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Different Set of Laws If You’re a Biden

Lee Williams - comments 81 comments

It can be problematic to compare the sentence one criminal defendant receives to another. A judge has a wide variety of mitigating and aggravating factors to consider before passing sentence, such as the defendant’s criminal history, whether they’ve shown contrition and the facts of the crime itself. A prison term that may appear unfair to some may actually be well within the guidelines.

That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn. The two cases are eerily similar, but their outcomes will likely be lightyears apart, because Hunter Biden only gets the top tier of the DOJ’s two tiers of justice.

Last year, Vaughn pleaded guilty to making false statements during the purchase of firearms. Like Hunter Biden, she concealed her drug addiction on an ATF Form 4473, when asked “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

“During the firearms purchases, Vaughn provided false information regarding her address and her drug use,” a Justice Department press release stated at the time.

The ATF alleged that Vaughn, then 27 and living in North Liberty, Iowa, purchased seven handguns over an 18-month period, and that two of the weapons ended up in the hands of convicted felons. Vaughn, like Hunter Biden, had no criminal history at the time of her firearm purchases.

Vaughn pleaded guilty to making false statements on the 4473. She showed regret and admitted her guilt during the elocution, and her plea saved the justice system a great deal of time and effort.

On April 26, 2023, a federal judge in Davenport, Iowa sentenced Vaughn to 366 days – 12 months and a wakeup – in a federal prison. Her prison term ended two months ago, and Vaughn must now complete three years of supervised release.

After a federal judge in Wilmington, Delaware, famously scuttled Hunter Biden’s sweeping plea agreement, which would have wiped clean an entire slate of alleged crimes and even immunized him from future badness, the First Son went to trial charged with three felonies: two counts of making false statements during a firearm purchase and one count of possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs. The added security alone placed a huge burden on the court. Hunter Biden never testified, and it took the jury less than three hours to find him guilty on all counts.

Pundits, politicians and a bevy of news actors all say he will never serve a single day behind the wire.


To be clear, Vaughn pleaded guilty and caught a year and a day. Hunter Biden wasted the court’s time and energy by contesting what everyone knew was an open-and-shut case – his own signature was on the 4473, after all – but he will never experience toilet wine. If his last name wasn’t Biden, Hunter would even have qualified for what used to be called “court tax” – an extra helping of prison time dished out to those who believe their time is more important than the court’s.

According to statute, Hunter faces up to 25 years behind bars, but neither the DOJ nor daddy will let this happen. For the DOJ, the gun charges were just bread and circuses for the masses – something to distract the public from Hunter’s real crimes, which could implicate Joe and Uncle Jimmy. This case was never supposed to end with a prison sentence, anyway. It was resurrected just months before the statute of limitations expired to provide top cover for Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose federal agents have literally rained death and destruction on law-abiding gun owners for far less.

Joe has claimed he will never pardon Hunter, but that is not the question the corporate media should be shouting at him as he lumbers up the kiddie stairs of Air Force One. He needs to be asked point blank whether he will commute Hunter’s sentence, but regardless of his answer, we all know he will. A Biden is not required to obey the law.

Joe Biden has waged a multi-front war on gun owners since the day he took office. He weaponized the ATF into a heavily armed paramilitary force and sicced them on our firearms, accessories and law-abiding gun dealers. Biden has gaslit the public about mass shootings, cannons and F-15s, and he created a taxpayer-funded office inside the White House tasked with infringing upon our Second Amendment rights. He has done all of this while citing a zero-tolerance policy, which his lackeys in the ATF follow blindly. So far, only one person has been excluded from Joe’s zero-tolerance policy, and that would be Neilia Biden’s second son – a 54-year-old self-admitted cocaine addict named Robert Hunter Biden.


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81 thoughts on “Different Set of Laws If You’re a Biden”

  1. > To be clear, Vaughn pleaded guilty and caught a year and a day. Hunter Biden wasted the court’s time and energy by contesting what everyone knew was an open-and-shut case – his own signature was on the 4473, after all – but he will never experience toilet wine.

    He’s allowed to contest his innocence, as everyone is. You can’t hold that against him or anyone.

    And we don’t know the sentence, yet.

    So why are you assuming one, let alone one so lenient?

  2. The DO has only an opinion, but no control over the sentence imposed by the judge. Clearly the judge has a great deal of discretion in determining the sentence. As the article points out, there are quite a number of aggravating factors, especially after the judge nixed the proposed whitewash. Hunter has shown no contrition, forced an expensive trial on a case on which he could not prevail after the judge rejected his 2A defense, and the proof of Hunter’s massive addiction reflected on his computer. I suspect that the judge will impose a prison sentence, but not likely more than a year.

