoing battle over Washington, D.C.’s arguably unconstitutional ban on firearms magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, D.C. attorneys in February filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds that plaintiffs don’t have standing.
That move, in the case Wehr-Darroka v. D.C., prompted the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) to file an opposition to D.C.’s motion to dismiss arguing that the D.C. Circuit’s precedents regarding standing in Second Amendment challenges are inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s decisions as well as every other circuit court in the nation.
In its motion to dismiss, the D.C. government stated: “Under binding circuit precedent, a plaintiff only has standing to challenge a regulation of ‘Arms’ allegedly protected by the Second Amendment if he was threatened with prosecution for violating the regulation, or if he was in fact denied a weapon; and his standing is limited to challenging the regulation’s application to that weapon in particular. The two individual Plaintiffs here have not faced prosecution or been denied an LCM.”
FPC in its opposition filing explains how the D.C. Circuit is holding on to an outdated precedent considering standing.
“For too long, these outdated precedents have barred pre-enforcement Second Amendment challenges in this Circuit, only allowing cases to move forward if a litigant has been arrested, prosecuted, or singled out with specific threats or denials,” the brief argues. “This precedent has effectively closed the courthouse doors to law-abiding D.C. residents seeking to vindicate their fundamental right to keep and bear arms.”
The FPC brief further argues that the court doesn’t necessarily have to follow what it called the circuit court’s “flawed standings.”
“Under the flawed standing precedent created by the D.C. Circuit in Navegar, Seegars, and Parker, the Court must grant the District’s motion,” the brief argues. “Plaintiffs, however, note the deep flaws with that precedent and will urge the D.C. Circuit to reconsider and abandon those flawed cases. In doing so, Plaintiffs ask for nothing more than their day in court.”
Brandon Combs, FPC president, said in a news release announcing the action that the D.C. Circuit has done exactly what Justice Clarence Thomas warned about—turning the Second Amendment into a “second-class right.”
“The D.C. Circuit’s case law on standing has turned the Second Amendment into a second-class right in our nation’s capital,” Combs said. “The government should not be allowed to avoid constitutional compliance by forcing peaceable people to break the law and subject themselves to serious criminal liability before they can challenge unconstitutional laws. The Supreme Court’s precedents recognize this and every other circuit court in the country has held as much. It is time for the D.C Circuit to fix this serious doctrinal problem.”
Ultimately, the FPC brief argues that the organization doesn’t intend to give up on fighting to get plaintiffs’ standing recognized by the court.
“For these reasons, while Plaintiffs have standing to pursue their claims, this Court must grant the District’s motion,” the brief states. “Regardless, Plaintiffs maintain that this Circuit’s Second Amendment standing precedent is deeply flawed and intend to return to this Court to advance their claims after the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit abandons Navegar, Seegars, and Parker.
Trump Administration Restores CMP M1911 Sales Program After Pause During Biden-Harris Administration.
“ANNISTON, AL — The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has officially resumed sales of surplus U.S. Army M1911 pistols, following an eight-month suspension during the Biden-Harris administration. The revival of the program came swiftly under President Donald Trump’s second term, with CMP reopening its order processing in late January 2025.
RIGHT…Somehow by way of some deranged minds A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary For The Security of a Free State does not need more than 10 Rounds…Enemies of the State must be overwhelmed with joy to hear that sht.
The truth is that these magazine restrictions are fostered by a collaboration between the gun-grabbers and the Alliance of International Magazine Manufacturers (AIMM), also known as ‘Big Mag’.
Big Mag really does not want large capacity magazines. There is significantly more profit in selling large amounts of lower capacity magazines. So they have joined with the evil anti-2A forces to drive down magazine capacity and drive up prices.
We need to expose the Big Mag execs who have crafted this conspiracy. We need hard-hitting investigative journalism to infiltrate Big-Mag and bring this insidious, dark, collusion into the sun light! We need to bust-up Big Mag and return to a free market!!
Are they lead by Pro Mag?
Big Mag needs to team up with Big Ag to create a GMO where magazines grow on trees.
Release and Catch: Felon Pardoned by Biden Arrested Yet Again on Gun and Drug Charges.
The arrest of a man on drug and gun-related charges whose prison sentence was commuted by former President Joe Biden days before he left office underscores the massive failure of the Democrats’ soft-on-crime strategy, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms declared.
Fox News is reporting the arrest of Willie Frank Peterson, 52, is back behind bars two months after Biden commuted his prison sentence on Jan. 17. Peterson was doing time for conspiracy to distribute cocaine, having been imprisoned in September 2023. However, he was arrested earlier this week in Alabama, charged with two counts of unlawful possession of a controlled substance, one count of marijuana possession, possession of ‘drug paraphernalia’ and three firearms-related offenses, the report said.
‘Joe Biden had no problem weaponizing government agencies against law-abiding gun owners and small retailers, or pushing for gun bans and other restrictions,’ CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb recalled. ‘Peterson’s arrest simply amplifies the implosion of such a policy, which treats convicted criminals better than honest citizens whose only ‘crime’ is their exercise of Second Amendment rights.
And how many 1/6 felons were pardoned and then rearrested for other crimes or shot dead by police?
