Andrew Cuomo
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

You’d think being responsible for the decisions that resulted in the deaths of 14,000 elderly nursing home patients — and then attempting to cover it up — would have been enough to chase a sitting governor out of his chair. Not in New York, apparently. Instead, it was credible sexual harassment allegations that were corroborated by an independent outside investigation that have brought down one of the media’s favorite political figures.

Longtime anti-gunner Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation today. The cheerleader for laws that have made armed self-defense in the Empire State more difficult, more expensive, and sometimes downright unobtainable will soon me no more.

As the Associated Press is reporting . . .

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday he would resign over a barrage of sexual harassment allegations in a fall from grace a year after he was widely hailed nationally for his detailed daily briefings and leadership during the darkest days of COVID-19.

The three-term Democratic governor’s decision, which will take effect in two weeks, was announced as momentum built in the Legislature to remove him by impeachment. It came after New York’s attorney general released the results of an investigation that found Cuomo sexually harassed at least 11 women.

That had to come as a surprise to most. The rules that apply to the rest of us regarding boorish, even criminal behavior don’t seem to apply to prominent public figures, particularly those whose political stances align with those of the mainstream media.

Investigators said he subjected women to unwanted kisses; groped their breasts or buttocks or otherwise touched them inappropriately; made insinuating remarks about their looks and their sex lives; and created a work environment “rife with fear and intimidation.”

“The best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to government,” Cuomo said at a press briefing.

We figured the Luv Guv would try to brazen it out, assuming that, like so many before him, it would all blow over.

(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

But he must have been hearing behind the scenes that the legislature was more than serious about impeaching him. In fact, it’s possible the soon-to-be-former Governor will find himself in court one day soon.

Cuomo still faces the possibility of criminal charges, with a number of prosecutors around the state moving to investigate him.

The string of accusations that spelled the governor’s downfall began to unfold in news reports last December and went on for months.

Cuomo called some of the allegations fabricated, forcefully denying he touched anyone inappropriately. But he acknowledged making some aides uncomfortable with comments he said he intended as playful, and he apologized for some of his behavior.

He portrayed some of the encounters as misunderstandings attributable to “generational or cultural” differences, a reference in part to his upbringing in an affectionate Italian American family.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Operation Choke Point

There’s still no word yet from the Television Academy about the status of the Guv’s Emmy, awarded “in recognition of his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world.” They’re probably all over the situation now, though.

In any case, let’s all bid a not-so-fond farewell to one of America’s most noxious, self-aggrandizing foes of the right to keep and bear arms as he slinks off into the sunset. You’ll have to excuse us if our schadenfreude is showing — and we don’t have any illusions about the threats to gun rights in New York improving once he’s gone — but seeing him exit stage left is like, well, chicken soup for the soul.



    • With Cuomo leaving, and possibly Newsom as well next month in the CA recall, the two East/West Democrat juggernauts are slipping on their own banana peels. Good times.

        • True but still good to see him fail especially with his having way more influence than his replacement.

        • Cuomo apparently is the “Right wing” of the NY Demtard party. Hard to believe. Ole Laticia (NY AG) now has a clear path to run.

        • Haz a Question,

          As a self described Californian, you should know that your state just OKed “print your ballot at home”.

          And surprise, surprise, it will be active in time for French Laundry’s recall vote.

          Gavin’s Juggernaut ain’t slipping, he just got a nice pair of cleats.

      • All sorts of filth rides along with Gun Control Zealots and sooner or later that filth exposes itself in one form or another.

        mr. cuomo It may not take 10 rounds to kill a deeeaaar. But it takes hundreds of rounds to make sure a pervert is dead, dead, dead.

        • “mr. cuomo It may not take 10 rounds to kill a deeeaaar.”

          If you do kill your ‘deeeaaar’, make sure you have an airtight alibi, or proof of abuse… 😉

        • geoff…Your kind of perverts and my kind of perverts are quite clearly not the same. Steve…What part of dead, dead, dead don’t you understand? Get some comprehension training.

