There’s an old saying, supposedly from Mark Twain: “Never argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

Such it is with identity politics. The idea that Americans should all be squabbling, drooling idiots who can’t agree on anything has been very bad for everybody. When one group demands that another group’s rights be diminished, and they in turn do the same, everyone ends up losing a little bit of their rights.

Fellow writer Kostas Moros said it well on Twitter/X:

This idea that we can attribute the actions of a lone depraved individual seeking murderous attention on Tik Tok to political enemies and then come out with some kind of political win just isn’t valid. The people taking the position that transgender people are responsible for some kind of epidemic of mass shootings think they’re winning a culture war victory, but instead they’re just telling the anti-gun camp that there are situations in which you think gun control is acceptable. They’ll only see that as compromise and weakness.

If anything, this shows that many “conservatives” would gladly trade the right to keep and bear arms away to “own the libs”.

The other problem with claiming that there’s an epidemic of transgender mass shootings is that it just isn’t a factual claim.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but nobody is entitled to their own facts. After each of these three mass shootings perpetrated by a transgender person, memes of all kinds claiming that past mass shooters were also transgender pop up, but if you look into the claims, most of them simply aren’t true. There has even been a case where a mass shooter claimed to be transgender hoping to get some kind of legal relief, but it doesn’t work that way.

You can find a lot more information showing that the claim is non-factual here. So, at the end of the day, the people doing this both hurt the credibility of the gun rights movement while signaling to the anti-gun movement that we don’t care about gun rights.

It only hurts gun rights, in other words.

Gun Rights Are Human Rights

There’s only one tenable position: that the right to keep and bear arms, the right to defend yourself from violent attackers, and every other related right are all human rights. They’re for everybody, whether we like them or not. They are human rights just like freedom of speech and expression, the freedom to have a hand in choosing government officials, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and the right to not be compelled to be a witness against yourself, among many others.

When we allow political expediency to cheapen our view of these rights, we’re letting our guard down and letting anti-human rights people get past our defenses. Instead of fighting a principled fight for our rights, we’re only left with fights over identity and fighting against other people.

This inevitably leads to the fight being lost for everyone. When we say that there are exceptions to human rights, truly evil people who don’t think humans have rights will then insert wedges into those little cracks we open up, and then start hammering the wedges. This leaves the integrity of the whole structure vulnerable to collapse, including rights that all of us hold dear.

In many ways, Barry Goldwater’s warning about this topic was prophetic:

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.”

If you think you’re special, and that clamoring for leopards eating faces is safe because your face will never get eaten, think again. The people who want to scapegoat the LGBT community don’t have your best interests at heart. They want power, as much as they can get. If you think a theocratic dictatorship won’t turn later to ban your guns, too, you need to study more history.

Historical dictators like Hitler and Stalin didn’t start their campaigns against human rights by targeting the majority’s rights. They instead started poking holes in the barrier by targeting unfavored groups, with Hitler starting his book burning campaign against an LGBT library. They were an easy target, but eventually everybody lost their gun rights once Hitler got the country onto this slippery slope.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We can only forget these lessons of history at our own peril.


  1. Its like you read my mind You appear to know so much about this like you wrote the book in it or something I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit but other than that this is fantastic blog A great read Ill certainly be back

      • Flunked 4th grade -or at least he should have if government schools weren’t merely rubber-stamping peer-promoting Indoctrination houses.

      • Gun Control and bigotry walk hand on hand…History Confirms It.

        On the other hand millions of Individuals exercising their Second Amendment Right have been publicly demonized by the media, politicians and protester marches following the deranged criminal misuse of a firearm. This blame the NRA and gun owner demonization has led to passing insane laws that connect the law abiding gun owner to the criminal misuse of firearms. All while the criminal misuse of bricks, bats, knives, fists, feet, vehicles, etc. skates by with no mention. Obviously it’s nothing about crime because it’s all about the Gun.

        Gun Owners whether gay, straight, bent, white, black, red or brown have been and remain prime targets for blatant discrimination. After all Discrimination walks hand in hand with Gun Control…History Confirms It.

      • A period is something a female human has.
        If your a chick with a dick you don’t have periods.
        No bias, just a fact.

        • “Whadday mean you can’t do a pap smear?”
          “Why not?!!”

          “Because your hairy balls keep getting in the way..”

          Please try the fish. I’ll be here all week…

    • I am very comfortable talking about the rising number of h0m0sexu@ls committing mass shootings.

      Just as there are many people who are very comfortable talking about the rising crime rates in the black community. “Black on black crime” .

      Facts are facts and they should not be denied. Although they are certainly inconvenient for some people.

      I’m very comfortable talking about black on black crime. Which is why I believe every law abiding black person should own a machine gun.

        • Actually the glock switch is about $100. So if the “gun community” would support low cost weaponry. Everyone could afford to buy a machine gun.

  2. There are human rights, then there are “modern human rights” that have been considered insane by every major civilization in history, for good reason. Such “rights” gnaw at the fabric of society and destroy it. The enemies of civilization know such “rights” are destructive and therefore use them as a battering ram against society. These same enemies also want to disarm us. Once these enemies of civilization reach their goal of destroying it, they will withdraw these so-called rights and those that now enjoy them now will suffer even more. It’s the oldest game in the books.

    Enjoy your rights now, because either way, they will disappear, either from reactionary backlash, or by suppression by the communist tyrants that exploit said rights to gain power.

    Good luck!

    • So…Ms. Sensiba’s quote “There’s only one tenable position: that the right to keep and bear arms, the right to defend yourself from violent attackers, and every other related right are all human rights.”
      So why does Ms. Sensiba keep voting for the pols who are going to squash her “one tenable position”. She has helped, with her voting record, to remake NM into NM’s sister State – Hell.
      Except, thanks to voters like her NM has become just like that sister state, except that Hell has nicer neighbors, lower crime rate and no illegals fighting their way in.

      • Follow her leopards eating faces comment. I wasn’t familiar with it. Apparently, it was used to refer to regretful Trump voters. How many of those do you think we have in 2024? Now do regretful Biden voters.

        It has been commonly used to parody regretful Brexit and Trump voters.

        • Now do regretful Biden voters.