    Yes, Joe could grant clemency or commute the sentence, but political realities may require him not to. If he does, given the background of his attacks on the 2A and gun owners generally, he will demonstrate that he is a hypocrite and an elitist. I can’t see that that would support his bid for a second term with the voters, and more likely would significantly undermine it.

  3. Guess it depends how much those in charge care about legitimacy in rule of law vs unchecked power. Based on much of the last few years I am not terribly optimistic at shitty choices being avoidable.

  4. Why are we, the pro-gun community, not up in arms about this case just because he is named Biden? Does him being the son of a prominent anti-gun politician make the government forcing us to answer questions they can use to deny our civil rights in order to exercise those rights any less of a 5th amendment violation?

    Sure, he is a scumbag who will benefit from leniency that none of would receive in similar legal circumstances, but he is still being punished for breaking a rule that is clearly unconstitutional on its very face.

  5. Forcing the government to prove their case to a jury is not a waste of the courts time, it is what the courts are for. Trump should say thay he will pardon Hunter along with everyone else who has ever been convicted of the same charge.

  6. Anyone who supports a government supports stealing, murder, and kidnapping.

    Governments are criminal organizations like the mafia, ms 13, inner city gangs. same stuff disguised.

  7. I dont agree with guilty until proven innocent. (backround checks)

    If someone is that dangerous they need to be removed from society or have a guardian.

    The whole system is a massive failure. criminals have full auto and could very easily have more if they wanted. in chicago criminals go in groups and guard street corners with automatic guns while the car theif performs the theft.

    the media does not care and the mainstream is living in a fantasy world.

  8. Are you all blind, no matter what Hunter gets, after the election bumbling Joe will pardon Hunter because it doesn’t matter. “Win or lose” Then after 2 or 4 years to the next elections people will forget all about it and elect more idiots.

    I have faith in the American system.

  9. At the rate joe is declining hunter better hope joe doesn’t kick the bucket on TV. I suggest there better be a pardon for hunter in joe’s will. If joe does go sleazy democRats are not going to run mamala for POTUS they’ll run the self serving lord marshal b. h. obama with hopes he’ll convince Black America to return to the democRat Plantation…surprise, surprise.

    TRUMP 2024.

  10. The presidents son in a prison.
    How the fck is that supposed to work.
    I guess his cell mates will be the secret service.
    Okay Hunter the dining area is cleared, you can go in now.
    Your private shower is ready.
    Solitary confinement in the most luxurious cell the prison can afford.
    Okay Hunter the exercise yard is empty, no one there but your personal guards.
    Hunter is going to be put on house arrest at the most.

    • Yeah complete false equivalence claim.

      “The ATF alleged that Vaughn, then 27 and living in North Liberty, Iowa, purchased seven handguns over an 18-month period, and that two of the weapons ended up in the hands of convicted felons.”

      So she had a continuing criminal enterprise for a year and a half, moving at least seven firearms and trafficking two of them to convicted felons.

      Contrast that to Hunter Biden, who purchased one firearm, had possession for 11 days and trafficked no guns to anyone.

      And yet you folks are claiming those are identical situations, hilarious reaching.

    • No Miner49, I’m upholding Hunter Biden on the gunm charges.
      4473. Are you a blah blah. As I’ve said before, “I quit yesterday, 23 hours clean and sober, prove me wrong.”
      My Fidelito Castro comment was in reference to the power of theBiden.

    • Yeah complete false equivalence claim.

      “The ATF alleged that Vaughn, then 27 and living in North Liberty, Iowa, purchased seven handguns over an 18-month period, and that two of the weapons ended up in the hands of convicted felons.”

      So she had a continuing criminal enterprise for a year and a half, moving at least seven firearms and trafficking two of them to convicted felons.

      Contrast that to Hunter Biden, who purchased one firearm, had possession for 11 days and trafficked no guns to anyone.

      And yet you folks are claiming those are identical situations, hilarious reaching.

      • @Miner49er

        “And yet you folks are claiming those are identical situations, hilarious reaching.”

        Stop it with your trolling lying BS.

        1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.

        2. Had you read the article and actually comprehended what you read and applied context you would know that it explained that the cases were “eerily similar”. The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.

        Face it Miner49er, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. A liar like his father, your other your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Joe Biden.

      • @Miner49er

        “And yet you folks are claiming those are identical situations, hilarious reaching.”

        Stop it with your trolling lying BS.

