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“‘One of the first things [the homeowner] did was call 911. That allows us to get here quickly,’ Edmond (OK) Police spokesperson Jenny Monroe said.” Quickly, yes. Quickly enough? Almost surely not. Meanwhile, the EPD is still investigating, trying to figure out if Marlow Dewayne Wilson, Jr. chose the house he broke into at random or for some other reason. That’s probably SOP when you end up with a body. “‘One person in the home was checking what was going on and the other person was on the phone with 911.’ One homeowner shot Wilson. Monroe said Wilson was dead by the time EMSA arrived.” It’s always good when these things end so happily. So yes, by all means call 911. But then go full Boy Scout and be prepared.   (h/t Daniel M.)

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  1. Ralph has said it a number of times here. Be the first to call 911. Get your version there first. If it’s not putting you at risk to make the call first, do it.

    • I much doubt it was an option in this situation. It’s fine for you to speak hypothetically, but it makes you look as if you didn’t comprehend the situation. You. Were. Not. There.

  2. why was yesterdays nike shoes incident not under the dgu category?
    this was another good story also.

  3. Agreed with commenters above that you should call 911 ASAP in a home defense situation.

    The same principle applies to any time you decide you must draw your carry piece in public – as you draw you should yell “Somebody call 911!” — this will only serve to help you since bad guys don’t ask for the police and if you’re really lucky someone will also report that a law-abiding armed citizen is on the scene. That little gem of info just might save your life when the police show up.

    • I am not a lawyer, but I have been in enough training to say, “You are NOT obligated to call 911 while you are in the process of defending your own home, but only after the fact. And only to notify the police that “shots have been fired at this residence and that the home owner is armed. ” THAT’S IT. SAY NO MORE. After that, CALL YOUR ATTORNEY.

    • “The same principle applies to any time you decide you must draw your carry piece in public – as you draw you should yell “Somebody call 911!” — this will only serve to help you since bad guys don’t ask for the police and if you’re really lucky someone will also report that a law-abiding armed citizen is on the scene. That little gem of info just might save your life when the police show up.”

      Sorry, that’s not a gem, that’s glass. Do you realize how many different versions of “somebody call 911!” would be heard and reported by witnesses to the police (and the court)?

      You’re obligated at that point to say… well, NOTHING. Keep your trap shut until the cops arrive.

      No offense, but you suck at DGU advice.

  4. Marlow Dewayne Wilson, Jr…. and he was always such a good church going, God fearing “Irish” boy…

  5. He didnt just break in, he verbally threatened the family

    Oklahoma City homicide map (interactive)

    Not trying to make light of the break in, but my understanding was he was not just creeping around in the dark, but actually confronted (some) of the family & as split second later the SHTF.
    This are has had 2-3 recent home invasions when in the past maybe 2-3 per year or two.

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