Everytown John Feinblatt
John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety (Photo by: Demis Maryannakis/STAR MAX/IPx via AP)

“These ads are a reminder that background checks aren’t a partisan issue, and that the vast majority of Americans support common sense steps to keep guns away from dangerous people,” John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in a statement. “Whether you’re talking to Republicans, Democrats, gun owners, or law enforcement, there is bipartisan support for strengthening background checks, and we’ll keep reminding Congress of that fact until we see action.”

According to The Hill, Everytown for Gun Safety is spending $500,000 (of the approximately $24MM it spends each year) on TV ads in AK, NC, OH, and TX featuring law enforcement and “gun owners” shilling for universal background checks. Apparently this is an attempt to gain Republican support for these sorts of laws.



  1. I could go the rest of my life without seeing Feinblatt’s green teeth again. He looks like he’s been eating the Grinch’s ass

      • I have big problemo with anyone like fienblatt running around in search of history illiterates who are prone to fall for an agenda rooted in racism and genocide. He needs to pack his nazi racist Gun Control poo up and move along before his nazi racist agenda comes back to bite him in the azz.

    • “How is this a bad thing?”

      If you make a widget that has absolutely no use, is it a good thing?

      • You could use force of government to compel people to buy your useless widgets and profit.

        • “You could use force of government to compel people to buy your useless widgets and profit.”

          Well, I suppose there is always that.

    • I do not need permission from the government to sell my own property. And universal background checks is unenforceable without registration, which is the gun-grabbers’ next step. The next step after that is of course confiscation.

    • If background checks made any rational sense I might be compelled to agree but when I get 10+ a year and there’s the magical, mystical 8-16 month long NFA check I’m forced to conclude the entire scheme is bullshit of the highest order.

    • Well, Mr. “I’m OK”, let’s examine that.

      Point the first: Who are YOU to speak about whether an infringement of MY inherent rights, including the rights to self-defense and the RKBA???? I didn’t authorize you to speak on my behalf, or to bargain away my rights, so there is that little problem which is conveniently never addressed by you anti-gun zealots.

      Point the second: The entire CONCEPT of “inherent rights” is that they are NOT subject to a count of noses. If I were the only person in the world asserting protection of my inherent rights (and I’m not, by far), they would STILL be “inherent rights”, so . . . go suck a pickle.

      Point the third: The ONLY studies I have read that support that contention have the questions worded in such a way as to make any result useless. Go read them yourself, and if you think I’m wrong, explain how.

      Point the fourth: As Colion Noir famously says, in almost all of his video commentaries relating to gun control, the ONLY was a “universal background check” system can work is to have a national gun registry. I don’t give a single s*** HOW many people support such an idiotic idea, I. will. not. comply. I’ll see you, and David “The Waco Kid” Chipman in hell before I’ll register my guns, that I recently lost in a tragic boating accident, with the government. So, once again . . . go suck a pickle.

      Nice chatting with you, authoritarian, anti-liberty twit.

    • “I’m ok with background checks

      How is this a bad thing?”

      It’s called compulsory gun registration.

      Fascists use gun registration records to demand gun confiscation…

    • “How is this a bad thing?”

      Even if one wants to let that little thing about the Constitution and God-given rights slide (which I don’t), or for one to have to prove their innocence to the government rather than the other way around, it’s already apparent via actual studies and common sense that criminals and crazy people, gangbangers and others who wantonly rob, assualt and kill already do not get their tools from the sources the rest of us do- if they tried they be rejected. Feinblatt and everyone at Everytown know that.

      By their very nature, criminals don’t obey existing laws already and breaking yet a new one would be NFBD. And they have the Supreme Court on their side as well, already ruling long ago that criminals cannot be forced to incriminate themselves by telling the truth on a background check…

      So, like every other law on the books that seeks to control American citizens, the only people affected would be the ones who decide to follow the next set of laws. The crooks love it, too- no additional heat placed on them what-so-ever.

      What a bunch of idiots, or totally ignorant people we’ve become if we agre, or if we even ask the question about the “good” such checks might accomplish.


    • Here is a list of failures of a licensing and registration system downunder:

      Person’s license has expired. 3 MONTHS after the expiry the person is spotted by police in a back alley way near a shopping center. When approached the person fired at the police with a handguhn who returned fire and killed the person. The person was carrying more than 100 rounds of ammunition on them.

      FAILURE: Why did the Firearms Registry NOT advise the police of the lapsing of the license.

      A person undergoing an acrimonious divorce applies for a pistol license. The club he was a member of did NOT support the application. The license was rejected. The person applies for a “Commissioner’s Permit” and attains this. Note the CP overrides the license rejection. The person then kills his children with a handgun and them commits suicide. His former wife commits suicide several months later.

      FAILURE: The Commissioner’s Permit application ignored the divorce proceedings and statements from the wife. Since then the Commissioner’s Permits have been revoked and cannot be applied for. Probably to save the Police Commissioner further embarrassment.

      A person with mental health issues lies on a form for a temporary license and then manages to sneak a pistol out of a public range after which she killed members of her family.

