As we said, mass murderer Nikolas Cruz was a known threat. According to, Broward County Florida deputies were called out to Cruz’s residence 39 times over a period of seven years. “The nature of the emergencies at his Parkland home included ‘mentally ill person,’ ‘child/elderly abuse,’ ‘domestic disturbance’ and ‘missing person.'” In case that’s not clear enough . . .

A schoolmate, Brody Speno, told the CNN that cops were called to Cruz’s home “almost every other week.”

“Something wasn’t right about him. He was off.”

Speno said he knew Cruz from elementary school and described him as “an evil kid” who was “always getting in trouble.”

Cruz — who posted images of himself on Instagram posing with guns and knives — has confessed to killing 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland and made an alarming online comment about a recent mass shooting.

“Man I can do so much better,” he wrote.

Man the authorities — Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School administrators, the local police and the FBI (to name three) — should have done so much better.

Seventeen innocent people might still be alive today.


    • There are a bunch of kids out there just like him. I see them regularly worshiping school shooters and aspiring to be like them one day. They make videos, songs, drawings, etc, to honor the school shooter. To them a person who shoots up a school is a badass.

      The amount of these kids have been increasing rapidly in the last couple of decades. It’s not the guns. It’s something to do with society, drugs and parenting. You would be shocked and sickened if you could see what’s inside today’s teenagers’ minds. For instance, a lot of kids these days watch genuine beheading videos (and the like) as a pastime. Just by turning on the TV they will see scenes of rape, murder, kidnapping, pedophilia, being acted out on popular shows. Then these kids grow up on drugs as early as Elementary school.

    • I remember reading of some accounts of what worked well to diminish the recruiting numbers of ISIS, it was repetitive news coverage of their regular and consistent defeats. Funny thing about human nature – some people like to say they root for the underdog but the fact remains that most folks just don’t like losers.
      So what would help here? Exactly what I’ve recommended already. Harden the school’s entrances and stop prohibiting staff from being able to defend themselves. Then let the world know the schools are no longer easy targets. It shouldn’t take more than a few attempted school shootings that utterly failed to give the idiot any glory to make it clear that it’s a dumb idea.

    • Rendition him to Gitmo on “terrorism” charges. Make him confess to his crimes with “enhanced interrogation”. Waterboarding, field telephone wires to the testicles, and everything else in between.

      He is to discover a day without pain is a day that is wasted. And life without pain has no meaning. His life will have LOTS of meaning.

  1. He better hope his lawyer is really good and gets him some leniency on mental health or something. Otherwise Florida is pretty well guaranteed to give him the needle.

    I’d like to know details on the other things that happened prior to this. I sort of wonder if the “authorities” could have done much to stop this.

    • “I sort of wonder if the “authorities” could have done much to stop this.”

      Threats of lawsuits have pretty much trained the ‘authorities’ to leave questionable things like that the hell alone…

        • That is how the system is set up. We have so many laws and so many “criminals” that the only way the system works is for the government to over charge then take a plea on lesser charges.
          Repeal some laws and prohibit all plea deals.

          While we are at it, drastically change Voir Dire. As long as the juror does not have a family, personal, or business relationship with the accused or the victim then they should not be allowed to be stricken from the jury.

          All jurors should be informed of their right and duty to judge the law as well as the facts.

        • I don’t think they should have the choice how they will die. Their victims didn’t.

          I speculate that a public execution by firing squad will show aspiring school shooters what is going to happen to them one way or another. It should be off putting to them witnessing their “hero” crying, terrified, begging, then filled with holes the same way he hurt/killed those innocent kids. Maybe some aspiring school shooters will fool themselves into thinking he went out in a blaze of glory, but it’s hard to keep that lie going in your head when you are about to shoot up a school.

          • lol before the execution i would have them in the stocks for a month beforehand where the public could throw whatever rotten produce was around at them….. eggs fruit vegies etc along with daily floggings with a cat’o’nine…… say 20 lashes a day.

