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Great ‘stache. Even better civic duty from a good guy with a gun! I’m delighted to see this story of a successful defensive gun use from the NRA (see the rest here). More please!

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  1. Saw this on the NRA show on Outdoor Channel. Great story…they had a segment on YouTube “sensation” (their description) Hickok45(and gigantic son). Very interesting behind the scenes too.

  2. Props for the ‘stache and the spurs, but I’m too lazy to click on the link to find out what happened.

    • TF, I believe the word for which you search is “Psych,” pronounced the same but, y’know, is actually a word.

    • on a serious note, my mother’s uncle played football at FSU with Burt. When I was 15 I went to my great uncles funeral and Burt was there. At the wake I met the man and it took everthing I had to not call him Turd Fergusen.

  3. Interesting to a point, but since I don’t bother with cable, I don’t get the Outdoor Channel and am not willing to sign up for a hundred plus channels of crap to see the little bits of stuff that are worthwhile.

    • I’ve had this song as my ringtone at work. Takes co-workers a while to realize it’s stuck in their heads and curse me out.

  4. Actually Hello Kitty came out and stopped the whole thing.
    They all went inside the gas station for some candy and laughed off the whole thing.

  5. Actually Hello Kitty came out and stopped the whole thing.
    They all went inside the gas station for some candy and ice cream
    and laughed off the whole thing.

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