        • Debbie, if you need “hundreds of rounds” to stop a threat, you need more training. Period.

    • The voters that placed Cuomo into office (unless Dominion had a hand, which does seem probable, considering it seems they have infected most states) are still present. You say he was awful, however he was supposedly the will of the voters.

      The far left wanted him gone. Does that forebode a governor that is much worse than Cuomo? That does seem to be a trend lately with replacing dictators.

      • Yeah, I can agree here. It’s only a matter of time.
        Oh, by the way….
        “…his detailed daily ego-stroking spectacles during the darkest days of COVID-19.” Fixed it for you.

    • “Now let the lawsuits begin!”

      I’ll settle for a criminal prosecution for pawing and groping the women under him.

      And hopefully a conviction and nice prison sentence where he can be someone’s ‘bitch’… 😉

      • “I’ll settle for a criminal prosecution for pawing and groping the women under him“

        It all depends on how much evidence comes forth in the sexual assault lawsuits against Donald Trump.

        • And Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade spoke on Tuesday about Governor Cuomo’s abrupt resignation, calling for a “real investigation” into the (illegitimate) president Biden, who she says is a “powerful predator.”

          Plus, further showing that Democrats actually care nothing for women, she slammed the hypocritical progressive groups like ‘Time’s Up’ for aiding in the harassment of Cuomo’s accusers instead of helping the women they were founded to protect.

          Rules for thee, and not for me (too)?

    • He ceded power. Thats worse than a lawsuit. Instead of beating a dead horse focus more in terms of restructuring and eliminating more contestants from the battle field. I don’t hold a grudge against him and think he got a bad rap but anytime someone is eliminated from the games I gain power. I am not one to gloat over the victory of a competent competitor. With this much instability in NY I am being urged to move operations from PA to NY. Lawsuits are trifle at this point.

      • That’s because killing The Unborn is no big deal. Millions were murdered, oh I’m sorry, I mean they were aborted. So killing 14,000 senoir adults, which if done on the battlefield would be called “germ warfare”.
        This is no big deal in the United States today.

        And there are people today who still say the United States gave the Indian tribes blankets infected with fleas that carried diseases, that were fatal to the Indians. Is Governor Cuomo any different?

  1. Watched the entire event unfold live- it was a real edge-of-your-seat train wreck. He should be nominated for an Academy Award.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish × 1,000,000

    • Unfortunately there is a long line of just as bad rubbish wanting to take his place. There is so much money in New York you have to be corrupt to hold any position.

        • I now have over 25% of all the comments on this page, currently 12 out of 43. I really like seeing my username a lot, which means everyone else is seeing it, too. My ego needs it.

        • “I now have over 25% of all the comments on this page, currently 12 out of 43. I really like seeing my username a lot, which means everyone else is seeing it, too. My ego needs it.” Ok, you are now on quarter of the way to being a half wit. Keep it up.

        • And now, as I write this, I have 19 out of the 91 total comments. That’s more than 1 out of every 5! I LOVE seeing my name everywhere!

          Where’s the next article; I need a fresh canvas to do more.

  2. Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul (D), with an NRA A rating, but an F rating from the NY Rifle and Pistol Association, will replace him.

    Now if we can just get rid of AG James and LaPierre, we can get back to business.

    • “Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul (D), with an NRA A rating…”
      Yeah, *that* + one bucket of piss = 1 bucket of piss.

  3. Cuomo once said that conservatives “have no place in the State of New York.” I guess the same also applies to a lying murderer and lecherous groper.

    It’s remarkable that in New York, grabbing ass is considered more egregious conduct than sending thousands of old people to their deaths. But that’s New York, one of the most degenerate states in the union.

    • “….conservatives “have no place in the State of New York.”….

      Conservatives with any brains left a L-O-N-G time ago. Sorry, ‘Upstate New York’, you’re on your own.

