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As r75usmc says, this is his minimum gear when leaving the house at any time for any reason. Any and why not? Everything you need and nothing you don’t. See the details at Everyday Carry . . .

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  1. Your new site setup absolutely sucks 100%. It is just about unusable with my tablet. I cannot even list all the things wrong with it. I can’t even write because the site jumps up and down so much. I used to check in 2-3x a day but if this is your new bling? Not gonna happen anymore sorry. Need a new setup or go back to the old one. Talk about one step forward and two steps back!

    • I’ll second that.

      Your site is ok on my notebook but un-useable on my phone.

      Need to get this fixed …… soon.

      I realize there are always bugs but I am not looking unless sitting at my desk…….

  2. TTAG staff are constantly harping about training, yet they have gotten their knuckle-dragging mitts on a computer w/o training and are running hog-wild.

    Go figure

  3. Agree. New design is terrible for viewing on an iPad.
    If TTAG didn’t test this: major fail.
    If they tested it and signed off…I’ll go elsewhere.
    If they didn’t test and are as surprised as we are at how much it sucks…well, at least I don’t have to feel bad about using ad blockers here anymore.
    Good luck getting it fixed. Maybe too much time spent on the marijuana news tracker site and not enough here…?

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