          It appears to be running around 65%… NOT looking good for Braindead Sr… Even with his Campaign Event in the church in SC AND the entire congregation illegally endorsing him by shouting “four more years” in unison…

        • “the entire congregation illegally endorsing him by shouting “four more years” in unison“

          Please help me to understand why you believe it was illegal for the congregation to shout “four more years in unison”.

        • For an organization to be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) it cannot “participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”

          Braindeads appearance was OBVIOUSLY a political event as he mentioned Trump (and Jan 6th) more than he did the 12 people killed by the fucking moron. The little harmless chant by a room full of POC, led by the church leaders WAS an “endorsement” by the church a 501(c)(3) of a political candidate, an action that cost several tax-exempt organizations their status for endorsing Trump. Once again, the double standard is applied as expected when no one even commented on the illegal and improper endorsement… So, does THAT help you understand? It’s not what I believe, it is a “federal” statute…

    • Are there any other shooter manifestos being covered up and hidden by the entirety of the US federal government along with several state and local governments? No just the one? And why? It seems to me the entire point of that manifesto was in furtherance of a specific identity with a hatred of all others. If that manifesto wasn’t damaging to their agenda THEY WOULDN’T BE HIDING IT!

      • I’d say they don’t print the manifesto for the same reason the Allies banned the printing of the original ‘Mein Kampf’.

        • You’d be wrong because they love discussing more politically convenient mass shootings years after the fact. They even campaign on them. I recall years ago, after a Muslim shot up a place, a Democrat was caught saying this would be easier if his name was different (not Muslim). What do you think he meant when he said that?

  3. Seems we had less shootings when we had, oh, how do I say…CONSEQUENCES? You know like the gas chamber, the electric chair…

  4. Why are you publishing “statistics” from the gun violence archive? Isn’t that one of the organizations that is full of crap? Over 2800 “mass shootings” in six years, more than one per day? Really?

  5. Are you seriously using the gun violence archive as a reference? That is either plain stupidity or willful ignorance. As has been shown numerous times here on this very site, that database is factually false. They define mass shootings as an incident where four or more people were injured or killed.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that gang violence will make up the majority of “mass shootings” when you define them that way.

    The deliberate misleading gun violence archive data is the darling database used exclusively by the left to try and justify their gun control push. The fact that TTAG is now allowing it as a valid source is very, very telling.

  6. Gotta love the author softly branding Christians, conservatives, and those not waving the rainbow flag as dangerous and worthy of comparisons to the likes of Hitler and Stalin. Your colors are showing Sensiba.

    • Problem isn’t Christians in general, it’s those who invoke Christianity in their effort to gain power, typically ignoring Christian values in the process.

      • Oh sure Christians are SO POWERFUL in 2024 America. Oh how about that woman who keeps being arrested for silently praying in Britain, now that’s power… Take your meds.

    • I’d say the number of Christian and Incel mass shooters makes up the vast majority of perpetrators in the US.

      • I’d say you’re full of shit. You see practicing Christians believe in live and let live. As opposed to you Leftist Atheists.

        • Ah yes we have Walter the Beverly Hillbilly now going into prayer, ritual, incantations and painting his body red and dancing naked by the light of the moon. Sorry Jethro I live in the 21st Century not the Middle Ages. Did you burn any witches lately Walter?????

        • Walter: Proverb: “you should tolerate the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own.”
          A good principle to practice;but, does the practice of “live and let live” really exist? Hard to visualize with all the corruption and problems in existence this day in time how anyone really “lives and let live”. I have often wondered and pondered the “live and let live” view of so many who want me to let them live with their views but subsequently refuse to allow me to live with my views.
          Does anyone really practice “live and let live”? Perhaps those who seem to never have an opinion on any topic, those who have little to say if anything at all practice the “live and let live” principle.

        • Lil’d, your kind believe in more modern methods of removing “others”. Mass shooting into ditches. Or herding your victims from the cattle cars to the showers for delousing.

          THE STATE is your church, M@rx is your prophet, and your “holy books” are Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, and The Turner Diaries.

        • MADDMAXX January 9, 2024 At 21:54
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          Did you burn any witches lately?

          Funny you should mention that dacyboy, just last weekend I was sitting around with some guys drinking “Bloody Marys” (made with newborn infants’ blood and Absolut Vodka) and discussing that very thing… Living in the near vicinity of Cassadaga FL (the Salem MA of the South) home of dozens of self-proclaimed witches there is definitely a variety to choose from, but then someone mentioned the fact that it was probably illegal, and we could possibly wind up spending the rest of our lives in prison, if I’m going to do that it’s going to be for something important… So, we just went for a ride instead…

          Hmmmmmmmmm…. Getting closer to 70/30, one more “moderation” over fucking NOTHING but a damn joke and I’m out of here…

        • MADDMAXX January 10, 2024 At 10:32
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          Really? DRINKING, gets “moderated? DRINKING water? DRINKING iced tea? DRINKING milk? Does ANYONE truly understand how FUCKED (a word NOT “moderated by the way) UP THAT is? Yeah I’m definitely in the wrong place, it’s been real and it’s been fun but it’s not been real fun so after 11 years of sharing my wit and humor with the good (and the bad) folks who grace these pages I must say “see ya in the funny papers” as this VERY post has been senselessly moderated and I have previously decided that the next time that happened I would no longer participate… Later? nah

          • I’m working on figuring out the moderation settings to stop this from occuring. Apologies for the inconvenience.

        • miner knows that planned parenthood is just sanger’s solution to the ‘negro problem’. With the support of well off white guys like miner it is working.

          But miner has proven himself time and again to be a fascist. So what else do we expect?

        • Abortion was the number one cause of death in 2023 by a large margin. I won’t post the numbers look it up yourself, the only way anyone can dispute it is by saying the ‘aborted’ weren’t actually alive to be considered dead.

      • Incels? So we should disarm dacian?

        As for christians, miner. I know you claim to be an atheist. But like me I am willing to bet that you are a white male of european descent. I do not belong to a church or faith. But by your standards if I was to commit a mass shooting I would be lumped into the ‘christian’ group. as would you.

        Not really accurate or fair. But that is what we’ve come to expect from you.

