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The headline above is, of course, one of the “rules” for the U.S. Marine Corps. I’m down with it. ‘Cause the second you start try to separate who you know you might have to kill from who you think you never will is the moment you’re opening yourself up to catastrophic failure. If you have a plan to kill everyone you meet, a criminal or psycho won’t slip through the cracks. It’s the earthbound corollary to that other military homily “kill them all and let God sort them out.” Or the obverse of the old saying “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” Enough philosophy already. Here’s a real world example from my ‘hood, courtesy . . .

The Cumberland police have charged three local men for a home invasion and robbery on Feb. 23, and recovered one of six guns stolen from the house.

That day, three men broke into a house at 124 Overhill Road, assaulted the 66-year-old homeowner, and fled with the guns and stole the owner’s gray 2000 Jeep Cherokee.

[Not to mention beating and shooting the homeowner; a fact that someone failed to add to this version of the events.]

The police believed at the time that the robbers had targeted that house because they wanted to steal the homeowner’s guns.

One of the men charged in the crime had recently done some work at the house, and enlisted two of his friends in the home invasion, Police Chief John R. Desmarais said Wednesday. The chief wouldn’t say which of the three men had worked for the homeowner, Harvey Salvas.

However, all three live near the house at Overhill Road — and investigators believe that the suspects simply walked over to the house to break in and steal the guns, Desmarais said.

There’s a fine line between paranoia and preparedness. Or so I’m told. Personally, I consider the word “wary” a compliment. As for the rest of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia, I bet you’re MORE friendly than people who aren’t. Armed. Or, let’s face it, intelligent. Because then they’d be armed, right?


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