Less than three weeks before inauguration day, some Democrat leaders in Congress are pressuring incoming President Donald Trump to support some of their gun control schemes.
According to an Associated Press report, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate, has accused Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of blocking meaningful action on gun violence.
“This is the moment for the president to do something different and courageous,” Schumer told the AP.
Of course, one person’s “something courageous” is another person’s infringement on Second Amendment rights. Stopping such infringements is one of the primary reasons both President Trump and Sen. McConnell were elected to their respective offices.
According to the report, Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently informed President Trump that any gun control proposal must include the House-passed bill to expand background checks. They argue that if that provision is not included, it will create dangerous loopholes.
Certainly, most gun owners realize that purported “universal” background checks are merely a method to ban private gun sales and establish a de facto gun registry—both of which directly infringe on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
The AP also reported that President Trump intends to announce something regarding gun control to the American public in the coming week, as stated by White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.
Regrettably for America’s law-abiding gun owners, Sen. McConnell appears open to supporting certain gun control measures in the upcoming session that commenced on Friday.
“I still await guidance from the White House as to what (Trump) thinks he’s comfortable signing,” McConnell recently told reporters. “If and when that happens, then we’ll have a real possibility of actually changing the law and hopefully making some progress.”
The simple truth is that President Trump and the Republican majority members in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate were not elected to “make deals” on gun control measures that jeopardize Second Amendment rights. Gun owners voted decisively in last November’s election to resist President Joe Biden’s four-year campaign against the nation’s gun owners, manufacturers and dealers.
With the presidency and control of both houses of the legislature, pro-gun Republicans have no reason to compromise on any legislation to “do something” about so-called gun violence, which is an anti-gun term for violent crimes illegally committed by violent criminals using firearms. We delivered the presidency and both majorities to combat schemes that would infringe on our rights, not to play games with them and compromise with Democrat gun-ban advocates.
Hopefully, all of those elected officials—who work for us, not the other way around—will keep that in mind when gun control rhetoric starts circulating on the House and Senate floor. If not, we’ll need to remind them quickly that they are on thin ice regarding any infringements to our right to keep and bear arms.
“Hopefully, all of those elected officials—who work for us, not the other way around”
Are they aware of that?
yes, one day every so many years.
Dependence on government now has ‘us’ working for them.
Freedom was lost when 40 acres and a mule could no longer support a family.
The abuse will continue, and grow, decimating the rights of the People, until We the People stand up and stop it.
We will get the respect we demand or the abuse we allow.
Isn’t it:
“You get the tyranny. And you deserve it.”
Or something like that?
it’s just as important for “them” to point out what trunk doesn’t do.
2nd Amendment advocates pressuring Trump for NATIONAL RECIPROCITY & HEARING PROTECTION or why not?
Lol no. Only appropriate response especially when they don’t want to deport illegals or lock up gangs.
Then who will mow their lawns?
The crushingly expensive minimum wage workers. Joking aside genuinely don’t give a fuck what cheap/lazy shitbags with no sense of country, duty, or forward thinking do to maintain their shitheaps.
Left wing response to deportations: “But ending slave labor will cost us money!” #suppresswages
#good and yes already heard that shit from the first Trump presidency. Also need to cut the H1B let alone that Optional Practical Training nonsense and we can cut wage suppression and likely improve the quality of the workforce.
If we managed to somehow deport 10 million of the illegal invaders (won’t happen), then that would only bring us back to pre-Puppet levels. If those 10 million illegals make things so cheap for us, then why did inflation go up when they came in? How much housing would 10 million fewer people free up? Remember QueMala crying about a housing shortage? Remember her brilliant plan to “solve” it? We really dodged a bullet there!
Remove access to free school, easy employment, SNAP, and various other programs and discontinue birthright citizenship for visitors with no legal residency and there will not be much need to deport. Make them live like our ancestors who immigrated in and only those worth keeping will remain.
