Barbara LeSavoy (courtesy

Barbara LeSavoy is the director of Women and Gender Studies at The College at Brockport, New York. She’s also an Obama supporter. In a big way. “I voted for Barack Obama. Twice,” she declares at “During his 2008 presidential campaign, my two daughters, partner, and I ate every meal in our house on Obama placemats. We bought these at our local supermarket, plastic-coated, plate-sized paper rectangles with an image of his face framed by colors of the flag. While politically minded, I am not overly patriotic, so this mealtime ritual of American allegiance was odd for me. Still, we looked at the image of his face each day and we believed that he really could be the change in America.” On the gun control front, Dr. LeSavoy is slightly disenchanted with President Obama. In fact, the bleeding heart’s heart is bleeding, metaphorically speaking. Check it . . .

Today, I write this letter with a bleeding heart. I admire Obama. But he has let me down. I am disappointed because his presidency could have done more for our country, and sadly, the many taken lives who cannot read this essay. I still worry about urgent social tensions facing our nation, and I recognize their ongoing complexities in policy and legislative action. But gun violence can be averted. Can our country ever be free from senseless gun-crime?

Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. This is his legacy. To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.

Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He can change the country. He can do it today. I believe in him.

It’s a bit surprising that a university professor doesn’t know – or care about – the limitations to Presidential power as set forth by the United States Constitution, the Second Amendment of which protects Americans’ right to keep and bear arms from government infringement. Infringements like, say, banning their sale, possession or carry. But then what do I know? I’m a product of a patriarchal society whose sexist, dysfunctional culture perpetuates male dominance by mythologizing violence; raising firearms to totemic status while subverting female values and principles. Or something like that.

[h/t CW]


    • Not really. But calling her a “college professor” is a stretch – she’s a professor of political genital studies. A PhD of sticking genitals into politics no less! And her internal conflict of not being patriotic vs. those placemats is likewise easy to explain. No, she’s not patriotic. What she is is a fascist who is easily swept up in a cult of personality. And probably wants to initiate the use of force, through proxies in .gov, to make us all agree with her.

      • professor of political genital studies…kinda the same thing as Monica Lewinsky was doin’. I’d bet she swings tuther way, though.

    • Director of women’s and gender studies, huh…..

      Men don’t need a college class to understand themselves.

      • Well look at her “field of study” with her logic I’m not surprised she couldn’t hit it out of the ball park in math or science.

      • That class is called “History of the World”. The problem with the feminist and women’s movement is they are so preoccupied with making noise while others are making history. That might have something to do with our fundamental differences: women are drawn to community and highly communicative while men tend to base merit on actions. As it’s said in the Bible, Adam came from the earth and so men are adept at working the earth, Eve came from Adam’s rib and so women are adept at being relational and nurturing. So basically feminists are just as happy talking about changing something as actually changing it, while men don’t care to talk about changing something and just want to get it done.

  1. I remember “debating” with someone on Twitter who looked an awful lot like that. The handle was @SistaSimone, which is pertinent because she tweets more gun photos than I do. (Don’t expect her to know what they mean, though.)

    • You and Miguel can have fun debating that level of derp. I’m still trying to figure out if she is a pure troll account or if she really is that retarded.

  2. I’d like to wipe my arse with Obama toilet paper…except it might give me hemorrhoids, since he’s such a big pain in the rear!

  3. “I’m a product of a patriarchal society whose sexist, dysfunctional culture perpetuates male dominance by mythologizing violence; raising firearms to totemic status while subverting female values and principles. Or something like that.”

    I think she’s mad because you plagiarized her doctoral thesis.

    • Don’t worry. Every college has its resident fools, and the race/class/gender/ethnic studies department is at least a relatively harmless place to keep them.

    • Amen. I started my gun collection with a Mosin-Nagant M44 in my junior year at UCLA. Waited ten days to pick it up, and those were the longest ten days of my life. Last time I bought a gun in my present home state, I was out the door in about 20 minutes 🙂

      You know, I kind of miss the anticipation…not enough to ever move back though.

    • I’ll have you know that last night, I was the tooth fairy.

      My Little girl was very pleased.

    • The prosecution submits as evidence Dr. Utopia’s comment,

      To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.

      Let the record show that Dr. Utopia believes eliminating firearms will somehow prevent males from using knives, clubs, chains, their hands and feet, hammers, etc. to attack others … clearly establishing that this woman has totally lost touch with reality. The prosecution rests.

  4. Eating dinner on some politician’s printed face isn’t what I’d call a “mealtime ritual of American allegiance.” More like partisan celebrity worship…but it’s so easy to confuse the two these days. You know, patriarchal cisnormativity or something.