      FAILURE: This time is the range who failed to properly supervise the person and manage their inventory.

      And these are three recently high profile failures of the system and processes.

      No system is perfect and there will be failures in the process. But punishing innocent people for such failures is not going to resolve the issues.

  2. Ok class…let’s recite it again…

    “A background check is just another way of saying you’re assumed guilty and must prove your innocence before being granted permission to exercise your right.”

    • And this –

      “If I don’t need a photo ID to Vote, I don’t need a photo ID to buy a gun…”

    • “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.”
      West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943)

      “To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege.”
      Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)

      “This [the right to arms] is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendment declares that it shall not be infringed; but this, as has been seen, means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress.”- U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

      Even if Congress and the states revoked the 2nd, the right to keep and bear arms would remain. The people will be armed, and the government will rue the day it attempts to stop us.

      • “U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)” is of greater substance than implied in your comment. “The case maintains that state powers and national powers are distinct…”We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own who owe it allegiance, and whose rights, within its jurisdiction, it must protect. The same person may be at the same time a citizen of the United States and a citizen of a State, but his rights of citizenship under one of these governments will be different from those he has under the other. Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 74.”

        The case also points out that the 14th Amendment only applies to the states governments not the individual citizens. This renders federal charges of one individual violating the federal civil rights of another to be outside the jurisdiction of the national government (“Congress”).

        And there is much more. It appears we have a significant SCOTUS precedent that is blatantly ignored in modern times.

  3. Anything for a gun registry that will make confiscation much easier very soon thereafter. These pathetic traitors would sell their children’s souls to Satan himself to say the achieved this.

  4. Perpetuating the lies:

    “The House passed bills to tighten background checks on gun sales in March, which included a measure to require background checks on private gun sales.”

    1 – The proposed law essentially outlaws private sales – that’s a restriction beyond merely requiring background checks for them, as the buyer and seller need to go to a licensed dealer during their hours of business and pay whatever fee for the check.

    2 – The proposed law applies to temporary transfers with some exceptions – those are not sales.

  5. Oh we need far reaching and the most thorough universal backgrounds checks alright…

    We need the universal background checks on the democrat communists colluding with Russia and China’s CCP and the rest of the pro communism democrat politicians who are corrupted, stealing taxpayer’s $$ and trying to take our firearms from We The People via unconstitutional gun control law. And the penalty should be death after they are deemed guilty and are convicted .

  6. They’re already airing in Austin (big surprise).. saw one last night. Of course it’s a “law enforcement expert who knows better/common sense/not for the little people” 🙄.. after seeing their antics during the protests here, they’re the last group I’d take advice from.

  7. A draft of what I’m sending to John Cornyn this morning:

    (NOTE: I do not need nor want a response to this communication.)

    As an honorably discharged veteran, retired career Federal law enforcement officer and a native Texan, current and lifetime resident, I am communicating to you to vote, lobby, and campaign against any form of gun control to include the following;

    Universal background checks, assault weapon bans/limitations, extended waiting periods, any form of gun ban, ammo restrictions and/or rationing of any type, gun-free zones, any other form of restrictive gun control and/registration. This includes home-built firearms such as the 80% pieces that are popular and NO these don’t need to be serialized.

    Vote against the current push by the overzealous ATF to redefine what a gun receiver is. This is lunacy and is not necessary although they’re lying about the alleged need to make both the upper and lower parts of an AR15 as the receiver requiring serial numbers. This is NOT necessary, never has been, and never will be.

    DO NOT VOTE TO CONFIRM CHIPMAN (or anyone like him) to any position in the ATF at all. Please vote AGAINST him.

    STOP any efforts whatsoever to negotiate and/or compromise my 2nd. Amendment and other constitutional rights. This IS NOT necessary and you were never voted in to office to do this. Contrary to the lies put forth by the lunatic organizations such as Everytown For Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action, Gabby Giffords, et al, the statistics DO NOT show WE THE PEOPLE support universal background checks and their attempts to lie to the contrary are seditious.


    Please vote to repeal the entire National Firearms Act and it’s derivatives. Please vote for national reciprocity for the wearing of handguns/long guns, and to correct deficiencies in our voting systems.

    Thank You,

    Glenn Arnold

  8. Why? When the U.S. Government certainly couldn’t pass a background check if ever subjected to one. Yet they can have cooler toys than us.

    • Every toy they have is one we are entitled to… every weapon of war is our birthright.

  9. The NRA could run some counter-ads if it wasn’t spending all its dough on:

    — Law Suits
    — Bankruptcy pursuits
    — Fancy clothing suits
    — Luxury hotel suites
    — Other items that do not suit their mission

    • That’s why the NRA lost a paying loyal member in me and I’m now giving my money to the SAF.
      I have to say with all sincerity, FUCK THE NRA and WLP.

      My name is MLee and I approve this message.

