It’s coming up on two months since the Sandy Hook spree killing. The police still haven’t released an official report. We still don’t know what officers arrived where and when and what they did when they arrived. We have this from Officer William Chapman in a recent New York Times interview: “I got out of the car and grabbed my rifle and it stopped for second. But then we heard more popping. You could tell it was rifle fire. And it was up so close, it sounded like it was coming from outside. So we were all looking around for someone to shoot back at.'” In other words, the responding officers did not move to engage. They waited. How long? The Connecticut State Police are in charge of the investigation . . .
Lt. Paul Vance, the PR point man, is out of the office ’til tomorrow (Tuesday). Meanwhile, his assistant referred me to the State Po-Po’s website, which makes no mention of an official report and provides none of the details about the police response.
When I get Lt. Vance on the blower I’ll ask him about new information flowing into TTAG.
We’re hearing reports from credible sources that spree killer Adam Lanza first went to Newtown High School before driving his Honda over to Sandy Hook Elementary school. Allegedly, there’s a video of his arrival and departure in the high school parking lot.
Also reported: Lanza opened the trunk of his car, noticed the School Resource Officer nearby, closed his trunk and left.
If true, it raises an important question: did the School Resource Officer notice Lanza? Did he report him to the police?
Again, these are unconfirmed but reliable reports. I’ve put in a call to Newtown High School and asked the Connecticut State Police for comment. I will add their responses to this post ASAP.
TTAG will also request an incident report and copies of all dashcam and officer-worn videos from officers involved in the incident. Watch this space.
Congrats Nick. I look forward to seeing your blogs on the sport. I have been wanting to at least take up 3-gun on a local club level. Want to see your shiny new team toys as soon as they are issued. Would like to see the FN shotgun in depth. Been kind of admiring those.
There’s just no way a good guy with a gun could be a deterrent for a bad guy with a gun – the media says so! Lapierre’s idea of armed guards is totally ridiculous, but Obama’s “idea” of School Resource Officers is sage and wise.
Roughly Half of the Voting Public
This great! I can’t wait to read Nick’s insights and experiences. I would love to see some accompanying video as well.
Good Luck, Nick.
We’ll be watching…er, reading, whatever.
very good news for both NL and TTAG.Way to go man!
Good luck with the open records requests…they are gonna stall you and drag thier feet BIG time…I’ll put money on that.
They’ll stall until all the careers of all those involved are over because once the report gets out they will be effectively over.
Hell melon farming yeah!!! Looking forward to reading more about this gig. 😀
Geez Nick you’re making the rest of us bloggers look bad! Take it easy already!
Wait. Flowers and chocolates are passe? I must have been out of circulation a LONG time.
Resource Officers aren’t there to protect the kids, they are posted to keep the sociapaths from hurting each other. But if this is true then post them at elementary schools too because clearly they offer a deterent to these cowards that go on these killing sprees.
This whole mess could reinforce that A) visible presence of a good guy with a gun keeps the bad guys away and B) relying on the police even when they can respond in time is not a subsitutue for having protection in an immediate vicinity.
What constitutes a reputable source? Not asking for specifics, but it would be nice to know what field eg. cop, lawyer, politician, etc.
Congratulations. Competing with world class shooters will teach you more about using firearms than any other way, you will also learn a lot about yourself in the process. Good luck and have fun.
That’s really bad@$$ Nick. Congradulations and best of luck!
Well, when they poll 1500plus people on a liberal campus, of course you are going to come up with those kind of results. You can make statistics say anything. That being said, Since I am a gun owner, and unfortunately a NY’er…it’s time to pack bags and GTFO of NY.
Weapons of war have no place on the street. Really? That’s not what the Government argued in United States V. Miller
Attorneys for the United States argued four points:
3. The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia.
The SCOTUS ruled on the issue: The Court also looked to historical sources to explain the meaning of “militia” as set down by the authors of the Constitution:
“… that ordinarily when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.”