  2. This sicko wouldn’t been armed if laws that prevented the violent mentally ill from arming up weren’t repealed.

    Gun myth 1) Chicago shows gun control doesn’t work. Why that’s a myth. If you live in crowded apartment complex and you treat your place for pests, but none of the other apartment owners do, you’ll still get pests. Chicago could not stop nearby cities from selling guns.
    Gun myth 2) Banning guns won’t work. There have been strict regulations on machine guns for decades, and no one uses them in mass shootings.
    Gun myth 3) Bad guys don’t need guns to kill people. Ban guns, and bad guys will use other things. So, doesn’t mean no one needs guns because they can use other things to defend themselves with?
    Gun myth 4) it’s Hollywood and media’s fault. Don’t countries like Canada, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, S. Korea, etc show the same type of movies we do? Why don’t they have mass shootings every month or week?
    Gun myth 5) It’s good murderers have access to guns. If they did not, they’d use truck bombs! Seriously, that’s the new argument from the gun rights crowd.
    Gun myth 6) It’s a mental health issue. So if that’s the case, let’s require anyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a psychological evaluation. Deal?
    Gun myth 7) If only we enforced current law. What current law would have stopped Aurora, Orlando, Las Vegas, or Parkland?
    Gun myth 7) Criminals don’t obey laws do we don’t need new laws. OK, let’s do away with laws on immigration, rape, murder, etc because they don’t PREVENT crime!

    You can’t kill 50 people with a knife or baseball bat! Sorry to burst your bubble, but more guns like AR-15s on the street won’t keep us safer!

      • Does that surprise you? After reading first couple of points I think it’s great succes for this dimwit to count as high as to seven.

    • God you’re boring and stupid.

      What laws were repealed that allow the mentally adjudicated to own or possess firearms? None.

      You’re either lying, stupid or both.

    • Once you come up with a way to keep governments from killing their own people we can start to entertain your arguments

    • Please go live in the idealic country your choice. You seem to be triggered by the whole idea of Freedom

    • Hey chihuahua, you’re back… Got done with your magical 20-40 pushups already? You’re going to need a little more PT than that to burn off all those cheezypoofs.

        • Well he is Canadian, according to his previous posts.

          His is busy learning Arabic for “Please don’t kill me” for when the Somali gangs conduct a home invasion.

        • He’s not Canadian. If he was he’d at least have had some comment about a recent event in Canada (firearms-related, self-defense) which has been talked about pretty much non-stop up here.

      • “Well he is Canadian, according to his previous posts.”

        “He’s not Canadian.”

        He may be Canadian; he has lied so much about his nationality under previous aliases it is impossible to know the truth. Years ago he pretended to an Australian at least twice and a Norwegian once; now he has pretended to be Canadian.

    • RealAmericanPatriotsAgainstAntiAmericanAntiFreedomProgunners are you that retired canuk i have argued with before…. if so get a brain transplant cos the one you have obviously doesnt function…… actually the new one would probably reject the infected body. i can tell you from raw experience that the BS you are spouting does not work and only affects the law abiding.

    • If Chicago’s “gun violence” problem is due to guns being sold in other cities and brought in, why aren’t those other cities which are awash in guns also awash in violent crime like Chicago?

      Also, if guns are to blame for violence and murder, how is it that the rate of violent crime has gone down by more than 40% since 1990 while gun sales set new records every year?

    • Considering illegal immigration, rape, murder, “etc” happen on a daily basis, then yeh I’d say laws don’t prevent any of them from happening. They only serve as punishment after the fact. Not quite sure why that’s hard for you to grasp.

      No one is saying we don’t need laws; I want this bastard to hang… But if you think a law and some pixie dust are going to prevent these types of things then your going to be disappointed.

    • Was this guy mentally defective, on paper? Did anyone submit paperwork, adjudicate, or committ him involuntarily? If so, did anyone submit that paperwork to ATF, NICS system, or Florida’s state LE check system? If not, you’ve got a lot of moving parts and someone didn’t do their job. Some GOVERNMENT person, whom you want in charge of all of this crap, didn’t do their job. Please, go somewhere else with your ridiculous nonsensical stupidity, and leave the adults to have the adult conversations.

    • Asia has strict censorship of TV and movies for young people. Tattoos, guns, knives, nudity,, explicit language, violence, drugs, sexual behavior, even lyrics of songs, are very controlled/censored.

