“Jesus Campos, a security guard at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino (above), was shot by Paddock six minutes before he began shooting into a crowd of 22,000 people enjoying the country music festival down below, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Joe Lombardo said in a news conference Monday evening.” The foxnews.com report radically changes the timeline for the Las Vegas spree killing . . .
Mandalay Bay Hotel security knew about the shooter for six minutes before he started shooting. We know Stephen Paddock fired on the crowd for ten minutes. What was the Mandalay Bay hotel’s armed security doing during those 16 minutes?
Nothing. TTAG has learned that the Mandalay Bay hotel — and other large Las Vegas hotels — have a standard policy for responding to shots fired — wait for the police.
So there were good guys with guns within potential striking distance of the killer who did not strike.
In fact, at least 21 minutes expired from the moment Stephen Paddock opened fire on the Mandalay Bay unarmed security guard until the Las Vegas SWAT team’s arrival. And then another hour before the team made entry.
There may have been police officers on scene when Mr. Campos reported he was attacked. If so, they too were waiting for SWAT to arrive. If so, where were they waiting? It’s possible they were staging outside Paddock’s suite as he was firing.
If it’s like every other large hotel and casino in Las Vegas, the Mandalay Bay has security video of the lobby, elevators and 32nd floor hallway. Any such footage would provide a more complete picture of events leading up to and during Paddock’s attack on the crowd.
That video would help to answer the critical question: could Stephen Paddock have been stopped before opening fire or interrupted during his killing spree, preventing or minimizing the loss of life?
“I want to become Europe.”
There, fixed and shortened that for you, Mikey.
But then, it didn’t work there either, so…
Shouldn’t they frisk the guy first??? I mean I’m no secret squirrel super operator operating off the X but it seems to me no matter what you get brought in for when you get taken back to an observation area for observation they should probably frisk you, take your belt and anything else you can hurt yourself with, and then bring you into the station.
“Shouldn’t they frisk the guy first???”
That’s what I meant with “…reviewing their protocols on admitting people to ‘secure’ areas of the building…”
Sorry Geoff I was typing mine while you posted yours…. Settle down now here go look at the tacgirls calendar http://tacgirls.com/ You’re welcome.
Well, there goes the narative. The commies really stepped in it this time. The blowback will be hilarious to watch.
“Well, there goes the narative. The commies really stepped in it this time.”
Commies were involved? from? Cuba?
pwrserge thinks everyone is a commie. Rumor has it that he has a shrine to Senator McCarthy in his residence.
LOL. Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Omar matteen, Seung Hui Cho, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold dripping with toxic masculinity. LOL. They are the opposite of masculine! What definition of “masculine” is the author using?? If they were more masculine, they likely would have had more confidence and not reached the conclusion that they needed to kill a bunch of people and them themselves.
How was security aware of the shooter before the shooting started???????
Security, Jesus Campos, was said to be sent to the 32nd floor because the hotel’s electronic door locks indicated one room had left its door open. He apparently went knocking on several neighboring doors. and 200 rounds came out of one of them. One of the bullets hit Campos.
The hotel’s report as to who Campos called after he was hit, and was almost immediately spotted by a maintenance worker, has been vague and confused.
It had nothing to do with smoke alarms.
Thx for that info
Standard police response policy:
Alarm is active, finish coffee before proceeding to scene.
Armed perp, order more coffee.
Shots fired, order more donuts and check chalk supply.
The original timeline was over an hour from first shot to breach of the door, seems like a hell of an error.
To be fair, we hear that the SWAT team had eyes on the broken windows. And the shooting had stopped.
If the shooter had returned to the window, the SWAT team would have made an immediate dynamic entry.
SWAT didn’t know how many shooters were inside, or whether the room was wired with explosives. Which could have taken out a huge chunk of the hotel.
It would be entirely reasonable to eliminate the Hughes Amendment, and to deregulate short barreled rifles and shotguns, and suppressors from the NFA.
Some claim the first few seconds of this video show a security guard in the crowd opening fire on the crowd.