    • Progressivisim is a polytheist religion… much in the tradition of the ancient Romans and Cesar, but requiring a higher level of stupidity and arrogance.

    • Click on the link to her faculty page, take note of the international studies work she’s done in Russia, and methinks you will understand even better the type of world she longs for.

  5. To be a progressive is to be a totalitarian. It today’s progressives had it their way, we’d all be in some prison or executed. It’s the one way they’d be in favor of more prisons and death penalties. Sad to say, but the view us as their evil mortal enemy. We’re less than human to them and by any means necessary…………

  6. Sadly, another academic elitist. She is so self absorbed in her own biases, she has failed to realize or care she is a another fascist. We cannot trust someone, man or woman, who claims to know what is in our best interest.

  7. “While politically minded, I am not overly patriotic”

    And here in lies the problem. Patriotism has been abolished in our culture. Even if you think there are things wrong with my country that is no reason to give up hope for it and faith in it.
    If you aren’t a patriotic to the nation who has given so much to allow you the freedoms you enjoy you should:
    1. Re-evaluate that which is important to you
    2. Find a place that fits that criteria
    3. Go there and be a productive member of society.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    • Yep. The progressives despise america and everything it represents.

      Personal freedom, personal responsibility, the right to KABA; being an individual and not some hive drone subservient to some “collective” good.

      Yep. Proud flag waving American, I am. Still the greatest country in the world, despite the best efforts of the progressive/communist/ statist hive drones.

  8. “We bought these at our local supermarket, plastic-coated, plate-sized paper rectangles with an image of his face framed by colors of the flag. ”

    From Lenin to Hitler, Stalin to Mao, Kim Il Sung to Pol Pot, Castro to Chavez, the leftists just love the cult of personality. It is remarkable that in supposedly egalitarian regimes authority is so often hereditary. Speaking of, I would like to propose a constitutional amendment that immediate family members (children/spouses) of former presidents be barred from presidency.

    • “I would like to propose a constitutional amendment that immediate family members (children/spouses) of former presidents be barred from presidency.”

      I would like to propose a constitutional amendment that immediate family members (children/spouses/sons/brothers) of former presidents be barred from presidency. FIFY

      Stay out the Bushes

      • +1, forgot to include siblings. In 220 years only 44 people have held the office. Even if Hillary and Jeb are one-in-a-million, in a nation of 310 million there are 308 people just as “good”.

  9. Jeez. I’m as patriotic as the next guy. Maybe more so. But placemats with a politicians face on them?
    That, and admitting that he or she voted for the Idiot twice… She or he needs help.

  10. Voted for him twice, huh? Just goes to show that a PhD doesn’t confer intelligence. The stupid is strong with this one.

  11. ” the many taken lives who cannot read this essay.”

    Well, it’s pretty clear she doesn’t teach English.

    • Those “taken lives” are officially lucky that they can’t read her drivel. Frankly I’m sorry I did. Pseudo intellectual’s are the most clueless humans on the planet IMNSHO.

  12. > male violence

    Ban men! Do it for the children, or at least half of them!

    >we looked at the image of his face each day and we believed that he really could be the change in America…to…usher in…peace and civility

    Obama…as the second coming?

    • Ban men? Men will always be needed for reproduction. So long as it isn’t like something out of the movie “Coma” I’d give serious consideration to being put out to stud!
      Then again, since I’m commenting on this page and would be found out, the chances my genes would be considered undesirable by Dr. Utopia’s perfect society are likely quite high. They’ll only keep the weak-jawed men in thick-rimmed glasses who wear scarves as fashion accessories.

  13. Ritually eating your dinner off icons of a presidential candidate’s face isn’t patriotism, it’s submission to a cult of personality. That’s one of the more un-American things I can think of. Hmmm…maybe we should laminate some copies of the Bill of Rights to use as place mats? Would that be weird?

  14. Ah, such childlike faith . . . kinda like the Obamite who was certain that if got elected he would pay for her mortgage, gas, etc.:
    Not surprising that this genius teaches a worthless pseudo-discipline at a bottom tier community college. Intelligence is obviously not a prerequisite for a position there.

  15. “t’s a bit surprising that a university professor doesn’t know – or care about – the limitations to Presidential power as set forth by the United States Constitution”

    Sure, she knows all about it…she just couldn’t care less. Stalinists and Nazis are like that, you know.

  16. Yeah, when you’re buying Obama placemats, get the ones without the red, white, and blue. That just makes it weird.

  17. Now I’m sure she’s a Poe’s Law. She’s a straight-up caricature of a conservative’s stereotype of a leftist female university professor.

