AP Photo/Seth Wenig
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Joe Biden lied about guns, Second Amendment rights and nearly everything else so often that even his staunchest supporters stopped taking him seriously. The country’s 46th President beclowned himself with his own falsehoods.

Biden was a classic fabulist. He invented stories and assigned himself the starring role. Whether he was singlehandedly confronting hunters armed with standard-capacity mags in a Delaware swamp, exaggerating the efficacy of the 1994 federal Assault Weapon Ban or making up colonial cannon prohibitions, Biden received more Pinocchios than Disney, which is one of the reasons why he’ll be sitting in a beach chair rather than behind the Resolute Desk for the next four years.

By comparison, Kamala Harris has been much more circumspect about her anti-gun plans, and despite her maniacal cackle, could prove a more serious opponent to our Second Amendment rights than her former boss ever imagined possible.

Last year, most likely at the insistence of Barack Obama, Biden put Harris in charge of the new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which Biden said would “centralize, accelerate, and intensify our work to save more lives more quickly.”

The Office has no website. Its budget has never been made public. Its staffing levels are not known. It operates in secret, without oversight and wields tremendous power. Only three staffers were identified. One has a long association with Obama.

Almost immediately, it became clear that the Office was an incubator and a clearinghouse for anti-gun policy that it pushed out to blue states.

In December 2023, Harris hosted a gaggle of state lawmakers at the White House to showcase the Office’s new gun-control policies. The names of the attendees were not released, nor were the details of the meetings. None of the meetings were recorded or transcribed.

After overseeing the Office, Harris’ anti-gun rhetoric has sharpened, and it is clear what she has in store for law-abiding gun owners if she replaces Biden on a permanent basis.

#1 Killer Campaign

“Gun violence is the number-one case of death for children in America – think about that. Not some kind of health disease,” Harris announced Sept. 14, 2023, in a moderated conversation at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. “And we don’t have to be very creative to figure it out: assault weapons ban; background checks, because you might want to know before someone can buy a lethal weapon if they’re a danger to themselves or others; red flag laws. That is reasonable.”

Both Biden and Harris cited this number-one-cause-of-death fiction at a host of different venues. They still do, even though it has been soundly debunked.

When they came up with this claim, the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention cited a 2022 study by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University – not the most credible of sources. Researchers included adults, both 18- and 19-year-olds in their children’s study. If the adults are excluded from the data set, the leading cause of death for children is motor vehicle accidents.

Harris was undeterred by the fact checkers, which included The Washington Post. She needed guns to be the leading cause of death of children to push for more gun control. For her, the ends justified the means.

Eight days later, Harris repeated the false claim but added a label to her opponents.

“Today, however, gun violence is the number-one cause of death for children in America. But instead of protecting our children, extremists obstruct,” she said.

On Oct. 12, 2023, during a moderated conversation at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Harris once again cited the false claim as a reason for more gun control.

“I have been working on this for a long time. And I will tell you that, again, there – there – it’s not rocket science in terms of what we need to do. Okay? But you got a bunch of feckless people who lack courage, who are in the United States Congress, who are pushing a false choice, which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away,” she said. “And it’s a false choice.  I’m in favor of the Second Amendment, but we need an assault weapons ban. We need universal background checks. We need red flag laws.”

Harris has never stopped citing these false cause-of-death statistics. She brought them up again just two months ago at a moderated conversation at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

“So, let’s start with the very tragic fact that gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in America – not car accidents, not cancer – gun violence. Number one cause of death for children in America right now. One in five Americans has a family member that was killed by gun violence,” she said.

National red flag campaign

The U.S. Supreme Court hinted in Caniglia v. Strom, that it may review the constitutionality of red-flag laws.

“This case also implicates another body of law that petitioner glossed over: the so-called “red flag” laws that some States are now enacting. These laws enable the police to seize guns pursuant to a court order to prevent their use for suicide or the infliction of harm on innocent persons. They typically specify the standard that must be met and the procedures that must be followed before firearms may be seized. Provisions of red flag laws may be challenged under the Fourth Amendment, and those cases may come before us. Our decision today does not address those issues,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in a concurring opinion.

The White House didn’t take the hint. Last March, Harris launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center.

“The Resource Center will assist states, local governments, law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service providers, and behavioral health and other social service providers in optimizing the usage of red flag laws – laws that allows a family member or law enforcement to seek a court order to temporarily take away access to guns if they feel a gun owner may harm themselves or others,” according to a White House “Fact Sheet” released March 23.

