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Don’t Like the Media? Become the Media and Make it Better

Lee Williams - comments 27 comments

There has never been a better time to be a citizen journalist. The corporate media has lost all credibility – followed by its audience – and the tools now available for independent news gatherers have never been better or more powerful. 

All legacy media platforms have been hit hard economically – TV, print, radio and digital. Their advertising revenue has plummeted, and they’re laying off staffers while holding focus groups to understand why their audience left and where they went.

It’s no secret why the corporate media is facing such dire straits. Nowadays, rather than simply reporting the news, most traditional journalists want to become their own brand. They see themselves as social media influencers rather than humble purveyors of truth. They believe their opinions matter more than facts – and their opinions are all extreme. As a result, they coddle and protect like-minded politicians while viciously attacking those who do not share their socialist beliefs. 

Their unethical behavior has created a news vacuum of sorts. It’s opened the door for citizen journalists willing to tell the truth, and technology has made it easier for their voices to be heard. 

The Second Amendment Foundation is fully committed to supporting citizen journalists – especially those who understand and value our right to keep and bear arms. For the first time ever, its Alternative Mass Media Conference – AAM-Con – is open to the general public. You can reserve your spot here

“AMM-Con is a gathering of some of the top Second Amendment media who provide educational presentations about all things related to 2A media,” said Adam Kraut, executive director of the Second Amendment Foundation. “Typically, this conference is exclusive to media members only, but we recognize that each of us – through our friends, family and social media – can help spread the message.”

The free, one-day event will be held Friday Sept. 27, in conjunction with SAF’s 2024 Gun Rights Policy Conference. This year’s conference will take place at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley in San Diego, California from September 27th to September 29th.

For attendees, AAM-Con will be like drinking from a firehose. It offers a master class in guerilla journalism, all in just one day. Topics include Artificial Intelligence, social media strategies, legalese, getting published and much more. 

Click here for a full list of speakers. 

Yours truly will lead a presentation on interviewing skills and advanced reporting techniques, which will prove beneficial for all citizen journalists regardless of their platform – print, digital, YouTube, podcast, radio, broadcast or any other type of new media. 

We have complained about the corporate media for too long. Now is the time to do something about their shoddy, biased reporting. AAM-Con will help you empower yourself and others to tell the truth about the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners, which the corporate media continues to ignore. 

27 thoughts on “Don’t Like the Media? Become the Media and Make it Better”

  1. LOL every time I comment here I am “media”. I rarely comment on my own fakebook page save birthdays, anniversaries & Christian topics. The TRUTH about guns is enough🙄

    • Hopefully this effort is not the worn out explaining why I own a firearm to toe tapping brain dead drama queen democRats.

      Instead of me wasting my time talking to people who amount to a pile of Rat Poop I let them tell me why I should not own firearms. And everytime after they are finished trying to sell their Gun Control to me I say to them, “But Gun Control Is Racist.”

  2. If you’re interested in “becoming the media” make sure you have a pre-arranged plan to deal with what’s below. Like Tucker or not, Benz is OP AF. Take what he’s talking about and mix it with Eric Weinstein’s commentary (recent Modern Wisdom episode) and you’ll start to understand what you’re up against in the media/internet space.


  3. I support the concept but I fear it’s going to be a hell of an uphill battle. The MSM is basically a mafia at this point. Anyone trying to find a niche in that environment is going to get flak constantly and accusations of all kinds of ‘isms.

    Good luck!

    • The people who hear it are quickly entering the nursing home when you look at the demographics. They will not be outright irrelevant but outside of groups with a vested interest in the message (government, business supporting the agenda, NGO’s etc) it will have a muted impact compared to even 5 years ago.

      • That’s no hard to “fix” once you set aside morals and ethics. Fear works as a great way to shut down thinking and motivate behavior. See Covid for a recent example.

        Threaten Medicare and Social Security and statistically you’ll capture the majority of the Boomers, which is statistically the largest generation currently voting because engagement goes up as people age.

        The Silent Generation is currently too small to matter but a large portion the Boomers will eat that shit up because the majority of them didn’t actually plan for retirement very well.

        For Boomers 34% are 100% reliant on Social Security, compared to 6% of Silent Gen. 80% are half or more reliant. IRL, this is 6-14x better to push now than it was 15-17 years ago, the last time it was hit hard.

        It’s a nuclear attack basically, a heck of a button that can be pushed on a population of 74 million. And if they get the chance, they will.

