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A defensive shooting incident in Rock Hill, North Carolina, last week resulted in one woman dead and her girlfriend charged with murder, while the man who fired the shots has been cleared of charges. Police determined the man fired in self-defense.

The incident occurred around 3 p.m. last Wednesday. Samarian Lindsay, 39, was involved in an altercation with a male co-worker after their workday ended. Lindsay, accompanied by her girlfriend, Brittney Reed, 32, got into Reed’s car while the male co-worker entered his own vehicle and began to drive away.

Reed allegedly blocked the co-worker’s car in traffic, knowing that her actions could lead to a dangerous situation. Lindsay then exited Reed’s vehicle, approached the co-worker’s car, and threatened the man with a firearm, according to WSOC-TV and WCCB. In response, the co-worker retrieved his own firearm and shot Lindsay multiple times in the chest.

Following the shooting, Reed assaulted the co-worker by punching him in the face. The co-worker remained at the scene and waited for police to arrive. Lindsay was transported to Piedmont Medical Center, where she later died from her injuries.

Based on their investigation, Rock Hill police determined that the shooting was an act of self-defense and decided not to charge the male co-worker.

Reed, however, has been charged with murder and assault and battery. Police revealed that Reed provided the firearm to Lindsay, knowing that it would be used to confront the co-worker.

“Reed was aware at the time of doing this that a felony act would likely be committed that could result in the death of another person,” the police said according to WSOC-TV. Reed’s bond was denied by a judge.

Officers recovered two firearms from the scene, and autopsy and toxicology reports for Lindsay are pending as the investigation continues.

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  1. I know North Carolina is a big destination for NY refugees but good to see they haven’t changed the self defense laws yet.

  2. Yep, that’s the way it works. If a person is participating in a felony and someone dies, even if that person is a partner in crime, the survivor is guilty of homicide.

    • *results may vary by location, void in jurisdictions with Soros funded DA’s, see electoral maps for details.

      Absolutely the way it is supposed to work but unfortunately a disclaimer is sometimes needed.

  3. He was was justified in using deadly force because he was criminally assaulted by a pair of Bull Dtkes?

    Did the criminals have kickstarters on their vibrators?

    • Elmer Fudd,

      The article clearly spells out the following assertion: the female instigator approached her male co-worker in his car and then she used a firearm to threaten him in his car.

      Thus the female instigator presented a credible imminent threat of death or great bodily harm and thus the male co-worker was absolutely legally justified to use deadly force to defend himself.

      And note the entire context of the event:
      — The female instigator had an altercation with the male co-worker minutes earlier.
      — The male co-worker fled the scene of the altercation.
      — The female instigator pursued the male co-worker.
      — The female instigator blocked the male co-worker’s car in traffic.
      — The female instigator then approached the male co-worker’s car with firearm in hand.

      Only a fool would dismiss that situation as not being incredibly dangerous and thus justify deadly force in righteous self-defense.

      • Uncommon,
        that was an excellent analysis of the situation in respect to self-defense law.
        The only thing I would add is that the accomplice is charged with felony murder because she was the one who supplied the firearm to the female aggressor.

  4. “Defensive Shooting Leads to Murder Charges, But Not for the Shooter”

    Totally the fault of the male driver. He should have hit 911, and ask for an intervention by a social worker, explained to the woman with the gun he was de-escalating the situation, and both should calmly await the arrival of a social worker, who would bring the situation to a pleasant resolution. No cops, no one gets hurt, all go to a nearby watering hole, and watch WNBA.

  5. dumb and dumber thought they were going to make a traffic stop. Instead dumb goes to jail, dumber goes to the morgue and the little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

  6. Showed pretty good restraint in not shooting both of them, even letting the survivor take a punch at him. I probably wouldn’t have assumed a punch was all that was incoming myself.

      • Go to her FB page, it’s the one wifowt (see what I did there) and read her posts, she’s exactly what most based in reality would think she is, geytto to the core.

  7. The murder charge likely was under the felony murder rule, but the driver could have also been charged in some degree for providing the weapon knowing that her GF was going to use it in a confrontation / murder attempt.
    Your state laws may vary. Get a lawyer now, before you need one.

  8. Yo peeps u shud b chenunz owtz Simian I mean Samarian Lindsay’s FB payg, itz d 1 wif owt eh prophyl pik, dat chikunhed speekum obamabonikz reel gud, lots of n-word 2. shez dun b juz hoo weez xpek hurz 2 b.

    Every time, every damn time!


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