      • Christians- provably false
        Incels – no argument, bear in mind however that they tend to be mostly on the liberal side of the equation.

    • It used to be “stay out of my bedroom” now it’s “I’m bringing my bedroom to you and your children and you better not stop me”

    • How quickly they forget. Not a single one of them stood up for the First Amendment rights of Christians. Who were told to stay home during the Easter services. Because “they” and everyone else, were afraid of some germ or virus they couldn’t see.

      But was OK for BLM and the LGBTQxyz crowd to march openly. And in some cases nakedly in pride parades that same year.

  7. So, like, what happens when 70%, 80% or 90% of the population is made up of idiots?
    Eloi are just supposed to hold their heads high as they march into the tunnels?

    Can’t argue with idiots because they’re too stupid to understand.
    Can’t debate anyone because everybody has their own set of “facts” and people only “research” to the point that they hit their confirmation bias and stop.
    “Democracy” is and always has been a complete joke. Mob rule is evil and there is no evidence that any election ever in the history of mankind has been shenanigan free and even if there was it’s still just mob rule.

    People never should have grouped larger than like-minded tribes with genetic connections of maybe a few hundred. To function at any larger level requires feudalism or enslavement their only difference being the constant fear to stay in line comes from either the inside or the outside.

    I eagerly await this mass die-off we’re supposed to experience from either the vaxxed, the unvaxxed or climate collapse. Will something just please kill everybody already?

    • “I eagerly await this mass die-off we’re supposed to experience from either the vaxxed, the unvaxxed or climate collapse.”

      It’s happening *right now* in the western world, with South Korea leading the way.

      Birth rates in general have collapsed, and I have to wonder if the general sense of gloom-and-doom is the reason. You and I won’t see it, but my sister’s kids will see the beginning of the avalanche.

      There was a population explosion experiment with rats run a few decades back that seemed to predict this, the most famous “Universe 25”, where the end result was *extinction*, even after all population pressures were eventually removed. Could this be happening right now?

      • China’s birthrate hit 1.1 for the last few years (replacement rate is 2.1). Modern youth in China are deciding to give up as they can’t get jobs, have no money, can’t afford to buy a house, not getting married, and not having children of their own. They even call themselves “The Last Generation”.

      • Still on the lookout for the red flood in the streets of FL after no permit concealed carry passed…

  8. Wait – that chart. Someone is claiming that there have been 2826 mass shootings in the past 5 years? So, we’re siding with Gun Control Archives now? What bogus horseshit.

    And, when the term ‘cis’ comes into play, you’re also giving in to the other side. I’m not a cis, I’m a man. My wife is not a cis, she’s a woman. Almost anything else is just kweer. Biden’s left doesn’t get to control the conversation, or to define terms, especially not define what a mass shooting is.

  9. Any time someone uses GVA as a source of information intended to support their claim, everything they say is suspect. GVA is not a reliable source of information. Nothing will change the mind of people intent on defending their own ignorance. All we can do is expose the lies so anyone reading what is being said will not believe without question.

    Examples are, guns are the number one cause of death for children. Sure they are, when you exclude 0-1 and include 18-19.

    Point out the lies, provide supporting evidence to back up your claim, and watch the show. Such is an average day on TwitterX @Tactical_review

    • Likely yes. Blaming Christian’s for your “status”. We’re the new jews. But we have a helluva lot more gats in America🙄

      • Notice how the wealthy and influential Jews tolerated the subjugation of Christians and white people on college campuses for years. Remember the “it’s okay to be white” crisis? As soon as you mess with the Jews, they’re ready to take action.

        • Where’s the anti-Semitism, jsled? Please quote me, and point it out. We recently discovered that wealthy and influential Jews began to hold colleges accountable for subjugating Jewish students. HOWEVER, those same people have been financially supporting the subjugation of other ethnic and religious groups on college campuses for years. In other words, those same wealthy and influential Jewish people helped to cultivate the very culture that eventually turned against them. Get it?

          I stand by my previous claim that most leftists are of the low IQ variety. Instead of having a discussion or noting any sort of nuance, they skip straight to hurling insults.

          Notice how the leftist sheep have been conditioned to view any criticism against certain protected group as hate speech (unless they’re the ones doing the criticizing). Any (non-Democrat) criticism of Jewish people is “anti-Semitic.” Any criticism of “lgbt” is [fill in the blank]phobic. Any criticism of our first half-white president’s policies is “racist.” Remember that one?

          They hurl insults because they’re incapable of winning any sort of policy debate. Therefore, their goal is to shout you down, and end the conversation. It’s weird how the Party of Unity, Acceptance, and Love never wants to have a conversation about the facts.

    • I was thinking similarly … now that that racist asshole Dan is gone, we can have actually reasonable content on TTAG!

      • jsled,

        Except that you are incapable of having a reasonable conversation, or an intelligent one. You are a drive-by sh*tposter, with delusions of gender. And as soon as some one calls out your nonsense, you run away like the little biotch that you are.

      • What’s the difference?
        Both are incel, both are ostracized, both are emotionally unstable, both self-medicate and both eventually lash out.

        • Both feel like society owes them something.
          Both spend hours deep into their own echo chambers being egged on.
          Both have online influencers to encourage and enforce their feelings.
          No practical difference between the two.

        • LGBTQIA+ folks are not necessarily perverts … honestly they’re probably “perverted” at a lower rate than the straight cis population … so what’s your point, exactly?

        • jsled,

          And you would know this HOW, exactly??? You aren’t around often enough to matter (thank God!!), but when you are around, you lie as much as MajorLiar. Don’t go away mad, jsled, just . . . go away. Your “contribution” to this site is the occasional lying sh*tpost, which we could happily do without. And, like MajorLiar and dacian the demented, you remain too stupid to insult.

      • Are you sure about that? Are you positive? How do you determine what each shooter is? The recent trannie shooters have been smothered by the media – how many in the past have been swept under the rug? Starting with Columbine, can you tell us the sexual preferences of all the shooters? No? Maybe you shouldn’t be so positive.