The ERPO Resource Center was funded by Department of Justice grants and is operated by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. Its critics have said it is nothing more than a mechanism to bribe the states into implementing red-flag laws.

“The Vice President is calling on states to pass red flag laws and to use Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) funding to help implement laws already enacted,” the release states.


Harris has become the country’s highest ranking anti-gun activist. She is not opposed to lying, spinning or gaslighting the public as long as it’s strategic and meets her needs. Neither will she hesitate in demonizing those who oppose her gun control schemes, such as labeling them feckless or extremists.

Quite frankly, Kamala Harris comes across as goofy, but she has surrounded herself with a team of dedicated individuals who are anything but. They are as committed to infringing upon our Second Amendment rights as we are to preserving them.

We underestimate Harris and her team of experienced anti-gun advocates at our peril.

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  1. I pray that she doesn’t get any further up the ladder.

    I’d imagine she’ll be treated the same way as ol Joe, rigged interviews, little access to any “outside” press, treated with kid gloves by the press, no going without the teleprompter etc etc. Lest she expose who she really is.

    Dangerous times indeed.

    • And any tough questions brushed away with “that’s sexist” and “that’s racist.”
      “You’re racist and sexist for asking that.”

      A sacred cow installed into the office despite being widely disliked and not earning a single vote when she tried to do it the right way. Peak DEI.

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    • “Whatever still didn’t earn it”


      She graduated law school and worked as an assistant district attorney in California for several years. In 2003, she was elected DA of San Francisco. She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021.
      And she has served as vice president of the United States for the past four years.

      Interesting contrast to her opponent, when Donald Trump was elected in 2016 he had never received a single vote in any election. He had never served in public office and has won exactly one single election in 2016.

      Vice President Harris has actually been elected to a statewide office in the largest state in the union four times, as well as being elected to the office of Vice President in a nationwide election in 2020.

      This should be a very interesting contest, experienced prosecutor versus convicted felon.

      • She “earned” her start in politics on her knees, ask Willie Brown. She was Montell Williams “side piece” for a while. So maybe she found a way to influence her professors? She obviously has some talents, just not any that qualify her for cleaning up the mess she and Biden have left this country in!

        • “She “earned” her start in politics on her knees, ask Willie Brown“

          So you have a problem with her having a relationship with a male partner?

          And I thought the citizens of California are the ones who elected her to public office four different times.

          • “And I thought the citizens of California…”

            And I thought the leftist residents of California…


          • He was married and a public official. She road his “coat tails” to public office, i.e., through nepotism.

          • MajorLiar,

            “So you have a problem with her having a relationship with a male partner?”

            NO, you absolute turnip!! We have a problem with (i) her having an adulterous affair with a married politician, and (ii) her being ELEVATED to her job because she was the side piece of Willie Brown (at the time, the most powerful Dim politician in KKKalifornia, and (iii) “She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021.”. We know math is not your strong suit (serious question: Do you even HAVE a “strong suit”, and if so, why are you hiding your light under a bushel?), but . . . that’s THREE statewide elections, dipsh*t, not four (San Francisco DA is a city/county office), and (iv) she GRADUATED LAW SCHOOL???? Big f*ckin’ deal., and (v) the SF DA, AND the CA AG? Not courtroom lawyers – they are administrators (but, then, knowing NOTHING about law, you would be unaware of that).

            She is a dumb@$$, inarticulate, incompetent, and that annoying cackle would peel paint. She was a Senator for three years – NAME her legislative accomplishments. She was SF DA and CA AG – so tell us about her record as a “prosecutor”, MajorLiar.

            MajorMistake, she’s not going to date you. Kamal-toe Harris is the ULTIMATE DEI hire, and now she has NO record to run on. Border Czar? Yeah, how’d that work out??? “Gun Violence Prevention” Czar??? Yeah, that was a frickin’ home run, too!! She’s a legitimate shill for unlimited abortion . . . and that is the alpha and omega of Kamal-toe’s “accomplishments”.

            Your pathetic attempts to carry water for incompetent Dimocrats (sorry for the redundancy) says more about you than your idiotic “comments” – you are a less-than-midwit, dishonest propagandist, with delusions of adequacy.

