Some readers may reckon that the snowmobiler above could have ended this animal encounter without applying GLOCK perfection. All I know is that angry moose is not something I’d want to face without GLOCK perfection. And the caption underneath the video informs us that the shooter’s son was behind him on another vehicle, preventing a strategic withdrawal. So . . . result. And another reason why I never, ever go into the wild without a firearm. [h/t JT]
So if my house is within 1000 ft of a school, does that mean I can’t carry on my own property? I can’t transport to and from my car? Or drive past the school on the way to the range? If I could CCW, I have to lock it up before I go out and get the mail? Or can local laws supersede this? Not that the People’s Republik of California would want to protect my rights or anything…
Does anyone know if they went back and harvested the meat?
In any combat situation I would only pick an AR if it is Full-Auto, Belt Fed, or .50 BMG with plenty of ammo. I would pick an AK if it is Full-Auto and lots of ammo.
I am in favor of Full High Power rifle cartridges. I like my FAL. I am wanting the 100rd drum… but it costs, and I still need to get LOTS of ammo. Till then I have my SKS-M to do battle, still need to build new stock to allow use of 75rd drum.
Indiana law already allows you to keep your firearm in your vehicle on school grounds, but only if you are picking up or dropping off a student.
Also, Clinton wasn’t president in 1990. That would be Bush the first.
I sent this link and story in via email. Was I the only one?! Pretty cool to see you guys post on it.
I spent an hour researching Glock 20’s (not known what caliber this dude used) after watching this video!
For me the correct answer is definitely “both.”
I love the modularity / configurability of the AR. I have a mid-quality commercial-built ‘m4gery” that eats anything, including steel, and is nice for plinking, and I recently finished 2 really sweet builds–a 5.56 carbine built for accuracy and a pistol in 300BLK.
I also love the reliability of AKs. I do not love navigating around shoddy build quality or 922r issues, nor am I happy with the inability to import intact quality foreign rifles. But I finally jumped on an Arsenal and am thrilled I did. The trigger is awesome, and the receiver is solid; I mounted a red dot + magnifier on mine and it holds nice groups at 100yds with Wolf steel cased ammo.
“…applying GLOCK perfection.”
Oh Rob, you never cease to crack me up.
Both are good rifles, but both are pale imitations of their select-fire ancestors.
Ralph, are you serious?
“(Hint: Why not just adopt the 7.62 x 39mm?)”
We kinda just did, with 300 BLK. It’s basically an AK bullet inside an AR casing.
Why do things always have to be this or that? AR or AK. (D) or (R). Authoritarianism or anarchy.
If there is a type of gun out there that you don’t have then go out an get it. Go right now!
Either or is stupid. An artificial limiter that only serves to manufacture arguments for the sake of arguments. I know some people just love to bicker and pick sides and get all fanboy about stuff but I’ve never seen the appeal of such a time sink.
Get yourself an AR, an AK, an M1, an M14, a Glock, a 1911, a Beretta, a Walther, a whatever appeals to you and shoot them all as much as you can because damnit GUNS!
Can I get a “halleluah”?!?
A note on the California training requirement. the renewal is 4 hours, and is classroom only, with the class focused on CCWQ laws and legal use of force. The 16 hour class is that four hours, plus the basic gun safety class (and anything else the instructor can think of to fill in the time), keyed to new gun owners. The remaining 8 hours is range training. Renewals do not have to requalify, however some counties require a qualification test for each firearm you list on your permit, including changes, though I really don’t understand why. if you can shoot one, you probably can shoot all of your other guns too.
Tanaka is nothing more than a thug with a gun…
Must listen to interview…
Paul Tanaka interview on KFI (1/21)
Email raises questions about Tanaka’s role in handling of inmate informant –,0,1411903.story
So how do criminals get guns so easily if CA has made it so hard to own a gun???
I like and own both.
For the fun factor, it’s AK. For precision paper plinking (lol) I prefer dicking around with an AR.
For the mythical SHTF, I’m grabbing an AK-47 or a rifle length AR as 2nd pick.
For something that’s the best of both worlds in my book, it’s the HK 91.
FIrearms ownership is like an iceberg. The negative aspects of owning a gun are like the tip and are most visible due to a biased and lazy media. The positives are treated like the part that is below the waterline. There is a lot of iceberg down there but people are unable or unwilling to see it unless they stick their head under water and take a look and what else is there.
He should be arrested. There was no reason to antagonize that moose. Oh my son was behind me. No excuse to purposely upset a wild animal, kill it, and then leave. It’s like walking up to someone on the street, hitting them in the face, then claiming self deference when they come at you and you shoot them. Absolutely no excuse for this. This just makes us all look bad.