      In South Korea, TV stations will ban songs, certain clothing and dance choreography from their broadcasts. Sometimes men showing their nipples is not acceptable. Tattoos are required to be covered. Lyrics that teach kids unaccepted things are required to be rewritten.

      Banning guns will make women, elderly, disabled and nonathletic people victims. Bigger, stronger, violent men will rule over them. Homosexuals and minorities could also become victims. The NRA was created to make sure guns were in the “right” hands and that those pro government whites knew how to use them. So called “gun control” laws were passed by racists whites in order to keep power in their hands instead of minorities. The Alt Right are for the disarming non whites and sending them back to their ancestors’ homeland by force.

      Mental health evaluations and lie detector tests are easily passed by psychotic murderers. You can’t tell what is in someone’s mind unless they want to tell you. Guess what… they will only tell you what they need to. Apparently in current America, even when they do tell you what they are going to do, the government won’t stop them.

      Laws are supposed to provide recourse against those who don’t follow the rules. Laws don’t prevent, they provide consequence.

      If you ban guns in America, what is going to stop guns coming from Canada and Mexico when anti gun people want open borders? You can get belt fed machines guns, grenades and fully automatic rifles in Mexico. You can get short barrel rifles, ammo and guns that are banned from importation in America from Canada.

    • “Gun myth 1) Chicago shows gun control doesn’t work. Why that’s a myth. If you live in crowded apartment complex and you treat your place for pests, but none of the other apartment owners do, you’ll still get pests. Chicago could not stop nearby cities from selling guns.”

      But it’s not law abiding people that are the ones doing the shootings Chicago. Your comment is Invalid.

      “Gun myth 2) Banning guns won’t work. There have been strict regulations on machine guns for decades, and no one uses them in mass shootings.”

      And can you tell me how many times a machine gun was used in a crime before machine guns where regulated in 1968? comment invalid.

      “Gun myth 3) Bad guys don’t need guns to kill people. Ban guns, and bad guys will use other things. So, doesn’t [sic] mean no one needs guns because they can use other things to defend themselves with?”

      I think you meant to write “doesn’t that mean”. Just because other things can be used for self defense doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use a gun or that other things are better. If someone is small or is weak a gun gives them the advantage they need to keep from being harmed. Comment invalid.

      “Gun myth 4) it’s Hollywood and media’s fault. Don’t countries like Canada, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, S. Korea, etc show the same type of movies we do?

      Hollywood lies about suppressors making guns go pew, pew and the news doesn’t get their facts right about guns. When people think that every AR-15 is a machine gun or assault rifle, then yes, it is Hollywood’s and the media’s fault.

      “Gun myth 5) It’s good murderers have access to guns. If they did not, they’d use truck bombs! Seriously, that’s the new argument from the gun rights crowd.”

      You clearly don’t understand that comment. It’s about if they didn’t have a gun they would use something else. Comment invalid.

      “Gun myth 6) It’s a mental health issue. So if that’s the case, let’s require anyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a psychological evaluation. Deal?”

      So a wannabe killer uses something else and doesn’t use a gun. No deal, Comment invalid.

      “Gun myth 7) If only we enforced current law. What current law would have stopped Aurora, Orlando, Las Vegas, or Parkland?”

      What future law would have stopped those killers without violating the constitutional rights of a US citizen?

      “Gun myth 7) [sic] Criminals don’t obey laws do we don’t need new laws. OK, let’s do away with laws on immigration, rape, murder, etc because they don’t PREVENT crime!”

      If that’s what you want go to Los Angeles or San Francisco.

      “You can’t [sic] kill 50 people with a knife or baseball bat! Sorry to burst your bubble, but more guns like AR-15s on the street won’t keep us safer!”

      An AR-15 is the least likely gun to be used in a crime, so you’re safe. And didn’t you say before that you won some fist fights? If you can do that, you could kill 10-50 people with a knife and/or bat.

      • And can you tell me how many times a machine gun was used in a crime before machine guns where regulated in 1968? comment invalid.