            • I’m no fan of Harris, but let’s be fair. 1. You don’t turn down a favor from Willie Brown. 2. Those 2 commission posts probably didn’t even crack the top 20 best jobs Willie doled out that year. She did not show good judgement in dating him in the first place, but not my business. Her performance in the offices she has been legit elected to has not been stellar for sure.

            • “We have a problem with (i) her having an adulterous affair“

              But you are still going to vote for triple adulterer Donald Trump.

              Why the different standard for the white man? Oh wait, I guess I answered my own question…

              Hypocrisy and racism.

      • going to school and working in a position does not mean you earned it.

        Here comes Miner49er to push the latest left-wing agenda and false or disingenuous left-wing propaganda.

      • minor49iq…Leave it to you to try to put lipstick on a pig carrying around Gun Control which your useful idiot behind knows is a racist and nazi based insane agenda. If that doesn’t spell scumbags on both your parts I do not know what does.

        TRUMP/VANCE 2024

      • “…when Donald Trump was elected in 2016 he had never received a single vote in any election.”

        He received enough votes to take out the biggest names in Republican politics during the primaries. People are tired of lifelong politicians and bureaucrats. Surviving and thriving in the private sector is very different compared to a life of sucking the government teat.

        • “Surviving and thriving in the private sector“

          Having a daddy who made hundreds of millions of dollars from government contracts doesn’t qualify you for public office.

          Especially when you consider those millions were made through shell corporations, fraud and tax dodges:

          “NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Times reported Tuesday that President Donald Trump received at least $413 million from his father over the decades, much of that through dubious tax dodges, including outright fraud.

          The 15,000-word Times report contradicts Trump’s portrayal of himself as a self-made billionaire who started with just a $1 million loan from his father.

          The Times says Trump and his father, Fred, avoided gift and inheritance taxes by setting up a sham corporation and undervaluing assets to tax authorities. The Times says its report is based on more than 100,000 pages of financial documents, including confidential tax returns from the father and his companies.“


          Trump’s business fraud actually qualified him for conviction on 34 felony counts, that’s quite the ‘record’ to run on.

          • Seeing if any of the mud will stick? Still? Lol what are you going to do if the “felonies” get overturned. God damn dude best you have is an 8 year old fake news era hit piece.

          • “Having a daddy who made…”

            That’s certainly more than most people begin with. Here’s why it doesn’t matter. Trump lost everything. Then he made a comeback to become a billionaire again. He had to overcome adversity, and he came out of it better than ever. If he was still a Democrat, he would be celebrated as an amazing success story.

            Celebrities are multimillionaires, and yet they somehow end up broke. People inherit lots of money, and it’s gone within a generation or two. Trump survived and thrived in the toughest real estate market in the world.

            Contrast that with Kamala getting her start. I see a big difference. The felony narrative doesn’t matter once you check the context. As usual, Democrats are counting on their followers either being ignorant, or immoral enough to cheer on political persecution.

          • The problem with Miner49er’s link for its hit-piece portrayal with a lot of false, is this > “The Times says”.

            Miner49 doesn’t care if its true or not, he just has to push that left wing narrative. Miner49er doesn’t have ‘opinions’ he writes to comment, he has violent left-wing agenda that tells him what his ‘opinion’ is and that’s what he comments.

          • MajorLiar,

            So, what’s your line going to be when those 34 “felony convictions” (for an alleged 34 instances of arguably questionable bookkeeping – a MISDEMEANOR, in case you’re interested. Oh, and the statute of limitations had already EXPIRED for that) are overturned???

            I’m not a major Trump fan (didn’t vote for him in ’16, didn’t vote for him in ’20), but ANY rational person (which obviously leaves YOU out) can take one objective look at Kamal-toe’s “record” in politics and recognize that she’s an incompetent DEI hire – after being the first “major” Dim to DROP OUT of the Dim primaries (didn’t win a SINGLE delegate), she gets selected as the VP pick because??? She’s a “woman of color” (Senile Joe expressly SAID that, before he picked her, and in announcing his pick). Being a LIGHT ‘cafe-au-lait’ INDIAN, and having a vagina, are NOT ‘qualifications’, you doorknob!

      • While Trump never held any public office before becoming POTUS, he achieved a lot while in the White House; conversely, Harris was has been in public service her entire carreer (much like her current boss) and yet has not done anything beneficial for the public. It can be agued that her actions were aven detrimental to the public.