  10. OK Mr. I’m ok with background checks While keeping firearms away from people who should not be in possession of them is good, the MEANS DO NOT JUSTIFY the END.
    The problem is Universal Background Checks and its useful effectiveness is SMOKE AND MIRRORS It’s a stepping stone to a larger scheme by the gun grabbers. They pawn it off as approved by the many but they continually obscure its the true effectiveness.

    Very few firearms possessed by those who are prohibited go out and buy them at “gun shows” and such. Most “illegal guns” are those that are stolen and bought and sold on the black market, traded for drugs and such. Universal background checks WILL NOT ENHANCE gun safety, slow or be effectual in reducing gun crime. You know what will, enforcing current gun laws and stop hand slapping the criminals who possess firearms and releasing them back on the street almost immediately.

    UBC on its surface sounds OK until you examine the cause and casual effect. Its true trickery by the media and gun grabbers and if you don’t recognize that, you’re a fool.

    • Who shouldn’t have them? And who gets to decide? Does a criminal lose the right to defend Her/himself, practice religion, speak freely, access truth about her/his government, even after he/she has served their time in jail? They shouldn’t.

      A background check assumes you are guilty and makes you prove (to your employees at the government) that you deserve your enumerated right. And it is a farce, only determining if you have already committed a crime, not whether you will use your right judiciously.

  11. Soooo, out of the recent “mass shooters”, near 100 percent of them both passed a background check and we’re known by the FBI and/or other agencies as a danger to themselves and/ or others. What would be accomplished with UBCs?…. nothing that wouldn’t be better served by enforcement and investigation under current laws by existing agencies. UBCs would accomplish nothing but another bureaucracy, a waste of tax dollars, and an attack on constitutionally recognized rights.

    • I’m in no way advocating UBC, but in reality, a fair number of shooters during the last 25 months or so did pass background checks in their own states. Of course, it was primarily because the human being charged with entering the disqualifying data on said cretins didn’t do their jobs. Andof course there are hindreds of incidents each week where a “qualified” applicant is rejected or must force delays for the same reasons, or because they have a similar or same name as some cretin in a different part of the world…

      The NICS system is now, and will always be, only as good as the info that’s put into it. It may not save as many lives as it may cost in the end.


  12. “…strengthening background checks…”

    I think most people DO want this. This phrase is being used to distort the truth. The fix-NICS idea does this. Fixing NICS is what should be done. It’s bad enough this must be part of the process but if we are to have this then let’s have it right.

    What is meant when they say this is a NICS check/registry with every instance of a firearm changing hands/ownership. THIS is not the same thing and is the problem why do many people (including me) reject it.

    • We were better off with no background checks at all. It’s all been a waste of money and this has been proven over and over.

      • “We were better off with no background checks at all. It’s all been a waste of money and this has been proven over and over.”

        But wait….

        When a person fails a background check, that person is prevented, at that moment and place, from obtaining a firearm. Who knows how many thousands and thousands of lives are saved by denying purchase of a firearm, at that location and time? Think of how many lives are saved when the denied person has to spend time and effort going elsewhere to obtain a firearm?

        And maybe even the denied person will simply give up trying to obtain a gun, because it takes too much time and effort. How many millions of lives are saved by that?

        • This is ludicrous and proves how ignorant you are to the perils of an unknown person using your name to query a computer that you cannot even speak to personally or even know who they are when they are privileged to your personal identifying information.

          Who knows how many law-abiding and innocent people have been wrongfully denied a firearm because of some clown’s carelessness in either inputting information and/or interpreting who is who with similar/same names, etc.,?

          Your lame argument of a life saved doesn’t even compare to the lives lost due to being denied a firearm purchase due to some glitch in the system.

          Why don’t we just go ahead and sacrifice your goofball life instead? Makes total sense to me.

    • A mandatory background check, and government permission, to exercise one enumerated right demands a mandatory background check to exercise any enumerated right.

      Can’t think of anyone who would tolerate background checks to exercise any and all enumerated rights. But why limit to enumerated rights? Why not extend background checks/government permission to all the unlisted rights? How ’bout government permission to do anything other than breathe?

      • It is hard enough to understand how members of Congress are not required any sort of background check or drug screening before being granted a security clearance.

        NICS checks and Form 4473(s) are only to monitor gun owners and to assist in future confiscations. If folks don’t believe this they’re simply too easily duped.

      • Well your looking a little blue today.
        ” Times are tuff, I’m just holding my breath that I’ll get my Air taxes paid in time.”

        • ” Times are tuff, I’m just holding my breath that I’ll get my Air taxes paid in time.”

          Now, that’s funny.

  13. What happened to the back ground checks that are already in place? Actually they should be expanded to include drivers licenses, sharp objects, archery equipment and especially politicians!

    • Politicians FIRST.


  14. John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, he and the people around him if not the organization needs to spend a little money and time having someone show him how to tie a tie. In th photo he looks very unkept, unprofessional and appears tobe frightened by the camera/microphone or just plain doesn’t know what he is talking about.

  15. @GRA

    “There now … how does that sound to you?”

    Perfect…knee-jerk response to a comment comprised of sarcasm, ridicule, and satire that sailed, unmolested, completely over your head.

