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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Batwolf! (Jan-Michael Vincent Need Not Apply)

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Gun control advocates would be appalled by machine operator Kyle D Berry’s everydaycarry.com pocket dump. Because guns, obviously. While we wait for the antis to get a grip [zone], I’m wondering if you have a spirit animal. I think Mr. Berry does. Why else would he wear Oakley Batwolf sunglasses? Before you answer that question, here’s a proper shot of an Oakley Batwolfian . . .


Note: that’s not a video of KDB. Why is it here? As Rod Serling might say . . .

Submitted for your consideration: a YouTube video. A simple video posted on the Internet showing nothing more than a man wearing a pair of sunglasses  A man who turns his head right then left, then removes the sunglasses from his head, revealing a set of eyes. But not just any eyes. The eyes of a man who’s seen too much . . .

A man who’s seen what can happen when a good guy with a gun wears glasses that hide his eyes from the world. A man who watched that armed sunglass wearer get into a confrontation that escalated needlessly — because someone frightened and angry couldn’t see his eyes.

A man who was shocked and appalled by what happened next. Yet found himself compelled to wear a dead man’s sunglasses. Glasses that couldn’t obscure an odd indeed inexplicable phenomena . . . the spirit of an animal entering a human through a pair of sunglasses. An animal that lives . . . in the Everyday Carry Pocket Dump Zone.

OK, now tell me why an armed American would wear these things.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Batwolf! (Jan-Michael Vincent Need Not Apply)”

  1. The Oscars are coming up…..I ask you…..will the Hollywood stars who are now attacking the NRA fire any of their bodyguards who are members of the NRA? Will they fire any of their bodyguards who were trained by NRA qualified instructors? Will these stars, like jimmy “tears” kimmel, insist that the police contingent keeping them safe from terrorists be purged of all NRA members? How about Police officers trained by NRA members or NRA qualified instructors……that would be something to ask and find out……..

  2. Did [newsworthy topic] help or hurt gun rights?

    It hurt them. The media will always use their platform to push in the direction of civilian disarmament in this country, and there will always be people who believe the most insane stories (like the one about the kid who “bought” a rifle with an expired ID in 5 minutes…………….. who admittedly didn’t actually buy the rifle or go through his 4473).

  3. You say you like to shoot it, just to have some fun. Whatcha you gonna do when they come for your gunz, Bad boys, bad boy’s, whatcha gonna do, whatchha gonna do when they come for youuuu


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