Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (AP Photo/Phil Sears, File)

The Florida Senate passed the House version of a permitless carry bill this afternoon. Governor Ron DeSantis is sure to sign it into law, making the Sunshine State the 26th to remove the requirement for citizens to get government permission to carry a concealed handgun.

Gun rights activists, however, weren’t entirely pleased. They had pushed to add open carry to the bill which, if signed, would make Florida a full constitutional carry state. Florida Republicans, however, despite supermajority control of both houses of the Legislature, wanted no part of open carry.

Today, however, Governor DeSantis was at an event in Georgia when he was asked about calling a special session to add open carry to the permitless carry bill. He said he will “if I can get the votes.”

Watch the video here.

Is Florida’s legislature willing to do that given the GOP’s visceral dislike of and reluctance to tear down restrictions on gun rights? Don’t bet on it, but anything’s possible. Allegedly.


  1. Main reason why I love Texas: In Texas, you have the legal right to protect your property as an extension of self-defense.

    Still the question of “reasonable” – but it’s a very easy argument to make in a lot of situations.

    Also, plenty of land to simply bury the problem all together.

    • “Also, plenty of land to simply bury the problem all together.”

      The wise problem-solver makes sure the property where a problem *disappears* is not their own… 🙂

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  2. “He said he will “if I can get the votes.””

    No, no conditional. Force the anti-2A Republicans to make their treason clear.

    • I think they have already made it pretty clear it won’t get the votes. “The sheriff said no open carry and he’s the expert, so that’s what we are doing” was the reason.

      • “The sheriff said no open carry and he’s the expert, so that’s what we are doing”

        A sheriff – no matter where he or she does the job is part of the executive function of government. Sheriffs are elected to ENFORCE law not write it.

        Legislators that delegate their representative and legislative duties to others should be removed from office.

  3. So long as it doesn’t jeopardize the bill on the way it would be a good way to figure out who to primary/shun if term limited.

    • If you want that and more, then move to the west coast of the United States. Where it’s legal. And you can say “gay” all you want.
      The 50 states are sovereign. You choose which one you want to live in. And you are free to move whenever you wish to.

  4. CNN told me everybody in Florida died of covid.
    Next week CNN will be telling me everybody in Florida was shot to death.

    Though it was the fastest growing state last year so maybe it isn’t the Hellscape CNN makes it out to be. Nah, a outlet with the mission and recognition of CNN would never be anything less than 100% honest.

  5. Meanwhile the new “permitless carry” bill is hiding s bunch of backdoor gun-control items and is just a RINO shell game on the FL 2A community.

    We can do so much better than DeSantis or Trump. let’s get a real 2A candidate on the GOP ticket for 2024.

    • POTUS DJT has the public and private sector experience needed to bring back the prospeity America is known for. He proved he can do that.

      On the other hand “We” cannot afford to be selective when the allternative is the current Gun Control loving democRat or worse, another Gun Control loving democRat like newsob.
      In other words…Your “do better” during a crisis situation amounts to asking people to play around with fire.

      • Trump showed he’s out of his depth many times — most notably with the Covid response. Everyone talks about how the lock downs, Fauci, and Messionnier were wrong, but Trump was ultimately in charge. He didn’t have to give them a platform to speak, take their recommendations, or let them keep their jobs. Since he keeps harping on how he was cheated in 2020, he’ll probably garner enough support from the die-hards who think he walks on water to get the Republican nomination, but that will convince 0% of Dems and independents to vote for him. You can’t win an election with the support of 1/3 or 1/6 of the nation. Unjustly prosecuting him in NY will just feed his groupies.

    • Out of curiosity what back door gun control stuff? Helps to know what to look for in later steps of the process.

      • “Out of curiosity what back door gun control stuff?”

        Yeah, back that claim up with a link or more… 🙁

      • No open carry
        Gun free zones

        Are links really necessary? How many different forms does ‘gun control’ need to take?

        • All of them if you want a subjugated population. But yes not a perfect bill but am unaware of it having a poison pill (or several) compared to the status quo.

  6. It is funny, but not humorous, in some states police are afraid of what they can’t see(concealed carry) but don’t fear open carry. Florida police are concerned about what they can see(open carry) as opposed to what they can’t see(concealed carry). Too many jerks in both states and I’m talking enforcement and legislators.

  7. Yay DeSanitizer.
    Your thinking of letting we the people have the right to bear arms – -YAY- -.
    Love me some giverment I do.
    Just once in my life I’d like to see the working force of this country all call in sick for 3-5 days. Call it the National Fuk You Were Sick week. The whole system is corrupt, divided we fall, and now ‘it’s’ got us fighting one another over which party you choose or lgbtqxyrtz. Like , as long as the Zebras are kicking each other the Lion never gets kicked, deal.
    United We Stand.
    Pity, I think that tipping point has already capsized.
    A song just popped into my head, the guy says something about every step you take, I’ll be watching you. Civil war in the U. S. pfffffft NK cant even fart without uncle Sam knowing about it. Click buzz whrrrr, Yeah dont worry about it. We’re on a secure line, I downloaded the app off Google.

      • The left never really has victory just more control and misery with a desire for more that will never be fulfilled until collapse. It would be sad but it is at our expense to their master’s profit.

  8. DeSantis Says He’ll Call a Special Session to Consider Open Carry … IF he can get the votes.

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