All of this is IMHO of course.
That was great, A.S.
Just as we berate people for incorrect terminology eg. clip/magazine
There is a significant semantic difference between poisonous and venomous.
Poisonous means it will have ill effects from consumption. Venomous critters on the other hand inject the bad stuff usually through a bite.
So poisonous you bite it. Venomous it bites you.
“So poisonous you bite it. Venomous it bites you.”
Philosoraptor asks: What’s the term for biting a venomous snake — poisonous or venomous?
The date on the letter is not a postmark so it may have been written ahead of time and “predated; to actually be mailed once they had a list of noncomplying applications. What we need is proof of receipt.
“Transparency is won through accuracy, compassion, intellectual honesty and an introspective mission to convey complete, contextual views of our world” . . .
That’s not a mission statement. That’s an internally conflicted first sentence in a confused freshmen Philosophy 101 term paper.
“I shall make those decisions, just as I must accept the consequences attendant to those decisions”
But the left doesn’t believe that there should be consequences for decisions. You may as well be speaking Greek at them.
No, they just believe consequences should be dictated by ideology rather than natural cause and effect. And if you insist on allowing the natural consequences of ones actions to occur then it is a sign of bigotry or racism.
One fist of (shootin’) iron, the other of steel…
That is the very opposite of how a DGU should play out.
Look at it this way. If you were walking downtown and saw a known, dangerous thug on the sidewalk 50 yards away….would you walk up right up to the guy hoping that he would politely move out of the way?
Seems exactly what this guy did. It is possible to be justified and wrong at the same time.
Next time, wait ’til the swelling goes down.
What is that thing on her shoulder? Some kind of weird fungus?
Nicely done A.S.
Wouldn’t waste too much worry on Denver Post – they have to throw some meat to the dogs in the prog-libtard echo chamber there, and in Boulder, after all.
Remember this was William Saletan from Slate, writing as he admits from a collection of post Sandy Hook articles there. You only have to scan his bio and range of work at Slate to get an idea of his “voice” and “perspective”.
Just another example of the self-referential and apparently unconscious pomposity of the left-
“We need to change our culture” and the insecurity that comes from a deep need to be seen as smarter than the rest of us.
Is it legal to carry in banks in Florida? In Missouri it’s one of the no-go places drilled into your head at CCW classes.
Sure he could have stopped twenty feet earlier, but it looked to me like he was trying to use the sound of the snowmobile and his voice to scare away the moose. Anybody who’s ever been charged by one will tell you they can close 30 feet in the blink of an eye. Putting himself in that position relative to the moose was not the best move, sure, but once it turned to charge the second time he had very little time to act and it’s easy for people to judge him an off-the-hook-killer-wannabe. Given that he was carrying a pistol he’s lucky to have come out of that with his ribs intact.
A moose has the speed and power to unzip a man with his hooves from sternum to scrotum.
The Bill of Rights protects your rights, but not your job. Employers can fire you for actions protected under the 1st amendment, never mind the 2nd amendment.
Personally, I have mixed feelings about this video. The moose was blocking his path, and he did appear to try to scare it away. However, It seems like the moose probably would have roamed off if he would have waited a minute or two. He could have also fired a warning shot before approaching the moose. Also, as ropingdown said, the moose was leaving after the initial encounter, but the guy did make a motion towards the moose which was taken as an additional threat by the moose. I could understand making these mistakes if it had been a day or two since the guy had eaten or if there was an emergency, but to me it seems like the guy just had piss poor judgement. I really hope the meat doesn’t go to waste. The one positive aspect of this video is that it demonstrates the effectiveness of the 10mm and the need for a less lethal option (like mace) in one’s self defense system. Also, I may have to get a Glock 20 or 29.
That suppressor is a really trick piece.
I bet it’s a really expensive one, too.
I live in Colorado which has no shortage of mining claims much of it for gold. For at least a century anyone with a claim will usually use dynamite to blast the surface of the claim for samples of minerals to assay.
If this nitwit had his way and could ban explosives he would have one of the most powerful explosives on his list which is natural gas, right? Then there is gasoline, propane, butane, grain silo dust… Perhaps he would just wish to ban an ingredient which is common to all explosives being successful: oxygen.
Perhaps I am being a bit lax in my science and physics but hey, why get “technical” when “emotional” is synonymous with “fact” or so it seems.
I am always compelled to not believe anyone who speaks extensively about something they have not handled or experienced and/or appears on news programs. Hillary said she hunted ducks with her rifle all the time!