Some would be wrong then, or not, but that video wouldn’t tell you crap, other than audio maybe, and that didn’t sound like anything near, like a handgun. Sounds like a long range shot from a 556, where you have impact, then SS crack, then muzzle blast, then echo’s.
Plus, on streamed video, the audio sync is always fairly bad too.
“Power Grid” is, has been and will continue to be the best way to shut to down anyone claiming a rebellion can’t work.
At least in Texas this means he’ll likely get death, and fast.
Why do we pay taxes again?
To support a ruling class called government, part of which is providing armed bodyguards for the ruling class, these are called “Police”
Sigh. If the security guards didn’t react there isn’t going to be any successful lawsuit against them. They might pay a small confidential amount just to end the bad press. There isn’t any requirement that they act in that scenario. We shouldn’t pretend that wrongful death lawsuits are going to do anything to make giant hotels have to take any real steps to protect people. That is what tort deform legislation has always been about.
In regards to protection against a corrupt government, it seems the ones saying it can’t be done never take into account the fact that there are a huge number of retired military from all levels that would counteract some of the advantages strategy wise. Of course as others have mentioned the fact that a decent number of members might defect rather than fight. In some cases with equipment, such as armored vehicles/tanks etc.
Whenever something like this happens we should send in a bunch of feminists wearing those stupid looking pink kitty hats.
Problem solved.
“Why Did the Las Vegas Shooter Do What He Did?”
Because he was a prick.
I’ll bet Jerry has the happiest wife in the world
Not sure common one oz 12 ga slugs can be reinvented to be better than they already are. Hell, even a rifled slug barrel is kinda gimmiky. Smooth bore 12 ga one oz slugs (the plain vanilla kind) have killed more deer than any army could eat in a year.
I’m not a big fan of them sabot slugs for shotguns either. I like that chunk of 12 gauge lead they way it is. But I’ve only shot one deer at close range and it did all rite by me….There good for blowing stuff up, what a hoot that is, shot a car battery at close range, bad idea
Fellow gamblers claim Paddock was a non-stop drinker, even when gambling. Others assert he was dependent on Valium, which, unlike perhaps Ativan, is fairly heavy and long acting. The mix is volatile. Several people were aware of the usages and his guns, and said nothing. Hideous. The girlfriend knew all these facts. What gives her the right to trade of LV’s security just to keep her meal ticket? The hotel knew that he was in there daily for six days, not three, with a “do not disturb” sign up for days at a time.. They did not have staff enter and check which should have happened after 12 hours of DND. But no. “The Emporer’s New Clothes”? Well, The Emporer’s New Security. Nothing useful there, eh?
Worked at a hospital in Norwich CT as a security guard for a short period after I got out of the Navy over twenty years ago. The Norwich Police brought a guy in one night because he was drunk, very drunk, dirty and smelled. Really bad!!! He was arrested and initially placed in custody at the jail but they decided he was too drunk and they didn’t want the liability. The hospital had a room for this kind of thing where they locked the door and let them sleep it off under medical supervision. The hospital security staff had to monitor the intoxicated patient. I searched him for weapons, valuables and other items you would’nt want this type of patient to have. I did this while the Norwich Police Officers watched even though they assured me that he had already been searched at the jail. By time I went through his socks, pockets, shoes, and the fanny pack under his sweatshirt I found over $24,000 in cash!
They actually thought that I was going to turn it over to them. Didn’t happen. It was logged and went into the Hospital Safe after it was recounted by the head nurse, myself and the other security guard. We didn’t have a lot faith in the police at that point.
Who wants to bet Texas Tech Cop-Killer Hollis Daniels is not only a member of AntiFa but a Registered Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter too?
Like Las Vegas Shooter Registered DEMOCRAT Stephen Paddock lets hang this POS around the Democrat’s neck like an albatross.
We must ALL follow Obama pal and ChiCongo Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s advice ie. “NEVER let a crisis go to waste EXPLOIT it for political gain”. I intend on doing the aforementioned to the fullest you should too.