        We know for a fact that an overwhelming number of shooters have been prescribed drugs for depression and other mental problems, but that is pretty successfully hidden from public view. The headshrinkers don’t want to accept any association with, let alone any blame for, shooters. I think it’s safe to say that head doctors create a lot of shooters. And today’s progressive agenda of encouraging confused kids to become trans almost certainly contributes to that problem.

        • > And today’s progressive agenda of encouraging confused kids to become trans almost certainly contributes to that problem.

          No, it’s not, you moron.

    • M. Murcek, Seems Jennifer was saying don’t blame all the shootings on LGBTQ just because a few are performed by LGBTQ persons. I.e., don’t state a fact with too few examples. MSM has been quick to say that “everyone” agrees or supports certain opinions, practices etc or that everyone “agrees” with what ever the subject of the statement is at the time.
      And in so doing don’t stoop to the lower level of saying that all LGBTQ persons are evil and just want to kill people which is the same as saying all POTG are evil and only have guns for killing other humans.

  10. Quote—————-Historical dictators like Hitler and Stalin didn’t start their campaigns against human rights by targeting the majority’s rights. They instead started poking holes in the barrier by targeting unfavored groups, with Hitler starting his book burning campaign against an LGBT library. They were an easy target, but eventually everybody lost their gun rights once Hitler got the country onto this slippery slop————quote

    Again Jennifer did not do her homework. Hitler actually “relaxed” Bismarck’s draconian gun laws in Germany. Hitler only banned “Jews” from owning guns “not” the German people.

    My own father who served in Patton’s 3rd Army , 7th division, told me of seeing the U.S. confiscate and destroy thousands of civilian guns in Germany including even engraved shotguns (which the Officers often sent home, enlisted men got what was left). Simply proving in Hitler’s Germany the country was awash in private firearms. My Father also “liberated” a civilian owned FN 1906 , 25 acp pistol sitting in a glass case in a private home, which was one of 6 pistols he brought home. Civilians had no problem buying and owning guns in Hitler”s Germany.

    Another example. In Nazi controlled Poland the Jews sent out couriers from the Warsaw Ghetto to buy arms in the city and had no trouble buying guns for their latter uprising that lasted almost a month. Once again proving the Nazi’s did not confiscate guns from the Polish people either.

    And its natural the Far Right would blame gun violence on any group they consider “the other” such as all minorities, and religions not Christian and of course also including LGBT people.

    • You admit that Jews were banned from owning guns. You make no mention of gays, gypsies, crazies, and other ‘undesirables’. But, you admit that Hitler had gun control for ‘undesirable’ groups. And, there were a LOT OF ‘undesirables’ in Hitler’s Germany. As always, the ‘in crowd’ had unlimited access to firearms. Hitler Youth, Nazi party members, any group working for the Nazi party. You really can’t see the pattern? “Our guys” need guns, “everybody else” can do without.

    • “Hitler actually “relaxed” Bismarck’s draconian gun laws in Germany. Hitler only banned “Jews” from owning guns “not” the German people.”

      again dacian is 100% wrong and lying, and here’s why (aside from him being a complete moron)


      “The book Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944: Secret Conversations records Hitler as having said the following sometime between February and September 1942:” >>>

      “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police.

      —- Adolf Hitler”

      Hitler declared German Jews to not be ‘reliable’ people but rather an inferior and subjugated race (see the hitler quote above).

      But lets continue….

      Disarmament of the German Jews >

      “The legal foundations that the Nazi Party later used for the purpose of disarming the Jews were already laid during the Weimar Republic. Starting with the Reichsgesetz über Schusswaffen und Munition (Reich law on firearms and ammunition), enacted on 12 April 1928, weapon purchase permits were introduced, which only allowed “authorized persons” the purchase and possession of firearms. Mandatory registration of weapons was introduced, which gave the government the opportunity of accessing weapon owner and their weapons at any given time. Manufacture and sale of weapons was only permitted if authorized so. The purpose was to ensure that firearms were only issued to “reliable individuals”. Starting in 1930, bladed weapons were also regulated. The carrying of weapons in public now required a weapons permit. …

      In early 1930s Germany, few citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms, the Weimar Republic having strict gun control laws. When the Nazi party gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened for Nazi party members only. The laws were tightened in other ways, such as specifically banning ownership of guns by Jews. Nazi laws systematically disarmed so-called “unreliable” persons, especially Jews while relaxing restrictions for Nazi party members. The policies were later expanded to include the confiscation of arms in occupied countries. …

      Immediately following the “Machtergreifung” in 1933, the weapon laws of the Weimar Republic were used to disarm Jews, or to use the excuse of “searching for weapons” as a justification for raids and searches of homes. ”

      …this concept was a favorite of Hitler when he started out…give up the books, give up the guns (yes, he did confiscate guns), give up the jews, just a little bit for safety my German people…and here are some nice guys called the Gestopho to help you.

      The jews were ‘German people’ too.


      The legal foundations that the Nazi Party later used for the purpose of disarming the Jews were already laid during the Weimar Republic. Starting with the Reichsgesetz über Schusswaffen und Munition (Reich law on firearms and ammunition), enacted on 12 April 1928, weapon purchase permits were introduced, which only allowed “authorized persons” the purchase and possession of firearms. Mandatory registration of weapons was introduced, which gave the government the opportunity of accessing weapon owner and their weapons at any given time. Manufacture and sale of weapons was only permitted if authorized so. The purpose was to ensure that firearms were only issued to “reliable individuals”. Starting in 1930, bladed weapons were also regulated. The carrying of weapons in public now required a weapons permit. …

      In early 1930s Germany, few citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms, the Weimar Republic having strict gun control laws. When the Nazi party gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened for Nazi party members only. The laws were tightened in other ways, such as specifically banning ownership of guns by Jews. Nazi laws systematically disarmed so-called “unreliable” persons, especially Jews while relaxing restrictions for Nazi party members. The policies were later expanded to include the confiscation of arms in occupied countries. …

      Immediately following the “Machtergreifung” in 1933, the weapon laws of the Weimar Republic were used to disarm Jews, or to use the excuse of “searching for weapons” as a justification for raids and searches of homes.  By this time Hitler had implemented the gun laws in such a manner as the only people who could own guns were those members of the Nazi party, forbidding gun ownership or possession to all German citizens unless they were members of the Nazi party and then one had to be a member of a certain standing so not even all members of the Nazi party were permitted gun ownership.

