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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Jonathan

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments


As Jonathan writes, this is “everything I leave the house with. Minus the medical supplies in the bag. The Samsung Tab 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 that I took the picture with.” Check out all of Jonathan’s gear at Everyday Carry . . .

0 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Jonathan”

        • jwm gets the prize. I was merely picking an aircraft most people would know.

          That said, the P-40 was adopted in 1938 while the P-51 was adopted in 1940. I wouldn’t call that a long time. Further, the P-40 wasn’t deployed until 1941 (North Africa) and the Chinese didn’t see one until quite late that year when the Flying Tigers made use of them. The P-51 entered the Pacific theater 1944. The Mustang made it’s European debut with the RAF in 1942 but those were not actually P-51’s. The RAF started using actual P-51B’s and C’s (designated Mustang MK III and MK IV in 1943) and began using the P-51K (RAF designation MK IVa) later that same year.

          Although… to pilots going up against Messerschmitt 109’s it may have seemed an eternity considering the 90mph top speed advantage of the P-51 as well as it’s other benefits like a higher cruise speed, ceiling, rate of climb, 60% longer range etc. (All stats here are for the for P-51D, which entered combat service March, 1944). While the P-40 did fairly well in N. Africa against 109’s it was completely outclassed by the P-51 which, when properly used also basically outclassed the 109 and the FW-190 in everything except armament.

  1. I think if you’re going to carry two Glocks, they may as well be the same caliber for mag interchangeability. Other than that, roll on!

  2. At my feet under my desk is a Drago backpack, it is my daily companion and none of you will ever see it’s contents in its entirety ; it’s just too embarrassing…
    Gonna dig out a chocolate truffle out of it now…


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