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Yesterday, we learned that The Florida Division of Licensing was moving to suspend Shellie Zimmerman’s concealed carry permit. Today the AP reports that “Forensic tests made public Wednesday show that George Zimmerman’s was the only DNA that could be identified on the grip of the gun used to fatally shoot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.” Coincidence? Hardly. Special Prosecutor Angela Corey overshot the target by pressing for a Second Degree Murder charge against Zimmerman. Clearly, her office is launching a major CYA pre-trial publicity blitz. After all, what difference does it make that Martin’s DNA isn’t on Zimmerman’s Kel-Tec PF-9? The forthcoming crime scene photos and sketches could cause quite a stir, but I wonder what the soon-to-be-released emails are all about. Watch this space.

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  1. Was there supposed to be someone else’s DNA on it, like maybe the real Nicole Simpson killer? No one ever suggested cute little Trayvon shot himself, not even O’Mara.

    Is this how a bad case is prosecuted?

  2. Really? WTF were they expecting? “Hey did you know, water…is wet…its true!” CAPTAIN OBVIOUS STRIKES AGAIN

  3. It would be great if prosecutors and the DOJ went after real intentional gangsta murderers in Chicago with the same out-for-blood enthusiasm that they have gone after Zimmerman. I’m still waiting for Obama to make a statement (like he did about Martin) that if he had a son the victims (and shooters) in Chicago’s south side would look like him. Ah well, what can one expect from a politician? We have had white presidents who were racist and now we have a black president who is a racist.

    • Just because Trayvon and the President are the same color, that makes him racist? Your logic is faulty at best. He is not obligated to comment on every single event that occurs.

      You don’t have to like the President but at least have some facts to back up a claim of that nature. Racism is a very serious accusation. I am sure that If you had personally been discriminated against you would not throw the word around so callously.

      • Get your head out of the sand Keith. The left is obsessed with race, and the further to the left the more obsessed. Our President is as far left as the spectrum is defined, and then some.

      • Keith, we don’t take kindly to rational, well-thought-out discourse around these parts. Only knee-jerk reactions and negative blanket statements about POTUS are allowed! See the comment above mine if you need an example. 😉

      • The campaign to Re-elect the Chairman apparently has its volunteers all over the Al Gore invented Internet spreading Ms-Information.

        If Obama can pick and choose to comment on individual events then so can I. Obama is racist (and sexist against men in supporting numerous pro-feminist anti-male misandry policies, programs, and agendas). What makes you imagine that I and every other reader here haven’t been discriminated against in some or many forms? I have been discriminated against in several ways because of my identity: I’m white, male, heterosexual, and Jewish.

        The Left believes it is ethical and legal to openly practice racism, hate, bigotry, and special class status for certain groups.

        Look up:
        1) The First Amendment (it’s in the Bill of Rights just before the Second Amendment which is the right of the civilian population to own, posses, and use guns).
        2) Satire and political satire.

        • “The Left believes it is ethical and legal to openly practice racism, hate, bigotry, and special class status for certain groups.”

          LOL WTF? I think you are a VERY solid contender for today’s Armed Intelligentsia award! My advice to you is to loosen your tinfoil hat and stop listening to whatever bagger media channel is feeding you such utter dribble.

        • hmmmm, have you heard the good news. TTAG has hit the 30 million view mark. Isn’t that wonderful? Along with all the rest of us you,hmmmm, have helped to make this the #1 pro gun site in America. Doesn’t that thrill you to know you’re helping to make concealed carry a reality for all Americans? And no more AWB’s, heady times we live in and you’re part of that.

      • You don’t have to like the President but at least have some facts to back up a claim of that nature.

        How about his apointment of AG Eric Holder who said whites can not be victims of hate crimes, because there has to be a historical basis of discrimination against a group? In which he also ignored the past 50 years worth of black on white race riots.

        Or Obama saying that if he had a son he would look like Treyvon, complete with numerous gold teeth, tattoos, and throwing around gang signs?

      • Keith, how about not investigating “his people” in the Philly voter intimidation incident? Does that count?

  4. Gee, with all the stuff that’s been released before the trial, you’d almost think someone was trying to poison the jury pool…

  5. Had Martin’s DNA been found on the gun, it would have pointed to a struggle over the gun and might have helped Zimmerman establish his claim of self-defense. That’s not to say that Zimmerman will be unable to establish his self-defense claim, but this discovery doesn’t help.

    But I have a problem with all evidence produced by the prosecution anywhere. There have been thousands of falsified lab reports and tests in New York City, the FBI lab and, worst of all, the 3000 fake results produced by Joyce Gilchrist in Oklahoma City that resulted in the execution of at least 11 men who may have been innocent.

    • Ralph, it looks like the report only makes a definitive statement about DNA found on the grip. No definitive conclusion was made about the holster, and the pistol’s slide is not even mentioned.

      • Agree with Moonshine here. Logic would lead you to think that if there were a struggle over the gun, Trayvon’s DNA would be almost anywhere OTHER than the grip since George’s hands would likely be covering it.

        Also, in response to Peritas and Keith above; the President had NO BUSINESS inserting himself in this affair, making assumptive, incendiary comments about it, and no doubt making it difficult to fairly prosecute (or drop) this case – ESPECIALLY when most of the facts were not yet known.

        I believe he was guilty of what he has accused Romney of doing recently.

  6. I don’t see how anybody, regardless of race, can expect a fair trial with the media circus this has become. Even the potus felt obligated to make a public statement comparing Trayvon to a son he never had. With this level of attention I just don’t see how it will be possible to seat an untainted jury.

    • “I don’t see how anybody, regardless of race, can expect a fair trial with the media circus this has become”

      That was fully the intention of the MSM and politicians.

  7. “Also, in response to Peritas and Keith above; the President had NO BUSINESS inserting himself in this affair, making assumptive, incendiary comments about it”

    Neither should Obama have earlier inserted himself into the affair of the white police officer who along with a black police officer arrested the black university professor eventually resulting in Obama inviting both to the White House for beer and pretzels. As I recall the black mayor of the town and the black governor also jumped in criticizing the white police officer without concern for the facts or fairness.

  8. “No Martin DNA found on Zimmerman’s gun grip”

    At first glance, I thought the MSNBC caption said “no Martian DNA found…”

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