      Not only did Hitler make gun laws more draconian and tyrannical, he also ensured confiscation of guns from those who were not members of the Nazi party and were not jews.

      • So Booger Brain then how were the Americans able to find and destroy thousands of privately owned firearms in Germany. History has proven your Far Right Fantasies ludicrous and pure nonsense.

        And further proof is that I have personally examined many and bought a few of the G.I. bring back firearms, sometimes with capture paperwork and they had no military markings on them, they were civilian firearms.

      • Booger Brain who has no reading comprehension.

        quote———- The law stated that certain groups of NSDAP officials did not need any permit anymore for weapons possession———quote

        The statement on Wikipedia does not make clear that as a civilian you could indeed buy weapons with a permit it was just that Nazi officials needed no permit. None of this means the German people were not permitted to buy or own or keep their weapons.

        I might add that always believing that the information in Wikipedia is always truthful or as accurate as what is found in accredited information found in say the Encyclopedia Britannica again shows that Booger Brain is not a product of higher education and if he actually is he is in need of mental health treatments that is for sure.

        • Encyclopedias by their nature only have the most generalized, watered down information about any given event or subject. Generally speaking they are no longer useful resources after High School.

      • dacian,

        Evidently this subject is way above you, your reading comprehension skills simply don’t exist, and your confirmation bias is in full gear.

        Stop trying to defend your lie and your hero Hitler.

        • Here is another one Booger Brain that you conveniently and totally ignored because it did not fit your false narratives as to what really happened in Nazi Germany.

          Quote———–While Jews were subject to having their guns seized, the gun registry was so incomplete that many Jews retained their guns.———-quote

          The above came from your own quote from Wikipedia.

          Try again Booger Brain let see what baloney deflection you try this time.

    • I see you’re lying to cover up for your heroic not-zees again, dacian. The only reason the Poles had weapons was because British and American groups were dropping the guns into the occupied countries. And the jews had to buy weapons that were given freely to the p[oles to resist your buddies in the SS.

      You are so full of shit.

      • And now we have Jethro the Janitor, the man who dropped out of High School, trying to pontificate about the Second World War. This is really rich.

        In reality my ignorant Nemesis the weapons dropped to Europe (you retard) were mostly done in France so that the French could blow up bridges and railroads when “D” Day started. Many were intercepted and confiscated by the Germans. There was a great shortage of these weapons and if you think that the French would have given away weapons to the Jews (who were in Warsaw, not France) who the French knew were doomed is ludicrous.

        Even the Poles were short on guns for their underground forces who were arming up for the coming strike against the German occupiers. The underground by the way was manufacturing many of their own weapons secretly, they did not get them from masses of parachuted in Allied weapons.

        Even period photographs show that the Poles were largely using their own weapons including Radom pistols that they had stolen from production that was going to the Wehrmacht. Claiming they would give guns to the Jews is again ridiculous. The Jews got their guns from their civilian Polish friends who were not Jews and they did not get them from the underground.

        Give up Jethro the Janitor you are out of your league.

        • So you claim in one comment that even Poles were allowed guns under your buddies the not-zees. Then the very next claim you make is there was a shortage of guns for the underground?

          If you are a product of higher education then higher education in this country is a farce.

          And yes, I did drop out of high school. But I attended MU on the GI bill.

          I have enough college time and business school time to know that you are lacking in any real education.

        • to Jethro the Janitor

          quote———-I have enough college time and business school time to know that you are lacking in any real education.——quote

          So now suddenly you are a business school graduate and college graduate.

          “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.”

        • And the Poles in the ghetto even made their own guns. The managed to procure parts to build their own SMG.

          And during the uprising managed to capture one or two Panther tanks.

        • The Allied airlift to Warsaw Poland in 1944. Is really quite a story. But I doubt you have read it. Hundreds of air crews were lost trying to deliver thousands of tons of ammunition and weapons to the Polish ghetto.

        • to Chris

          Do you even realize that we were not speaking about the Warsaw Uprising we were speaking of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, two different battles.

        • You would know about lying, dacian. You just made up one on the fly and proved that you lack education.

          Nowhere in my comments do I say I graduated. Try again, moron.

        • Jethro you are a pathological liar. Never in the history of this forum did you ever even hint in regards to taking business courses or attending even a day at a University.

          And it took you several years to come up with the story that you went back to High School and graduated.

        • Again, dacian. Your lack of education and low iq are showing. What else to expect from an ardent fascist such as yourself.

          I do not know which voices in your head you are conversing with but I’ve never, repeat never, claimed to return to High to graduate. I got a ged the year I dropped out.

          And I have talked a number of times about going to MU on the gi bill. You really must attempt to keep up.

          The only pathological liar here is you. You’re just stealing the insult I’ve delivered to you numerous times. Accurate, wasn’t I.

    • dacian the demented dipsh*t,

      “Hitler only confiscated guns from the Jews and other ‘undesirables”, even if it WERE objectively true (which it isn’t) is not exactly the “win” you think it is, you pathetic simpleton. And how is that different from Shrillary vowing to disarm all the “deplorables” in America, dacia, you stuttering nincompoop?

      You REMAIN literally too stupid to insult. *SMDH*

    • I really find it quite disturbing that Minerva’s and YOUR primary go to always seems to be Adolph Hitler… You’ve used the SAME basic arguments for so long about so many different subjects that it has simply become meaningless, I don’t even bother to read your posts any more unless they are directed at me, or I occasionally catch a key word as I pass by… Way to live down to lowered expectations… I won’t miss you should I decide to dump this site… running 60/40 FOR “moving on”…

      • Yep, two sides of the same dumbed down coin obsessed with politics from nearly 100 years ago. “YOU’RE LITERALLY HITLER!” “NO ACTUALLY YOU’RE THE NAUTZEE!!!” I could not imagine a greater waste of time and energy.

      • To invoke H!tler and Nautzees is called Godwin’s Law.

        Something l3ftists do with monotonous regularity.