  18. I know the supermarkets around Brockport. There’s no way she bought obama place mats there. I’m calling Bull$#!+. She got them off one of those websites for the chronically ugly and tragically ill-informed.

  19. Women and Gender Studies. That says it all. Lesbian, anti-male, and “anti-violence” studies with a hard left progressive bent, founded on the implicit premise that if only testosterone were eliminated, peace would prevail. I bet she votes for Sanders in the nominating elections, unless she is convinced that Hillary is even farther to the left (she’s not, but she wants people to believe that she is. She is anti-gun, but that is about the scope of her “progressive” credentials.)

    What the heck? My comment is awaiting moderation? Since when do we have moderation here? Heck, I didn’t even use any “non-PC” words!

    • Something in what you wrote triggered it.

      I have no idea what…

      Oh, this broad. This says it all, from her page:

      Courses Taught

      Sex and Culture
      Honors Sex and Culture

      Er, shouldn’t *some* experience be required there?

      Any? Please?

  20. Okay, we already know that there are crazy people out there getting paid to be crazy, but where can I get a job like that? I bet it pays way better than what I am doing now. I can be that crazy, easy.

  21. high levels of male violence

    So the Director of Women and Gender Studies hates men.

    This is my shocked face.

  22. Hillary will nominate her for a cabinet post. Secretary of (Re-) Education, perhaps. I have a feeling they see eye to eye on most socio-sexual issues.

  23. What The Fuck! Can I get a refund on the time I spent reading that drivel. Seriously, how has Darwin not called this retard home?

  24. Obama placemats. Genius. I’ll market them as diet aids and make a fortune!

    As long as I don’t do anything dumb like posting my idea on the Internet…..

  25. “Director of Women and Gender Studies”

    In other words, she would be a jobless, useless tool in the private industry. She needs to be thanking god and government they created a BS program for her and her ilk to get paychecks and live as well as they do.

    Schools creating degrees so kids can graduate and get jobs in other schools teaching this same crap is the equivalent of a pyramid scheme.

    • Even more surprising is that it is mandatory to take a class in women’s studies to graduate from a Brockport. So she only has a job because students are forced to take a class in her department. Assuming this rule hasn’t changed since my time there which was not recent.

  26. “While politically minded, I am not overly patriotic, so this mealtime ritual of American allegiance was odd for me.”

    That was as bald an admission of idiocy as I have ever heard. Juxtaposing “Obama” with “patriotic” and “American allegiance” is stating for the record that you have no idea what the latter two mean or what the former stands for.

    Are we sure this isn’t a satire?

  27. Is TTAG just trying to fill space? Why post a story about a nobody that has nothing to do with anything? We all know these idiots exist already and thankfully they’re dreams will never come true.

    • I think it’s good to remember that creatures like this exist, and are in places of even slight power, like teaching. Becoming complacent and forgetting that many, many Americans are our greatest enemies would be foolish.

      That, and if fence sitters visit TTAG and see creatures like this on the anti side, it may make them think twice about being associated with them.

    • Perhaps you underestimate the amount of damage that can be done by someone who gives lectures to students in compulsory classes, and requires their agreement with her opinions for a passing grade.

  28. This can’t possibly be a real person. She’s an amalgam of all the laughable ridiculousness associated with the looney left. She’s so far gone as to be indistinguishable from satire.

    Another good example to bookmark and trot out every time liberals say they’re for freedom. This article is about banning things, destroying natural rights, and worshiping political figures like royalty. Sounds par for the course for NY.

    Truly astonishing that leftists can’t fathom that the reason we’ll never have a “culture of peace and civility” is because THEY exist.

  29. “It’s a bit surprising that a university professor doesn’t know – or care about – the limitations to Presidential power…”

    Remember, she’s not patriotic, she just has a metaphorical (?) boner for Obama. So much so that she eats off placemats bearing his face- as Orwellian a thought as I’ve had today. She may not know the limitations (Gender Studies… lol) or may just not care.

  30. “To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence”

    What? She’s going to completely overlook the violent efforts of female school shooters like Brenda Spencer (she didn’t like Mondays), Laurie Dann, Jillian Spencer, Latina Williams and Amy Bishop?
    How non-empowering.

    • Or, for a more heroic example, Lyudmila Pavlichenko? She killed 300 Nazis, according to Woody Guthrie

  31. “Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. the dumbshit who started the bloodiest conflict in American history. That would be his legacy.”


  32. ‘sadly, the many taken lives who cannot read this essay’

    If mine were one of the ‘many taken lives’ – I would want my loved ones to take some small comfort in knowing I was never subjected to her essay. As it is, I will have to find a reason to go on… somehow.