    • Not really … I just respond to such personality issues with the ignorance much deserved.

      • “Not really … I just respond to such personality issues with the ignorance much deserved.”

        You missed the joke entirely, Dude!

        By now you should have noticed I am a 2A absolutists, with all the nuance and complication that ensues from that. To read leftist drivel from a 2A absolutist, and not recognize it for what it is means you skim read, looking for someone to attack. So….

        Because reading is fundamental, and you have difficulty, just hit “Delete” whenever you see my screen name. Win-win for everyone

  16. Let’s count all the times the current Background Check system has failed to prevent crimes being committed. Boulder and Atlanta being the two most recent failures. Boulder, in Colorado, a State that already has Universal Background checks in place for 4+ years and counting, didn’t stop the Boulder shooter from getting a gun. Point of fact is that every murder committed with a firearm purchased by the perpetrator legally went through the current system, which raised no Red Flags to prevent the purchase. In other words, Background Checks failed. A serious study of the system shows it has had No impact whatsoever in reducing Guns getting into the wrong hands.
    Universal Background Checks will not stop the Black Market and Stolen Weapon Trade, which is where the majority of Criminals purchase the overwhelming majority of weapons they use. All UBC will do is prevent Law Abiding Gun Owners from selling to other Law Abiding Gun Owners and prevent the bequeathal of Firearms to one’s family. For example, my son, a LEO, will be required to undergo a Background check(s) for the Firearms in my modest collection which I’ve left to him in my will.
    Universal Background Checks will do absolutely nothing to prevent crime. It’s nothing but another infringements, period.

  17. From 1993 to 2014 the Brady Bill has NOT TAKEN one gun from anyone but has stopped 1.2 million people from buying new guns that were prohibited from having them. If the Brady Bill had not been gutted by the NRA it would have also vetted second hand guns and considering second hand gun sales far outnumber new gun sales the Bill probably would have stopped 5 million people from getting guns that should not have them.

    Numerous surveys have shown the overwhelming number of American people including Congressional members both Republican and Democrat all favor Universal Back Ground Checks. Without NRA bribes and threats it would have become law years ago. Unfortunately the NRA only panders to its Far Right mentally ill paranoid crowd who because of their mental afflictions are incapable of thinking clearly or logically. Every time a mass murder is committed or crime rates sore it is the law abiding gun owner that takes the blame and there are then more and more calls for bans and draconian restrictions on what is left.

    The Chicago study (two of them) and numerous police tracings in other states prove beyond all doubt that states with lax gun laws funnel in thousands of second hand guns into states and big cities with tough gun control laws rendering most state and local gun control laws ineffective which is exactly why Federal Laws are needed.

    Another rapidly rising problem are ghost guns that in California alone has seen 40% of all guns confiscated by police as being ghost guns and in other states the use of ghost guns has risen as high as a 350 per cent increase in the last few years. There have been many mass killings with ghost guns as well and about a week or so ago I posted some of them

    The Mentally Ill Far Right are always their own worst enemies as their paranoia simply guarantees that by doing nothing about serious gun problems it only results in the problems growing far worse as seen this year after the pandemic eased with violent crime and mass murders soaring to new heights and 2021 is not yet even half over. The rivers of blood so far would have floated the Titanic. It does not faze the Far Right because they will tell you “Who cares it did not happen to me”.

    I might add that safe storage laws would have prevented this weeks two young teenage kids, a girl and boy from getting their hands on deadly weapons after they broke into a mans house and then opened fire with an AK 47 assault rifle on police resulting the girl receiving many gun shots and she is now in a hospital in critical condition. Many mass murders that were kids in the past did the same thing, they got ahold of weapons that were not locked up and then went to school and slaughtered their class mates.

    You cannot convince mentally ill paranoid people that the Brady Bill has not and will not take away guns if it covers second hand gun purchases. But then again many mentally ill paranoids on the Far Right know they would not be eligible to buy guns if Universal Background checks were the law.

    • “From 1993 to 2014 the Brady Bill …. stopped 1.2 million people from buying new guns that were prohibited from having them.”

      Unprovable assertion. All that can be authentically claimed is that 1.2 milliion were “stopped” at one moment in time. There is no evidence of lifetime follow-up to ensure those 1.2 million people were prevented from obtaining a gun, anywhere, evermore.

      But, if you want to play statistics, how many potential guy buyers were permitted to legally buy guns? What is the ratio between legal buyers, and denied buyers? Assuming those denied permission to buy a gun never could buy a gun anywhere after being denied, were the 1.2 million denials a significant portion of the total number of persons attempting to by firearms? If we use legal gun purchases in 2020 (presumed to be 20,000,000) as a proxy for the time frame you cited, 0.06 percent of gun sales were denied. That fraction is a harbinger for the functionally useless result of background checks over the time frame you posed.

      So, pick any average number of legal gun sales over the 20yrs posited. What is the total? What is the percentage of gun sales stopped for a single moment in time? Is the number statistically significant, or embarrassingly small? (don’t give us the “if it saves only one baloney).