      • To the Mad Man

        In reality you are so ignorant of history that you do not even realize your Far Right credo is lock step to that of Hitler. If you had read “Mein Kampf” you would realize that yourself and Hitler have the same political views, same racism , same bigotry, same xenophobia and same belief in White Supremacy and same paranoia about what you erroneously believe is “Communism” but that is another bit of history you are completely ignorant of.

        • Apparently you’re the only one that reads “mein kampf” here dacain.

          Not surprising, really. You are a fascist, after all.

  11. minor49

    “There are many more incel shooters than LGBTQ shooters.”

    Are we pretending that “LGBTQ” and “incel” are separate categories? Why yes we are! Golly gosh, I wonder why?

      • Huh? Incel is short for involuntary celibate. That can apply to a person of any persuasion. Even someone that will screw ANYTHING.

    • ‘minor’ is simply proving “it takes an incel to know an incel”… 🙂

  12. Alright, let me refine / rephrase: The article reads like: “Quit being mean to narcissistically self-obsessed with their sex hang-ups people! Sob!”

  13. I think the prohibition against people who have been adjudicated mentally ill and a danger to themselves and others owning guns is a reasonable restriction on gun ownership, just like with violent felons.

    Since transgenderism — a mental illness — almost always comes with a host of other mental illnesses and anti-social behavior, they’re going to fall into that restriction more often than other people.

    • I think anyone “proven” to be a danger to themselves and/or to others should be locked up until such a time as they are deemed to no longer be a threat to themselves and/or to others… If you are too dangerous to own/possess a firearm then it is reasonable to assume you are too dangerous to own/possess a knife, car/truck, hammer, baseball bat, 2×4, piece of rope/electric cord, any flammable substance, any ignition source, a dog over 10 pounds, a chainsaw, ice pick, explosives or ANYTHING else that could possibly be used as a weapon… Such an individual should NOT be permitted access to the general public without restraints and/or adequate supervision…

  14. Oh man, where to start.
    Trans people have and deserve human rights. To suggest otherwise (that they don’t or that they aren’t deserving of them) is just asinine.
    “Trans rights” ARE NOT human rights. You aren’t any different from any of the other homosexuals in drag in the last several millennia. Stop trying to get the rest of the population to, under penalty of law, affirm your cosplay and pronouns.
    If you insist on self-identifying as mentally ill, I don’t want you having a firearm. If you are diagnosed as mentally ill, I still don’t want you to have a firearm. Neither of these has anything to do with “labeling people”, it’s a fact I’ve been saying all my life. As we’ve seen, mentally ill people still can get firearms, so stay alert and train.
    GVA source. GTFO.
    Barry F@$&ing Goldwater? LMFAO!

    • Human Rights are bestowed upon ALL of humanity, there are no “special” human rights carve outs because you are gender confused, of a certain skin color or practice a sexual aberration… You don’t deserve “special” treatment because YOU choose to live outside the norms of society nor should anyone be deprived of their basic human rights for that same reason… Funny thing, if all these “minorities would just STFU and go on about their lives most people would just ignore them, but when you start DEMANDING “special” treatment and RIGHTS based solely on skin color, sexual preference or because you “feel” like something other than the XX/XY you were born with and getting in people’s faces, disrupting their day to day lives and calling attention to themselves they eventually “poke the bear” a bit too hard and piss it off…

  15. There has even been a case where a mass shooter claimed to be [tranzgender] hoping to get some kind of legal relief, but it doesn’t work that way.

    Tell us how it works. Is there a defined process for this? I was told by the “lgbt community” that you were allowed to change your mind about your identity whenever you felt like it. Now it looks like there are rules?? That sounds awfully convenient. Hmm…

    You can find a lot more information showing that the claim is non-factual here.

    No you can not. I read that entire article. I see lots of evidence that he was NOT gender-conforming. I do see LOTS of hand wringing with Newsweek saying that they can’t confirm that he’s “tranz.” He lists his pronouns as he/they. He made pro-tranz posts. Then Newsweek says they can’t confirm that another shooter was “tranz” after they said he was non-binary. Now they’re splitting hairs.

    That link is garbage, and so is your chart. There are straight, gae, bi, and then there is everything else. They’re trying to say there aren’t many “tranz” shooters because they’re another part of the alphabet group. This is nothing more than propaganda trying to downplay alphabet shooters. Your article isn’t helping.

    mass shooter claimed to be [tranzgender] hoping to get some kind of legal relief

    Are we going to discuss this? Why would anyone think being part of the “marginalized” group would be beneficial? Everyone knows the answer. This is all a game that the Left plays. You are REWARDED when you’re part of the “marginalized” group. You are punished when you a) don’t belong to the “marginalized” group, and/or b) your politics are wrong and you aren’t an “ally” or “anti-racist”. Harvard vs UPenn presidents…compare and contrast. Also see DEI.

    • but it doesn’t work that way.

      Yeah, it does… How many “fully functional” MEN are doing time in women’s prison because they told some Liberal judge that they now identify as female…

  16. Jennifer O usually really like your articles but…

    I can’t believe you used a graph from the Antonio gun Gun Violence Archive, and organization who claims have been thoroughly debunked many times. The graph you used claims 2826 mass shooting by cis people from 2018 to 2023. The FBI only show 333 for 2000 to 2019. Quite a difference.

    GVA arrives at their figures first by including criminal and domestic violence, which are not what people are thinking of when they discuss mass shooters, and then by making up outright lies. Colion Noire just did a video on it. He chased down a number of their claimed mass shootings and discovered that many of them weren’t shootings at all. You can find it on YouTube.

    The next thing is Hitler. While he did confiscate guns from “undesirables”, using records kept under the laws of Weimar Republic, he actually relaxed gun laws for all other Germans and especially for party members. He certainly did many terrible things but the mythological Not Z gun laws are not among them.

    I agree completely that gun rights are human rights and belong to everyone. But I think you are missing a point. The trans community’s 3 spree shooters (and I have not double checked that number) are a disproportionate amount of their population. That woukd indicate a disproportionate amount of mental illness in the small trans population. More importantly, of the (unconfirmed) 3 Trans shooters at least 1 targeted Christians directly and intentionally and 2 that I am aware of left writings brimming with hate cis normative people, Christians, conservatives and with racism. In fact I might classify them as terrorists rather spree killers, in the same way that the FT Hood shooter should have been listed as a terrorist but the main stream narrative has him as a spree killer to spare his religious demographic from blame.