    • I find it interesting that these complaining gals are shown, in the recent photos, snuggling up to Cuomo in girlfriend poses, cleavage on display, and all smiles. Now their mob/coven has determined to off the SOB demtard.

      • Governor Cuomo is no longer needed by the Left. They all knew he was a moral degenerate. And his usefulness has expired.

  4. The only reason this guy would resign is because the votes to impeach him had exceeded what was necessary to kick him out.

  5. quite literally the dumbest governor that i have known in this lifetime. i would love to see the results of an iq test on this man.

    • “quite literally the dumbest governor that i have known in this lifetime.”

      Well then, meet Oregon Governor Kate Brown.

      She just signed a new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write or do math.

      • Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, said that suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of colour.”

        Hmmm, that seems kinda…racist?

        • “that seems kinda…racist?”

          by the old objective standard, yes. but the new subjective standard is, “whatever impedes us in any way, is racist” and “whatever benefits us, is just”.

          the “new” subjective standard is the antepenultimate goal. the old objective standard was just a stepping stone along the way.

        • It is racist. Those fine white pols from the fascist left are saying that non whites aren’t smart enough to do the math, literally.

          If a klan leader had said the same thing he would have been tarred and feathered by the sjw’s. We truly live in bizarro world.

        • Equally terrifying is the understanding that minorities will never NEED to have appropriate skills in reading, writing and math, nor in any of the STEM fields, either because they will never be given the opportunity to enter employment areas needing these skills, or, worse, because they WILL be given the opportunity to enter such employment areas WITHOUT the necessary skills required.
          The result? Either minorities who were simply ‘passed’ without the necessary skills will be kept trapped in the servile roles for which Liberals feel them best suited, or they will be put into technical positions for which they are grotesquely unqualified as a means of ensuring ‘equity.’
          Enjoy your Affirmative Action neurosurgeon, your lowest-common-denominator engineer, your ‘2 2=5? 6? 3? Math is rayciss?’ pharmacist.

        • “If a klan leader had said the same thing he would have been tarred and feathered by the sjw’s”

          true. but the goal of the “sjw’s” is that only THEY tell you what the truth is, no-one else.

        • “or they will be put into technical positions for which they are grotesquely unqualified as a means of ensuring ‘equity.’”

          oh that’s already been going on for several decades now. the original justification was “we can do anything you can do”, but now the justification has been upgraded to, “those qualifications are racist white standards, but justice requires that you accept BIPOC standards.” in a few more decades this place will look and sound like zimbabwe.

        • jwm, “If a klan leader had said the same thing he would have been tarred and feathered by the sjw’s. We truly live in bizarro world.”

          Actually it’s not that bizarro.

          Your statement implied the SJW’s actions as noble, when they are actually the modern interpretation of the klan.

          They are one in the same (SJW = Keyboard Klan), that is why no one making those statements will be “tarred and feathered”.

        • John,

          You described the result, not the motivation (and they are not Liberals, they are Leftist).

          What Kate Brown just codified is the Left does not want ‘Citizens’, but rather wants ‘Subjects’. Declaring it for minorities is just the excuse. It is a racist excuse, but one that will be happily lapped up by her Democrat party.

          Subjects, especially uneducated ones, are easy to control. Free stuff anyone? Citizens want rights, liberty (aka Liberals) and freedoms, and are educated to know the difference.

          So tear down the statues and burn the history books, memory hole the last 245 years, the NEA is game.

        • remember spending my first few days in college taking competency tests…guess they don’t do that any more….

        • “Subjects, especially uneducated ones, are easy to control.”

          I wonder if this is why they don’t want you to own property or have children in the future. If you don’t have skin in the game, then you aren’t that concerned with the future.

