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Empire State Consumer Project: Ban All the (Nerf) Machine Guns!

Carl Bussjaeger - comments No comments

Gun controllers just can’t help themselves. They have to lie. It’s like a reflex. Think “AR-15s are assault rifles” and all the other falsehoods they spew.

Even when it comes to toys.

The Empire State Consumer Project, a non-profit band of fun stuff stompers, are demanding that Hasbro stop making…

Machine guns.

As the holidays approach, we are reminded of our mission to protect the safety of children. As we watch holiday toy commercials, we see the Nerf Ultra One and other extreme Nerf machine guns for children and are reminded of mass shootings that have devastated American children and families for decades now.

As you can see, they specifically have it in for the Nerf Ultra One.

We probably don’t have to tell you that the foam dart launching Ultra One isn’t a machine gun. It’s semi-automatic only.

It’s odd that they use the Ultra One as their class example, since Hasbro really does make Nerf machine guns. I suppose, like AR-15s and M16/M4s, they simply can’t tell them apart. “Emblems of mass destruction” one and all.

We used to have cool toys like the Mattel TommyBurst Machine Gun, and somehow avoided a lot of mass shootings. I suppose back then we knew the difference between toys and firearms.

Now even colorful, unlikely appearing gadgets projecting chunks of foam are too much for the pantywaist peaceniks intent on eliminating anything resembling “gun culture” (or fun).

I hope that Hasbro will very publicly tell these people to fribble off. The publicity should do wonders for their sales. Heck, I’d never heard of the Ultra One until the ESCP brought to my attention. I thinks it’s pretty cool.

And while they’re wringing their hands over that, we can await more sales data for the real thing. I expect yet another busy month for firearm retailers.

Because, no, the “gun culture” is not dying out, despite the best efforts of the Empire State Consumer Project.

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