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  1. That was pretty cool, I’d love to see the same test using a 700 grain S&W 500 round.

  2. And that my friends, is the type of injury I have to deal with when a gang banger shoots another, or the innocent little girl in the park because they don’t know how to aim. Thankfully most of them buy the cheapest round for their weapon of illegal purchase.

    • Thankfully most of them buy the cheapest round for their weapon of illegal purchase.

      Interesting you say that. I worked security at an inner city ER and got to see many patients close-up and personal. Including the gunshot victims. Especially the gunshot victims actually, as they were the ones most in need of my services. Anyway, these guys usually had small and relatively tidy entry/exit wounds because they were all getting shot with 9mm FMJ ammo. Cheapest stuff out there.

      • Exactly. 9mm FMJ leaves a nice tidy hole for Fire_Medic to clean up. He never gets to see the hollow point wounds because they go straight to Mr. Coroner.

        Who uses 9mm FMJ for defense? The average gang banger.

        Who uses hollow points for self defense? The average homeowner defending himself.

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