        • I had not heard about this. Wow. I see a pattern.
          Former Nashville TN mayor Megan Barry, who committed adultery with her city police bodyguard, and paid him the overtime for their sexual activities, all done after normal work hours. They had sex in the corner of a city cemetery where there were no security cameras. So they enjoyed themselves in the Great Outdoors, with dead people underneath them. He collected over $20,000 in city paid overtime in a three year period. And she was a proud gun grabber.

          Tom Ammiano a proud gay men wrote and passed gun control laws in California.
          There are several trannies elected to office working to take away civil rights in various States across the country.
          And Governor Brown of Oregon is bisexual and has a strong anti-civil rights background.

          It seems the most intolerant, anti-civil rights, and racist people in leadership in this country are also sexually liberated. And they tend to be Democrats.

      • “a new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write or do math”

        well that just legitimizes what already is common practice in many of the large school districts around the blue states.

    • He did Fail the BAR exam to become a lawyer 4 times. Putting that in context:
      The vast majority of law school graduates, 85 percent, take the bar exam once, according to a study by the National Conference of Bar Examiners that looked at data over five years. About 9 percent took the test twice. Less than 1 percent took the exam more than five times. He took it 5 Times. Data as of January 2019

      • Apologies to Ralph/etc, but that Bar exam must not be very difficult – some of the morons that apparently have passed it include. Bathhouse Barry the Constitutional scholar, Joe Obiden, Cammie, Michael Obama, Beetlejuice Lightfoot, Chuckie Schemer, (endless list).

        • The bar exam is different in each state. West Virginia doesn’t even have one since typically 99 out of 100 students in the only law school in the state passed every year. NY’s has always been rated the toughest, with California no.2. Recently, however, California has lopped a whole day off the former three day exam in order to increase pass rates that had dropped well below 50%.

  6. That one pic with the article about half was through it, a little make up- and he would look like the Joker.

  7. Well, no getting out of this one. Guess I’ll retire early and enjoy my millions.
    Maybe get out of politics like Obama did……

  8. Wow, what a PoS. This guy didn’t even admit to any wrongdoing, he immediately blamed his victims.
    “I didn’t realize the extent to which the line had been redrawn”-was his excuse.
    He seriously thought grabbing the breasts of his subordinates wasn’t “over the line”?
    Complete psychopath.

    • “He seriously thought grabbing the breasts of his subordinates wasn’t ‘over the line’?”

      well, 20-30 years ago it wasn’t, and in his world it probably never was over the line. plus lots of women get into positions of power playing the “sure boss” game (look at kamala) and go there precisely to play that game – so yeah, he probably feels tricked.

      • I’ve been working in politics for over 20 years. Sexual assault always been way over the line.

        • “Sexual assault always been way over the line”

          and sexual assault has always depended on who defined it according to their political power needs of the moment. cuomo simply found himself on the wrong side of an expedient re-draw.

        • Yes but over here it usually earned the politician a time out from office for an election or two until most voters forgot about the incident.

        • Grabbing a womans breasts without an affirmative signal ALWAYS has been, at a minimum, boorish/over the line.

          I find it very interesting in the many photos the left has been posting of Cuomo, with the complaining women, where the gals are snuggled up tight to the POS (ie: demtard) in girlfriend poses, with cleavage out and all smiles (years ago). How long does it take a demtard chick to decide she didn’t like that tit/ass grab (or to should scream RAPE)? No statute of limitations I guess. Must be complicated for the demtard “guys” to keep track. Demtard chicks apparently have a extra special brand of crazy.

        • “with those on the modern internet right who are isolates, there can be no democracy. they don’t accept it”

          I think the meaning of that statement is clear, and rather accurate.

          “Not from around here”

          Nobody in America is “from around here” except the Native Americans.

          I think red cloud and Geronimo would like to see all the land stealing illegal immigrants removed from America post haste.

        • Show us the depth of your principals, miner49er, and return to the land of your ancestors.

          If not, you’re just another windbag.

        • “Show us the depth of your principals, miner49er, and return to the land of your ancestors.”