        1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.

        2. Had you read the article and actually comprehended what you read and applied context you would know that it explained that the cases were “eerily similar”. The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.

        Face it Miner49er, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. A liar like his father, your other your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Joe Biden.

        • “1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.“

          Did you even read the article above or are you just lying to prove your loyalty to the cult?
          From the article above:

          “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

          Friggin hilarious.

          “The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm“

          So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?

          The pretzel logic conservatives go through in order to hide their duplicity is just so entertaining!

        • “1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.“

          Did you even read the article above or are you just lying to prove your loyalty to the cult?
          From the article above:

          “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

          Friggin hilarious.

          “The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm“

          So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?

          The pretzel logic conservatives go through in order to hide their duplicity is just so entertaining!

    • No Miner49, I’m upholding Hunter Biden on the gunm charges.
      4473. Are you a blah blah. As I’ve said before, “I quit yesterday, 23 hours clean and sober, prove me wrong.”
      My Fidelito Castro comment was in reference to the power of theBiden.

        • The story will continue. It isn’t over yet.
          Will Hunter serve a prison sentence like any other American citizen who was found guilty of this unconstitutional law?
          I say No, if I’m wrong I’ll never comment again, will you ante up?

        • The story will continue. It isn’t over yet.
          Will Hunter serve a prison sentence like any other American citizen who was found guilty of this unconstitutional law?
          I say No, if I’m wrong I’ll never comment again, will you ante up?

          • “Will Hunter serve a prison sentence like any other American citizen who was found guilty of this unconstitutional law?“

            Given the circumstances, it’s somewhat surprising he was even charged at all:

            Former Republican member of the House of Representatives and federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy:

            “I did gun prosecutions for six years. I went after convicted felons, I went after people who were fugitives from justice. I went after lots of different people who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. But, I bet you there weren’t ten cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possessed firearms or lied on applications. I bet there weren’t a dozen. Which makes you wonder, of all the cases you could be pursuing in Delaware, why are you pursuing this one?“

          • “Will Hunter serve a prison sentence like any other American citizen who was found guilty of this unconstitutional law?“

            Given the circumstances, it’s somewhat surprising he was even charged at all:

            Former Republican member of the House of Representatives and federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy:

            “I did gun prosecutions for six years. I went after convicted felons, I went after people who were fugitives from justice. I went after lots of different people who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. But, I bet you there weren’t ten cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possessed firearms or lied on applications. I bet there weren’t a dozen. Which makes you wonder, of all the cases you could be pursuing in Delaware, why are you pursuing this one?“

          • Laptop and future prosecution for tax issues if the gun charges were not the bargain to make the rest go away.

          • Laptop and future prosecution for tax issues if the gun charges were not the bargain to make the rest go away.

  11. > To be clear, Vaughn pleaded guilty and caught a year and a day. Hunter Biden wasted the court’s time and energy by contesting what everyone knew was an open-and-shut case – his own signature was on the 4473, after all – but he will never experience toilet wine.

    He’s allowed to contest his innocence, as everyone is. You can’t hold that against him or anyone.

    And we don’t know the sentence, yet.

    So why are you assuming one, let alone one so lenient?

    • jled,

      You’d be a fun troll to play “whack-a-mole” with, if you had the cojones to stick around and attempt to defend you idiocy – but you lack cojones just as much as you lack intellect, education, and common sense. Even MajorLiar makes a (feeble) effort to defend his Leftist/fascist propaganda. You are nothing by a drive-by troll.

      And, just to be clear, put it on record: Is it your position that you’d be TOTES OK with Crackhead Hunter spending a year or two in the Greybar Hotel for his crime? A simple yes or no will suffice.

    • jled,

      You’d be a fun troll to play “whack-a-mole” with, if you had the cojones to stick around and attempt to defend you idiocy – but you lack cojones just as much as you lack intellect, education, and common sense. Even MajorLiar makes a (feeble) effort to defend his Leftist/fascist propaganda. You are nothing by a drive-by troll.

      And, just to be clear, put it on record: Is it your position that you’d be TOTES OK with Crackhead Hunter spending a year or two in the Greybar Hotel for his crime? A simple yes or no will suffice.

      • Yes, I’d be fine with whatever sentence is imposed … why wouldn’t I be? He’s obviously guilty. I think he should get something at the lower end of the sentencing guidelines because I’m pro-gun, and we all know that this infraction is bullshit, and Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence.

        I give zero shits about Hunter Biden.

        I’m really confused why you think I’d believe otherwise, tbqh.