      • I Thought Convicted Felons went to Jail.? Last I checked, he was playing golf and campaigning. Meanwhile, Joe got shoveled off like shit on a sidewalk in Portland. A failed assassination attempt and then POOF your monkey is no longer needed. I bet if it were successful, he’d still be in office. But you see nothing, do you, Shultz?

      • Being a politician is not an indication of her competence. And here you go again, changing and misdirecting the conversation. The issue is: is she a gun banner extremist? Being in California, I can assure you that she will do anything, including committing perjury, to limit or eliminate any and all guns. By lying under oath, she was solely responsible for a 2/3 reduction in the number of handguns authorized for sale in California. She backed several bills that first reduced, and then eliminated certain “privileges” afforded to concealed weapons permittees to carry on school campuses, despite the absence of a single incident of misconduct. (In fact, the only negligent discharge was by a LEO.)
        As an aside, I’ve been an attorney for over 3 years, and as a litigator, I do a lot of public speaking in court. So why can’t she, as a former prosecutor, seem to have such an issue speaking in comprehensible sentences without a teleprompter? (P.S. I have to admit that as a DA and as AG she didn’t try any cases. Further, both SF and California in general are highly partisan. Democrats are a shoe-in for public offices.)

      • She was not elected vice president. No one votes for vice president, only for president. You know full well that she got absolutely no traction (and no money) when she ran for president in the primaries.

  2. Lately been seeing the whole using DEI to describe Harris is the same as the n word on the various talking points. Whatever still didn’t earn it.

    • Joe Biden must have called her the n word then. He’s the one that told us he would nominate a black woman as VP. According to the Democrat president, she’s a DEI hire. However, it will NOT help us to keep pointing that out, at this point. Let’s stick to the easy issues that affect everyone like inflation and open borders, and the fact that Kamala has lied to the American public for 3.5 years about Biden’s health.

      • Oh I know and that is ultimately what crushes the argument. It’s just funny seeing the bot scripts and farm posters scramble at keywords and then ID their copypasta.

          • The sleazy marxist democRat media is trying to label cackles as the First Black Woman however to look 3 shades darker than cackles simply spend the summer on a beach. Bottom line…cackles is a classless self serving democRat pos…

  3. 2020 Primaries “She/Her” contemplated banning ‘red meat’ to fight ‘global warming’ (all the while grilling steaks in a photo op [looking at you Chuck S.]). Talk radio discussions on “She/Her” voting record leans farther left than Bolshevik Bernie. “She/Her” has earned the moniker “Lyin Kamala”.

    • Vinny says:

      “2020 Primaries “She/Her” contemplated banning ‘red meat’“

      Nope, you’re making a false claim which is very interesting considering you’re accusing Kamala Harris of lying.

      “Harris said the government should offer incentives and dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of meat, but she didn’t say she wants to eliminate beef altogether”


      Personally, I want conservatives eating all the red meat they possibly can… Preferably slathered in butter with a side of fried potatoes, all washed down with beer.

      • Apparently context research isn’t a thing with the left wing Politifact nor you Miner49.

        “Harris said the government should offer incentives and dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of meat, but she didn’t say she wants to eliminate beef altogether”

        The clue is in the words “reduce the consumption of meat”. Her idea is that government would offer “incentives and dietary guidelines”. But those “incentives and dietary guidelines” she alludes to will be used to eliminate the beef industry thus eventually “eliminate beef altogether” by making beef the less purchased/used ‘meat’ source thus an industry not able to sustain its production of beef because hardly anyone would buy it under the “Harris” concept.

        So while its true she did not come right out and say “contemplated banning ‘red meat’ “, its a false impression because she actually does want to eventually, in effect, ‘ban’ red meats ‘marketing’ by destroying the industry through more of her back door methodology.

      • RE: minor49iq…”Personally, I want conservatives eating all the red meat they possibly can… Preferably slathered in butter with a side of fried potatoes, all washed down with beer.”

        Personally I can see You just want conservatives dead from a distance like the coward on the roof. Keep talking azzhole, your’re on a roll.

        TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

      • “…Preferably slathered in butter with a side of fried potatoes, all washed down with beer.”

        …With the implication being that you want people who disagree with you about politics to die?

      • “Personally, I want conservatives eating all the red meat they possibly can… Preferably slathered in butter with a side of fried potatoes, all washed down with beer“

        Thank you. Although i’d rather have asparagus and grilled onions as sides and wash it dowm with some dark ale. I’ll then follow that up with some cannolis along with some strong espresso, then a little later on whisky with a Montecristo or a Cohiba

        We’ll still outlive vegans and vegetarians……

        • Ultimately avoiding heavily processed food, seed oils and excessive sugar will be more important than where the essential fats proteins and carbs consist of.