The propagandists conveniently omit that when they’re carrying on about our “tradition” of immigration. It turns out it’s not so traditional. Plus, there has never, in the history of the word, been such a movement of people as there has been in the past 60 years, but especially the past four years to the US.
The NYT just admitted that the Puppet Admin saw unprecedented levels of immigration. Where was that article before the election?
Repeal the NFA and GCA and replace them with laws that really address the illegal use of firearms in criminal acts.
buy now boys
ammo guns mags
If I get killed in the first two minutes I’ve a life time supply of all of the above.
TTAG reporting on crap from 2019 as if it’s today. Been hitting the egg nog a little hard over Christmas?
Once again a rich jew wanting to disarm a countries citizens.
U kraine not be serious.
I’m just wondering if he any unarmed ancestors get gassed? If so, he must’ve not cared much for that branch of the family tree.
Yawn! I am so beyond done with the Marxocrat lies on “gun violence.” I hope to God Trump ignores them.
How long until we can replace that senile RINO McConnell? With friends like him…
Good new: He’s out at end of his term, he’s retiring.
Bad New: His term ends on 1/3/2027
Given his current condition, I doubt he makes it that long.
Dunno offhand if KY uses a special election for such things or not. I hope so because Andy Beshear is guv until 2027.
These people can’t let go of power. They cling to it as long as they can.
“Whereas state law previously allowed the sitting governor to make his or her own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy with no restrictions, Senate Bill 228 passed by the Kentucky legislature in the 2021 session changed that.
“Under the amended law, the governor now may only choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator’s state party, and must make that selection within 21 days of receiving the list from the party.
“With both of Kentucky’s senators currently being Republican, the choosing of those three nominees would be up to the executive committee of the Republican Party of Kentucky, which is made up of 54 members.”
I didn’t vote for any Republicans because they were offering to work with Democrats on more gun control.
I didn’t vote for any Donks because they’d shove new gun-control laws down our throats.
Schumer and Pelosi are absolutely right!!!
It is time for Trump to do something courageous and different!
Pass reciprocity and push to eliminate the stupid suppressor stamp tax.
To the author: Better send this article to the RNC and Trump because I don’t think they got the message….
What does Sen. McConnell have to do with anything other than being a member of the Senate? Seem to recall Sen. Thune being elected Majority Leader and the driving force of the Senate on Jan 3rd.
I’m just glad to know that voting GOP completely ensures security for gun rights and removes any threat of further infringement at the federal level.
They’re better than the alternative. This is one area where the culture is changing in our favor.
Trump is not our friend or do you not remember him and the bump stock ban?
But what about Trump?!?!
*screams at sky*
“Trump is not our friend…”
You would have preferred the ‘HildaBeast’ Clinton replacing Scalia and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg with Sotomayor 2 and Kagen 2? And replace retiring Kennedy with Kanja Jackson-whatever the hell her name is 2?
That’s what would have happened.
Seriously, are you stoned, stupid, or both?
Yall dummies know Mitch McConnell is not the Senate Majority leader, right?!?! LINKED ARTICLE IS FROM 2019!!!!!! Try to wake up before you post stupid comments 5 years late.
“so-called gun violence, which is an anti-gun term for violent crimes illegally committed by violent criminals using firearms.”
Not only violent crimes. The anti-gun people vastly inflate the numbers for their term “gun violence” by including not only assaults and murders but also suicides (which are two-thirds of all gun deaths), accidents, justifiable self-defense, and justified police shootings! They add all of these together in “gun violence” statistics to make it seem like “guns are the problem” when in many of these cases (justifiable self-defense, justified police shootings) guns were actually the SOLUTION in fighting crime.
The democrats will just stuff whatever they want into the new “Big Beautiful Bill” that Trump is asking for. This is a tactic to buy off the democrats and get their backing.
Why has this been posted about stuff from Trump’s first term?? What a waste of bandwidth.