A moose died, big deal. Some of you act like it was your firstborn child. Of course we dont slaughter animals needlessly but come on, this is some serious bleeding heart sentimentality for an aggressive animal that attacked a man who couldnt retreat. For the love of everything holy stop worshipping animals and be thankful a fellow human being survived. If it was your family, i bet you wouldnt be so insanely horrified by a dead rampaging moose that attacked your loved ones. Get a grip.
Every killer has a mom. Every killer went to school. School shootings occur at schools by killers who have moms and moms went to school too. I am seeing a pattern here and a common denominator. It seems moms may be what causes this senseless killing. This makes more sense than what they spout and I am being sarcastic.
Moms and their “marches”. What is up with that? Always with “You march yourself right into your room and do your homework” or “March yourself into the bathroom and wash up this instant young man”.
Where are their children while moms are marching? Babysitters? Are their little darlings perfect and will not grow up to be mental cases? When they see their mom being a loud-mouth fool lying on television plus all the teasing their classmates will dole out? All that teasing in school, day after day, just might make a kid snap later on in life. To suggest a mom stay home with the kids will earn one a sneer and “chauvinist pig” label…
Myhmmmn, “No Question”?.. AK over the AR?… They “Shoot” dirty, Even after being being dragged thru the Jungles & Swamps, ect. [In Viet Nam, many U.S. soldiers, traded their Army issued carbines, for the A.K.-47, [ask most Army Rangers, & Special Forces, & Navy Seals, fighting alongside!… ]; up @ “Camp Eagle”, which gun was more reliable, dependable, in a Harsh, environment!…?… Also, Ammunition was plentiful!… just take some off, a “Dead” A.R.V.N. soldier, ect. LOL ! Easy to clean, they break down Easily!… Using a boot Lace, with oil, running it down the barrel to clean!… vs. Our U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, issued Weapon?… Hymmmn???
Re: Wells Fargo – There are businesses and there are businesses. I remember a while back when once a year a business owner I knew took his employees skeet shooting and then to lunch.
It’s all about liability. The bigger the business the bigger the liability. If publicly traded that liability passes on to the stockholders. And the insurance companies don’t want it either.
FYI, AK’s have looser “clearances” not “tolerances”. Loose tolerances means there’s a massive variation in the dimensions. Loose clearances means there’s larger gaps between mating components. One would result in an unreliable piece of ill fitting crap and the other would allow dirt/grime/etc to not obstruct operation, but rattle like a mother.
“In 2005 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling that received little attention when handed down, but which is extremely pertinent to today’s gun debate, found that police officers are not constitutionally bound to protect citizens.”
The cold hard truth of the slogan of commitment on Police Units “To serve and to protect” is dangerously false and misleading resulting in serious consequences or death that could’ve been prevented by armed citizens. But our Government continues to maliciously disproportionately target minorities and poor people with less access to legal defense. The fact of the matter is you are on your own, PERIOD……
I listen to those who oppose concealed carry and open carry including just flat out against having a firearm. What is obvious is about the antigun gun side, their beliefs are not at all based on facts and definitely ill informed. They have no practical experience or they must carry the tune from higher up with malicious intents. But most of all, they believe you must share in their own sickness (hoplophobia, n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns) and beliefs, there is no other way but there way. To own, to carry or not to own or not to carry should be left to one’s own choices. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position.” As one Luby Massacre Survivor to Senate: “I’m Not a Victim of Guns, But of Lawmakers Who ‘Legislate Me Out of the Right to Protect Myself and My Family’”
As for myself, I’ve been a victim once, never again!
-Clay Cooper
Agreed, I’d love to see full autopsies from cases like this. I want to know what kind of 9mm this guy took “to the torso”. Whether they’re fmj or hp I want to know the details. Also where the shots impacted and what they damaged.
Where was all his concern when Corker and all the other Tennessee politicians used there influence to sway the union vote at the Volkswagen plant.
I agree, if you know trouble is coming, the more firepower the better.
Unless a shot results in the CNS getting switched off, an immediate stop isn’t guaranteed by any caliber. Granted a full load of 00 buck or a high velocity rifle round will do more damage, neither is 100% without good hits. I recall a shooting where an officer was killed- he’d used his AR duty rifle to engage a suspect that was armed with an SKS. All of the officers rounds (28 I believe) impacted the suspects vehicle’s door or window, before striking the suspect. None had enough energy to properly fragment/expand to stop the incident. The bad guy got off one shot, and killed the officer (after being hit multiple times) On the flip side, there have been plenty of people stopped by one round of 9mm. I’m curious what ammunition the victim in this case had in his pistol.