      • Yes, I’d be fine with whatever sentence is imposed … why wouldn’t I be? He’s obviously guilty. I think he should get something at the lower end of the sentencing guidelines because I’m pro-gun, and we all know that this infraction is bullshit, and Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence.

        I give zero shits about Hunter Biden.

        I’m really confused why you think I’d believe otherwise, tbqh.

        • “Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence“

          Nope, these are completely different situations.

          Vaughn was engaged and continuing 1 1/2 year criminal enterprise trafficking at least seven firearms, and two of them went to convicted felons.

          Hunter Biden bought one gun, possessed it for 11 days and transferred it to no one.

          Of course the conservatives want to throw the book at him, his name is Biden and they’ve been trying for years to find criminal activity by his father, of course unsuccessfully so they’re rather embarrassed with the whole issue and are looking for some sort of minor win.

          • He’s Pro-Gun alright. Pro-Gun in the hands of “Trained Law Enforcement Officials” Not for the “dregs” of ugh! society.

            Actually he is just lying.

          • He’s Pro-Gun alright. Pro-Gun in the hands of “Trained Law Enforcement Officials” Not for the “dregs” of ugh! society.

            Actually he is just lying.

          • biden, of course.

            The choice is between Biden, who yes has a policy position I dislike, and Trump, who has actively attempted to overthrow the government, has promised to do so again, and will do much worse. He’s a literal threat to the union.

            Some of you took an oath to defend against people like him. I guess I’m carrying your water. 😛

            Oh, but, “you got me” because I’ll vote for biden.


          • biden, of course.

            The choice is between Biden, who yes has a policy position I dislike, and Trump, who has actively attempted to overthrow the government, has promised to do so again, and will do much worse. He’s a literal threat to the union.

            Some of you took an oath to defend against people like him. I guess I’m carrying your water. 😛

            Oh, but, “you got me” because I’ll vote for biden.


          • Then quit telling the lie that you are pro gun. As for a threat to the union. biden is unable to exercise his duties as potus. The country is being run by folks nobody elected.

            biden does not know what day it is.

          • Then quit telling the lie that you are pro gun. As for a threat to the union. biden is unable to exercise his duties as potus. The country is being run by folks nobody elected.

            biden does not know what day it is.

          • I’m 100% pro gun. But the party and candidate that seeks to overthrow the government is orders of magnitude beyond any other concern I have.

            > biden is unable to exercise his duties as potus. The country is being run by folks nobody elected. biden does not know what day it is.

            This is simply nonsense, except in the right-wing fever swamp media. Biden is old, sure, but fine. Trump is the one that can’t remember names and rambles for minutes, repeating things he’s already said.

            You fucking morons, around here, seriously.

          • So, jsled, Xiao Bai-den promulgates EOs that are CLEARLY outside the powers of the POTUS (he, himself, said that, before he found it convenient to ignore his own statements), blatantly defies SCOTUS rulings, ignores clear US immigration laws, and tries to (without Congressional approval) bind the US to long-term defense and support alliances with a foreign counry (Ukraine), and TRUMP supposedly is the one trying to “overthrow our democracy” (which the US is not and NEVER was)?? And Xiao Bai-den, the Senile Pedophile, is “old but OK”????

            What color is the sky on the planet you live on???

          • I’m 100% pro gun. But the party and candidate that seeks to overthrow the government is orders of magnitude beyond any other concern I have.

            > biden is unable to exercise his duties as potus. The country is being run by folks nobody elected. biden does not know what day it is.

            This is simply nonsense, except in the right-wing fever swamp media. Biden is old, sure, but fine. Trump is the one that can’t remember names and rambles for minutes, repeating things he’s already said.

            You fucking morons, around here, seriously.

          • So, jsled, Xiao Bai-den promulgates EOs that are CLEARLY outside the powers of the POTUS (he, himself, said that, before he found it convenient to ignore his own statements), blatantly defies SCOTUS rulings, ignores clear US immigration laws, and tries to (without Congressional approval) bind the US to long-term defense and support alliances with a foreign counry (Ukraine), and TRUMP supposedly is the one trying to “overthrow our democracy” (which the US is not and NEVER was)?? And Xiao Bai-den, the Senile Pedophile, is “old but OK”????

            What color is the sky on the planet you live on???

        • “Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence“

          Nope, these are completely different situations.

          Vaughn was engaged and continuing 1 1/2 year criminal enterprise trafficking at least seven firearms, and two of them went to convicted felons.

          Hunter Biden bought one gun, possessed it for 11 days and transferred it to no one.

