Home » Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary With AR-15 Photo and ‘Lock Her Up’ Magazine on Instagram

Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary With AR-15 Photo and ‘Lock Her Up’ Magazine on Instagram

John Boch - comments No comments

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but Donald Trump Jr. was busy trolling Hillary Clinton. In the process, he triggered plenty of gun haters.

He posted a photo on Instagram of himself holding one of America’s favorite rifles, the much-hated AR-15. However, it was the magazine in the rifle that no doubt triggered those most easily-offended.

There are millions of America’s Favorite Rifle™ across the land, but this one belongs to Don Jr. And the PMAG with Hillary’s likeness behind bars was the cherry on top.

Here’s a close-up:

Image by Donald Trump Jr. via Instagram.

Spike’s Tactical has them for $20,  a small price to pay for something that will serve as kryptonite for gun haters everywhere.

Meanwhile, Trump Jr.’s post has already triggered folks as far away as Europe. And on this side of the Atlantic, CNBC was scandalized . . .

Donald Trump Jr. shows off assault rifle magazine featuring Hillary Clinton behind bars, crusader cross


“Nice day at the range,” Trump Jr. wrote on the Instagram post Sunday. ”@rarebreedfirearms and @spikes_tactical adding a little extra awesome to my AR and that mag …”

Trump Jr.’s father defeated the Democratic nominee Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. During that campaign, crowds at the elder Trump’s rallies often chanted, “Lock her up!” in reference to Clinton.

The Jerusalem Cross or Crusader Cross was the symbol of the the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, a crusader state established in the 11th century after Jerusalem was seized from its then-Muslim rulers.

Trump Jr.’s post came three days after a U.S. airstrike authorized by President Trump at Baghdad’s airport killed top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, whose nation is an Islamic Republic.

There’s nothing like a hot cup of schadenfreude to make your day a little brighter.

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