Like bullpups? I do, but I can never seem to find one for less than twice the price of a similar-quality conventional gun. Drop-in bullpup stocks for 10/.22s and Mossberg 500s don’t count, and kludged AK bullpups just give me the creeps. Desert Tech (formerly Desert Tactical Arms) is jumping on the bullpup bandwagon with their way-brand-new Micro Dynamic Rifle, which offers more than just a trim and trigger-forward design. It features a modular design which lets the user switch between five calibers. Without tools . . .
Judging by the lack of curvature in that magazine, at least one of the calibers is shaped a lot like the .308/7.62×51 NATO. Desert Tech hasn’t actually released the full specs yet (wait ’till next week) so this is just an educated guess, however.
And the price? Even Kel-Tec bullpups are expensive, but Desert Tech sells rifles in the “you want how much?” price range. For shooters like me who are looking for a gun to undercut the price of an IWI Tavor, I doubt the MDR is going to be much help. But for the lucky few who can afford it, this new rifle might bring some big-bore punch to the high-end bullpup market.
Isn’t it a bit odd to call a .308 a ‘Micro’ anything?
Does anyone know if there is a steel insert for the “locking block” or does it just slam into and slide over the aluminum frame?
A couple of weeks ago I was called a “nut job” on this forum for daring to suggest an opinion contrary to the poster’s beliefs. I’d rather be called a “gun nut.”
“And if one consequence is that some New York state gun owners feel exposed, the larger consequence for all of us is a further chipping away of private spaces, a further compromise of the increasingly quaint idea that one has a right to live peacefully and an expectation to not be bothered in so doing.”
I did a little Googling (it tickles but I kinda like it) and found this quote by an op-ed writer who said it was wrong of that New York State newspaper to publish names and address of gun owners. It seems he was defending gun owners’ rights to live peacefully and unbothered – in this case by the press, one could also make an argument about Big Brother whether it be press, the government, you name it.
The writer? Leonard Pitts. He says he had some experience with this when white supremacists posted his phone number and address online. That he felt vulnerable, much like gun owners did.
Further quotes from his op-ed: “The folks at the Journal News newspaper in New York state would doubtless say it was not their intention to do anything like that when they published online maps of gun ownership in their area. But intention and effect are two completely different things.”
All of which makes me wonder:
1) Does he not see the irony at best, hypocrisy at worst, calling for government intrusion and control over firearms rights when he says people just want to live peacefully and unbothered?
2) Does he not see that firearms legislation regardless of intent has no real effect on crime and only serves to punish the law abiding?
3) Did he think about arming himself to protect himself, his family, when he felt vulnerable to white supremacists? Or perhaps did he?
Their rifles aren’t any more expensive (and are in most cases cheaper) than most high-end imports, as well as being lighter, shorter, better-balanced, and just as accurate.
That and there are a lot of options for different calibers that don’t require taking your rifle to a smith to have the barrel changed. Short Action Customs, for example, can make a barrel for it in just about any caliber and length you want.
A combo of fear, projection, and a faulty perspective on reality. They just see guns as artificially intelligent killing machines not accountable to the user’s intent because gun grabbers have no sense of agency. They’re also ignorant to how guns work and the ways of the world in general. Case in point, I had no idea what the AWB was until it expired. At first concerned over its implications, I soon learned they were just scary-looking semiautomatics used in only a bare fraction of crimes. Then I wanted one.
Gun ownership also requires a sense of responsibility gun grabbers ceded to the state long ago. It runs counter to their view that the state is responsible for everything they want and need, hence their patently offensive view that the police are their to help you always, and when bad stuff happens, to lie down and take it.
And of course, they project those fears and that lack of responsibility onto all of us.
They also live in a la la land where violence is only bad, and not a fact of life that’s sometimes justified. Defense of self is unthinkable. Literally fighting for what’s right or even survival is simply unthinkable to these people. They also fail to understand the true dynamics of crime for various, often politically correct reasons too numerous to analyze in a post.
TL;DR, they hate us because they hate reality.
I’ve read Mr. Pitts’ for years. Even wrote him once. His reply was one of the most insulting things letters I’ve ever read. I read folks like him in an effort to try and understand how and why they think the way they do. They, being liberal, communist, marxist, whacked out idiots. They seem to permeate our society and have voices that ring louder and louder.
It saddens me greatly that our morals, values and entire way of life are being ‘hoped and changed’ away.
