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“Travis Bridger Soderberg, 38, has been charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor criminal mischief. He is expected to be arraigned on the charges in District Court next week.” He’s not charged with assault, battery, rape or murder because the woman whose home he invaded — his ex who was issued an order of protection against him in December — was armed. From “The woman said Soderberg had been violent toward her in the past. Soderberg came to her front door, the woman said, then went to her back door, kicked it open and came toward her. She pointed a gun at him and told him to leave.” Not fancying an unobstructed view of some of his own vital organs, Soderberg exited the un-named woman’s home and was arrested later. Of course, this likely won’t turn up on anyone’s list of defensive gun uses since she (happily) didn’t have to pull the trigger. Still, a satisfactory ending was enjoyed by all concerned.

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    • Disagree, taxpayers would be better off paying for his cremation instead of his incarceration.

      • I don’t disagree with your statement, my statement was simply the gun grabbers are salivating for any story they can use to further their cause.

    • Correction: some gun grabbers are alright with smaller arms that never leave the home. Just sayin’.

      Oh, and Mr. Solderberg might’ve enjoyed not being shot, but nonetheless is likely not precisely pleased with the outcome…

  1. “a satisfactory ending was enjoyed by all concerned” Especially the gun grabbers, who closely avoided having one more example of a defensive shooting.
    Apparently, if no shots are fired the incident doesn’t become part of a statistic.

  2. Is my vision messing with me-or does his shirt say ICED? How appropriate….Better than ON ICE had she fired………………..

  3. He should be charged with felony burglary. As a prosecutor of almost a 1000 domestic violence cases, I can affirm a restraining order is JUST a piece of paper.

    • To paraphrase Capone, you are safer with a piece of paper and a gun, than with just a piece of paper.

      • I don’t know if it’s true, but Hitler supposedly once said: “You stand there with your law, I stand here with my rifle, tell me which shall prevail.”

  4. I have been Acosted twice in my car in the last 40 Years, both time just pointing my gun out the drivers window and racking the slide, (Colt 22 Woodsman)
    and the Perp left in a hurry.
    Neither time did I have to pull the trigger..

    • I once pressed a Hilti DX-451 power hammer against my truck window as a deterrent. While not actually a weapon, its looks are pretty scary.

      Same outcome – with the amusement of seeing just how pale a “person of colour” can get.

  5. Women who take out restraining orders are about six times more likely to be murdered by an intimate partner than those who do not.

    Doesn’t that sound bizarre? Well, I arrived at that figure by exactly the same means that gun grabbers do when they claim someone carrying a gun is X times more likely to be murdered than someone who does not – By pretending that people who perceive an ongoing threat are no more likely to employ self-protective measures than those who do not. A very bad assumption, as it turns out.

    • I wonder what the statistic actually is?

      It’s likely an example of gun grabber math, to wit: suppose that people who take out a restraining order are more likely to be attacked.

      Is that A: because they have an specific, factual enemy, hence the order?

      Or B: somehow caused by the order itself?

      I would choose A, while “they…”

      • He’s actually not too far off, although i cannot recall the exact stat. Get the book, “The gift of Fear” by Gavin deBecker. Read it. Enjoy it. Share it.

  6. I have posted on other blog’s comments the following notion. While crime rates have been falling in recent years, is it possible that attempted crime have either remained steady or even risen? That is to say that with more folks armed and able to stop a crime, nothing is reported. I believe the attempts will start to fall eventually but if suddenly we were all relieved of our guns, perhaps a lot of attempted crimes would become crimes and those statistics would shoot up quickly. What say you?

    • They also say that murder is on the decline, but actually that’s the rate of successful murder.

      With modern trauma treatments – based upon military medicine – its harder to ensure a successful murder than it used to be.


  7. “the woman whose home he invaded — his ex who was issued an order of protection against him in December — was armed. From “The woman said Soderberg had been violent toward her in the past. Soderberg came to her front door, the woman said, then went to her back door, kicked it open and came toward her. She pointed a gun at him and told him to leave.”

    This was in Montana – want to guess how it would have played out in NYC or Frisco?

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