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Ellen Degeneres Interviews Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Compos, Reveals Shooting Details [VIDEO]

Robert Farago - comments No comments

“The Mandalay Bay security guard who sparked national interest after disappearing from the public spotlight surfaced this week on Ellen DeGeneres’ show,” foxnews.com reports. “In a pre-recorded interview set to air Wednesday afternoon, [Jesus Campos] told DeGeneres he had trouble reaching the shooter’s floor to inspect a door that was left ajar on the night of the shooting.” As we’ve reported, killer Stephen Paddock had bolted it shut. What we now learn . . .

Campos said he reached the floor through another stairwell and inspected the metal bracket from the other side. But before the shots started, he heard what he thought was a drilling sound near Paddock’s room and called security — which sent maintenance worker Stephen Schuck to the floor to investigate.

As Campos walked back into the hallway from a room that leads to the stairwell, the door, which he said was heavy, made a loud noise as it closed behind him.

“I believed that’s what caught the shooter’s attention,” Campos said. “As I was walking down, I heard rapid fire. At first I took cover. I felt the burning sensation. I went to go lift my pant leg up and I saw the blood.”

Campos told Degeneres that Paddock was firing from behind the closed door of his room, but he wasn’t sure how.

Mandalay Bay building engineer Stephen Schuck joined Ellen for the chin wag with the comedienne.

Schuck said he accessed the floor from a service elevator and didn’t notice the shooting until he got closer to Paddock’s room.

“Once I got more than halfway is when I saw Jesus, and I started to hear shooting,” Schuck said. “And I thought – at the time I didn’t know it was shooting – I thought it was a jackhammer and, as an engineer, I thought, ‘we are not working up here late at night. We wouldn’t be doing that.’”

Schuck said Campos leaned out from his hiding spot and yelled at Schuck to take cover, which saved his life as bullets whizzed by.

“Everyone came together to help that night, even in the darkest hour,” said Campos, who thanked the Las Vegas police, FBI, first responders and hospital workers.

Yes, well, HOW did they come together?

Despite (because of?) his appearance on Ellen’s chat show, we still don’t know the exact sequence of events in the Mandalay Bay Hotel before, during and after Stephen Paddock opened fire.

The ABC talking head notwithstanding, Campos’s account does not “seem to clarify weeks of confusion about the shooting’s timeline.”

Specifically, how long did it take Campos to radio his report of the shooting? How much time elapsed between Mr. Campos’ report and phone notification of the shooting to hotel security and the arrival of two on-site police officers on the 32nd floor, what Mr. Campos said and how, when or if that information was relayed to the Las Vegas police?

Enquiring minds still would like to know.

None of that was discussed in the ABC news clip. Perhaps that will be covered when the full interview airs. Or perhaps Degeneres agreed not to touch those topics as part of the price of securing the Campos interview. We’ll see later this afternoon.


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Ellen Degeneres Interviews Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Compos, Reveals Shooting Details [VIDEO]”

  1. My doctor asked me about my gun one time… mainly wanting to know how it ended up in my anal cavity I told him that I had just tried to raid a drug cartel against Holder’s orders, I was called to his office, and my gun was forcefully placed there for interfering in an Agency sting. Since that day I’ve been on desk duty.

      • All I remember is checking the guy into booking, he made a phone call, then I was called up front and told that I just screwed up Fast n Furious. I said dude cool!!! I didn’t know they were makin another one. I thought after Paul died they were cancelling it. Then things went black and I woke up in my bed, farted, and shot the cat. Poor mittens!

  2. Hard to put trust in anything he says now. Far too much time has passed between the event and his reappearance.
    Any number of agencies or people could have talked to him and or planned out his story. As far as I am concerned any information from him is useless.

  3. wonder where they buried him out in the desert.

    “Nothing personal kid, but to be honest, the game was rigged from the start.”

    • What else do you expect from a multi-billionaire anarcho-capitalist? The scariest part of that story is just how feasible it was for one man to grab the sort of power the Mr. House did.

      • Considering the mob ran Vegas for decades I think House and the 5 families were just a throwback to that time in Vegas history or rather a continuation of that history…. Hard to tell in Fallout at times. Kinda terrifying seeing how some of the storylines are feasible in the real world.

  4. Here is one easy explanation of Jesus Campos’ apparently odd disappearance:

    He realized that journalists and entertainment organizations would probably be willing to pay a small fortune to interview him. So, he put the word out and waited to see which organization would win the bidding war for his first interview.

  5. Ok, this is getting weird fast… Can’t anyone keep their stories straight these days?

    Next article up says:

    Harford sheriff’s office: 3 dead in shooting in Emmorton business park in Edgewood area

    Three people have died and two are injured in a shooting at an Edgewood area business park, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday. The shooting occurred around 8:58 a.m., Advanced Granite Solutions, according to Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler. All five people shot are employees of the business….

  6. The barrels use a proprietary extension. Because of this, there is no aftermarket barrel support and DPMS won’t sell you a replacement barrel. In contrast the Savage MSR10 hunter is the same size and the barrel uses a STANDARD extension and comes with a factory adjustable gas block. With the MSR10 hunter, I can swap barrels when I shoot out the factory one. I really wanted to like the DMS GII because it less expensive than the MSR from Savage even if it didn’t come with an adjustable gas block. Until the DPMS GII gets aftermarket barrel support I won’t buy one.

  7. Howard Purnell: Have you given your official statement yet, ‘cuz I would be VERY cautious about what went IN it.
    Nick Memphis: Well, maybe I should wait for the report to come out, read it, and THEN remember.

  8. So this unarmed, rich people security guard radios in that shots are fired, gets hit, and then has the sense to “not tie up radio traffick” and make the phone call? Come on dude.

  9. The esteemed professor should have saved his precious time for something much more important, such as getting into his footie pajamas and having a cup of cocoa.

  10. Sounds like a UK statist.

    I guess we need to only have internet access at regulated locations so the govt can monitor what we say (and decide when it’s hate speech).

    And since lots of people die due to drunks, let’s have a govt house where you can drink. They will monitor you blood alcohol levels and shut you off when close to loopy.

    It will only be a mild inconvenience.

    What a pedantic asshole.

  11. With bullet proof cockpits, I’d be ok with guns on plane, IF the same concealed carry rules apply as on the ground. No playing show and tell, no fooling around with it, no loading/unloading, no open carry.

    Just keep it in your holster on your person or in your bag for the duration you’re aboard. Anything else, except in self defense, and you’re booted at the next airport and ticketed. ONE negligent discharge and you’re banned from commercial flights for ten years, plus reparations.

  12. What an incomplete or vague bunch of cr_p (on a qualified ‘news’ show / sarc).

    The law suits are going to bury MB and Vegas on this.

  13. There’s a vid on youtube where a guy ( A trainer ) picks up a Barrett .5 and freehand rings a steel target at 1000 yards. I think that’s way more impressive than bench lobbing lead till you hit something.

  14. Another Ivy League professor(sic). Who cares what he thinks or says. With any luck he’ll live just long enough to regret not having a firearm to save his own life.

  15. IF you can get the gun out of battery, no bang. Otherwise you just prevent cycling (a good thing).

    Don’t grab a revolver around the cylinder to stop rotation if the hammer is back. That would be bad.

  16. First 3 purchases
    1 Mossy 500
    2 AK
    3 Safe.

    Not telling anyone what they should do. I feel I owe it to fellow gunners to stay out of trouble. My personal choice. I also have a central alarm, so….

    And not for nothing, but I lost a Beretta cheetah in a burglary.


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