Jeff Spiegelman [not shown], Representative 11th District, Delaware writes:
Yesterday early afternoon, HB 35 (universal background checks) passed. While this was not what many of us wanted, we did score some major victories. There were 11 amendments proposed with 4 amendments to the amendments. but one of them passed. Some of the additions to the bill include . . .
-Concealed Deadly Weapon permit holders do not have to go through a FFL for private sales
-Curio and Relic firearms do not have to go through an FFL
-The fee for the background check was lowered from $50 to $30
-Muzzleloaders are now exempt. (Can you BELIEVE they wrote a law that didn’t have them exempt before?!?!?!)
-The Amish will have special provisions to allow them to still buy a firearm without a photo ID
-Expanded the definition of what family members can get a firearm without a background check
-Provided a provision that specifically says that the background checks and the paper work needed for the checks are not to be used for any form of gun registration, gun owner database, or subject to the Freedom of Information Act
-Provided liability protection to the FFL dealers in the course of following the law.
I know it is not ideal. However, the amendments make the law less of an affront to the rights of gun owners than the law would have been without them.
In case you are wondering, I voted for the addition of every amendment (including the amendment that did not get passed. This would have exempted private sales of shotguns from a background check) but then voted against the bill. The count was 24-17.
Have a very good Easter everyone. We will be back after the April break and leading the charge to defend the Constitution. Your energy and your spirit is what got these amendments put on a bill that tastes a little less terrible than it did before. Keep up the good work and I will keep you informed what is going to happen with the next phase. In the meantime, I will be hiding eggs for my niece while trying to keep my dog from finding them before she can.
Huh. I thought Delaware was a U.S. Territory, not a state. You mean it isn’t in Federated Micronesia?
Delaware, like Rhode Island and Connecticut, is one of those teeny states that are anachronisms left over from the 18th century. They should be joined to Massachusetts to make almost a real state–thus saving the cost of sending six anti-American senators to Washington in the bargain.
Not a very “Universal” system. Might as well not have it.
They’ve always been shady, from the $99 GI mags, to their shipping PLUS handling charges. I never have, and never will buy a single item from them, even if it is priced, including those extra fees, less than anywhere else.
I just paid $40 for 25rds of 230gr golden saber at my local store. I feel ripped off.
If those LE Officers in the background are not there to provide security or giving a speech then they need to get back to work if they are on the clock.
I’m just waiting for my local indoor range to finally open. They’ve been “in process” for about two years now, and manage to crawl just enough along to retain interest. Damn thing is only a few miles from my house, I’d be there twice a week if they would finish building it!
“And now I, Voldemort, shall issue the following edict: Henceforth, all sales, transfer, possession, mention and thought of firearms shall be illegal unless…”
As a NY State (western end) resident, I have a possible solution to this issue. I’ve mentioned it here before and it’s somewhat counter-intuitive and complicated, but here it is:
Many firearms friendly (red) states, via their reciprocity laws, recognize a NY State Pistol Permit as a de-facto CCW. In fact, a NY State Pistol Permit issued outside of NYC (and Long Island) IS essentially a CCW for most counties outside of NYC and Long Island.
A NY State Pistol Permit issued to residents of NYC and Long Island rarely allows carry. Those few deigned carry worthy are often LEO’s, security types, or People Who Know Important People.
I’m sure there are some very nice people with NYC Pistol Carry Permits. However, most are (well connected) quiet beneficiaries of a rotten and corrupt system. They know the systems is corrupt, but it’s in their favor, so they STFU and go along. They know not to rock the boat.
Well, to put it bluntly: F*** these Sheeple. Those who benefit from and tolerate NYC’s “system” are NOT our allies. Therefore, they need to suffer when they travel. Firearms friendly (red) states should amend their reciprocity laws to specifically NOT recognizeNY State Pistol Carry Permits from NYC and Long Island. Make it a felony. Also, make them ineligible for an out-of-state CCW permit.
If they don’t want to speak out for the 2nd Amendment in NYC, they are not our friends. They need to be treated as such.
