hippy hippies progressive no gun guns sign

With gun owners pushing former President Donald Trump over the top in last week’s election, gun-ban organizations, still reeling from the loss, are promising to work harder than ever to force more gun control on lawful American gun owners.

With Trump winning the presidency and Republicans retaking the majority in the U.S. Senate, gun-banners, accustomed to a Democrat Senate and President Joe Biden in charge, have been put in a quandary. And if Republicans manage to keep control of the U.S. House of Representatives (current counts show they have 214 of the 218 needed seats, with some states still counting votes), anti-gun groups will be at even more of a disadvantage.

Despite that overwhelming mandate, several organizations have released statements stating that they are keeping their sights directly on the right to keep and bear arms.

One such group, so-called Moms Demand Action, claims to have beaten Trump on gun control in the past, although it’s unclear when that happened.

“Nothing will stop us from fighting for the safety of our kids and communities,” the group posted on X, formerly Twitter. “We’ve been up against and beaten Trump’s extremist agenda before, and we’ll do it again.

“Our army of over 10 million supporters are ready to fight like hell against President Trump and his lawmaker allies if they attempt to undo our progress or push legislation that would make us less safe. With the overwhelming majority of Americans who support strong gun safety laws behind us, we will win.”

Of course, if the majority of Americans had supported the group’s agenda, Trump would likely not have been reelected. But I digress.

So-called Everytown for Gun Safety, which called the election results “devastating,” also took to X to vow their continued battle for further infringements.

“Make no mistake: Trump’s extremist agenda is a danger for our nation, but it means we’ll double down on our efforts to protect our communities and continue to make progress, just like we did in 2016,” the group posted. “The momentum of the gun safety movement can’t be stopped. Gun violence isn’t a left or right issue, it’s a life-or-death issue. We can and will overcome this—together.”

Not to miss a chance to bolster its coffers, however, Everytown used the loss of the White House to try to raise funds from supporters—a scheme likely spawned by their boss, Michael Bloomberg, spending millions on the election in an attempt to get anti-gun candidates elected.

Of course, the anti-gun group Brady, formerly Handgun Control Inc. until it decided to hide its true agenda by changing its name, also got in on the action.

“The election of Donald Trump is deeply troubling for our safety and freedom from gun violence,” Brady President Kris Brown said in a released statement. “And that’s why we are doubling down on our work and fighting harder than ever.

“So even though we won’t have a friend in the White House, Brady isn’t giving up an inch.”

In a long, rambling statement on the Giffords website, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords tried to make the election results seem to be about anything but guns.

“Now is the time for taking a stand—together—against division, against hatred and against the erosion of truth,” she said. “And to women everywhere: I won’t rest until every one of our rights and freedoms has been restored.”

Interestingly, she did not mention any efforts she would make to help restore the Second Amendment rights of those “women everywhere” she claimed to be addressing.


  1. The fight for liberty never ends. There will always be people who hate their own freedom. And want to take yours away. Because they don’t trust themselves. And they don’t trust you with freedom.

    • Since the sickest element of the TDS crowd can do their own father in for VOTING TRUMP/VANCE 2024 imagine what they can do to you for voting TRUMP/VANCE and being Pro 2A? Think there are no more of the below TDS sickos out there? Think Again…connect the h…

      h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=KLMsrPLg2s4&feature=shared

      • RE: Toe Tapping Moms, “Our army of over 10 million supporters are ready to fight like hell against President Trump and his lawmaker allies if they attempt to undo our progress or push legislation that would make us less safe.”

        Actually it’s a demented army of 10 million Brown Shirts ready to pee on a Constitutional Right and fight like hell for Gun Control an agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide.

        While the vast majority of Gun Talking blowbags are Crickets when it comes to Defining Gun Control by its History the army of Gun Control Brown Shirts are working hard to recruit Gun Control History illiterates…connect the h…

        h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=7A3zBe1zWRg&feature=shared

      • Yeah, perfect example of the left wing loonies in your video link Debbie.

        A Seattle ‘power lesbian’ marred to a male-female trans goes completely over the edge and plunges deeper into her mental illness when Trump won and strangles and stabs her father killing him.

        All of these radical left-wingers are in that mental illness state to some degree, especially the anti-gun. Some handle it better than others, sort of like functional alcoholics – some are the quiet types – some are the vocal types – some a more aggressive – but all of them share one thing in common, they would if given the chance and loss of control get very violent and it just takes the right trigger that hits their mental illness state in the right way.

    • Gun control groups are composed of women and liberal men. Women because most of them don’t know very much about guns and how they operate and liberal men who don’t trust others to have guns because they think everyone is just as flakey as they are.

      • “liberal men who don’t trust others to have guns”

        Don’t discount the amount of men working with the left that are only there for money or women. Being there for the chicks is becoming less of a thing now since it’s finally becoming socially acceptable to be aligned with right wing politics. It’s also less of a thing since the youth and female shift to the right as well as the uglification of left wing women.

  2. Like Hiroo Onoda.
    Somebody tell them the war is over and they lost.
    Even lefty cesspool Reddit is filled with “progressives” wishing Democrats would drop gun control.

    It attracts no one to the party and repels many from the party.

  3. the onion has purchased alex jones’ (forced to liquidate assets) infowars site. apparently they think this is hy larious. “less than a trillion” what a kneeslapper.
    everytown for gun safety will advertise there.

