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Don’t California My Texas: WaPo on the Alleged Pressure to DO SOMETHING in the Lone Star State

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com.

Burt Reiter said that, in theory, he agreed with calls to close loopholes that allow people to buy guns at shows or from private sellers without going through background checks. He said he doesn’t like the idea that “anybody can get a gun.”

“But the problem is, if we give that up, there’s no stopping,” said Reiter, 64, a lifetime NRA member who lives south of Fort Worth in Blum. “They’re going to want everything.”

Expanding background checks could present a host of logistic challenges, he said, especially for family members, friends or co-workers who want to sell or share their firearms. Reiter wondered how Texas officials could enforce such a law without creating a registry of all the guns in the state.

Over the past 25 years, gun rights in Texas have steadily expanded: Carrying a concealed gun became legal in 1994, and a measure allowing gun owners to openly carry their weapons was approved during Abbott’s first year in office in 2015. The state legislature, which meets every other year, has also expanded the places where weapons can be carried. Reiter and others sitting with him worried that those rights could be lost.

– Jenna Johnson in Two versions of Texas collide over gun measures and mass shootings


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