There’s no fixing stupid. If you were going to film a rap video in public using firearms as props, wouldn’t you make sure that A) you cleared it with the cops, B) all the firearms were unloaded, and C) you you made the video in Arizona? Or at least somewhere where the neighbors wouldn’t get the heebie-jeebies when you fired the guns? According to a nearby resident standing nearby the four teenagers involved, the actors were equipped with an “assault rifle” and three handguns which were fully loaded. With extended magazines! That said, Carter was complacent . . .

“They were shooting a video, enjoying themselves, and then the police came,” Carter said.

FOX 2: “Did they have guns?”

“Everybody has guns,” Carter said. “I have guns. Who doesn’t have guns.”

Neighbors called 911 and when police arrived, the group fled and one fired a hand gun at an officer while running away.

The officer was not injured and did not return fire. But the suspect and the three others were taken into custody uninjured.

“They were shooting the video, putting in on YouTube,” said Carter. “And that was that. Glad nobody got killed by the police this time.”

What are the odds the youths will be back on the street in no time? We’ll keep an eye on YouTube in the meantime, in that “never let a good bust video go to waste” kinda way.


  1. Those good young boys doing nothing wrong…except shooting at the 5-0. I bet Mr trigger doesn’t get released in just a few days.

  2. Hm. Strange. Kinda torn here. Not a Rap fan, but at least straight outa compton, ain’t really just straight outa Juliard. Yes, unsafe, and not ~ thrilled guns are ‘props’ but guns in Rock City, (in the absence of other crime) more power to them.

  3. Rap “music” and stupid go together like eggs and ham. It’s a wonder any of the losers survived childhood.

    ” You live and learn, or you don’t live very long.” – RAH

  4. “They were shooting a video, enjoying themselves, and then the police came,” Carter said.
    “Everybody has guns,” Carter said. “I have guns. Who doesn’t have guns.”
    Neighbors called 911 and when police arrived, the group fled and one fired a hand gun at an officer while running away.

    shortened version: dindunuthin!

  5. The first amendment protects stupid people too.

    This is clearly a violation of their first amendment right to artistically display loaded weapons. You know, for art. Right? No? Not really?

  6. “They were shooting the video, putting in on YouTube,” said Carter. “And that was that. Glad nobody got killed by the police this time.”

    Look in the dictionary next to “hubris” and you may well find this as the example. Law enforcement has its issues to be sure, but there are no words to quantify this kind of delusion.

      • Extended mags, I’m going to say Glocks and lower middle class kids trying to be all gangsta. No matter how rtarted real gangstas(tm) are they would have at least went to somewhere with no one to call the cops or somewhere that the cops would avoid so they get to go home at night. I also doubt a local would stand by them and then give a name to press if they were the “real deal”.

  7. On the fence on if this is a double standard. Isn’t one of the main fights gun rights organizations are having right now is people calling the cops just because of the sight of a gun?

    Open carriers usually challenge that the mere prescribe of a firearm doesn’t provide plausible cause for a police officer to stop you.

    All that being said, if they were firing their guns into the air and painting at people then that is a different story. So is the firing at the cops when they showed up.

    I just think we should provide the same level of protection to everyone that is excercising their 1st and 2nd amendment rights.

    • That’s where the 1A is phrased stronger than the 2A! It is a protected action to shoot off your mouth, but there is no protection for FIRING a gun. Story says these dimbulbs were actually shooting their guns, in an area where nearby people were nearby (??), probably for a long time, given that they were still there when the police arrived.

  8. “… fired at an officer while running away … police did not return fire … taken into custody uninjured. ”

    Wow. Just – wow.

  9. From the homie interviewed on the video: “Dey wuz jus shootin a rap video then tha cops came an intarupted da video, dey din due nuffins”.

  10. “Everybody has guns,” Carter said. “I have guns. Who doesn’t have guns.”

    [‘oh say can you see’ electric guitar riff]

  11. They said “Assault Rifle”, which the correct term for it is a “Modern Sporting Rifle”, “fully loaded” which we already knew that since they don’t have to tell us, and said “extended magazines” which we already knew that as well (at least they didn’t say “clip”). These dumb fools who run our news are completely uneducated. That’s just me.

  12. Their art is their art. I don’t have a major problem with it, except that I don’t enjoy it, so I don’t listen to it.

    Utilizing public streets on their own for their video shoot is inherently unsafe and deprived the the city of permitting and security services revenues. I have a problem with that.

    Employing real guns, especially loaded guns, is beyond stupid. See Brandon Lee.

    Firing on responding officers, well, ’nuff said. Throw the book at all of them, including the non-shooters, law of parties and all.

  13. seriously??
    …“And that was that. Glad nobody got killed by the police this time.”

    Shouldn’t it have been: “Glad nobody got killed by the wackadoodle MCRap-per that ACTUALLY fired his gun”?

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