Regardless, the best defensive firearm is the one you have when you need it.
too bad it wasn’t a .454
Too bad it wasn’t a 454 Chevy.
I love how RF changed “Bush’s GFSZA” to “Clinton’s GFSZA”. Clinton added one amendment to the Act, that’s it. The other 99% is all Bush Sr. The Brady Bill also was not Clinton’s creation. Reagan actually was the original champion behind that, it was just wasn’t passed until the Clinton admin. Hell Bush Sr even publicly denounced the NRA (after his presidency).
FTR, I’m very pro-2A. I just want to put blame where it belongs.
Some magazine limit there? Cvengaros only had 3 rounds of 9mm, obviously stopped shooting too soon.
Note that “NO ONE needs that three bullets to kill a deer”.
I passed on a Hunt in Africa so that I could move to Australia, ($47,000 per year) and hunt for free, even got a Buff, I’m still happy with that choice but then I returned before the national gun buy back/confiscation
in Oz Speak it’s “Shoot the bugger!”
It’s nice to know that Cvengaros could get a gun and didn’t take him months to acquire it.
What a jerk.
Harassing and murdering a moose is disgusting.
Don’t get me wrong – I generally dislike the moose and deer that are constantly trampling and eating everything on my small acreage – however, the moron that killed this innocent animal deserves to be in jail.
I reiterate: what a jerk.
I am glad they make fools of themselves by going after the AR. I think many more uninformed people would side with the anti-gunners if they did not go after banning and registering guns. Most know it goes to far. If the AWB was never on the table last year, they may have actually passed UBCs. But as long as they go all in with proposals, they show they are tyrants and not looking for “reasonable” laws. They can only pass “emergency” legislation in the middle of the night and look extreme.
I think they believe the AR to be the low-hanging fruit. They’re trying to build of the NFA; Banning a Class of weapon – worked for “Machine Guns”. Now if we can just get “Assault weapons” – those that look like machine guns but aren’t, banned it’s one more incremental step.
In order for the eventual goal of civilian disarmament to work – they have to use that incremental approach – ban one class of gun – when/if that ban holds up it can then be used as precedent to ban another. That’s their problem, there are no blanket “bans” that hold up under constitutional scrutiny.
At least she put it in a place that she can easily cover up when she is older and realizes it was pretty stupid to get it in the first place, unlike the neck tramp stamp the other gal got.
What’s up everyone, it’s my first visit at this web site, and paragraph is in fact fruitful for me, keep up posting
these types of posts.
Hey. It’s not like its a choking hazard!
Good grief.
It is rule #13 in Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”:
-“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
The AR-15 is the target that the anti’s have chosen.
I could have done deployed 17 rounds by the time he got it unfolded. …
Sure, all the uproar over Daddy putting a rifle in his infant’s hands but nothing over the mother putting a foot long dildo in the kid’s hands for the next photo….
The Buffalo News – and its readership – deserve each other
Another point comes to mind. NY is NOT a shall inform state. The cops can ask about a gun, but you are under no duty to inform them. Don’t keep your vehicle registration and proof of insurance where you keep your firearm so a cops prying eyes don’t see your firearm when you have to retrieve the normal BS for a traffic stop.
If a person is going to disregard the SAFE act, as far as the mag count, do it smart, not stupidly, don’t tell the cop you have your gun or let them see it or make suspicious moves in the car, like hiding your gun. Cops are trained to look for that. Personally, I wouldn’t obey that law, but I wouldn’t be stupid about it.
I’m not following a law I feel is unconstitutional and wrong. That’s NOT what being an American is about and most of us are smart enough to make that choice.
Good ‘ol confiscation. It’s like having your cake, but screw your cake its mine now.
It makes me so sad to see what my nation has turned into. I can only say that what is America 3.0 violates all the traditions, values, and ethics that this old guy was raised on. From the Boy Scouts to the US military. From the police to the school system. From your doctor to the church down the street. The movies, sports and childhood activities. All are in wild, out of control bizarro world change. Change that is so negative and destructive it really seems to me unrecoverable. At least not for several generations.
I remember reading “wings of eagles ” about the Ross Perot organized rescue of his employees from Iran during the revolution of the 1970’s. Famed commando “Colonel Arthur “Bull” Simons” was asked by Iranian immigration why he was coming to Iran. In his unique style he answered “I’ve never seen a revolution up close “.
Sadly I may have lived long enough to see a culture, the American culture, collapse.