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Nellya’s stationed in front of one of the main exhibit hall entrances handing out cards for “the official bullion and rare coin dealer for the NRA” luring unsuspecting convention-goers to their booth with a drawing for a 1911 garishly engraved with “We The People..” in a large, gold Constitutionally correct typeface. The vivacious Ms. Canfield tells us that her sparkly gold outfit is meant to coordinate with the gun’s inspirational engraving. We don’t know whether that particular fashion statement will make anyone more likely to enter her raffle, we’re just glad she’s here.

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  1. WOW! She is significantly more attractive than any of the SHOT show babes and probably the best of what the NRA show will have to offer. WOW!

    • Well, I looked at all the other booth babes and I declare Nellya the winner by a long shot.

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