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Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 7.28.12 AM

RF hasn’t secured his Texas CHL yet, but he may want to accelerate that process. Or maybe stay out of South Austin. “A man responding to an activated security alarm at a South Austin church fired at a suspected burglar who tried to run him over with a car Friday morning, police said.” When an un-named man was notified of the alarm and arrived at the Texas Oaks Baptist Church, he found Jesse Silva nosing around on the property. Silva then hopped in his car and steered toward the responder. That’s when he went all Mannix on him . . .



Fearing for his safety, the man then fired 8-10 shots at the car, striking Silva once in the chest, according to the affidavit.

The man told police he knew he had hit Silva with at least one bullet, because he saw the windshield shatter and the fleeing driver jerk the steering wheel.

Two unidentified people dropped Silva off about 30 minutes later at South Austin Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the chest at 3:30 a.m. He was transferred to University Medical Center Brackenridge with non-life threatening injuries and released into police custody for an outstanding felony warrant.

Silva told police he had been shot near downtown, but a check of police reports turned up no calls involving a weapon downtown, the affidavit said. He then refused to answer any more questions, police said.

The vehicle Silva was suspected to be driving was found less than a mile from the church, and was covered with bullet holes, broken glass and blood, the affidavit said. A pry bar was also found in the car, according to the document.

Mr. Silva’s now changing the bandages on his chest wound and facing vehicular assault, burglary and unauthorized use of a vehicle charges. No word as to the caliber the responder used, but we’re guessing that car’s been pretty much totaled.

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  1. People and statistics like to say that the threat of jail time and even the death penalty have no effect on crime, but what is it true that lax gun laws or shall issue CC laws have an effect? I would imagine more criminals would worry about being shot on a job rather than being shanked in prison.

    • ^Winner. LOL.

      I love my church, but it’s in a bit of a rough neighborhood (which is good… more churches need to be where needy folks are). We’ve had more than a couple of attempted break-ins and car prowls. Good thing I’m close to the pastor and he doesn’t mind that I CC a pistol on Sundays and the occasional night I’m there for BS, helping out with youth group, or cooking in the kitchen for events.

  2. Whoever that first responder was he wasn’t into turning the other cheek. He preached a real hell fire and brimstone sermon.

  3. Missed Sunday school, so was taking Tuesday makup lessons?

    Nice going, Mr. Defender o’ the Faith.

    • Yeah! Too bad it brings back memories of the end of Detroit’s reign as the car capital of the world (as well as Hollywood’s glory years)

  4. The responder should not have fired on the moving vehicle. He should have jumped out the way and called for help. It sounds like Mr.Silva was unarmed except for the car. Oh wait a minute posted this on the wrong topic.

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