What would you do if you saw a man at a gas station wearing a motorcycle helmet and jacket, attacking a motorist with this forester’s axe? Assuming that you had the cojones (and the appropriate hardware on your hip) to intervene and order him to stop, what would you do if he charged you with the axe?
Hold that thought for a minute…and jump over to The Truth About Knives for the rest of the story.
“gun reform”, another statist phrase which means remove the freedoms of the people. What this DOES show is the stark reality of the inability of “gun laws” to deal with violence. The author in the opening post decries the efforts to allow guns to be carried yet that is the precise remedy for random shooters.
I had one of the previous Red Label in 26″ and loved it. Its gone due to unfortunate circumstances, so I am seriously looking at the new reincarnation.
The 26″ works well for shooting out of a canoe and also like the shorter barrel for turkey hunting. Would adding a middle bead help in aiming (like at turkey)? I notice that Citoris have a middle barrel bead, even on the 26″.
Thanks for all the explanations on db construction, by the way. Learned a lot.
Sounds like someone was trying to self select for removal from the gene pool.
Had I been standing nearby and noticed a man with an axe attacking another person, my actions would depend on one simple question: do I know with absolute certainty that the “attacker” is really an attacker? After all the “victim” could actually be the attacker and the man with the axe could be defending himself. The fact that the man with axe has a visible weapon does not necessarily mean that he is the attacker. The other person could have a knife, handgun, or who knows what else and could have started the whole thing.
If I was absolutely certain that the man with the axe was a criminal attacker, I would have shot him until he was no longer a threat.
If I was standing nearby and the man with the axe charged me, I would shoot him until he was no longer a threat.
The man with the axe in this story is lucky to be alive. He will be in prison for a while even though he was acting out a “prank” with a friend.
I agree. All lasers WILL stop an impending threat, when followed by 3 bullets to the chest.
I would think only people who are highly trained to remain calm (or play Call Of Duty) during these situations would have the presence of mind to see the laser and immediately recognise the implication that a bullet will follow shortly if they don’t stop/run.
Of course, if you are up against a Navy Seal/Green Beret/Army Ranger/GSG 9/Rainbow Operator/Ultra Manly Teutonic Operator/HKMP5K/LMFAO/PS/PPS/PPPS/BRB/BBQ/OMFG/KFC/11 Year Old Boy I would think you have bigger problems
As a motorcyclist I thank you both!