  33. “To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.”

    You’re just trolling us. There’s no way somebody with the IQ to spell those words thinks that guns are the sole cause of violence in the world.

    Wars, death, and atrocities happened long before the invention of firearms. It happened with swords, pointed sticks, and even rocks. It’ll probably continue to happen after “guns” are ancient history and there’s some new technology for killing.

  34. This is one of those people that lives in liberal la la land where the unicorns shit rainbows. They think that the world is a beautiful place and nothing bad will happen cause they live in there no crime 9-5 bubble.

    • “They think that the world is a beautiful place and nothing bad will happen cause they live in there no crime 9-5 bubble.”

      It is even worse than that.

      Their no-crime 9-5 bubble is NOT “no crime.” They just choose to ignore any crime or patterns of crime that don’t fit their narrative.

      Ask the good “professor” how many rapes occurred on Gun Free Zone college campuses last year that did NOT involve a gun. Ask her how many strong armed robberies occurred in America last year. Ask her how many homicides occurred that involved no gun at all.

      Cognitive Dissonance is a thing. The real world does not, CAN NOT, line up with her worldview, and that’s at least part of the root of her “discomfort” as she looks out at the world.

  35. There is still hope for College students minds.

    I have a friend who is taking a 1st in its kind history course at UT Arlington
    History 4388-005: Guns in U.S. History
    The Professor’s stated goal was for the students not know where he stands on the gun debate at the end of the semester.

    Hope this course turns out well.

  36. Gender and womens study sound like classes, not a degree. Do these people just make crap up to give themselves jobs, then they wonder why they cant find work with degrees like that.

  37. Obama placemats. She picked those up at the flea market while she was shopping for her wardrobe. I guess life is fairly straightforward and simple when you begin each day automatically hating half the population. She’d hate Obama too but he’s proved to be a house broken useful idiot for her cause.

  38. “To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.”

    Another “educated” progressive shows just how far she has divorced herself from reality.

  39. The women and gender studies department should be banned. Talk about legalized theft, in the form of fake degrees that have zero educational or work related merit.

    • The same goes for all “victim” studies programs and departments, whose sole aim is to permanently indoctrinate students with resentment and grievances toward capitalism, liberty, and everything positive about this country.

  40. If banning guns is such an effective approach, then why stop at the general population? Why not disarm the police, the military, and all federal agents, including the Secret Service?

  41. Doubtful. Those are BCs. If your great grandmother had had those, then you wouldn’t be here.

  42. “Men Violence?”

    So I was in the men’s room of a house of worship when I spy a formal lexan enclosed poster on the wall. It states to beware that women are capable of mental and emotional abuse.

    I get that woman’s points. But going there weakens her position. It comes out like man hate.
    Men do a whole lot of jacked up stuff in this world. But you know what? They were all children born of men and women. Moms & Dads are responsible for the kind of people their children become. Don’t want your son to be an &$$ raise him to be respectful and polite to everyone and have safe gun handling skills. Same goes for daughter. Teach her to never take crap off of men or boys but to have self respect and be respectful.

    So this woman’s efforts are best focused on her students who in a few years will be parents.

  43. In a rational world, one might expect feminists to save some of their scorn and bile for Muslims, who actually practice the misogyny that is wrongly attributed to conservatives and gun owners. But like all leftists, they’re obliged to subordinate their alleged core “principles” for the overarching cause of destroying Western society in general and America in particular. Toward that end, leftists and Muslims are allies, and leftists never attack friends.

  44. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If people like this had their way we would be living in Demolition Man, as silly as a movie as that was back in the 90s. They would feminize every male, ban sex (because all male driven sex is rape omg), ban meat, all wear moumous etc. This is their fantasy land and I don’t think they even realize it. The cringes her thought process brings on have motivated me to buy a CZ-75 next week.

  45. Once again, I somehow feel the need to proclaim that the mischief that goes on in NY is Not My Fault.

  46. Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. This is his legacy. To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.

    Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He can change the country. He can do it today. I believe in him.

    Whaaat!? Cripes, where to start:

    1) I can’t believe I’m doing this, but now I have to kinda-sorta defend Obama. It amazes me these liberals who complain that Obama has “let them down” on issues that he clearly has tried to do but has been hampered by the GOP. This is a perfect example. He can “organize this directive?” Lady, HE TRIED. He tried just to get universal background checks passed and the Senate killed it. There isn’t much else he can do. Doing that alone used up a lot of political capital and weakened him in his second term.

    2) Gun control will magically create peace and civility? WOW.

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