How can anyone argue that an AR-15 or equivalent is not in “common use at the time”. Heck, if’n the “militia” were to be joined to the military to fight off armed intruders of other nations, there would be a large portion of repair parts available in Government Armories across the nation if the militia had armed themselves with personally owned AR-15s.
Off topic but did I hear true that Obama wants football controll now? That it is too dangerous?
Edit to Add: American football not soccer or the nuclear suitcase
they push 1 inch we push back 2 inches… stay the course
I specifically remember reading Sen. Manchin (D-WVa) stated “his office had been picketed” by pro-gun folks, and it was in the contest of an article about how he had seen the light and would not be supporting an AWB. So at least in certain limited circumstances, it can work.
And on shooting, I’m with Smiling Swordsman. I have not been shooting since all of Obama’s disarmament talk because I’m not sure I could replace the ammo I shot. The last local gun store I was in that had 5.56/.223 was charging $14/20 rd box, and it was a crappy foreign brand.
I ain’t shooting anything. The last 5.56 I could get (after 2 months wait, I’m but still grateful to have it) was 1 Re manufactured (by Lake City), 2 in paper boxes not in the usual sealed metal ammo box, AND 3 .20 a round more expensive. I think there is more to this ammo shortage than panic buying. I’ve heard that government contracts are about to be renewed, blah ,blah, But it smells funny. Unless all of you guys have 20,000 rounds per caliber stacked in the garage, fishy it be to me, yarrrr. (I’m so f’n board, I wanna go shootin’)
I notice that neither of these questions explain the new gun law, nor does there appear to be any attempt to gauge the respondents’ level of knowledge of the law, as well as the underlying facts. I’d like to see a survey of New Yorkers that asks things like “In your estimation, what percentage of handguns manufactured in the U.S.A. are routinely sold with factory magazines holding more than seven rounds?” or “In your estimation, what percentage of crimes in which a gun was used involve the discharge of more than seven rounds?”
If you haven’t already, buy Kyle’s book to help his family.
Do rallies do any good? It’s a toss up. I won’t cower to the Bradys of the world, but I think rallies that have open carry of handguns and especially AKs an ARs just freak the intimidated souls out. They suspend students with PICTURES of the ARs and AKs, so what do you think the reaction will be when they are confronted (threatened, in their mind) with a real “Assault Weapon”? First they will suspect that at least some of them are loaded. Then they will feel their view of us being wing nuts is correct. Then there is the opportunity of a “Reichstag (Negligent) Fire” by some kool aid anti. 1 shooting at a rally and we can pretty much hang it up. I think the more we display ourselves for what we are, just normal people, the better. Women, kids, and (sorry, no offense intended) ethnic diversity are golden to our image. The race division bit has already been played (Harry Belefonte). Minorities need access to self defense as much if not more than others. I mention minorities only because I’ve seen too many references to OFWG in anti gun posts. I don’t take offense, but gun ownership is being sold as a “white” thing by a lot of trolls of all colors and hues. The support for the Second Amendment crosses all segments of society and that must be part of the message.
Somehow I doubt calls and emails are going to change the
minds of those already willing to strip rights away.
Rock on, Nick!
Whoa! That’s some impressive testimony!
Right. because 77yr olds Twitter, and because Twitter accounts never get hacked.
Even during his POTUS run, he NEVER Twittered himself, nor updated FaceBook by himself. He always had staffers and volunteers do it. Also, his Facebook, Twitter, and even his own RP2012 campaign websites were attacked and hijacked repeatedly.
If it was not simply a malicious hack, but one of his past staffers or volunteers who typed it, granted, it clearly still doesn’t bode well for Ron Paul’s people managing skills. Unfortunately, that’s sorta what you get with a typical libertarian: they’re not micro-managers of people. One reason why frankly, I’m glad he’s not the POTUS. LOL.