Consider: Pretend you are a well paid bank security officer or bodyguard to a billionaire. You have a NYC Pistol Permit to Carry. Because you played the game and know influential types. You often vacation drive to Florida with your Glock. With my proposal in effect, now you may have to think twice when crossing into VA or NC. You may not be able to go to your favorite tactical Florida range anymore because it requires a valid CCW.
What does such a person do?
File a lawsuit? Right – imagine the stench that will raise Bloomberg-land.
No. Such a person applies quite pressure to change NY laws such that out of state non-NY CCW holders are treated with some respect. Then NY negotiates with other states to change their laws so that NYC CCW citizens are treated with similar respect. THAT IS HOW NY STATE WORKS.
My childhood, in the good old days before……..!
Anti-gun Politicians who are democrats lying to justify and advance civilian disarmament …..I am sooo shocked!
Perhaps they’re trying to drive down demand by over pricing everything?
It would be shocking to me that the Obama administration would refuse to release incriminating documents only if I was dumb enough to vote for him in the first place. Which I am not. This President loves big, cumbersome, expensive, freedom – limiting government. I knew that in 2007, and its gotta be all the more obvious in 2013. The incompetence and dishonesty of this administration should boost pro-2A republicans and independents in 2014.
I emailed the horse’s… mouth this afternoon, at the request of NAGR, to ask him, when republican senators are lining up behind Rand Paul to filibuster -any- gun control legislation that makes it to floor, he decides to give them gun control legislation. No wonder the red team continues to lose ground. McConnel decides to watch as his team scatters to the wind. The age of the old guys is over. Mitch needs to buy himself a nice rocking chair and go watch the bluegrass grow. LEAD, FOLLOW OR GO HOME!
I am going to try their range it would be worth it if the range is as comfortable as they claim and if the rules aren’t as restrictive as some of the others. I stopped going to one of my local ranges because I was tired of being told that I was firing too fast even though all of my rounds were hitting exactly where I was aiming and their range ammo would not feed reliably in any of my family’s handguns and at the other range the air system is terrible, I guess you get what you pay for. Lotus’s range rules look reasonable, they even let you pick up your brass after you are done shooting.
One used to have to pay for the checks in Va, but it was only three bucks. This is just a tax.
You tell ma and pa to sit tight. And I’ll ride my horse into town and get the posse.
My CONTEMPT and DISGUST meters are pegged to the right.
1) Little Joe & Hoss – The Early Days.
2) “You ate the last of the Cap’n Crunch – so get outta town by sundown, or else!”
3) “Get mounted, Pilgrim, and let’s go after those bank robbers!”
4) “Horse thievin’ is a hangin’ offense in these parts, so move along pardner.”
5) “Always remember, a real cowboy never, ever leaves his herd.”
6) “Tex, we don’t allow no red hats in this bunkhouse.”
Jim Carey gets his first dressing down and is so humiliated he breaks from reality, becomes a clown, and hates anything to do with cowboys.
Us Department of Agriculture doing the annual, and very unnecessary inspection for hoof and mouth disease.
Sorry, with the exception of her factory tits, Abbey Clancey looks like a drug-addled, crank ho.
Polls-they don’t mean squat. so you pick 100 people, 500 people, give them a question, with the ramifications of the response included and the response will likely be different. Question- do you support background checks which would indicate criminal history of potential purchaser, and keep these folks from guns?-Oh heck yes. Now rephrase the question-Do you support universal background checks where the government would keep records potentially providing a list for confiscation?-oh hell no. Now either one of these questions can then be presented in the press as-Do you support background checks for gun purchases? The reader of the the report is none the wiser as to how those polled were manipulated.
Used toilet paper is worth more than any treaty.
An even better side attack is what’s happening in our education system. Young kids getting punished for “playing soldier”, a zero tolerance stance on anything that might even remotely associate to a firearm or other weapon. All to create docile followers with an engrained fear of firearms.
Don’t worry, it’ll be a decade or 2, maybe 3, until we see a majority to repeal the 2nd Amendment constitutionally. And you might say “that won’t pass through SCOTUS”. Well, let’s just wait another generation until that bench has been cleared and replaced with the fruits of this effort as well.
Guarding Obama’s BDSM parties isn’t an easy job.
First HK G36’s were actually made in the mid 70’s seen here held by a member of the German Special Forces.