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Demolition Ranch: The Next FPSRussia?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Ever since person or persons unknown executed FPSRussia’s business manager, Kyle’s videos have lacked that certain je sais quoi. Specifically, joie de vivre. Fun! Excitement! Post-modern irony! I’m not saying our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day Hall of Famer is walking through his on-camera appearances. It’s more like he’s zombie-stumbling. Be that as it is, the Demolition Ranch dude has turned a simple party trick – catching a shotgun shell inside the action and firing it – into a proper shtick. OK, not this video. But the highlight reel at the end indicates that he’s no one-trick pony. More than that, his ebullient ‘tude is endearing. And there’s no faux accent to distract viewers from the firearms festivities. One to watch.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Demolition Ranch: The Next FPSRussia?”

  1. I am having a hard time feeling like the above story takes an adequately respectful tone about said murder victim. Just my opinion. I cringed my way through the first few sentences.

        • Maybe there’s something wrong with you when you find humor and entertainment in the un solved brutal murder of one of our industry insiders.

          FPS Russia is a brand, like a movie or TV show. His team managed more views than most cable tv shows. Like a tv show, sometimes things just run their course and viewers tune out. The creative setbacks with the loss of Keith are obvious and the months long hiatus didn’t help. FPS broke a lot of ground and set a high bar for others to hurdle. It takes hours of planning, shooting, and editing to get two good minutes of video – not to mention tens of thousands of dollars in production gear and props.

        • Geoff, I’m pretty sure nothing went over anyone’s head. I guess you’re just crass enough to enjoy making fun of a man’s brutal murder, and the effect of that loss on his friend.

          This post wasn’t “edgy”, it was “low”. There’s a difference.

  2. He is one of my favorite YouTube channels. He also a veterinarian and has a channel for that as well. Check out his vet videos – The poor dog with about 100 porcupine quills in his mouth and covering its tongue is quite interesting…


    He has an infectious sense of fun much like Kristen Joy Weiss…

    Someone ought to set up an introduction for them…

  3. I’ve been watching/enjoying DemRanch vids for a while… had absolutely no idea he was a doctor. I just ran through a couple of his vet vids. Excellent!!!

  4. After I got over the stupid fake accent, I was always irked by FPSRussias utter lack of mention of groups or orgs that promote the 2a. Not even a get out and pro gun vote message.

    Maybe I am way off base but I can’t seperate the two. Especially when you draw so many eyeballs.

    If I’m wrong I’m wrong, but if guns are just a prop to sell t shirts or whatever I’m not interested.

    • I don’t give a crap what the character Professional Russian’s politics are. He is obviously pro gun. Why can’t he just be entertaining…which he is.
      Hickok45 on the other hand when he delvs into even the slightest hint of polititalk, always says “I try not to get political”. I actually wish he would be more outspoken on issues because I respect his opinion so much. Yes he has gone to rallies and given speaches and they are great. I would like more of that from him. FPS on the other hand?…different animal and they are both useful.

    • I don’t know if Kyle is a smart man, but his character is not. Speaking about serious issues in his fake voice could only hurt.

      But he does seem to reach a lot of pimple faced airsoft operator types, many of which probably live in traditionally anti-gun urban areas, so spreading the gospel of the gun to places and people that aren’t hearing enough of it is a commendable achievement.

  5. Demolition Ranch has been around a long time. They’re one of my top favorites, along with Hickok45 and Military Arms Channel. They do a lot of cool experiments along the lines of “what would happen if…”

  6. Don’t forget about his VetRanch channel. Most of the procedures he performs/films are almost 100% off of donations. He seems like a pretty cool guy who is just another fun enthusiast like all of us.

    FPS Russia, meh. He is ok. He’s not really that entertaining to me. I also like hickok45 and MAC channel.

    BullitMcqueen is also a good one. Same with the powerfactorshow

    • There’s a Gun Youtube channel for everyone of us. We might not like it, but FPS Russia do attract a lot of new people to be interested by firearms, mainly young generations that can relate to video games and sensational youtube videos.

      If it’s one way to have people to get interested in guns and defend the 2A in future (mainly young voters), I’d say: That’s better than nothing.

      Of course, it might not be the most instructive video, but it’s just pure entertainment… nothing more, nothing less.

      Personally, I did subscribed to over 20 gun youtube channels and I’m glad because it offers me a large variety of gun videos, depending the mood. 30 years back, we couldn’t even hope for that much content. Youtube has more impact today that any TV channels.

  7. Interesting, I’ve been watching him on & off for quite a while. Both for the explosions and the fact that he doesn’t look like the usual freaky bearded, survivalist type. Didn’t know the Vet part.


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