            • …” and again, where’s there a good semi when you need one? ”
              Remember calling me out on that insinuation Miner? But that’s right, you claimed to be Mr. High Road that would never wish ill upon anyone !!
              Your true hypocrisy is a shining beacon for all – Hail Miner !

  4. (Harris said) “I’m in favor of the Second Amendment …”

    Well, that’s a lie right there (among the other whoppers she told that are outlined in the article). While she was the AG of California her SOP was to intentionally violate constitutional rights, any of them, for any person when ever she chose to do so. Plus she has continued that constitutional right violating SOP now as VP in her ‘office of gun-violence prevention’ thing by using backdoor methods through her 100% biased anti-gun staff to support and facilitate any violation of any constitutional right if there is anything resembling a gun involved and its already gotten innocent people killed.

    This woman has literally, by proxy, murdered innocent people.

    There is no “Amendment” she is “in favor of”.

  5. I do not “underestimate” her. She’s almost literally a cackling satan. Nearly all she has “accomplished” has been evil. Perhaps the worst vice presidont ever. To the incarceration of lot’s of black men to being pro-baby murder that’s about it. If somehow she “wins” I predict mass(as in millions)of folk’s literally giving it the one finger salute.

    • We know she’s horrible, but generally speaking, it’s a terrible idea to elect a leader that never had children. As parents know, having children changes your outlook.

  6. “Vice President Harris has actually been elected to a statewide office in the largest state”

    LOL, you say that like it is a good thing, Comrade! It has been a long time since getting elected in Cacaphonia has been an indicator of being anything but an enemy of the “antiquated” Bill of Rights – and also right to self defense, Castle Doctrine, right engage in business without excessive regulation/taxation, etc,…

  7. “This should be a very interesting contest, experienced prosecutor versus convicted felon.”

    Yeah, Beria vs untold thousands…

    Or is it millions?

  8. She will steal this election.. Stop making Hollywood rich!!.. Stop watching fake news!..IF We keep watching the mockingbird media and the rich elites of Hollywood. Nothing will ever change…

  9. This website can help the cause by stop publishing that wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing leftist fraud.

    You all know who I’m talking about. She can try to publish her tripe in Politico or The Hill or Huffpo or the Jacobin or The Advocate or some other communist rag, but she shouldn’t publish here.

    Why? Because she votes for her identity group and environmental ideology over gun rights, and thinks she can make up for it by publishing pro gun material for sucker websites like this one.

    Howlett or Boch or whoever rungs TTAG, stop undermining your own mission and tell this commie to take a hike.

    • johnnyboy…your time would be better spent washing sheets for your next klan meeting…you bozo are not one to be criticizing anyone.

  10. “Vice President Harris has actually been elected to a statewide office in the largest state”

    LOL, you say that like it is a good thing! It has been a long time since getting elected in Cacaphonia has been an indicator of being anything but an enemy of the “antiquated” Bill of Rights – and also right to self defense, Castle Doctrine, right to engage in business without excessive regulation/taxation, etc,…

  11. Higher taxes, higher crime, higher inflation, loss of individual liberty and freedom, Constant violations of the constitution, endless wars, the persecution of anyone who will not bow their knee to the false gods of climate change and the LGBTQ + death cult, further destruction of our national sovereignty through an open border policy that were result in more Americans being subjected to murdered, rape & pillage. This is some of what a Harris administration will bring you.

  12. In 1960, Democrats were circulating campaign posters that featured a photo of Richard Nixon that asked the question:
    “Would you buy a used car from this man?”

    In 2924, Republicans should be circulating a campaign poster that features a photo of Kamala Harris that asks the question:
    “Would you buy a blow job from this woman?”

    Of course when Republican polsters conducted a survey, they confirmed that far more people would answer affirmatively for Kamela Harris than for Hillary Clinton.

  13. Underestimate? Heck, I have never seen an ad campaign like this before. My Youtube ads are mostly Kackling Kammy begging for money.

    Also, I smile whenever I see minor49er comment in TTAG. His presence is confirmation that his argument is already lost. If he has to comment on TTAG to pretend he is convincing anyone, his side has already been defeated.


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