Being called or referred to as a ‘gun nut’ at first, made me chuckle. The more I think about it, the more offensive I find it.
Collecting firearms is as much of a hobby to me as collecting Hummel figurines to some.
The beauty of firearms is that they are a functional thing. I can hunt, gather food, target practice, or just set them aside to become more valuable as time goes by.
I pity Mr. Pitts.
I don’t see how this is jumping on the bullpup bandwagon. Desert Tech is most well known for their bullpup sniper rifles.
I would be happy to see this if it takes SR25 Pattern Mag, Pmag and now Lancers would be fun to add and I love my 308’s. But the SCAR17s has set me back enough that another rifle of that magnitude would likely not enter the fray at an equivalent price. Looking forward to PSA’s 308 too btw, they tend to be ridiculously affordable by comparison and putting some FN barrels in the guns is a nice touch.
CAIR proposes Unisex Uniform for the Dearborne Michigan Sharia Enforcement SWAT team.
Well, I tried to see this article, but was told “Premium content is only available to US residents”, as if there is anything premium about this prick except the price on his hide.
The source of his dislike of gun owners is fear, both of gun owners themselves, and of guns in general, because he doesn’t know how they work, and especially fears that if he picks one up he might start spraying the area with bullets. He mistrusts his own level of self control, therefore he cannot understand that people are allowed such ferocious killing power.
He has no experience of gun owners on a range or discussing weapons among themselves, he only sees us as primitive artifacts of a bygone era, but lethal and pestilential. The concept of training and self control is only dimly understood by him and those of his chattering classmates.
The ACLU’s indifference to the Constitution is because they fail to understand that without the RTKBA, there are no other rights. Just because you have a vote now doesn’t mean any politician respects that or isn’t willing to remove it you vote inconveniently.
The propensity of inner city US blacks to engage in the drug trade and resultant illegal gunplay, is largely due to the failures of the education and economic systems to provide full employment. This is down to the financial geniuses who have off shored most manufacturing to increase the shareholders’ bottom line at the expense of the future of your society. And the Devil finds work for idle hands.
I feel privileged to have earned a gun license, which is not easy in New Zealand, and requires a lifetime of temperate conduct beforehand. I don’t feel demonized, but I am lucky enough to have born in the majority and not subject to any minority discrimination. My father and grandfathers were farmers, and having rifles and shotguns was a necessity, to shoot injured stock, and keep down the rabbits. I feel pride in continuing a family tradition, so Mr Pitts can go fornicate himself.
They KNOW they are morally, physically, spiritually and intellectually superior to you; if you don’t agree with their position(s), you are an idiot. Oh, and most of them are fine with using any scheme or tactic to ge their way. There is no reasoning with the overwhelming majority of them.
I’m sorry, but I just can’t believe the whole “Multi-Caliber” pitch anymore. I know their precision rifles have them available, but when you think of the Tavor, ACR, and every other rifle that never came through with their caliber conversion promises, I’d definitely be hesitant to buy in.
Your marriage license is valid anywhere in the U.S, but one not in accordance with your desert monotheism of choice might not be. Say a Saudi who emmigrated with three wives, or (gulp!) gay people. Martiage of the latter offends only proponents of Leviticus, rather than people of every religion.
This even applied not so long ago to interracial marriages.
We’ve a long way to go on a lot of rights, sir, as well as universal reciprocity. Look only to alcohol laws or age of consent. Having a daughter, I looked very carefully at the latter…
That said, this is a Good Thing, and I can hardly wait to use my Kansas CCW in Ilinoise, Massachusetts or Калифорния – should this indeed make it past Antigress and Obama lin Biden – and pass Constitutional muster.
After all, the Feds dictating to sovereign States, Commonwealth, Republics andso on what they may legislate… Perish the thought! >;{>
I’m surprised that this piece of history is not in the Smithsonian.
“Six bullets”–I guess that I can let that one go (but I don’t like to).
“Where’s the seventh bullet? Maybe in the chamber.” Gee, that sounds safe…
Finally, I won’t blow my eardrums out when I shoot my 22 pistol…. oh wait.
Hmmmmm…I can’t help but wonder of this will either run afoul of the Undetectable Firearms Act or prompt some scaremonger to push a new one.
Basically what the SIA is advocating is to turn all public schools into minimum security prisons. That way there there will be no shortage of video footage of the next gun free zone massacre.