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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: THREE Guns?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Fake news? I dunno. I mean it IS possible to carry three guns discreetly. And if one is none and two is one, then three is two, and three is like having only one spare eve though you have two, and I think I better think it out again . . .

Maybe Mike A’s everydaycarry.com profile page is simply highlighting the three concealed carry guns he puts in rotation. After all, different clothes sometimes require a different gun. And while it pays to beware of the man with one gun (unless you’re a gun dealer), a good shooter can shoot any gun well.

That said, there’s a not a whole lot of difference between these handguns, size-wise.

Taurus Millenium PT111 G2


The Taurus Millenium PT111 G2 (above) only looks large compared to Martin A’s Ruger SR9e (the $100 cheaper version of the SR9). Which only looks large in comparison to his Beretta Nano.

A trio that begs the question (oft asked by gun gurus): why would you go to smaller and smaller guns in an emergency?

Which is why I prefer to carry a spare mag for my Commander-sized 1911 rather than a smaller spare gun like my cute-as-a-button-but-a-lot-more-lethal Ruger LCP II.

Why not both? Why not three? Especially if you’re ditching all that cool stuff we’ve come to expect from EDCers: flashlights, wallets, watches, field notes, sword canes, field notes, etc.

Why not indeed? Do YOU carry a backup gun or . . . two?

edc everyday carry concealed carry

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: THREE Guns?”

    • There are 3 magazine tubes. Each hold 5 (2.75”) shells. When you empty a tube, rotate like a revolver to the next full tube. Repeat when empty.

  1. I guess this is in regard to the Hickok45 video someone posted. I’m a firearm retailer and have sold a bunch of the PT111 Millennium G2’s and own one myself. They are a fantastic pistol for the price. Accurate and reliable I can recommend this pistol to anyone looking for an inexpensive backup or new to concealed carry.
    I’ll be interested to see how their new line of AR-15 rifles is received and whether they follow up with a lower priced line down the road.

  2. As a Nebraskan, I would certainly like to be able to regulate my own guns. Unfortunately, there is national and local legislation in place that restricts my right to effectively do so.

  3. She’s just a kid. Kids do stupid things. If she was a repeat offender, ok, toss the book at her. Make her learn her lesson and let her go. No reason to screw up this girls future. Everyone take a deep breath.

    • A kid? Maybe (obviously) she has the maturity level of a kid.

      But she’s old enough to vote, open a bank account, sign a marriage license, join the Army and buy cigarettes.

      And if she’s old enough to do those things, she’s darn well old enough to pay the consequences of breaking the laws.

      There’s a term used to describe 18-yr-old “kids” who break the law. They’re called criminals. Our prisons are filled with “kids” who refused to grow up. Our judicial system should treat her like any other first offender, but not like a kid.

  4. Carrying three concealed handguns is easy if you don’t have a spare tire around your waste. One possibility is to carry one on each hip and one in your back pocket (ala Ruger LCP in a pocket holster). Of course you could carry one on your hip, one in a back pocket, and one on an ankle holster. And we have not even considered heavy winter clothing!

  5. I like but having held a Tavor no thanks. How is this better than an SRM other than being from Israel and not moose-lim Turkey!?

  6. Look at the stats…young black men are responsible for a HUGE portion of shootings. WAY out of proportion to their percentage of the general population.
    Facts are NOT racist…sorry.


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