Only three days after disgraced Biden holdover and acting U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson argued in front of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that suppressors are not arms protected by the Second Amendment and that the defense’s request for an en banc hearing in United States v. George Peterson be denied, the Department of Justice has sent Simpson back with his tail between his legs to request a 30-day delay in the court’s ruling so the government may “further consider its position.”
It has been a great last couple of days for Pam Bondi’s Justice Department, getting on board the Second Amendment advocacy train by opening up rights restoration for the first time since 1992, hiring Second Amendment scholar and advocate Robert Leider as Assistant Director and Chief Counsel for the ATF, and having a proverbial movement in acting U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson’s morning cereal. Oh, to be a fly on the wall the moment he was ordered back to the 5th Circuit in what looks like the beginning of a turd sandwich this loser may have to swallow.
To be clear, Simpson has been with the DOJ since the George W. Bush administration and was made First Assistant U.S. Attorney in 2018 during President Trump’s initial term, only to fall into the acting U.S. Attorney seat on February 25 of this year. So, while the argument can be made that he is not technically a Biden holdover, I invoke the “if it walks like a duck” defense.
Now, let’s play a game I like to call, “Tell me you’re a corrupt treasonous little snake without telling me you’re a corrupt treasonous little snake.” If you look at the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), specifically section 5845 labeled “Definitions,” you’ll find the following:
“(a) Firearm. The term ‘firearm’ means (1) a shotgun having a barrel or barrels of less than 18 inches in length; (2) a weapon made from a shotgun if such weapon as modified has an overall length of less than 26 inches or a barrel or barrels of less than 18 inches in length; (3) a rifle having a barrel or barrels of less than 16 inches in length; (4) a weapon made from a rifle if such weapon as modified has an overall length of less than 26 inches or a barrel or barrels of less than 16 inches in length; (5) any other weapon, as defined in subsection (e); (6) a machinegun; (7) any silencer (as defined in section 921 of title 18, United States Code); and (8) a destructive device. The term ‘firearm’ shall not include an antique firearm or any device (other than a machinegun or destructive device) which, although designed as a weapon, the Secretary finds by reason of the date of its manufacture, value, design, and other characteristics is primarily a collector’s item and is not likely to be used as a weapon.”
Uh oh… So, the NFA, regulated by the ATF under the Department of Justice, says silencers are firearms? But, Michael, Simpson… But he said… The U.S Attorney… And this has been another edition of “Tell me you’re a corrupt treasonous little snake without telling me you’re a corrupt treasonous little snake.” Tune in next time for, “My name is Michael Simpson, and I need to file for unemployment.” I really hope this morally reprehensible basket of phalli gets his walking papers.
Of course, as I write this on a Friday afternoon, trying to find a good note on which to head off into the weekend sunset, I must remind myself that the abominations we call the NFA, GCA, and the Hughes Amendment are all infringements under the Constitution. The mental gymnastics played by the left like a broken record, acting as if the Second Amendment has some obscure meaning other than what it says in plain English and its historical basis, is a shining example of why Americans can not and will not trust their leaders, and complete vindication of any citizen who labels this government tyrannical.
A stuffed shirt! Choose a stuffing of your choice.
People are policy.
Policy just changed.
“a shining example of why Americans can not and will not trust their leaders, and complete vindication of any citizen who labels this government tyrannical.”
Well said.
The “accessories are not firearm” argument is popular, regarding silencers. Interesting not a single 2A advocate organization is putting the NFA definition of firearms at the forefront of legal arguments before the newly admitted politicians known as “progressive judges”*
It is beyond bizarre that govt is selling (and winning) the proposition that the govt that is the target of the Second Amendment has constitutional, or any, authority to declare which weapons “we the people” may use to discipline same said govt. Additionally, the NFA itself makes plain it is an infringement on the RTKBA.
*20Mar25, Schummer openly declared he confirmed ~275 “progressive” (hence, political) judges.
But let’s not dare inform the public about how History Confirms Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. The masses are too busy having fun to care about hearing that. Instead take the david hoggs of the world shooting where they’ll have fun and accept the 2A just like a lot of hunters who say, “why I’ve had fun hunting all my life but no one needs a high capacity black rifle.”
To be blunt…If being prepared to cite the Diabolical History of Gun Control is not in your Defense of The Second Amendment some slick Gun Control zealot will shove their Gun Control right up your fun loving ignorant behind.
Well worth viewing…
If suppressors are NOT firearms, they have no place on the NFA.
Opps, he didn’t think that through.
I think potg should be happy with his decision and follow through with it.
Good write up here Darwin.
(my opinion)
👍👍up and 5⭐’s
oooh, scarlet letters on his forehead. Too bad that leftists flaunt them as a badge of honor.
$100 on this lol fella is another product of Yale.
BREAKING: Dumbest terrorist group ever robs (shoplifts at) Palmetto State Armory.
List to this left wing news idiot woman at about 6:10 in the above video. Typical left-wing mental illness out of context and ignorance … its exactly how Miner49er (AKA and all the other user name spellings he uses now, AKA Missy12) posts here with no real understanding of the subject and cherry picking out of context and ignorance.
They jumped from defending USAID grifting and trillions in COVID fraud to defending fascist antisemites to defending known and active criminal gangs from other countries. All while burning electric cars.
Just when you think the ACLU can’t get any more unAmerican they fight to import violent offender gang members from foreign nations.
They’re gonna run away with the midterms for sure now with this winning platform. I’m literally shaking.
Report: U.S. Army Special Operations Issues Threat Advisory Over Leftist Attacks On Tesla Owners, Vehicles.
All you left wingers who own Teslas …. the left-wing and Democrat congress representatives, and left wing globalist billionaires want to kill you and your families and destroy your property and is specifically targeting you as they carry out their massive on-going violent domestic terrorist attack on the United States funded by left-wing groups and millionaires and condoned by and even urged on by Democrat congress representatives. So remember, you voted for this.
It has taken AG Bondi a while to discover this happening. Seems like she would have been briefed on any anti-2A proceedings in the courts before this happened since she did get an executive order over almost two months ago.
The main point is what priorities does the house and senate have in repealing the 1934 NFA, 1968 Gun Control Act, 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act, and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. There is no discussions about this and seems like their only focus from the house and senate involves supporting repealing ATF rules under the executive order while not repealing these Acts is still bad for us. The house and senate have had enough time to repeal them. We don’t have all the time in the world with the mid-terms voting cycle in the house and senate coming up next year. We will see their priorities on 2A by the mid-term elections next year.