    “Founded in 1999 on the heels of the Satanic ‘panic’ and growing steadily ever since, InfoWars has distinguished itself as an invaluable tool for brainwashing and controlling the masses. With a shrewd mix of delusional paranoia and dubious anti-aging nutrition hacks, they strive to make life both scarier and longer for everyone, a commendable goal. They are a true unicorn, capable of simultaneously inspiring public support for billionaires and stoking outrage at an inept federal state that can assassinate JFK but can’t even put a man on the Moon.”

    • First thought: didn’t the Onion go bankrupt years ago?
      Apparently the sale was blocked by a judge.
      Even if the site and company name are gone the real product is Alex and he’s already built alexjones.network as a backup.

      I assume the Onion wants to make an Infowars parody site. Apparently they don’t realize there’s no joke without the source material and as visitors to the site look up the source material they’re just going to be red-pilling more people.

      They seem to have Alex Jones Derangement Syndrome.

    • Everytown Signs Multi-Year Agreement to Advertise on Infowars.

      h ttps://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/11/14/everytown-signs-multi-year-agreement-to-advertise-on-infowars-n1226905

  4. “And if Republicans manage to keep control of the U.S. House of Representatives (current counts show they have 214 of the 218 needed seats, with some states still counting votes), anti-gun groups will be at even more of a disadvantage.”

    This must have been written days ago.

    They already have, and have had, the 218 needed and do have majority control of the house.

    • In 2020 they rigged the presidential outcome. I fear that now they are in the process of rigging the House vote.

  5. (no fired) FEMA supervisor says avoiding homes with Trump signs is agency policy.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Lxl1XF3QE

    • Remember when the FBI got caught targeting traditional Catholics, and they said it was just that one field office? Then we found out it was multiple offices doing it. The federal government is full of lying Democrat activists using the power of the state to go after their political opposition.

    • .40 cal,

      Yeah, but I love the part where this FEMck wdith that, A,, Leftist/fascist drone is now ratting out the entire “Deep State” bureaucracy by disclosing that it was actually “agency policy”. Sure, she’s trying to save her own @$$ (good luck with that, honey!!), but I don’t doubt for a second that the bureaucrat appartchiks have propagated “internal” policies exactly like this.

      The most fun part about Trump’s revenge is going to be the revealing of the HIDEOUS hypocrisy of the Leftist/fascist apparatchiks, and those who support them. “Rules for thee, but not for me!”

      SUCK IT, MajorIdiot, and ALL of your Leftist/fascist friends and fellow travelers. Your grift is over; a MAJORITY of American voters have voted to kick you to the curb. Hurts, dunnit??

      • “SUCK IT, MajorIdiot, and ALL of your Leftist/fascist friends and fellow travelers. Your grift is over; a MAJORITY of American voters have voted to kick you to the curb. Hurts, dunnit??”

        Tell us how you really feel, Lamp… 😉

  6. “Make no mistake: Trump’s extremist agenda is a danger for our nation”.
    The ‘Bill of Rights’ are such a scary subject. When the Brits were booted out not all of the Crown sympathizers received the same. Oh look someone in London is in ‘silent prayer’, that’s now a hate crime, off to the Gulag with em. These people will not stop with the 2A nor the 1A etc., etc..

  7. Due to the win by Trump and the nuclear ass stomping democrats suffered in the election, MSNBC had a catastrophic decrease in viewership. Now Comcast is seeking to sell MSNBC to the highest bidder.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N12ssl29nNc

  8. Progressives have come up with an insane election denial conspiracy to cope with their tremendous loss.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBSsgpZG14o

  9. (among) The craziest left wing TDS women in America, this one…

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHGxcnPWLUo

    • The fight to (someone’s)death continues in ILLannoy. A corpulent billionaire declared war on gat owner’s. Sell your cloak & buy a sword. Or an AR🙄

    • … that only seems appropriate – Kaliforina and the west coast are the last to see The Light

  10. Tinfoil time – a 2 man team in the NYC subway, 1 wearing a backpack and a “cartel tattoo” – backpack boy is stopped by 2 cops to be arrested for public urination. Both of these warriors immediately attack the cops, but lose the fight and are arrested. In the backpack – AR15 with loaded scary magazine.

    Outcome – 1 team member released on recognizance, the AR15 mule held on $25k bond.

    The scary part – he made bond, apparently no sweat – per NY Post.

    • Meanwhile the discussions up this way are focused on “how do you know they were gang members” and similar nonsense.

      • Another 11/5/24 incident. I might start a collection, if Google will cooperate.

        BTW – the pics I saw in the Post of the rifle looked kinda SBR – probably just an illusion.

        • Likely not the pistol length uppers are both cheaper and more popular with the totally not gang members of any variety. Remember there is no standing if there is no charge.

  11. Those gun control groups are stupid.
    It’s not the guns it’s the person behind the trigger.
    Ole Bloomberg has got a bunch of people all on the bandwagon for disarmament.
    He needs to play them videos of how well that worked for the Jews in Germany.
    A traitor, not only to his country but to his people as well.

    • It’s not about gun control, it’s all about people control and those who advocate for the demise of our 2nd Amendment are just useful tools for those who wish to take all of our rights away. The 2nd Amendment gives teeth to all of the other Amendments to our Constitution. May God help us to defeat these people.

  12. Per Everytown email “Together, we helped elect dozens of local, state, and Congressional lawmakers who are committed to ending this crisis—including survivors of gun violence and so many of our own volunteers.”

    Considering that there are over 7000 just in the state legislatures, the election of “dozens” isn’t much of a mandate.

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