        • quote————–“Out of all the ammunition background checks California ran on its citizens, the system prevented only 188 unlawful purchases. There were an estimated 62,000 false denials in the same period.”—————-quote

          Even if true (which I highly doubt) you just proved what I said about the Far Right saying “Who cares that we stopped 188 maniacs and criminals from committing mass murder and robbery on the streets, after all it did not affect me so who cares”!!!!

          Sorry you failed miserably, try again.

        • You truly believe that every prohibited person who tries to buy a gun is a maniac or criminal stopped from mass murder or robbery on the streets?

          But, sure, any amount of people’s rights violated is acceptable for a handful of theoretical crimes stopped for those who think they can purchase safety by giving up liberty.

        • Quote———————“Out of all the ammunition background checks California ran on its citizens, the system prevented only 188 unlawful purchases. There were an estimated 62,000 false denials in the same period.”————–quote

          You people can never see the forest for the trees. Remember if we had a Federal Law not just a California State law you would have to multiply this by the other 49 other states giving you 9,212 criminals and nut cases prevented from a purchase that would have committed robberies, rapes and mass murder , again 9,212 nut cases prevented from a purchase. The Far Right will say “who cares the stats show it probably will not happen to me “famous last words”.

        • Ayup, 100% of people deemed safe enough to not be currently locked up in prison or a mental institution but prohibited under CA law (including violent misdemeanors not covered under federal law) would have committed robbery, rape, and mass murder if they could buy ammunition. But denied a gun, they just go on living peaceful lives. Very covincing fantasy.

  18. To Sam

    quote——————–If we use legal gun purchases in 2020 (presumed to be 20,000,000) as a proxy for the time frame you cited, 0.06 percent of gun sales were denied. That fraction is a harbinger for the functionally useless result of background checks over the time frame you posed.———————–quote

    Nice try Sam but you fell into the outhouse on this one. There is no way of knowing how many felons did not even try to buy a new gun because of the Brady Bill and instead went to a gun show or flea market or answered an add in the newspaper, hug out at a bar and yes bought a second hand one line from a chat room where its often legal to do so if both people reside in the same state. Try again Sam

    And Sam if you new anything at all about the success of European gun laws you would know that vetting of all guns is very effective. How many times do I have to remind people of the London Bridge Incident where terrorists were denied a quick shotgun sale and then had to resort to use knives when they tried to murder a bunch of people in a bar but were beat up by the bar patrons with chairs and broken beer bottles. Its only one of many example of European gun laws working very well. And remember in lawless Capitalvania that puts profit over human lives because all human life is considered cheap and expendable in Capitavania the same terrorists would have bought all the second hand guns they wanted including assault rifles and wiped everyone out in the bar in seconds.

    And Sam you conveniently ignored the people slaughtered in mass murders that used ghost guns. I posted a whole list of the victims about a week ago on this very forum

    Once again Sam try again you failed miserably.

    I might add the few times they have had mass murder by guns in Europe it was because they were actually at war with a foreign nation that trained and shipped in guns to terrorists, no internal gun law would have prevented a foreign nation waging war on you. So do not give me any baloney about mass murder by guns in Europe its far, far less because of their gun laws that stopped mentally ill citizens from doing what our citizens do every day because we live in a society gone completely mad and which treats human life worse than they do their own pet dogs and cats.

    • “There is no way of knowing how many felons did not even try to buy a new gun because of the Brady Bill and instead went to a gun show or flea market or answered an add in the newspaper, hug out at a bar and yes bought a second hand one line from a chat room where its often legal to do so if both people reside in the same state. ”

      Yes. You just identified the fatal flaw in gun control laws.

      Yes, if there were no guns available, anywhere, there would be no crimes committed with guns. However, that same criminal element you identified above will have guns long after the rest of the populace is disarmed (if disarming criminals were possible, it would have been done long, long ago). The dream of the anti-civil rights mob is to have all the non-criminals dependent solely upon government for personal safety; a government too cowardly to take on the real problem.

      What do we do with the CDC (supporters of authoritarian government must support the CDC statistics in all their facets) admitted ~2 million defensive gun uses each year? We just sacrifice those lives, every year, in the name of ending “madness”?

      Note, it is not the millions and millions of legal gun owners who are the problem. Hint, it is the criminal element; the very people the government is afraid of.

      • quote———————-What do we do with the CDC (supporters of authoritarian government must support the CDC statistics in all their facets) admitted ~2 million defensive gun uses each year? We just sacrifice those lives, every year, in the name of ending “madness”?—————quote

        My, my, my how you disappointed me I did not want this debate to be this easy. Go back and read my original post about the Paranoia of the Far, Far Right and then read about how the Brady Bill in all these years never outlawed any firearm nor prevented law abiding citizens from owning them. Yes they make a few vetting errors which usually are corrected for the person that was denied but the Brady Bill itself never was designed to take guns from the people and vetting second hand guns would only be vetting more firearms and keeping millions more out of the hands of lunatics and criminals.