Hacked accounts are a daily reality all bloggers have to contend with, at some point in their short net-lifespan. All bloggers should be familiar with such probable reality, if not should expect and accept it as such.
Frankly, if you’re a blogger and your site hasn’t been hacked, you’re irrelevant in the blogosphere.
Ron Paul does not volunteer to interject himself into a controversy. Not his style. Sure he’s blunt, when ASKED. But he NEVER initiates them.
As someone who’s been following Ron Paul’s works and his PERSONAL writings and sentiments for over a decade, I would know. It’s clear to me that it is highly unlikely that he didn’t write this himself. Of course I could be wrong. But, I doubt it.
Note the difference in his FB post:
As the saying goes Dan, when you ASSume…
Also, as a REAL medical doctor (no honest scientist would ever refer to Psychology/Psychiatry as a real science, as 100% repetitive confirmations are not really what psychology/psychiatry deals with; it’s a philosophy and observation of commonly stimuli-prompted human behavior, at best), he would NOT presume that using a familiar activity to start ‘treating’ someone with PTSD wouldn’t “make sense.”
A familiar ‘anchor activity’ is precisely how one would begin to approach any psychological issues.
The fact that the Twitter comment stated that “it doesn’t make sense,” makes PERFECT sense to me that Ron Paul didn’t write this himself.
You guys really need to learn to ‘read’ narrative styles of other writers, to know whether or not they ACTUALLY wrote things, before presumptively yapping away, as if they actually did.
Ron Paul is a guy who doesn’t attack Bernanke, nor Giuliani, even when it’s called for, yet he suddenly decides to rile up sensitive tough guy gunnies’ feathers, more astoundingly, immediately after someone got murdered?
Uh, no. Don’t think so.
Really, as writers, you SHOULD know better.
As for this:
“That Paul holds them all in such low regard is disgusting and sad. Maybe it’s time for someone to take the keyboard and smartphone away from the angry old man before he really embarrasses himself.”
Um, Dan, you do realize that “That Paul holds them all in such low regard is disgusting and sad” that is purely YOUR baseless a-priori PRESUMPTION about someone else’s own mind/thoughts that you have no way of verifying, right?? Well, that is unless you’re a psychic who can read minds, as well as, is a computer hacktivist who doesn’t know that Twitter accounts can be hacked.
Hey, didn’t Karl Rove just start a RINO SuperPAC to purge the GOP of Tea Party, libertarians, and paleo conservatives today? But of course, that could just be a coincidence.
And, this is to all real commie fcuk neoCons who are nothing more than AIPAC-cocksuckers who LOVE dual-citizenshipped traitorous assholes in Senate like FeinSKUNK and Chucky Schmucker who love legislating away our fundamental natural rights, who hate Ron Paul and every other Constitutionalist and look forward to every occasion to bash them: simply FU, FOAD!
GTFO of my America. Be an America-1ster, or STFU!
Then, lookup USS Liberty, ya historically amnesic Trotskyites.
Kent State was the last time that the National Guard — made up of neighbors and friends — was used to murder the people and trample the Constitution it is sworn to protect. If the Guard has a memory or a conscience or honor, as I think it does, it will never again allow itself to be used as a tool of government oppression against the people. Never again.
If I’m wrong, then the country be damned.
Hi Tim, Good to see you here, Randy
Disgraceful on whoever called the cops on you. People need to mind their own business!!! The liberals are the downfal of this great society, we need to stand up against them. Educate friends and family on what is going on, we need to vote these clowns out.
Newtown cops WERE being fired on.
Newtown is at its root a colossal liability case, and the “investigators” treated it as such (well, were forced to by the States Attorney). The shooter wasn’t even CLOSE to being down at 9:40 as claimed; you can hear multiple people exchanging fire in the 911 calls from 9:45-9:47 a.m., culminating in an extremely loud shot (and that wasn’t the final shot, either).
In the end, most of the children bled to death from survivable wounds–one of those children almost surely hit by police fire. And that is where this dark coverup begins.