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You may remember the Doubletap, the concealed carry handgun that held two bullets in an under/over barrel configuration that we’ve been talking about for over a year. Well, after a nasty breakup with Heizer (their former manufacturer) it looks like the gun is FINALLY shipping. Initial shipments will be heading to distributors immediately, which means that us bloggers will be waiting a couple weeks more for the T&E guns to show up at our FFL. Nevertheless, stay tuned as we watch the release of what may be the Duke Nukem Forever of concealed carry firearms.

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    • Real nerds reference Daikatana.

      …That’s where someone one-ups me and references something even older.

      • I couldn’t even get Daikatana to run right when it came out and I have a nice system. Duke Nukem forever was bland.

      • Daikatana was in production for about three years. DNF was in production for 14. 14. Fourteen. One-four.


      • Valve and Blizzard are some of the worst offenders.
        Diablo 3, Starcract 2, Team fortress 2, Half Life 2.
        All published and good games, but it took forever!
        Still waiting for a new Commander Keen 😉

  1. If I remember correctly, this looked like a far safer pocket carryoption than those Bond Arms derringer’s, although I want both.

  2. Love the nod to Duke Nukem Forever. And since 80% of TTAG’s readers are confused as all get-out by the reference anyway, it shouldn’t matter if I add that I’m hoping the DoubleTap doesn’t turn out to be as crappy as DN:F did. Or Daikatana, for that matter. I’m hoping this turns out be more like an Ocarina of Time situation, where the long delays were used to make it as close to perfect as possible.

  3. with the cost and availability of ammo maybe a 2 shot, slow to reload gun is the way to go.

    • As a back-up .45 gun in case I can’t get to my XD-s in time, I suppose. I do agree that the price is a mite steep, though.

  4. They are advertising these in a public flyer as available at the grand opening this weekend of the new Gander Mtn Firearms Center in Monroe, NC. Was out there today, not sure I spotted one, they had a ton of ARs, ammo and M&P Shields, though!

  5. I feel like they’ve dramatically overestimated the demand for these things. Interest? Sure. I’d like to see and shoot one. But I seriously doubt I’ll ever plunk down the (fairly large pile of) money for one.

  6. On Thursdays airing of Person of Interest, the villain (female) was holding one of these, it was towards the end of the show.

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