          And where exactly is Troll-vania?

    • He seriously thought it wasn’t over the line for royalty like himself. I’m sure he thought it was over the line for those beneath him.

      • you’re right, much better answer than mine.

        heh. the line was for who was in and who was out. the line was redrawn to exclude him.

    • “Wow, what a PoS. This guy didn’t even admit to any wrongdoing, he immediately blamed his victims“

      Yes, Donald Trump can be rather harsh, but his day in court on the sexual assault charges is coming along with several other investigations.

      Apparently, there are actually laws against “grabbing them by the pussy”.

      • But I must add…if you are a democrat, grab away.

        Multiple prominent progressives who parrot slogans like ‘believe all women’ were exposed as frauds in last week’s detailed report on the Governor.

        Most notably, the leader of ‘Time’s Up’ stepped down this week after she was caught providing her legal expertise in an effort to discredit one of the Democrat’s victims.

        “My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of non-profits that were supposed to help women like Time’s Up,” Reade told Fox News.

        “May there be some measure of justice for the survivors. Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.”

        We are frauds and htpocritics, what are you going to do about it? Nothing!

  9. Good riddance, I would love for him to off himself. He jas led this state like a true tyrant and has crushed the 2a. It’s not likely we’ll get anyone better anytime soon here but at least hes gone.

      • If he’s convicted and sentenced to hard time, it’s a good bet the likes of him offs himself at the latest, a few months into the sentence.

        Nancy-boys like that can’t handle real pressure…

        • last three governors in New York have been a disaster…either resigning or not seeking reelection…

  10. Now he just needs to jump off the bridge he renamed for his father and be done with it all. I hear they are already working on changing the name back to the Tappan Zee bridge.

  11. Typical for the fascist left. Remember the antifa brownshirt that Kyle shot was a pedo. The fascists recruit from the criminal and mentally ill population. It’s their thing.

        • “democracy” means accepting as an equal those who are not you. without that there can be no democracy.

          with those who think they are humans and the rest of us are not, there can be no democracy. they don’t accept it.

          with those on the modern internet right who are isolates, there can be no democracy. they don’t accept it.

        • “we can allow the readers to decide.”

          It’s been decided about 2 days after you showed up to soil TTAG…

        • “I’ve decided”, “Ignore”, “It’s been decided”

          and there you have it. everyone has decided.

        • JWM and Geoff have it right. Word salad. You can’t say what you really mean, because nobody wants what you’re selling. You ain’t from around here, Ant, and it shows.

        • “You can’t say what you really mean”

          more pointedly few answer what I do say, except to emote “bad think”. this thread for example.

          “Word salad … You ain’t from around here”

          talk about not saying what you really mean. you mean I don’t share your narrative, therefore I don’t have a place here. well, that’s what the left says to you (e.g. “conservatives have no place in the state of new york”), hope you have an answer for them.

  12. “To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and ALL survivors of sexual assault, we believe you and we will fight for you.” -Andrew Cuomo

    • Apparently the media cut that a little short for their articles. Today we know it probably really was

      “To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and ALL survivors of sexual assault, we believe you and we will fight for you right after I check you you out.”

  13. My favorite Phrase in Cases Like this, “Good Riddance to bad rubbish”,…. Now for his brother Freddo, and the REST of the CNN propaganda network,….

    • Hold off on the dancing. There’s still an Uber liberal assembly and senate to pass obnoxious laws that the next figurehead will enthusiastically sign.

      • i mean cuomo rubber-stamped everything that came across his desk too. no change whatsoever from that perspective

  14. The thing I love about this entire situation is how the left was trying to coronate this A-hole as the new democrat messiah… only for him to be taken down by a #MeToo claim.

    It also says a lot about the democrats that they’re more upset by a claim of sexual harassment and not that fact that Coumo ordered people sick with the WuFlu be placed in nursing homes. An action that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousand of elderly people in state ran nursing homes.