    It’s not about owning the libs. It’s about identifying the sources of the nutcases that do this, whether just from insanity or from radicalization. I would hope all non crazy non radical trans and gay people are armed and would not ever support depriving them of their rights. And I would hope everyone else too to deal effectively with nutcase and radicals from all groups.

  17. I just read the rest of your article.

    The people who want to scapegoat the LGBT community don’t have your best interests at heart.

    Then there are people who are only interested in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That means stop the propaganda. That means stop blaming Christians. You should try to play by your own rules sometime, Jennifer. FYI real Christians hate the sin, but love the sinner.

    • Dude you are a hypocrite like many far right Christians are. You hate everyone who is not of your race, religion or political ideology. You follow Hitlers teachings by glorifying every line in his book Mein Kampf. You are the modern day Storm Trooper, the Jackboot, the modern day Nazi. You are the lowest form of human being in society and the most dangerous.

      The FBI was correct when it said that people like you are the greatest danger to our freedoms and our democracy. Remember it was “you” who supported Herr Drumpf’s attempt to take over the government’s by force and establish a Trump Dictatorship for life.

      It is people of your ideology who gladly operated the gas chambers of Hitler’s Germany. You would do the same today. You fool no one but yourself. Your actions are there for all to see and be horrified by.

      • lil’d,
        I see a bunch of accusations with zero proof. Prove any of your claims. A good way to do that would be to begin with quoting me. Then respond to my quote. Then I will respond to you. Or you can continue talking past me to some made-up boogeyman in your head.

        • Hey Dud Brain read your own latest LGBT rant and pure maniacal hatred of LGBT people. Your foaming at the mouth and your screaming from the rooftops is self-evident even to a 5th grader who may only have a mediocre amount of reading comprehension.

        • In other words, you got nuthin’. A 5th grader could quote me, and tell me what exactly what they found wrong with said quote. You’re incapable of that. You’re screaming at the made-up boogeyman in your head.

        • No Dud Brain you refuse to even be man enough to admit what you are. You should be proud to be a Nazi because it’s the credo of the Far Right Fanatics.

      • All you’re doing is accusing Dude of all the things you believe about yourself, dacian.

        You truly are demented.

    • Non-binary is just another one of those terms commonly substituted for ‘kweer’ in the progressive rule book. They don’t like ‘kweer’ so they make up nonsense terms that require half the alphabet to define.

      If you’re not heterosexual, the only meaningful alternative is kweer.

  18. Junk articles do not disprove the fact that the vast VAST majority of active shooters are either leftists (registered Demonrats) or were raised by the same. End radical leftism and you will end the vast majority of active shooter incidents, which fortunately are not ubiquitous!

    • You want to give chapter and verse on your claim. When people make claims opposed to the political agenda of this site many are quick to demand proof. So show me the numbers please.

  19. I agree about not playing the identity game, I would like to know if there are commonalities between some of the recent trans mass shooters. Are there signs that could identify possible mental illness that all those supposed yellow and red flag laws are supposed to prevent mass shootings?
    These kind of studies and findings should be made public so we can then get these people the mental health they clearly need before they harm themselves or someone else.

  20. Members of the ‘LGBTQ …other alphabets here community’, since 2017 to 2023, have been responsible (by violent criminal act against another) for over 23,000 deaths in their own ‘community’ alone and another 18,000 deaths outside their community (by violent criminal act against another). This far out does the GVA for their bogus ‘mass shooting’ numbers of ‘injury’ and ‘death’. Its members of the ‘LGBTQ …other alphabets here community’ carrying out/conducting/causing ‘distributed’ ‘mass killing’. There are thousands of these people spread all across the internet on Tik Tok and other places on the internet expressing their desire to do violence to anyone that doesn’t ‘affirm’ their ‘sexual or gender identity’. Tik Tok and YouTube recently purged over 7,000 videos from these people stating their intent to do violence to anyone that doesn’t ‘affirm’ their ‘sexual or gender identity’.

    Heck, just in 2022 alone…

    In 2022, 48.2% of lesbian women reported violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape by their partners (either by their partner only or with the involvement of male(s) or female(s) bought in by the partner —- two thirds were exclusively the partner female perpetrator, one third was the partner female perpetrator with involvement of one or more males or females perpetrator bought in by the female partner perpetrator).

    In 2022, 66% of ‘transgender’ (term as used here also includes those who have either partially or fully transitioned) individuals reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ (the term ‘partner’ includes real biological male or female and ‘transgender’) being the perpetrator. (two thirds of perpetrators were exclusively the ‘partner’, one third of perpetrators was the ‘partner’ with involvement of one or more others either real biological male or female or ‘transgender’).

    In 2022, 38% of gay and bisexual males reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ being the perpetrator. (for perpetrator(s): 3/4 of those the ‘partner’ exclusively, one quarter of those were the ‘partner’ with others bought in that were either real biological male or transgender, with, in the case of bisexual sometimes real biological females were bought in by the ‘partner’)

    In 2022, 63% of bisexual females reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ being the perpetrator. (for perpetrator(s): 80% of these was the ‘partner’ exclusively, and 20% with others bought in by the ‘partner’ that were real biological male or female bisexuals or a mixture of ‘transgender’, lesbian, or straight males and females).

    In 2022, (overall, for all violent crimes including sexually based offenses) 69% of violent criminals were either gay or bisexual or expressed other ‘gender identity’ issues.

    Overall, the ‘LGBTQ …other alphabets here community’ (and associated) are the most violent ‘society groups’ sectors in the country.

    (The numbers for 2023 aren’t gathered completely yet, but so far they are greater than they were in 2022)

    • Eventually the LGB normies are going to have to circle the wagons on all the mental patients who “identify” to get the social creds. The current strategy of welcoming every groomer, degenerate, psychopath, drug addict and severely mentally ill person into the fold will just turn them all into enemies of civilization.

      Right now they’re like a group of stoners who think letting a bunch of meth heads and PCP smokers hang out with them is a fun idea. In enough time those PCP smokers will be eating the faces off the stoners and the meth heads will have stolen everything in sight.