We MUST control the narrative, comment on every article about the Texas Tech shooter, remind readers he was “underage”, a criminal ignoring laws already in place and not lawfully possessing a handgun in addition to violating the universities policies on illegal drugs and firearms. Don’t neglect to mention he’s a member of AntiFa in addition to being a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT and Bernie Sanders supporter (whether we have confirmation or not).
Am I the ONLY one who notices we don’t know ANYTHING? He had a bumpstock? Or did he?!? Maybe he had a real machine gun…we still have BS narratives about all sorts of crimes. Anyone watch the 10 part Vietnam War documentary on PBS?Beyond eye opening if loaded with leftard opinions. The brave boys in blue appear to have FAILED bigtime in LV…
this is not about some guy lawfully carrying a gun on campus , and committing a crime, this is about why the law was passed in the first place, to protect the people from guys like this criminal and I hope they remember that . and WESKYVET , I went to the link you gave Geoff , and that is a nice link, I think I am in love.
“…and that is a nice link, I think I am in love.”
Some of them weren’t bad, and some of them I’d really like to know what their mom looks like…
I remember a while back PD’s were starting to change protocols to where beat cops were showing up and making aggressive actions once they had a few (3-5) officers on scene. I distinctly remember a push to do this and some departments adapting to this because someone actually realized that tactically speaking, confronting the rampage killer was more important than having a detailed entry and hostage rescue plan.
I really wonder what happened to that. Frankly it’s ridiculous. 9/11 told us that terrorism had changed then and there. This isn’t the 80’s anymore where the PLA will take hostages and demand Israel and the US do a prisoner exchange for their comrades and some such bullshit. I know the idea for operational operator forces started to grow out of the botched Munich episode and the highly successful SAS embassy raid, but that was a different brand of terrorism. Todays terrorists and garden variety rampage killers aren’t trying to achieve political or social goals. Todays scum cvnts are trying to stack up innocent bodies ASAP. It shouldn’t take us this long to catch up and adapt tactics and training in the age of Homeland Security and all the other BS we spend money on for apparently nothing.
That push to eliminate the “set a perimeter and wait” was post Newtown.
I guess all the facts have to come out first. Hopefully those facts will be revealed to the public. It’s hard to say where mistakes were made.
I do wonder how things would have played out if something like that had occurred in Israel. Would the response have been faster and harder?
Hold it! I guess everyone must be CRAZY! I bet you all own more than one pair of pants. How many socks are to much…? What about underwear ?!?.What’s the right draw count ?!?! What about shoes, boots, or sneakers…? Someone call SNL for clarification!
I wonder, if an amateur trap shooter had won the same convictions as Diamond, would they have gotten their own overturned?
I’m glad the dude got his guns back, but at the same time… goddamn that’s corrupt.
Please try it. I would love to see the hammer fall on all the elected progressives in red states.
Just remember this in 2018. If you live in a red state and have a blue representative now is the time to kill their political ambitions. Make sure we have 60-40 in the Senate so we can really start pushing through meaningful changes.
Seems pretty logical to me. The court of public opinion matters, folks. That’s is the point of this article. A point that many comments seem to side-step entirely. If we ignore this FACT, it will be to our own peril.
Let’s be real – we (responsible gun owners) are grossly outnumbered in the general public. Bump-fire/slide-fire proponents and Hughes haters (myself included) are even more so in the minority. The outlier minority of the minority, you could say.
My libertarian principles tell me to fight for every inch… BUT my rational realistic side, which follows the political climate, knows better.
***I would honestly love the comments against this article to explain HOW to support the libertarian principled stance (pro bump-fire & select fire) AND WIN in this exact situation.*** No abstract hypotheticals and theory. Real world. Here and now.
I honestly want to hear it.
If the second amendment only means muskets, then the first amendment only means public speaking and physical print presses.she needs to STFU.
“If the second amendment only means muskets”
If 2A only included period weapons like muskets, then it should also cover cannons, grenades and big barrels of gunpowder, no?