        You just proved my point that the Paranoia of the Far Right makes them totally blind to logic and reality and reasoning with such people is quite impossible even when the topic is so simple and straight forward a 5th grader would have no trouble understanding it assuming he is of sound mind and will.

        I might add I have been to Europe and even European gun shows and I can assure you over there you cannot walk into a bar or any other place and suddenly in a loud voice or even in hushed tones in the back of a room let it be known you want a gun and fast as it just does not happen because of their very harsh vetting laws. No gun law is perfect not even in Europe but trying to buy a gun in Europe without paperwork is light years more difficult than in the insane and lawless world of Capitalvania where every nut case and criminal can buy all the firepower they want 365 days a year and no questions asked. Sane people would not argue this nor deny it and even a man from Mars would agree if he lived in the insane asylum of Capitalvania for just 24 hours.

        I have good news, under your bed tonight the boogie man of gun control is not hiding there waiting to take your guns. Its only in your mind. Just do not forget to take your Prozac and everything will be fine.

        One finale thought, when visiting in East Europe I was watching American TV via satellite 22 years ago when it was not nearly as insane as it is today in the U.S. After watching a few minutes of the usual death by lack of affordable health care and life saving drugs and the usual gun violence with blood and gore running down our streets in knee deep rivers of blood, chaos and mayhem the entire room full of Europeans turned with shocked faces and looked at me as they all knew me as an American. One finally had the courage to say what everyone else was obviously thinking which was “How in the world do you Americans survive and live in such a hellish, uncaring, unsafe country with few social benefits and gunfire on every street corner”? I replied “Each year thousands of us do not because if the lack of affordable medical care does not kill you the flying bullets will”. To break the silence and horror I introduced a bit of gallows humor and said ” In a firefight the good guys shoot red tracers and the bad guys shoot green tracers and it looks just like Christmas in July” later I pondered it was not far too from the truth. Everyone had a grim laugh and one said “You Americans are all crazy”. I could not argue with that point and kiddingly told them “I still love the smell of burnt cordite in the evening moonlight”. Unfortunately they believed me and after watching American TV by satellite who the hell could blame them.

        • Closing this down…I don’t give a flying flip at a rolling donut what people in Europe think, or do.

          On the other hand, it is interesting that the vast majority of those countries demand photo ID in order for people to vote.

  19. I just saw the ad being run in NC during the 6:00 o’clock news hour and it’s a very effective ad featuring a “good ol’ boy” advocating background checks as if he were talking about the kind we already have. I actually thought it was an ad for our side until he mentioned the word “loophole” and then I saw the Everytown logo running across the bottom. We need to do some effective advertising to counterattack this BS.

  20. In and of itself, the back ground check is not bad. What makes it bad are a number of factors and consequences. The first of which is the fact you are required to get permission to exercise a constitutional right. These back ground checks are not free, and demand both the buyer and seller go to a private business and pay for a service as well as a tax. Should we also demand a poll tax or a tax for use or attendance of a church?
    Next, the anti gun folks claim this is to keep guns away from the “Wrong People.” Nice idea, but about as effective as using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes. Very few denied background checks are ever investigated and a significant number are false or wrongful denials. Also, if anyone knows they will be denied, they just have someone who is clean buy the gun, or just do as most criminals already do, Steal 1 or buy on the black market.
    Lastly. Anyone who really wants to harm themselves, or others, if they can’t get a gun, will find another weapon or method. Even now, more people die by blunt force trauma every year, than are killed by the scary black rifles. And, look at Japan, very tight restrictions on firearms, and still a high suicide rate.
    So, what is wrong with background check? Everything the anti gun folks claim is false and they are completely ineffective.

    • quote————In and of itself, the back ground check is not bad.————quote

      That is the only part of your post that was correct, now lets tear apart the rest of it through honesty.

      quote—————The first of which is the fact you are required to get permission to exercise a constitutional right.——————quote

      You have no Constitutional Rights and never have because in reality the corrupt gun hating courts (who often vote with public opinion) and the legislatures give you what little rights you have, both usually ignore the Constitution as history has proven it time and time again. 2A has always been very controversial because it was politicized when it was written to give the people the illusion they have gun rights but it was written in the vaguest of terms so the corrupt gun hating courts could and have banned guns or heavily regulated them, that has been their history. Remember the word “militia” was not put in 2A by accident and as Chief Justice Burger wrote the militia is formed and controlled by the government not by the people, the people are only serving in it. 2A gave the States the right to arm themselves against an uprising of slaves or arm themselves against the Federal Government, it did not give the individual the right to attack anyone including the Federal Government. Current and past laws prove this.