  21. I’m starting to see why Dan left, this is leftist propaganda. Quoting the “Gun Violence Archive”? Really? Go away Jennifer.

  22. Goldwater: “But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise.”

    They’re not Christians anymore. They’re Marxified communists.

  23. How many of those 2000 something “mass shooters” were black and illegal alien gangsters shooting their rivals?

  24. theres a glaring unforgivable error with the authors logic here:
    the 2826 didnt do what they did because they were cis
    the 3 did what they did because they are trans

  25. So is this becoming an LGBTQAIFZRP rights forum? There has been a LOT of writing on this recently… Maybe I’m in the wrong place…

  26. So exactly what does it matter what some nut cases sexual preferences may or may not be?
    And exactly why should anyone either care about anyone else’s bed time partners so long as they are consenting adults?
    If someone is so shallow as to define themselves by their fetishes, fantasies or sexual practices, perhaps they should be disarmed. And restricted from interacting with the general populace. At least until they learn there is a lot more to life than how, or with who you use your genitals.
    Next, anyone who believes shooting up a school, theater, church, shopping mall, or any other crowded/public space is absolutely mentally ill/deranged.
    As always, unless and until the human factor involved with any acts of violence/evil is dealt with no anti gun/disarmament legislation will be an exercise in futility. Those with criminal or evil intent don’t follow the law.

  27. Some valid points, but not sure about the “theocratic dictatorship” boogeyman. The chance of such happening in modern America is negative 418%. Most “Christians” are fairly lukewarm about pretty much everything, particularly their faith, so no danger of that particular problem.

  28. The reason why there are more than 113 comments currently on this page. Is because honest people know that hom0sexuals and atheists are not supporters of the Bill of Rights.

    They certainly support burning the american flag. They certainly support anti war protests. But they don’t support burning the rainbow flag. And they certainly don’t support anti abortion protesters.

    They have called gun owners, Christian nut jobs. In the past they have said owning a gun is a “heter0sexual act”.

    I believe it was John Boch on TTAG. Who had to explain to Jennifer that the people she doesn’t like and disagrees with politically, have a right to own guns.

    Which she believed at the time that they did not have the right own guns.

    I’m glad left wing gun owners are here on TTAG. Because they always eventually pull their mask off, and expose exactly who they are.

    They cannot help it. They always let their guard down.

  29. Anyone who comes at me with stats from the Gun Violence Archive immediately loses all credibility. The idea that there have been 2800+ mass shootings in this country in the last 5 years is utter bullshit and a pure propaganda from the gun grabbers. If you buy into their bullshit, I guess you’ve chosen your side.

  30. Trans Professor With ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ Tattoo Appointed To WHO Taskforce

    A Canadian transgender professor who sports a “be gay, do crimes” tattoo recently was appointed to a World Health Organization group tasked with developing healthcare guidelines for “trans and gender diverse people.”

    Ashley uses “they, them, that, bitch” pronouns, according to the report.

    The Post Millennial reports more:

    Ashley also has told children on TikTok to “be gay and do crime,” according to the X account Libs of TikTok.


    no cis person

    has ever said “be cis do crime”

    because cis people arent crazy

    not because theyre cis anyway

    jennifer sensiba

    should change her name to

    “jennifer senseless”

    and write articles at politico or wapo

    where the rest of the worlds weakest minds meet

    • I’m seriously wondering if I should leave TTAG after at least 10 years. MY identity is in JESUS CHRIST. Not guns. Not a politician. Not hating LGBTQ. Pretty sure I wouldn’t be “accepted” by a lot a similar looking white boy’s with my black wife & caramel colored son’s. And I don’t care. This world is going to he!! in a handbasket at breakneck speed. It’s obvious TTAG is taking a left turn no matter what Jennifer S. states. Peace out…

      • My son identifies as an Apache Helicopter Gunship.

        It causes a lot of ranting and screaming from the identity p0litics crowd. They clearly don’t have a sense of humor.

  31. A guy with a beard wanted to give me a BJ so I thought what the hell.
    It wasn’t very fun though because it was to much like that time I fcked a chicken in the a$$.

  32. Really simple, I choose to not to live near or associate with the Alphabet community as well as people of color. My life is significantly better. I am not racist, I do not discriminate, however these types of people have a history of degrading others quality of life, that’s all I need to know. Where I live, we have rattlesnakes, I choose not to have contact or engage with them either. This way life is better. Facts matter.

  33. ****If anything, this shows that many “conservatives” would gladly trade the right to keep and bear arms away to “own the libs”.***

    The conservative branch of the Republican party would die on the vine if they did NOT support the 2nd. I suspect that many of the ultra conservatives don’t support civil rights and would be fine with a theocracy.

    Many of them, in past generations, tried to bann handguns(look at 1968 and Saturday night Specials), they made laws limiting automatic weapons and silencers. Certain Republicans had the attitude of “guns for me, but not for thee”, supporting expensive weapons only, keeping the unwashed masses from being able to protect themselves.

    The conservatives need the support of gun owners.

  34. Of the actual mass shooters, a high number were on drugs approved by psychologists. Incompatible artificial hormones are just like SSRIs, Ritalin, etc. The entire psychology and psychatry fields are filled with conmen who use fake, non-reproducible, studies to sell drugs that actively harm patients.

    • The doctor had me taking a pill with a glass of water every 4 hours.
      When I asked him what the pills were for he said I wasn’t drinking enough water.

  35. If you want to know why we “Constitutionalists” and those “on the Right” lose both elections and the information war look no further than the author of this drivel, Jennifer Insensible. If we want to win “Identity politics” is where it’s at, no we didn’t engage in it but it’s been used against us effectively for decades and it’s time we as a group fight fire with fire. Now I’ve been doing it as long as I can remember, posting news articles of barbaric violent crimes (usually rapes/murders & child molestation) with an accompanying mugshot (typically of a menacing recidivist minority, drugged-up tattooed-faced Whitey or h0m0s€xu@l) is quite effective and has earned me hundreds of suspensions on social media sites yet for the time the post remains visible it does serve to inform the public and does bring others over to our side.

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