What does an off duty LEO carry? You’re looking at it…blade, ‘tactical’ pen and a .40 cal. See all the details at Everyday Carry . . .
What does an off duty LEO carry? You’re looking at it…blade, ‘tactical’ pen and a .40 cal. See all the details at Everyday Carry . . .
.40 cal? Pffft. Passing fad.
Yeah, like Glockish semi-autos….
Plastic guns? Talk about a passing fad. The market will soon sort that nonsense right out.
You mean the rising cost of plastic due to oil shortages… I am not sure if guns will be the least of my worries or the worst when the oil is all gone.
Some people at Washington State University (Go Cougs!) have invented a polymerizing process that can utilize the sugar found in certain animal feedstocks to manufacture carbon fiber. Give it a few years to scale up in industry, and you’ve got plentiful and relatively cheap carbon-wrapped barrels, carbon-fiber stocks and frames…. Nylon polymer? Fossil fuels? Pshaw! We’re gonna be living in a whole new world! 🙂
Wanna be operator mall ninja with your full size gun…
Oh wait, does that count if he is a cop, do cops get a non-operator pass for carrying anything bigger than a pocket gun…
It’s hard to keep up with mall ninja’s weapon matrix… What are we down to now? A rape whistle and an NAA .22?
Honestly, when was the last time you needed a rape whistle?
Are you an anti-rape whislter-er…?
I bet you voted for Obama…
Slick side step there. But the question wasn’t answered.
As for voting for barry, only if my vote can put him in prison.
“Honestly, when was the last time you needed a rape whistle?”
Yesterday’s Gapefest?
Now that right there was funny. I don’t care who you are.
I care who you are. Who and how is very important.
I still carry a small flashlight 200lumen AA & a spare mag or 2 speedstrips. Ever been in a business & had power go out? I have been in Walmart during a storm and the lost the lights people went nuts. Most everyone not just LEO carries a small bright light since we have a lot of local brown & blackouts, most don’t have backup generators either. Cost $5 shipping been used 10 times since December of last year. Used my pocketknife for other than cleaning my nails or opening a cd/DVD case less times in 3 years than a light.
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