  4. I believe that there are three GINORMOUS hurdles to the “citizen journalist” concept.

    1) Gaining any significant prominence. There are 10s of millions of people clamoring about this, that, and the other thing on the Internet. I don’t see how any “citizen journalist” can build any significant. Everything is just too watered down.

    2) People in general–especially people on the Far Left end of the political spectrum–categorically reject messaging which contradicts their worldview. It is far too painful for Jane Doe to acknowledge that one of her core tenants is wrong: better to ignore the truth and seek confirmation of her core tenants in an echo chamber.

    3) Legacy media will pounce upon anyone who manages to start rising above the noise. Of course ardent Democrats will do the same. Both entities will start with lawfare to drive the citizen journalist out of business, just like they did with Polymer80 company. And if lawfare failed to achieve the desired effect, I would not put it past either entity to send a “mechanic” to achieve the desired effect.

    • And there is another ginormous hurdle that we would have to overcome before becoming citizen journalists: overcoming all the God-damn website software that Democrats seem to always write and which automatically censors everything of substance. (Cough, WordPress, cough.)

      Plus, I have not even mentioned how search engines would quickly bury searches for any budding citizen journalist who starts to percolate above the noise.

      How is a budding citizen journalist supposed to reach a wide audience if the underpinning website software automatically censors their commentary and no one can find them?

    • They’ll just censor you as soon as you get some traction but before you’re big enough to draw much attention.

      They’ve been doing exactly that for years. Look at the video I posted above.

  5. 14 year old Colt Gray used a firearm to kill 2 teachers and 2 students at Apalachee High School in Winder Ga. BestNeighborhood.org shows the majority white township, east of Atlanta, votes conservative/Republican.

    • Nothing to spin, likely the only case of murder in decades and outliers exit as they always have. Anything else or out of material?

    • Can you point me to your concern about the two black kids killed in Chicago yesterday?
      Ant the 2 the day before that?
      And the dozens in the week before that?
      And the hundreds in the months before that?

      Why do you only care about white kids?
      You racist?

      • I do care. But the people on this site either don’t care or figure it’s karma because gangs.

        So incidents like this might make some, perhaps you, rethink things.

        • “But the people on this site either don’t care or figure it’s karma because gangs.”

          Why should I give a rip about the rampant murders in Chicago? The residents there don’t seem to care; they keep the same people in power, over and over. It’s like, sorta, the train wreck that is the WNBA; why should I, a confirmed male human, give a rip about a women’s sport that women don’t care about?

          The cult of death in Chicago is a tragedy, not just because of the body count, but also because the people who can fix the problem are AWOL, trading lives for something else those people find more attractive/important.

          No, Chiraq doesn’t have a gang problem, it has a “don’t care so long as you vote for me” problem.

        • What’s to rethink? Kid on the radar, too bad the math guy did not have what he needed to handle classroom discipline (was he warned about this kid?), some of the wounded will die, parents might go to jail, if he could not have found a gun he would have used something else…

          Here is a question for the omnisciently ominous Puppetmasters – what do we have to do to get you to stop making zombie kids?

  6. In May 2023, the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center received several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting, the FBI said in a statement. The threats didn’t identify a school or when it would happen, but they contained pictures of guns.

    Investigators tracked the post to Georgia and to Jackson County, where sheriff’s deputies continued the investigation. A 13-year-old, Colt Gray, was interviewed along with his father, an FBI spokesman said.

    “The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them,” the FBI said. “The subject denied making the threats online.”

  7. Are they offering sessions on proofreading and copy editing, or journalistic integrity, or critical thinking skills? Those ought to be prerequisites to the other sessions, as they are abundantly lacking these days.

        • Sorry, boss. “When you dance with the Devil, you wait for the song to stop”.

          Amusing aside, there’s a fun word game to play with the Woke about the technical difference in meaning between “transphobic” and “transgenderphobic”.

          Holy shit do the English majors get big mad when you catch them in that one.

  8. The AR-15-style rifle allegedly used in the horrifying shooting was given as a Christmas gift from his dad, after Authorities paid Colt and his father a visit in May when the FBI received tips about online school shooting threats.

    • From May to December is a long time to dismiss any ideas indicating the youth could be a danger to society. Besides they were busy moving to another county to hide their guilt.

  9. Why are they holding it in the anti-gun capital of the US? Why go there and give Newsome our money? They should have picked a better venue (i.e. state)


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