          Of course the conservatives want to throw the book at him, his name is Biden and they’ve been trying for years to find criminal activity by his father, of course unsuccessfully so they’re rather embarrassed with the whole issue and are looking for some sort of minor win.

          • @Miner49er

            Stop it with your trolling lying BS.

            1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.

            2. Had you read the article and actually comprehended what you read and applied context you would know that it explained that the cases were “eerily similar”. The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.

            If Biden is going to get a lighter sentencing factoring consideration for the lying and possession then “Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence“

            Face it Miner49er, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. A liar like his father, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Joe Biden.

            So spare us your trolling lying spin BS.

          • @Miner49er

            Stop it with your trolling lying BS.

            1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.

            2. Had you read the article and actually comprehended what you read and applied context you would know that it explained that the cases were “eerily similar”. The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.

            If Biden is going to get a lighter sentencing factoring consideration for the lying and possession then “Vaughn should /also/ have gotten a much more lenient sentence“

            Face it Miner49er, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. A liar like his father, your other sick twisted perverted demented lying traitorous left wing masturbation fantasy person of desire Joe Biden.

            So spare us your trolling lying spin BS.

          • “1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.“

            Did you even read the article above or are you just lying to prove your loyalty to the cult?
            From the article above:

            “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

            Friggin hilarious.

            “The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm“

            So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?

            The pretzel logic conservatives go through in order to hide their duplicity is just so entertaining!

          • “1. No one claimed the cases were “identical situations”.“

            Did you even read the article above or are you just lying to prove your loyalty to the cult?
            From the article above:

            “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

            Friggin hilarious.

            “The two are “eerily similar” because they both involve lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm“

            So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?

            The pretzel logic conservatives go through in order to hide their duplicity is just so entertaining!

          • @Miner49er

            “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

            It was “near perfect comparison” in its proper context which is Bidens charges – both lied and both were in possession. That though is not the “identical situations” that you claimed people were claiming.

            Learn what context means.

            “So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?”

            I never said every case would be ‘eerily similar’. I said …”The two are ‘eerily similar’ because THEY BOTH INVOLVE lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.”

            Learn to read AND comprehend and learn what context means.

            Stop lying, take your trolling BS elsewhere.

          • @Miner49er

            “That said, those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.“

            It was “near perfect comparison” in its proper context which is Bidens charges – both lied and both were in possession. That though is not the “identical situations” that you claimed people were claiming.

            Learn what context means.

            “So every case charged under that law is ‘eerily similar’ to every other case under that law?”

            I never said every case would be ‘eerily similar’. I said …”The two are ‘eerily similar’ because THEY BOTH INVOLVE lying on the form and then being illegally in possession of the firearm.”

            Learn to read AND comprehend and learn what context means.

            Stop lying, take your trolling BS elsewhere.

          • MajorLiar,

            I KNOW you are stupid, but let me help you a little to TRY to understand WTF you THINK you are talking about. To anyone fluent in the English language, and at least somewhat educated, “identical situation” =/= “near perfect comparison”. Stretch your tiny mind a bit, eh? “Identical situation” means no meaningful factual differences in the situation, “near perfect comparison” means the situations are FUNCTIONALLY (i.e., for practical purposes) fundamentally the same.

            I suspect that the degenerate, whoremonger crackhead assumed that his daddy (the SENILE serial child molester and pedophile, who may ALSO very well be a crackhead) would, since he is the KING of “rules for thee, but not for me” would bail his sorry criminal @$$ out – and I’m sure he’s still counting on “the Big Guy” to at least commute his sentence, particularly if he (as most intelligent people now believe will happen) gets curb-stomped in November (at which point, he’ll literally have nothing to lose).

            Your pathetic spinning, for your fellow pathetic “progressives” (read: “Leftist/fascist authoritarians”) is truly breathtaking in its mindless scope and persistence.

          • MajorLiar,

            I KNOW you are stupid, but let me help you a little to TRY to understand WTF you THINK you are talking about. To anyone fluent in the English language, and at least somewhat educated, “identical situation” =/= “near perfect comparison”. Stretch your tiny mind a bit, eh? “Identical situation” means no meaningful factual differences in the situation, “near perfect comparison” means the situations are FUNCTIONALLY (i.e., for practical purposes) fundamentally the same.

            I suspect that the degenerate, whoremonger crackhead assumed that his daddy (the SENILE serial child molester and pedophile, who may ALSO very well be a crackhead) would, since he is the KING of “rules for thee, but not for me” would bail his sorry criminal @$$ out – and I’m sure he’s still counting on “the Big Guy” to at least commute his sentence, particularly if he (as most intelligent people now believe will happen) gets curb-stomped in November (at which point, he’ll literally have nothing to lose).