    • “they’re more upset by a claim of sexual harassment and not that fact that Coumo ordered people sick with the WuFlu be placed in nursing homes”

      they’re not upset about either. they’re just pursuing power, and right now this is the most expedient path.

      poor cuomo. he was high-riding the “power uber alles” train, then out of the blue he gets thrown under it.

  15. Now only if Kamala leaving people in jail even after they were proven innocent could get her out as well…🤔🤔🤔

  16. This is a new tactic we can use – find women that have been sexually harassed by anti-gun governors and legislators and bring allegations that get the governors and legislators to resign. After that happening to a few of them and it being known that pro-gun groups are helping these women, might see a change in the rest of the anti-gun governors and legislators and more pro-gun activity from them. One of the primary things a politician in office wants to do is remain a politician in office.

    • Or we can just hire some blonde whore to testify falsely as happened during the Kavanaugh hearings.

      • ‘Or we can just hire some blonde whore to testify falsely as happened during the Kavanaugh hearings.’

        And this rage filled dotard has previously claimed to be a Christian…

        • Triggered by the truth? You must not get out very much if you don’t know and understand that Christine Ford testified falsely and disappeared as soon as Kavanaugh was confirmed. Either that or you just enjoy trolling my posts.

        • Do you actually believe what she said is the truth? Be honest now.

        • “And this rage filled dotard has previously claimed to be a Christian…”

          And no one knows what a “rage filled dotard” is, better than you, little boy.

          (A *very* little boy, I bet! 😉 )

      • It would be hilarious if he gets convicted, and then tries to claim he’s a woman so he can be housed in the female prison.

        The women there can perform a free “Loppa-dick-offa-me” on him… 😉

        • “tries to claim he’s a woman so he can be housed in the female prison”

          already being done. the wardens say “there’s no legal definition we can follow so we have to accommodate these inmates’ claims of sexual identity”.

          if you had told anyone from the previous century what america is like today ….

        • “Muncho Man”?

          It sure sounds like *someone* has an oral obsession he hasn’t come to terms with yet… 😉

      • From NY to any trying to compare us to FL yeah how about no. Sorry but there is nothing going on in Florida that even begins to touch the rot, corruption, incompetence, or malice we have going on. Broward county is the only thing that comes close and pretty sure they are mostly NY refugees. Coumo resigned so he can run again after the attention dies down. Impeach convict and remove his ability to hold office here and move on to the next petty tyrant funded by bigger tyrants is sadly our best outcome for the year.

    • quote————Tim August 10, 2021 At 15:07
      Abbott and de Santis didn’t kill anyone. Your fascist governor sent thousands to their deaths.————quote

      Start watching accredited news programs. It has already been reported that more and more young children are being admitted into the hospital with serious cases of covid with some dying because of Deathsantis refusing to fight covid with common sense precautions like mask wearing. He wants to keep his hard core base for re-election no matter how many children and adults he kills to accomplish this. Deathsanits is a true Conservative Nazi in every sense of the word. Biden should have him arrested and publically hanged as an example to all the other Moron Republican Governors that are murdering the public with covid.

      • And yet Florida currently has 14000 fewer deaths while having over 2 million more people than NY. Your math seems a bit off bro. I had to track stats by state for the first year of the pandemic and report to my boss how we were overall ranking near the bottom. Not a fun job but does help identify what news sites are willing to lie to you.

        • It’s also worth mentioning that it was mostly older people dying from Covid. The average age was about the same as the average life expectancy. The stats should be better for a younger population, yet Florida has the oldest population.

        • “…with common sense precautions like mask wearing. ”

          Unfortunately, the virus is to small for masks, especially cloth masks to filter out.

          Anthony Fauci “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend you wear a mask,”

    • Can still run again if not impeached and wouldn’t be the first time a democrat up here resigns and runs again to win a cycle or two later after the scandal dies down which is relatively easy as the majority of our media outlets usually only report on any Stefanik missteps.

