
As the lady herself says, what you see here are “just the essentials for safety and self-defense. Perfect for a trail run, or a quick trip to the store with a touch of ladylike lavender for fun.” Works for us. Check out what she carries at Everyday Carry . . .


  1. She carried a whole lot less girl stuff than most of the guys on this feature. Good on her.

  2. If it’s like my wife she doesn’t have pockets. For some reason women’s clothing has some fake pockets on them in cases. wth?

    Also, why is there a sticker still on her gun?

    • It’s the laser warning sticker. I tend to leave them on all of my (non firearm mounted) lasers as well. Just in case someone should go full retard.

  3. Sometimes less is not only more, it’s the only thing you have room for.

    You might say there’s everything wrong about pocket carrying a Ruger LCP in cheap $5 FTL knit shorts from Walmart, but when you only have two pockets you don’t get to choose much. Indeed I make it a point to carry my car keys in my left hand because my left pocket already has the cell phone and wallet, and the right pocket has…you guessed it, a Ruger LCP.

    Just don’t go jogging.


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