            Your pathetic spinning, for your fellow pathetic “progressives” (read: “Leftist/fascist authoritarians”) is truly breathtaking in its mindless scope and persistence.

  12. The DO has only an opinion, but no control over the sentence imposed by the judge. Clearly the judge has a great deal of discretion in determining the sentence. As the article points out, there are quite a number of aggravating factors, especially after the judge nixed the proposed whitewash. Hunter has shown no contrition, forced an expensive trial on a case on which he could not prevail after the judge rejected his 2A defense, and the proof of Hunter’s massive addiction reflected on his computer. I suspect that the judge will impose a prison sentence, but not likely more than a year.

    Yes, Joe could grant clemency or commute the sentence, but political realities may require him not to. If he does, given the background of his attacks on the 2A and gun owners generally, he will demonstrate that he is a hypocrite and an elitist. I can’t see that that would support his bid for a second term with the voters, and more likely would significantly undermine it.

  13. Guess it depends how much those in charge care about legitimacy in rule of law vs unchecked power. Based on much of the last few years I am not terribly optimistic at shitty choices being avoidable.

  14. Our resident troll, miner49er, is in high spirits today.

    He must have pulled the wings off a fly or stomped a puppy this morning.

      • “Rich. White. Connected“

        Yep, that describes the most senior Democrat leader in the House of Representatives, Hakim Jefferies.

        Hilarious, simply delusional.

      • “Rich. White. Connected“

        Yep, that describes the most senior Democrat leader in the House of Representatives, Hakim Jefferies.

        Hilarious, simply delusional.

        • COOL STORY, BRO!!!

          Now do Xiao Bai-den, the Senile Pedophile, Schmucky Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi still calls many (most??) of the shots in the “rich, white, and connected” Dimocrat Party. Who else are powerful Dimocrats?? Sheldon Whorehouse (white guy, who belongs to a “whites only” country club), Bernie Sanders (white and wealthy), Liz “Liawatha” Warren is the co-chair of the along with Mark Warner, Dick “Turban” Durbin is the Senate Majority Whip, etc., etc., etc. Shall I go on, or have I embarrassed you enough??

          Per OpenSource, approx. 90% of Wall Steet political donations went to Dimocrats. Dimocrats receive far more donations from billionaires than Republicans (also per OpenSource), etc. Again, we KNOW you’re a lying liar who lies, MajorMistake, but you could at least try not to be a STUPID liar . . . or maybe not. I can well understand that such exceeds your (extremely) meager abilities.

        • COOL STORY, BRO!!!

          Now do Xiao Bai-den, the Senile Pedophile, Schmucky Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi still calls many (most??) of the shots in the “rich, white, and connected” Dimocrat Party. Who else are powerful Dimocrats?? Sheldon Whorehouse (white guy, who belongs to a “whites only” country club), Bernie Sanders (white and wealthy), Liz “Liawatha” Warren is the co-chair of the along with Mark Warner, Dick “Turban” Durbin is the Senate Majority Whip, etc., etc., etc. Shall I go on, or have I embarrassed you enough??

          Per OpenSource, approx. 90% of Wall Steet political donations went to Dimocrats. Dimocrats receive far more donations from billionaires than Republicans (also per OpenSource), etc. Again, we KNOW you’re a lying liar who lies, MajorMistake, but you could at least try not to be a STUPID liar . . . or maybe not. I can well understand that such exceeds your (extremely) meager abilities.

  15. Why are we, the pro-gun community, not up in arms about this case just because he is named Biden? Does him being the son of a prominent anti-gun politician make the government forcing us to answer questions they can use to deny our civil rights in order to exercise those rights any less of a 5th amendment violation?

    Sure, he is a scumbag who will benefit from leniency that none of would receive in similar legal circumstances, but he is still being punished for breaking a rule that is clearly unconstitutional on its very face.

    • Up until this point in time, there is no controlling authority so establishing, which is why the court denied Hunter’s motion. Basically, the law is constitutional until a court in the same circuit holds otherwise.

    • Why are we, the pro-gun community, not up in arms about this case“

      Because most conservatives are hypocritical and delusional, it’s all about loyalty to the cult.

    • Up until this point in time, there is no controlling authority so establishing, which is why the court denied Hunter’s motion. Basically, the law is constitutional until a court in the same circuit holds otherwise.