      Quote——————- These back ground checks are not free, and demand both the buyer and seller go to a private business and pay for a service as well as a tax.————-quote

      Wrong again. I have never been charged to go through the Brady Bill and the Gun dealer is not charged for it either. Extending it to cover second hand guns would make no difference because gun dealers do sell second hand guns already and again there is no charge so making it mandatory that private sales would have to go through a dealer “would result in a charge” but it is so little and varies from dealer to dealer that the alternative would be to continue as we are and let any nut case and criminal go out and get a second hand gun without paperwork because private sales are not required to vet anyone. I ask you what is cheaper to pay a few bucks for a check or thousands when you bury your entire family from a mass shooting. Its a case by the Far Right saying “I want to save a penny today and pay thousands tomorrow because I believe it will never happen to me”, famous last words.

      Quote—————–Next, the anti gun folks claim this is to keep guns away from the “Wrong People.” Nice idea, but about as effective as using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.—————–quote

      The standard Far Right Fantasy exhibiting a total ignorance of how successful vetting procedures have been in other countries. They have way less homicides and mass shootings with guns than we do. This cannot be denied. Their systems work and our lack of a coherent , comprehensive Federal system proves ours is a failure beyond all doubt.

      quote—————— Very few denied background checks are ever investigated and a significant number are false or wrongful denials. Also, if anyone knows they will be denied, they just have someone who is clean buy the gun, or just do as most criminals already do, Steal 1 or buy on the black market—————–quote

      Now lets set the record straight on all of this. It is up to the government to investigate it and even if they do not do we just let the psycho go ahead and buy a gun, come on lets get real here. And if you are falsely denied you can appeal as I have known people who have and they were able to purchase after they were cleared through appeal.

      And people who do buy a gun for someone else have been prosecuted and sent to prison. No law is perfect so do we cancel laws against murder, rape and robbery? Believe me when law abiding people see someone sent to prison for a straw man sale they get the message very fast what will happen to them if they would do the same and for the majority of people this works.

      And you mentioned “steal guns” that is exactly why we need safe storage laws that all other civilized nations have. Just this week two run away kids broke into a mans house and stole his AK 47 and another gun and opened fire on the police and if this is not reason enough to have safe storage laws I do not know what would be. Teenage suicides are another reason to have safe storage laws. Lets face facts you get get a trigger lock off a weapon or grab a gun out of a safe in little more than a second or two as I have done this personally so I am not talking out my butt hole so why would we not have safe storage laws?

      You mentioned suicide. Sorry you screwed up on this one too. An emergency responder once told me and I quote “I have personally saved kids and adults who have tried to drown themselves, hang themselves, cut their wrists or overdose deliberately on drugs but I have never saved a child or adult that put a gun to his head and blew his brains out”.

      And you speak of blunt force. How about the time a nut case put a gun out the window of a hotel like in Los Vegas and mowed down 60 some people in seconds, he could not have done this using only a base ball bat and ditto for the gay bar in Florida which took the lives of 50 some people, he could not have done it with a base ball bat but hey, according to the Far Right Gay people’s lives do not matter, shades of Nazi Germany who targeted gay people as well as Jews and political dissidents and celebrated Hitler’s candle light parades and his beer hall putsch which Trump and his storm troopers emulated. History repeats itself with the Far Right in Capitalvania.

    • quote———————These back ground checks are not free, and demand both the buyer and seller go to a private business and pay for a service as well as a tax. Should we also demand a poll tax or a tax for use or attendance of a church?—————-quote

      The background check at most gun dealers is less than $25. A small price to pay instead of paying out millions because a nut case or criminal got a hold of a gun. And who is to say that the new law would not make the background check free? The dealer could be paid by the Feds or deduct his service off of his income tax. After all the background check on new guns is free and free when a dealer sells his second hand gun.

      quote—————–Next, the anti gun folks claim this is to keep guns away from the “Wrong People.” Nice idea, but about as effective as using a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes.—————-quote

      Wrong again. European and Asian gun vetting laws have proven they do indeed work and work much better than our lack of such laws. In those civilized countries you cannot walk into a bar and yell you want a gun and fast and get one and in many U.S. states its is perfectly legal. Pure insanity.

      quote—————– Also, if anyone knows they will be denied, they just have someone who is clean buy the gun, or just do as most criminals already do, Steal 1 or buy on the black market.—————–quote

      People are indeed prosecuted and jailed for doing that and most law abiding people do not do such things.

      Also you mentioned “steal guns” that is exactly why we need Safe Storage Laws. This week two kids broke into a home and opened fire on police with stolen guns one of which was an AK47. If that is not proof enough we need safe storage laws I do not know what would be. One can get a trigger lock off a gun or out of safe in less than a couple of seconds and I have done such many times in the past. Safe storage laws would keep thousands of guns from being stolen by smash and grab punks.

      You mention the black market. Where do you think the majority of black market guns come from?. They come from second hand guns that are from states with lax gun laws being funneled into states with tough gun laws. Police tracings and two Chicago studies proved this beyond all doubt. And ghost gun crimes have gone up and through the roof with some states seeing a 350 per cent increase and California finding 40 per cent of crime now being committed with ghost guns.

      Quote——————–Lastly. Anyone who really wants to harm themselves, or others, if they can’t get a gun, will find another weapon or method. Even now, more people die by blunt force trauma every year, than are killed by the scary black rifles. And, look at Japan, very tight restrictions on firearms, and still a high suicide rate.————-quote

      The maniac at Las Vegas who slaughtered 60 some people sure as hell could not have done it with a baseball bat nor the at the Florida Night Club that killed 50 some people.