“And how many 1/6 felons were pardoned and then rearrested for other crimes or shot dead by police?”
Missy12 (AKA MIner49er, AKA several other names you used here at at SNW), your TDS is showing.
Lol fewer than Biden pardoned and without the excess scrutiny to accomplish it. Anything else?
BIG NEWS: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Finally Gets A Chance!
Serving as a bad example is useful.
Two shots from a double barreled 10 guage brings down most cottontail rabbits. I dont see the big fuss in limiting magazine capacity?
The ATF is in major trouble after the new continuing resolution was passed. Mark Smith, Four Boxes Diner, discusses this important development.
in addition to above:
(more background – note: Basically … as a result of the CR … ATF does not have the spending and allocation authority for the money like they did before. Instead, the CR gives Trump and Bondi the authority to decide what the money is spent on for the ATF. This effectively knee caps ATF in terms of their Biden-Harris tyranny days where the ATF could get congress to give them the money they requested as if they were an actual funding agency ‘head’ with its own budget. In reality the ATF budget money is not actually the ATF’s budget money, its actually the DOJ’s budget money and part of that DOJ budget is allocated for ATF. But during the Biden-Harris tyranny ATF was able to get themselves funded as if the money was their budget, bypassing the money being allocated from DOJ budget, and this gave ATF control over how the money was spent. The result of that was a removal of congress oversite on the allocation because once ATF got the money they simply spent it on anything they wanted without regard for the allocation categories and during the Biden-Harris tyranny the ATF used tax payer dollars to fund direct attacks on the 2A and upon innocent American citizens using Biden EO as their premise and usurping the will of congress to create ‘defacto law’, law-fare, deadly force, intimidation, threat, and ‘murder’ in what was in effect a tyrannical war of of violence waged by a terrorist hostile enemy para-military force on innocent American citizens while in the background this war was being choreographed by anti-gun groups through the Biden loyalist now-ex ATF chief counsel Pamela Hicks and Steve Dettlebach.
The 2A-community kept it in the courts, the ATF kept it in our lives and homes with threat and intimidation and deadly force warfare. Maybe we should maybe have also been engaging them for what the ATF and these anti-gun groups were, a hot-war waging terrorist para-military hostile enemy force intending to kill us and our family’s if given the chance.
The Left Says It Doesn’t Happen, But Noncitizens Voted In Iowa’s Election.
Things Are Getting Ugly. Be Ready.
(note: If the left wing domestic terrorism violence continues and grows, its only a matter of time before they start encountering people who are carrying a firearm and will fight back if attacked. A trait of left wing’ers and their extremism is they try to intimidate and force confrontation and they operate purely on alternate-world-view mental illness emotion and not fact or reason or logical-rational-thinking. They do not think like normal people, they are not normal people, they are not logical-rational-thinking people and think their emotional mental illness alternate-world-view justifies their means.
Form my own personal experience with them – they are always ready to physically attack, they are always unstable ‘violent’ loose-cannons walking around in society. And now they are proving that en-mass in as a coordinated violent domestic terrorism movement. As this grows, the more likely it becomes they will begin to encounter those of us who are armed and ready to defend our family, selves, and homes.
Keep your head, do not be goaded, leave the area if you must and do not play their game – but when they do become a viable threat do not hesitate if you or family or even another are in fear of serious injury or life at the hands of these mentally ill domestic terrorists. Why do you not hesitate? When they become a viable threat If you hesitate they will exploit that hesitation to seriously injure or kill you or family or another because their emotional mental illness alternate-world-view justifies their means. We have already seen their violent ’emotional mental illness alternate-world-view justifies their means’ play out numerous times (no, not only some Teslas being destroyed – its been going on for a while and growing but its been covered up and kept more covert), as this grows its only a matter of time before they start getting shot by innocent law-abiding people defending their family or self or others from them with valid legal self-defense DGU.)
Whether or not it grows is an interesting question.
Are rent-a-riots still a thing? What percentage of these people are paid and what percentage are true believers?
The Bernie rally in Denver today was smaller than he claimed and initial phone data seems to indicate that it was astroturfed to the tune of between 75% and 84%.
It’s suggested that 75% of attendees are actually employed by one of the following: Disruption Project, Rise & Resist, Indivisible Project, Troublemakers and the Democratic Socialists of America.
Interesting times.
Rentaprotestors are still big for lobby days here at the capital. Typically bussed up from NYC and picked up around 4:45pm to go back. Can usually tell organic protestors by their signs being different sized or color poster board.
Yeah the pre-printed signs and shirts are usually a give away.
There’s whole websites that do the logistics for privately organizing such protests. One stop shop for media, signage, shirts, transport, food/water etc etc.
Does it count as privately organizing if it’s funded by USAID? Yes I know it does for the legal fig leaf the shell companies erm…. Nonprofit NGO’s offered.
From the transFENDER community: Trans Hondas are Real Hondas: Tesla Car Owners Perform ‘Text Changes’ to Fool Domestic Terrorists.
TRAGIC: Reddit Lefties RAGE Because **Checks Notes** Things Are More Affordable Under Trump (No, Really).