  17. That was uncharacteristically quick and decisive for a Dem scandal. Almost like they had something far worse coming down the pipe for him.

  18. I will not miss the Grinning Lizard. (That image of him “smiling” gives me the willies. Needs to be posted in a gallery with a picture of the Grinch. Just reeks of evil.)

    • Many people are telling me that Andrew Cuomo is almost as big of a morally repugnant asshole as I am, believe me.

  19. Haha suck it Coumo, you pathetic worthless little coward. That turd deserves 25 years no parole.

  20. As a former New Yorker born and raised. I did a happy dance today when I heard the news! Goodbye Benito Cuomolini, you cazzo di merda! Have fun in Attica funoccio! Maybe my beloved NY will be safe free from the wannabe dictator’s “Safe Act”.

    • Until the sentence is given and we do not rewrite the law to try to keep him out (see Silver) I will hold off on the celebration.

  21. Notice the hypocrites of the Far Right are not screaming for the rapist Trump to be prosecuted. The Cuomo resignation will only add more ammunition to the Democrats arsenal when it comes time to convince the public to demand the indictment of Trump for his sex crimes. Being higher up in the political cesspool should not exempt Trump from prosecution and conviction either.

    • Nothing to prosecute, he was investigated and a hostile DOJ did not find enough to push. Try to keep up this is NY not previous Federal executive issues.

      • It’s hard for a low iq fellow like SA-Mann dacian to keep up. The fascists prefer their goons on the dumb side.

        • REPOST for the deranged one, he is wackier than me.

          “Notice the hypocrites of the Far ̶R̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ Left are not screaming for the rapist ̶T̶r̶u̶m̶p̶ Biden to be prosecuted.” FIFY

          And Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade spoke on Tuesday about Governor Cuomo’s abrupt resignation, calling for a “real investigation” into the (illegitimate) president Biden, who she says is a “powerful predator.”

          Plus, further showing that Democrats actually care nothing for women, she slammed the hypocritical progressive groups like ‘Time’s Up’ for aiding in the harassment of Cuomo’s accusers instead of helping the women they were founded to protect.

          Multiple prominent progressives who parrot slogans like ‘believe all women’ were exposed as frauds in last week’s detailed report on the Governor.

          Most notably, the leader of ‘Time’s Up’ stepped down this week after she was caught providing her legal expertise in an effort to discredit one of the Democrat’s victims.

  22. Well it seems that with all the demands for sexual liberation and the demands that the traditional nuclear family be destroyed. It still appears that inappropriate sexual activity can destroy you politically. It can cost you your job. And perhaps even send you prison.

    It is interesting to me that there always seems to be people who are sexually liberated, who are the ones working to take away our civil rights. And they do it with a smile on their face.

    Unlike the Ku Klux Klan which always had a mean faced scowl. The modern-day anti-civil rights crowd does things with a smile. Very similar to the jacket cover of the book “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg.

  23. It doesn’t matter one iota. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The only difference with Hochul is she won’t harass as many women. No policies will change. It’s not like the Dems were voted out, like will happen to Newsom in a couple weeks.

  24. Disgusting and shameful. As Biden talks about Cuomo resigning due to the increasing numbers of sexual harassment cases building up, he says “he did a hell of a job”…. Really? The guy has to resign because he’s a perving predator and the president can only say how much he likes the guy and what a great job he did. I suspect all the old folks who died unnecessarily in the nursing homes and all the women he preyed on would disagree. Wow, just wow. What can you expect from creepy Joe I guess. He probably knows it’s just a matter of time before all the women and children he sniffed and touched inappropriately get together to bring him to heel.

  25. Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of sexual assaults occurring right now, which is why I feel compelled to speak about it. I discovered a wealth of information about this particular violation of human dignity. Of course, this must be addressed as quickly as possible. Examine essays on this challenging topic for yourself. I hope it is now of use to everyone

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