      You mention suicides. A first responder told me that “I have been able to save people who tried to drown themselves, cut their wrists, hang themselves and drown themselves but never have I saved someone who blew their brains out with a gun”.

  21. To Same I Am

    quote—————–Closing this down…I don’t give a flying flip at a rolling donut what people in Europe think, or do.———————-quote

    Hiding your head in the sand does not make the truth go away in regards to their systems being far superior than our almost total lack of any meaningful gun control laws. Your also screaming I refuse to see reality and the superiority of their political systems.

    Quote——————–On the other hand, it is interesting that the vast majority of those countries demand photo ID in order for people to vote.——————-quote

    Although your post has zero to do with the discussion at hand you show you know little about Europe and how many of their countries like France has true democracy that elects a president by the will of the majority of the people and through a parliamentary government that has multiple political parties which get things done far more quickly without the usual gridlock of the corrupt oligarchy of Capitalvania which pretends to have a democracy and free and fair elections but does not with voter suppression , and again they do not have a sham democracy like the corrupt political system of Capitalvania. Republicans know that if it were not for the totally corrupt practices of the electoral college and gerrymandering that political election history has show the Republicans would go for decades without the ability to elect a Republican President and might even cease to exist as a political party which would civilize America almost over night.

    • Hey Dacian, it’s been over a week now…. still waiting for a response on where we can visit these million-plus felons who were charged, prosecuted, and sentenced on felony charges of lying on a form 4473. They must be in some super-secret federal facility, right ? Just out of curiosity, what is the dollar to Euro exchange rate these days ?… I’m assuming that’s what you receive your Soros wages in.

      • Brilliant response. Just lets do nothing and let felons and psycho’s buy all the firepower they want as usual. You will become a “believer” after you have to bury your family because of a mass shooting but hey. you think it will never happen to yourself. Famous last words.

        And like most of the Far right you also believe you will never have to face huge medical bills (which will bankrupt you) so why pay a few more pennies in taxes for social programs that the rest of the civilized world has had for decades, lets save a penny today so we can all go bankrupt tomorrow or die like dogs in the street because you cannot afford life saving drugs. No nation including European, Canadian or Asian has ever gone back to Caitalvanian health care based on blind greed and profit, none. That should tell even the dim witted stingy Far Right something but unfortunately it does not. They live in their own myopic fantasy world divorced from all reality.

        I remember when the racist Trump screamed that instead of letting Africans immigrate to the U.S. he would consider letting more Danish people immigrate to America. The Dane’s said that Trump must think we are as ignorant as he is and they laughed their asses off and said they would not even consider coming here on vacation let alone come to the lawless and social benefits deficient U.S. to live

        You mentions the great humanitarian Soros who the cheap ass Republicans hate with a passion because unlike those penny pinching bastards Soros has donated millions towards education, especially in poor countries, something that would make the cheap ass Republicans throw up their hands and run away screaming while clutching and squeezing a bag full of pennies so hard the pennies ended up screaming for mercy.

  22. Pb_fan59
    So, still spewing bullshit instead of answers.

    Insinuating that the gun deaths are not high enough to matter brings to mind what Hitler once said about his combat deaths on the Russian Front “Losses can never be too high”. Civilized people would disagree with Hitler and with you.

      • … crickets, huh? Your previous responses remind me of 40 some years ago when a buddy and I dropped 4 sacks of manure by airplane on the opposing team’s football field before high school homecoming…. nope, even that didn’t spread shit as far in as many directions. My dog once ate all of the tiles from our Scrabble game, and what came out of him afterwards made more sense than most of your bloviations here. Your hero Soros must be paying you per character, that’s the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from your ramblings.

        • We need more people like Soro’s. He is perhaps one of our greatest living Americans who unlike Republican greed mongers shares his wealth with the less fortunate. Its called Socialism for a civilized society sponsoring socialistic programs to help the needy and the students, especially in less well off districts and or countries.

          Soros is a supporter of progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations.[18] Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[19][20] by 2017, his donations “on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world” totaled $12 billion.[21] He influenced the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s,[22] and provided one of Europe’s largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in his Hungarian hometown.[23]

          His extensive funding of political causes has made him a “bugaboo of European nationalists”.[24] The New York Times reported in October 2018 that “conspiracy theories about him have gone mainstream, to nearly every corner of the Republican Party”. Numerous American conservatives have promoted false claims that characterize Soros as a singularly dangerous “puppet master” behind many alleged global plots. Conspiracy theories targeting Soros, who is of Jewish descent, have often been described as anti-Semitic.

          People I have known personally that tried to denigrate Soros’s freely admitted they were American Nazi’s.

  23. avatar Let’s do universal background checks on all politicians first to see if they should hold office!

    Theses MF🖕Bureaucrats need to be tried for treasonous actions against our constitutional rights!

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