        Don’t be stupid, they were regulated in 1934. At the time they were using sub-machine guns and it was a real mess. A semi auto rife is typically more effective than a sub gun. With intermediate rounds, full auto becomes more effective, but is still not typically used even when it is an option. But given the new generation of light weight SAWs, I don’t think we will ever see the re-opening of the machine gun registry.

        And yes you can kill 10-50 people with a baseball bat, but it is a HELL of a lot harder to do that than with a gun. And you can’t kill them at 400 yards out. A 120 lb girl can kill 10-50 250lb guys with a AR15 (I would prefer a AR-10 myself)

        • I stand corrected. It gets confusing trying to keep things straight if something is from the GCA of 1968 or the NFA of 1934.

          But if someone wanted to, it wouldn’t be that hard to make a hardware store/metal shop sub machine gun.

        • Oh, just on a side note. Chicago shows gun control doesn’t work is a myth. First of all, there would be no gun control laws if there was not a gang problem. It’s like saying laws against murder don’t work. They do work as they are used as a way to charge gang bangers they pick who are not actively involved in committing a crime.

    • Is this ‘person’ for real? Or someone made up by RF? It just seems like he too much of a doofus to be real. The only people who think like he/she/it does are those like the AH the storyline is about.

      • I have thought about becoming an anti in these comment sections. I think I could do way better than these trolls. I’d probably leave at least small holes in my arguments that folks could jump on and feel good about. Only thing is, it’d be a bit like work, and I’d kinda like to be paid for such dirty work.

        • If you’re arguing from the anti’s side then you wouldn’t need to purposefully leave holes, their arguments are naturally full of them because they’re devoid of fact or reason.

    • I’ll take up just one of your lies. Any person who can lawfully own a standard firearm, can lawfully own a fully automatic weapon per federal law. Some states will not allow them, but a lot do, don’t know about Florida. All you have to do is purchase the full auto at a class 3 dealer, get the sales invoice, send it along with the application and $200.00 to ATF and wait for the transfer stamp to be sent back to you. Once you have the transfer stamp, you go back to the dealer and pick up the weapon. There are a lot of full auto firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens in this country.

      • And it will cost you about $20k and up. You can only buy old automatic weapons that have already been registered, so it is a finite supply.
        The myth that an AR-15 is a powerful rifle is just a myth. Just about any hunting rifle is more powerful than an AR-15.
        Uber does not allow guns in their vehicles. I want to know how someone in Fla(in warm weather), could hide a full sized AR-15 from the driver and also carry a backpack. How was he not reported by the kid that saw him loading the rifle or by the uber driver(who has a cell phone on him at all times). Where were the armed security officers that work that school?

        • Yup, you’re right. No modern late model weapons, and they are very expensive. I tried to convince my wife to let me buy a 1928 Thomson in excellent condition from a guy at a local gun show, for the very low price of $18,000. I told her it was a great investment. She wouldn’t buy it. This was about 9 years ago.

        • “Just about any hunting rifle is more powerful than an AR-15” Yes and no. A hunting rifle is designed for one shot one kill. An AR-15 is designed for you to be able to carry the maximum number of effective rounds. Yes, I would much rather be shot at with a .223 than a .308, but inside of 200 yards give me the AR-15.

    • Oh for fucks sake, what is it that you want? You want to keep annoying us, you’re doing a great job. You want someone to make death threats against you, I just might do that, even though I know it won’t do anything. What is your end game? What purpose do you think you serve? You are not changing anyone’s minds, all you do is piss people off!

      • Tupac said it best

        we fight among ourselves but I promise you this

        We’ll burn this bitch down get us pissed

        That’s where you’re at dude. Take your bullshit to mother jones and spew it there to people that care.

    • Asia has strict censorship of TV and movies for young people. Tattoos, guns, knives, nudity,, explicit language, violence, drugs, sexual behavior, even lyrics of songs, are very controlled/censored.

      In South Korea, TV stations will ban songs, certain clothing and dance choreography from their broadcasts. Sometimes men showing their nipples is not acceptable. Tattoos are required to be covered. Lyrics that teach kids unaccepted things are required to be rewritten.

