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Presser from the NSSF:

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Since the beginning of the New Year, demand for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) safety and education materials has increased substantially. Orders for NSSF’s popular educational brochure “Firearms Safety Depends on You” were up 110 percent in January compared to the same period last year. There were 217,486 copies of the brochure ordered during the month, up from 103,431 last January. Orders for NSSF’s firearm safety DVD compilation jumped 1,700 percent, with the majority of the 2,250 copies being ordered by educators and childcare professionals . . .

“Firearms Safety Depends on You” reviews the ten rules of firearms safety every shooter must know and obey to ensure safe and responsible use of firearms. The brochure is popular with manufacturers, who include it within the packaging of their products. It is also popular with state agencies, retailers, hunter education and firearms safety programs and other groups or individuals involved in the shooting sports, hunting and firearms industry.

The firearm safety videos help teach students how to react when encountering a firearm in an unsupervised situation. The DVD offers these four videos — “McGruff the Crime Dog on Gun Safety” for students in kindergarten through grade 6; “It’s Your Call: Playing It Safe Around GunsSM” for students in grades 6 through 9; “Firearms Safety Depends on YouSM,” which covers the ten commandments of gun safety and is for audiences of all ages; and “Introduction to Range Safety and Etiquette.” The first two titles help teach students how to respond if should they encounter a firearm in an unsupervised situation at school, at home or at a friend’s home.

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    • Absolutely. Millions of people who never really wanted a gun or never thought they needed a gun, now want a gun. Now, if they can only get one.

  1. This makes me happy as well. Not only are there more people in the ranks, but they’re taking the time to do it properly and safely. Good on you, new gun owners!

  2. Who funds the production of these materials? Is it primarily the manufacturers, since this is more or less a trade organization?

    Not an indictment, just curious.

  3. This was me two months ago. Never really thought about owning a gun until Democrats (of which I was one) started this ‘national discussion on firearms’. After some personal reflection, I realized that they didn’t really represent what I thought they did. I’m starting to think I must be more of a Libertarian or something; I guess the label isn’t important.

    Point is, anti-gunners wanted to bring gun ownership into the spotlight. They got their wish, but they might not have anticipated how much it would drive a number of formerly uninvolved people against their agenda.

    • Glad to have you aboard. Many ppl here would also be more libertarian leaning than GOP leaning, it’s just that we don’t have enough libertarians in congress representing us, so….

  4. Today we will share with you information about NSSF Security Education. Firearms Safety Is Up to You We can also prescribe NSSF safety education that every shooter should know and follow to ensure the safe and responsible use of firearms and see this here The NSSF Safety Education System is popular among manufacturers. For which we can even write. they include it in their products It is also popular with state agencies, retailers, hunter education, and firearms safety programs, and is involved in the shooting sports, hunting, and firearms industries.

  5. This thought-provoking post on the stigma surrounding mental illness and guns in America raises important considerations. It’s crucial to have open and honest discussions about mental health and its intersection with firearm ownership.

    One aspect that caught my attention is the mention of social anxiety, which can be a significant mental health challenge for individuals. Understanding and addressing social anxiety is crucial, as it affects not only personal relationships but also the overall well-being of individuals. If you’re interested in learning more about social anxiety and how to cope with it, I recently came across a helpful blog article that provides insights and practical strategies. You can find it here:
    It delves into the issue of social anxiety, how to recognize it, and offers guidance on what to do about it.

    Thank you for shedding light on the important topic of mental illness stigma and guns in America. Let’s continue to have open conversations, promote mental health awareness, and support those who may be facing challenges related to social anxiety and other mental health conditions.

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