By Brandon via

These two crooks on a motorcycle thought they had an easy target. How wrong they were. The intended victim was ready, and maintained eye contact with the bad guy during the entire draw of his firearm. Then, bam . . .

A few important points to make here with this particular incident:

1) The driver knows the exact location to reach for his firearm without looking. This is where practicing your draw comes into play. He was able to maintain eye contact with the bad guys to watch their every move.

2) The driver also had a round in the chamber ready to go. Had he not, this story would have likely ended badly for him.

3) At the 0:28 mark, the driver uses his dominant hand to unbuckle his seat belt. This leaves him vulnerable as he places his loaded firearm in his other hand, unable to pull the trigger if need be.

As soon as the driver has his hand on his firearm, the bad guy at the door takes note and begins to back away. Then he starts to run for his life. Sure, the bad guy could have fired at this time, but he didn’t. Once he realized his victim leveled the playing field, he wanted none of it.

And that, folks, is concealed carry in action.

If anyone knows where this incident look place, let us know in the comments.



  1. I watched some youtube videos of firearm instructors doing simunition trainings and they showed how to unbuckle with left hand after fishing your hand under the shoulder belt, one of the few “tactical” moves that I have actually found useful.

  2. Looks like the gun was stuffed in the crack between the seat and the console rather than carried in a holster. A draw from an IWB holster at 4 o’clock while belted in may not have been that quick.

  3. I bet that was a surprise for them.

    Right now somewhere a progressive liberal is feeling bad for the criminal motorcyclist.

  4. Ahhh HAW! I shoot you now.

    I sure wish the video kept rolling for the next few minutes. I’d love to know what happened to Bandito #2 who ended up under the motorcycle.

  5. At the time of the hand change, one guy was beating feet at a considerable distance, and the other one was down for the count. Driver was just exiting the car to secure the scene.

    Moral: shoot first, deal with the seat belt later.

  6. Unbuckle my a*s. I’d be booking out of there yelling, “Adios muchachos”, reach a safer spot, and then call the policia. I am surprised he shot the driver first – at least it looks that way. He may have shot at or winged the gunner. It’s really hard to tell. Hearing that one of the duo died sorta brings a tear to my eye, what with me being the sentimental type who likes such happy endings.

    • An automobile is a powerful weapon in the right hands. People, LEO or not, have MUCH more practice using a car than a gun.
      Here’s how I see it working: Push right foot to floor when you see gun. Unless you’re in a Porsche 911 and the bad guys are on scooters, you will not out-run a big. But you can surprise them with a full emergency stop. While almost always quicker than cars, bikes have only a small advantage in braking, perhaps none with two up. Emergency-style braking on a bike requires skill. Before they overtake you (or any time bike is directly astern), go to full braking. Hard braking and an evasive maneuver will cause many riders to fall. If he stays up the bike, it’s likely he will quickly start a U turn.
      Re-accelerate and time your arrival at bike with its turn. Hit them head-on as they turn or when they start back.
      If this doesn’t work, try again. This time, fake braking by using your left foot lightly on the brake. If they come alongside, smash them off the road: No baby taps. A full-on punch is needed. Aim at rear tire of bike since it can stop shorter. Or keep driving as you unholster.

  7. I hope all the bullets went into the bad guy and none hit the motorcycle. I’d hate to see an innocent bike damaged or destroyed.

  8. “He was able to maintain eye contact with the bad guys to watch their every move.”

    This is the reason to fight to cover, not flight to cover. Slight of hand or any distraction. Remember as the armed citizen, you have made the proactive choice to violently stop the threat against you. The criminal, by not walking up and ghosting you, has not made that commitment before hand.

  9. That seat belt hiccup is a valuable, instructive lesson that I will likely never forget b/c of the context. Thanks.

  10. According to liveLeak this one was an off-duty Brazilian cop (there is a whole section of those).

    Check out this one (action starts at 0:54) and how the off duty cop maintains alertness (who comes in and out), feigns submission and compliance, analyses who needs to go first, and ……. ACTION.

  11. Comments from the comfort of my armchair: situational awareness—did he not see them coming before they pulled a gun? Never sit in a car and not constantly check the surroundings. In South American countries, motorcycle robberies are very common, often in stalled rush our traffic where the cyclists are content to ride the white line. In my days as a police officer (a long time ago), we practiced fast seatbelt rival procedures. We also practiced drawing both the primary and backup weapons while seated in the squad car. It was a bit tough with a duty belt on but practice helped. The main point, though, is situational awareness. Never let your guard down—never!
    If you have ever walked up to a police officer sitting in his car, he most likely had already drawn his weapon and had it pointed in your direction before you even got to his door. Learn from the pros.

  12. If his occurred in the US the shooter would be in jail for murder. He shot the guys while backing away.

  13. One negative: He muzzled both of his thighs. I couldn’t see whether or not his finger was on the trigger then/

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