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DENIAL HAS NO SURVIVAL VALUE: Chicago Pols Attempt To Normalize Violence, Crime

John Boch - comments 45 comments

Chicago’s brilliant leader Brandon Johnson (Let’s go Brandon!) and his fellow radicals running America’s Murder City have rolled out a new strategy for dealing with the ever-growing crime plaguing the city. Instead of arresting offenders and incarcerating them or urging locals to embrace their right to keep and bear arms, the new strategy simply normalizes the insane violence the woke “criminal justice reform” has fostered.

For instance, one extra special snowflake alderwoman says she’s no longer going to post news of crime sprees in her district.  The Windy City political hack does not want to unfairly burden people with bad news about their neighborhoods. As if ignoring the proliferation of shootings and serious crime rates at their highest level in half-a-generation will somehow make life better.

Hate to break it to you, Ms. Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth, but denial has no survival value.  Denying the bad guys in your midst doesn’t make anyone safer.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — In a North Side ward where four people have been shot in the past week, and robberies and sex crimes are at their highest level in over a decade, the local alderman announced on Wednesday that she would no longer post crime alerts on social media or send crime alerts to her constituent email list.


Something about racism and her belief that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”

Do you know what else leads to a perception of high crime rates? High crime.

Which alderman with a skyrocketing crime problem is going to start playing “hide the football” with the people who elected her? Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth (48th), whose ward includes much of Edgewater and parts of Uptown.

How bad is it in the City of Murder? Well, the locals celebrated high school graduation at the Simeon High School like this.

Just in case you were wondering, according to the Illinois State Board of Education, while 89% of Simeon High School students graduate, exactly 3% can read and 2% are proficient at math. Thanks to WirePoints for the research.

Screen cap by Boch via WirePoints.

Speaking of WirePoints, their guy Ted Dabrowski was on a Chicago talk radio show and explained how murders are down a little, the rest of violent crimes remain high, including robberies that are way up.

Meanwhile the crime continues at an unrelenting pace. Two career criminals on parole mortally shot a man walking to work in a botched robbery.  As the victim Zeb Rodriguez lay dying, they rifled through his pockets while he yelled for help. Then the thugs left him.

Cops caught up with the duo and took them into custody but later released them because the Soros-funded DA wouldn’t prosecute the case.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — Two men with extensive criminal records, both on parole, robbed and murdered a young father as he walked to work on the Northwest Side last month, prosecutors said Tuesday. Both men were arrested within hours of the murder after police watched them clean their getaway car for four hours, officials said, but prosecutors refused to file charges, and they were set free while detectives continued to build a case.

Judge Mary Marubio detained Justin Redmond, 41, during a hearing at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse earlier today. Divonte Calhoun, 32, did not appear in court because he was hospitalized for an undisclosed reason, according to the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. He will be held until he can appear in person for a detention hearing on Thursday.

The bottom line? Chicago is a crime-infested hellhole. The Democratic National Convention is coming in two and a half months and the likelihood for serious violence remains very high.

As for the good people? I’m recommending that folks don’t travel to within a quarter tank of gas of the DNC Convention in mid-August.

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