      Banning guns will make women, elderly, disabled and nonathletic people victims. Bigger, stronger, violent men will rule over them. Homosexuals and minorities could also become victims. The NRA was created to make sure guns were in the “right” hands and that those pro government whites knew how to use them. So called “gun control” laws were passed by racists whites in order to keep power in their hands instead of minorities. The Alt Right are for the disarming non whites and sending them back to their ancestors’ homeland by force.

      Mental health evaluations and lie detector tests are easily passed by psychotic murderers. You can’t tell what is in someone’s mind unless they want to tell you. Guess what… they will only tell you what they need to. Apparently in current America, even when they do tell you what they are going to do, the government won’t stop them.

      Laws are supposed to provide recourse against those who don’t follow the rules. Laws don’t prevent, they provide consequence.

      If you ban guns in America, what is going to stop guns coming from Canada and Mexico when anti gun people want open borders? You can get belt fed machines guns, grenades and fully automatic rifles in Mexico. You can get short barrel rifles, ammo and guns that are banned from importation in America from Canada.

        • You can’t buy a new fully automatic belt fed machine gun in the U.S. I think some states outlaw the links for the belt. In Mexico you can get a M249 illegally without much hassle.

    • Face it numbnuts the only solution to this problem is to end gun free zones. We didn’t have this problem 150 years ago when there was a 6 shooter on every hip. In fact there was a lot more justice dished out then too.

  3. Failure after failure, yet the “ban the guns” crowd will stand there and scream about guns, since they are blind to everything else.

  4. I’ll happily give up my guns when The Holy Yeshua Ha’Mashiach rules the earth. NOT one second before!

  5. 39 freaking times. But ban AR’s and all will be well…oh Messiah won’t be long brother.

  6. “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.” Genesis, before the flood.

    “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:17.

    Things will get even worse before He comes. Best be prepared. And well armed.

  7. God damn! With the known threat this kid presented, the schools should have have rifle toting armed security and the cops and FBI had that dweeb under surveillance. Honestly, there are crazy people out there and what the school district and law enforcement did was pure negligence.

    Washington State has a new law on the books that I happen to support and voted for and had Florida had such a law, it likely would have prevented this tragedy had it been instituted. Washington State has 7.94 RCW which is an extreme risk protection order which would have allowed for his guns to be taken.
    Also, I lay blame on the lamestream media for glorifying such acts.

    It’s incredible to me that law enforcement totally dropped the ball on this.

  8. This guy did everything but call the police up and tell them what time he’d arrive at the school to start shooting. Spectacular failure of law enforcement, school and mental health systems.

  9. …And Now all the SJW , Lib-TARD PRO-Aggressives, Authoritarian Police-State types will muster forward crowing about how we now need “pre-crime” screenings, and that everyone in the general public is “guilty till proven innocent to a police officer or Big Government Bureaucracy…” And you can bet dimes to dounuts that they will immediately demand heavy monitoring and screenings of everyone connected to the NRA, GOA, ALT-politics, TTAG, and anyone who just wants to own guns, knives, or any other self-defense weapon….Which leads, politically back to the EU….Where anyone who is NOT part of the norm is “wrong-thinking”and the above stated items are verboten……

  10. The question I have is even though he’s 19YO has anyone heard anything from/about the parents? Yeah, I realize that’s a long shot but it just seems odd to me.

  11. Tie him to a post, let the families of the victims cut, beat, and torcher him within an inch of death and then bring in a medic to patch him up. Repeat until the end of time.

    • Death is too good for this guy! Let him rot in jail and let the inmates have a go at him for the next 50 years!

      • The inmates won’t get near him while he lives on death row for 40 years at taxpayer expense.
        Too bad he didn’t draw on a cop.

  12. Giving this POS notoriety by sharing his picture only feeds the next loser to try and do better to get their 15 minutes of fame.

  13. And we still don’t think that so much media coverage is a part of the problem? These people see each body count, and each set of tactics ENDLESSLY reported, and aspire to learn from and one-up the last guy and seize glory. Their mark on this fucked up world. Here on the internet we say “don’t feed the trolls”, isn’t that what the media is doing every time this happens? I get that it’s news, and I get that you’ve already got to be sick or otherwise unhinged to go off and pull this kind of stunt, but are we feeding their disease with all this coverage? That’s my question.

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