      • I’m surprised you said that Sir.
        “Basically, the law is constitutional until a court in the same circuit holds otherwise.”
        So not true. Can it be enforced? Yes it can. Is it Constitutional? No it never was.
        Picking Nits I guess but after listening to that asshole Hakeem Jeffries lie through his teeth about the Supreme Court’s Bump Stock ruling I scrutinize every word said. And you may be correct Mark that the law is Constitutional until it isn’t. My reply was just my opinion as to how it should work in the real world.

      • I’m surprised you said that Sir.
        “Basically, the law is constitutional until a court in the same circuit holds otherwise.”
        So not true. Can it be enforced? Yes it can. Is it Constitutional? No it never was.
        Picking Nits I guess but after listening to that asshole Hakeem Jeffries lie through his teeth about the Supreme Court’s Bump Stock ruling I scrutinize every word said. And you may be correct Mark that the law is Constitutional until it isn’t. My reply was just my opinion as to how it should work in the real world.

    • Why are we, the pro-gun community, not up in arms about this case“

      Because most conservatives are hypocritical and delusional, it’s all about loyalty to the cult.

      • First of all, when did you become pro gun? Did I miss a memo?

        Seriously, you are showing cognitive decline like biden. We’re not ‘up in arms’ because this is poetic justice. biden has championed these laws and now they have snared a biden.

      • First of all, when did you become pro gun? Did I miss a memo?

        Seriously, you are showing cognitive decline like biden. We’re not ‘up in arms’ because this is poetic justice. biden has championed these laws and now they have snared a biden.

      • MajorLiar,

        If you think Republicans believing that laws, whether right or just, should be equally applied, and that the “privileged” whoremonger crackhead of a son of the Senile Pedophile shouldn’t skate for his NUMEROUS felonies is somehow “hypocritical and delusional”, you are even more stupid than I believed.

        I believe the 4473 is itself an illegal infringement on the 2A, and I will be happy when that is applied evenly to all gun owners/buyers. In the meantime, scumbag Dimocrats shouldn’t get a pass just because their Senile Pedophile daddy is the (fake) POTUS. But you either already knew that, and are just doing your usual illogical lies in defense of your idiotic agenda, or you really are more stupid than I believed possible.

      • MajorLiar,

        If you think Republicans believing that laws, whether right or just, should be equally applied, and that the “privileged” whoremonger crackhead of a son of the Senile Pedophile shouldn’t skate for his NUMEROUS felonies is somehow “hypocritical and delusional”, you are even more stupid than I believed.

        I believe the 4473 is itself an illegal infringement on the 2A, and I will be happy when that is applied evenly to all gun owners/buyers. In the meantime, scumbag Dimocrats shouldn’t get a pass just because their Senile Pedophile daddy is the (fake) POTUS. But you either already knew that, and are just doing your usual illogical lies in defense of your idiotic agenda, or you really are more stupid than I believed possible.

  16. Forcing the government to prove their case to a jury is not a waste of the courts time, it is what the courts are for. Trump should say thay he will pardon Hunter along with everyone else who has ever been convicted of the same charge.

    • Given that he wants to significantly expand background checks to include any and all sales in order to keep guns out of the hands of bad people, there is no way he can do that without conceding defeat of a major tenet of gun control doctrine.

    • “Trump should say thay he will pardon Hunter along with everyone else“

      Really, why didn’t Trump pardon all the J6 defendants? He could’ve issued a blanket pardon for anyone involved in the attack on the United States Capitol, but since none of them ponied up the $2 million pardon fee it just wasn’t going to happen.

      Kind of shitty of him, invite them all and promise “it will be wild!” and then leave them all hanging out to dry, now there’s some cult loyalty for you.

    • Given that he wants to significantly expand background checks to include any and all sales in order to keep guns out of the hands of bad people, there is no way he can do that without conceding defeat of a major tenet of gun control doctrine.

      • I hate Biden with a passion, but we may very well be so screwed by the end of a Trump term that we have yet to see what is going to hit us.
        Someone else already said it. Approximately 330,000,000 people in our Awesome Nation and these two are the ones who we are vying for?
        God, Please come soon…

      • I hate Biden with a passion, but we may very well be so screwed by the end of a Trump term that we have yet to see what is going to hit us.
        Someone else already said it. Approximately 330,000,000 people in our Awesome Nation and these two are the ones who we are vying for?
        God, Please come soon…

        • OH LORD, GIVE ME A BREAK! Any comparisons of Biden to Trump are just as stupid as the day is long. Some idiot above was saying Trump was trying to overthrow the government! I can listen to the other side but I won’t suffer fools.

