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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – JS Leonard

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

You probably have to be a super tactical operator to have a super tactical operator’s pistol (not to mention a junior super tactical operator’s pistol). See everything a super tactical operator carries at Everyday Carry . . .

edc everyday carry concealed carry

0 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – JS Leonard”

  1. Asians have been eating cats and dogs for centuries, can’t be that bad, of course I have never tried either one, I would give it a try though.

  2. Well of course the media wants to try to create connections between this guy and the Vegas shooter. If they can get most hotels to ban firearms from their properties, they make it extremely hard for people to carry, go to shooting events, hunting trips, and moving. Anything to poke gun owners in the eye and make ownership more difficult is a win in their book.

  3. We’ve been had lol…

    Follow the link and read some of his descriptions of his tactical operator’s operative tactigear. A little humor isn’t a bad thing these days…

  4. Thanks for the story and reminder. Although registered as “guns for beginners”, this one is for us not so new to the game also.

  5. Tavor trigger is junk. The rest of it is not much better. I ran a private full day course at a private contractor training compound a few years back thanks to some friends in the right kind of low places. I was handed one very nice firearm after another, all suppressed. The Tavors were my least favorite and actually malfunctioned quite a bit. Not just one of them… all 3 of them that were on hand. And malfunctions on those polymer paper weights are not a quick fix. I’ll stick to my AR platform any day.

  6. If anyone bothered going to the EDC link and read the description, you would clearly see this post was a joke picking on all those who actually try to pawn off something like this as their actual EDC.


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