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Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Size Matters Edition

Robert Farago - comments No comments

What’s the bet that West Seattle shopkeeper Robert Moore saw Crocodile Dundee. Specifically the scene where the Aussie-out-of-water tells a would-be Big Apple mugger, “That’s not a knife. That’s a knife.” The difference here: it’s a gun vs. gun comparo (duh) and Mr. Moore didn’t really have a big gun after all. I mean the Dan Wesson is a nice gun. But it’s not a big gun. Hold on. Hey, tell me you weren’t hoping he was going to reach down and brandish a 12-gauge. Hang on; isn’t that a Ruger LC9 Bobby Boy proffers at the end of the piece? Clearly, he was bluffing. But one thing’s for sure: there’s nothing small about the size of the man’s testicles. Just sayin’ . . .

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Size Matters Edition”

  1. The Middle and High Schools where I grew up was kiddy-corner to a fairly famous Maximum Security Penitentiary that included a firing range for the corrections officers. To my knowledge nothing bad has ever come of it. People like this don’t deserve these stupid articles.

  2. In the northern Sydney suburb of Hornsby, there is a rifle range beside a hospital. They even share the driveway entrance. A walking track passes through the safety template zone behind the buttstop berm, but has to be closed when the range is in operation.

  3. Ironwood designs is out of California?? There are 9 million of you?? Go figure! In fact there are quite a few recognizable names there that I would not have guessed were in California.

    You need to get busy! Stop making AR’s and immediately grab an Asian american or some other immigrant, or liberal based California occupant and befriend them. Disagree with some of their views while keeping your mouth shut and take them to a range! Better yet… bring a group like 5 or 6 – make a contest out of it and the best shooter (best grouping) gets a free lunch, etc. Do it every other weekend or as often as possible. Have fun – as much as possible. Pull them into firearms, the outdoors, and the free life.

    We can change each and every one of them… one person at a time. The easiest are those undecided. Start with them.

  4. I thought the SAFE Act addressed the magazines, not the firearms? Those firearms can be loaded with a magazine of various capacities, some 5-or-under and some 6-or-over. Isn’t the correct remedy (compliant with Bloomberg’s fevered dreams) to surrender the 6-or-over magazines? Why is the justification for coming after the firearms?


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