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Dear America, the Problem is Damaged Human Beings

Piper Smith - comments No comments

Dear America,

We need to spend a lot more time looking at what creates a human being motivated to massacre their fellow human beings and a lot less time pretending we can make the tools they use disappear from reality.

There are more firearms than people in the US. That will never not be the case. You can build a rifle in your garage from scrap with $100 and an internet connection. You can rent a truck and mow down more people than you could with a rifle.

Accept reality and focus on what can actually help address this epidemic.



I’m sorry America, but our usual standard operating procedure of wanting to spend zero time and effort understanding the root causes of a problem and wanting your mommy and daddy government to “pass a law” to fix it isn’t going to cut it here.

Stop abusing your kids.

Stop tearing each other apart.

Stop acting like 911 is going to save you.

Take a mass casualty medical training class.

Learn how to defend yourself and those you love against an active shooter or other attacker.

Stop supporting the bloodthirsty, ratings-hungry media that makes these broken murdering souls famous.

Or we can continue shoving our heads in the sand and keep pretending that passing laws that only the non-murderers give two shits about is going to change anything.

The choice is ours.


Piper Smith is the founder and director of Armed Equality. Armed Equality was founded in response to the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the deadliest terrorist attack and hate crime on American soil post 9/11.

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Piper Smith

Founder & Director of “Armed Equality”. About Armed Equality: Armed Equality is building a strong and inclusive community of diverse individuals who seek the skills needed to defend their lives. Armed Equality is dedicated to the defense and protection of all Americans, from all walks of life; especially targeted minorities. About Piper Smith: Firearm legislation media commentator with experience on local/national/international/live television, online and print articles, and local event appearances. Controversial topics commentator with over 30,000 hours of study in the field of political science, psychology, economics, and philosophy. Extensive work experience in sales & marketing. Community organizer and event planner with experience planning over 100 community events in the last few years ranging from CCW workshops, pistol/shotgun/rifle training, advanced medical mass casualty training, wilderness survival training, and education covering your individual and collective rights when interacting with law enforcement and legalities surrounding defensive firearm use.

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