        • OH LORD, GIVE ME A BREAK! Any comparisons of Biden to Trump are just as stupid as the day is long. Some idiot above was saying Trump was trying to overthrow the government! I can listen to the other side but I won’t suffer fools.

    • “Trump should say thay he will pardon Hunter along with everyone else“

      Really, why didn’t Trump pardon all the J6 defendants? He could’ve issued a blanket pardon for anyone involved in the attack on the United States Capitol, but since none of them ponied up the $2 million pardon fee it just wasn’t going to happen.

      Kind of shitty of him, invite them all and promise “it will be wild!” and then leave them all hanging out to dry, now there’s some cult loyalty for you.

  17. Anyone who supports a government supports stealing, murder, and kidnapping.

    Governments are criminal organizations like the mafia, ms 13, inner city gangs. same stuff disguised.

        • Hey, did you get the memo? You need to follow the tribal lead, toe the party line a little closer.

          Yep, she had a continuing criminal enterprise trafficking firearms for a year and a half, including providing at least two firearms to convicted felons.

          Hunter Biden only had one gun, possessed it for only 11 days and transferred it to no one.

          If you want to retain your membership in the cult, you’ll have to pretend that they are situated in the exact same manner and should be treated identically at sentencing.

        • Hey, did you get the memo? You need to follow the tribal lead, toe the party line a little closer.

          Yep, she had a continuing criminal enterprise trafficking firearms for a year and a half, including providing at least two firearms to convicted felons.

          Hunter Biden only had one gun, possessed it for only 11 days and transferred it to no one.

          If you want to retain your membership in the cult, you’ll have to pretend that they are situated in the exact same manner and should be treated identically at sentencing.

          • You are nowhere near as good as your predecessor 2 years ago. Good luck with that cult thing it seems about as catchy as pushing rope given the lockstep the anti trump and covid crazies got up to.

          • You are nowhere near as good as your predecessor 2 years ago. Good luck with that cult thing it seems about as catchy as pushing rope given the lockstep the anti trump and covid crazies got up to.

  18. I dont agree with guilty until proven innocent. (backround checks)

    If someone is that dangerous they need to be removed from society or have a guardian.

    The whole system is a massive failure. criminals have full auto and could very easily have more if they wanted. in chicago criminals go in groups and guard street corners with automatic guns while the car theif performs the theft.

    the media does not care and the mainstream is living in a fantasy world.

  19. Are you all blind, no matter what Hunter gets, after the election bumbling Joe will pardon Hunter because it doesn’t matter. “Win or lose” Then after 2 or 4 years to the next elections people will forget all about it and elect more idiots.

    I have faith in the American system.

    • Wouldn’t the president pardoning his son for a crime he was convicted of be breach of power? And if he could pardon his son for being convicted of lying on a 4473 form would not that also excuse anyone else.
      Oh who am I kidding, it’s theBiden, it can do what ever it wants.
      Long live Facism.

    • Wouldn’t the president pardoning his son for a crime he was convicted of be breach of power? And if he could pardon his son for being convicted of lying on a 4473 form would not that also excuse anyone else.
      Oh who am I kidding, it’s theBiden, it can do what ever it wants.
      Long live Facism.

  20. At the rate joe is declining hunter better hope joe doesn’t kick the bucket on TV. I suggest there better be a pardon for hunter in joe’s will. If joe does go sleazy democRats are not going to run mamala for POTUS they’ll run the self serving lord marshal b. h. obama with hopes he’ll convince Black America to return to the democRat Plantation…surprise, surprise.

    TRUMP 2024.

    • Furthermore…This declining biden clown show co-starring a sneaky b. h. obama in the role of a caregiver lovingly walking the sunsetting joe off the stage indicates why it is imperative Trump select a Black VP ASAP.

    • Furthermore…This declining biden clown show co-starring a sneaky b. h. obama in the role of a caregiver lovingly walking the sunsetting joe off the stage indicates why it is imperative Trump select a Black VP ASAP.

  21. The presidents son in a prison.
    How the fck is that supposed to work.
    I guess his cell mates will be the secret service.
    Okay Hunter the dining area is cleared, you can go in now.
    Your private shower is ready.
    Solitary confinement in the most luxurious cell the prison can afford.
    Okay Hunter the exercise yard is empty, no one there but your personal guards.
    Hunter is going to be put on house arrest at the most.

  22. Our resident troll, miner49er, is in high spirits today.

    He must have pulled the wings off a fly or stomped a puppy this morning.


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