“….But high powered semi-automatic and automatic weapons are owned by madmen, militias, or as a hobby. If it is your hobby it’s time to get a new hobby. I totally get that you need some thrills so I suggest taking up sky diving, surfing or dirt biking……”
I don’t get a thrill when I’m on the range shooting. I get calm, I get relaxed, I get zen..whatever you want to call it, but it’s not a thrill. It’s peace in my soul.
..And NO! I don’t need a new hobby, so bugger off stupid cat lady wannabe.
Good Morning Ms.Coring.
My name is Cpl Punishment,
This period of instruction is introduction to close combat .
en garde!
I’d just stand there and let her. She’s unlikely to actually hurt me and I could use a new house.
…And while your at it…While shes employed by We the People…Then she can lose her armed security, turn in her firearms , and her permit….If you DON’T need, she DOESN’T need it!!!
When someone starts making open, public threats of violence, you know they’re thinking clearly. Then, and only then, should you listen to their ideas on public policy.
California boy here. No, what she is saying isn’t true. I have a Nevada and Utah CCW permit. I can conceal carry in 33 states, but oh no, not LA county.
I just live quietly behind enemy lines.
Those guns should show up on a auction soon enough, I think I will bid on them.
Yes, yes and yes. Completely agree with this column! Thank you Mr Boch for putting your thoughts down on “paper”! While feckless politicians cry and whine their way through the day, fearless everyday Americans put themselves in harms way to save and defend perfect strangers in many cases. Purebred American sheepdogs jump into action with virtually no regard for their own well being as the bullets fly. Keep in mind that these sheepdogs had no idea what was going on, if there were several shooters or what was coming next yet, they leap into action without hesitation. No ambulance handy? No problem, they improvise a solution and “borrow” a truck. No tourniquet handy? No problem, they adapt and fashion a life saving tourniquet out of a belt. No cover handy for wounded or helpless innocents? No problem, they overcome by using their own bodies to shield them, even if that means they get shot.
Meanwhile, overpaid, pampered athletes who sacrifice nothing and stand for nothing, sit, kneel and show their backsides to our flag, anthem and Country while getting paid millions.
Finally, from their safe and protected (by others) perch, media elites praise gun control efforts and blatantly try to snatch our freedoms from us. So F coward politicians, F elite groveling media types and F the NFL.
Not one inch. Not one step back. Ever.
NFL players kneeling has nothing to do with the flag, patriotism, et al. It is about racial injustice.
I’m not sure how to go about it but what would really hurt the NFL is if somehow all these municipalities, some local, some state level, would default on debt service payments for these stadiums we gave them. Exactly how to encourage elected officials to make that happen I don’t know. But one thing is for sure, it is time taxpayer financing of NFL stadiums came to an end.
These ungrateful bastards need to learn respect for a nation that has basically given them over $6.7 billion over the last 20 years.
I spent last Sunday loading some 30-06 for hunting season, it’s really not that hard to find a better pastime. F the NFL.
I certainly would retreated a ways, then gotten a call out to 911 and told LEO’s exactly what floor and exactly what room he was in. Then I would have started quietly clearing guests from the rest of the floor, gotten other hotel security to start clearing floors above/below him, ASAP, as quietly as possible. As a hotel security guard, I’m sure I would have had a pass key that would have allowed me to open up room doorlocks immediately. I would have used do not disturb doorknob hangers to indicate which rooms had been cleared before the LEO’s got there.
Another tactic for the upper/lower floors is to call into the security office, and then they get on the phone system, dialing rooms around the shooter, giving people instructions to leave, quietly, NOW.
If the LV hotels don’t allow their security staff to have pass keys that will open any door in the joint – then they’re dumbasses, and partly culpable for and loss of life in adjacent rooms.
There was much necessary and useful work that needed done long before they could consider just opening the door and walking in on who-knows-what.
If I were armed security at Mandalay Bay, I would assume a few things first:
– I’m trained w/ the firearm I’m carrying
– I’m trained in CQC
– I’m trained in engaging a shooter
– I know the layout of the rooms (or can get the plans very quickly)
– I have a master key
Now, after being shot at (and hit) through the door, I certainly would have backed up out of harms way 1st. Then I would have relayed this information to whoever is on the other side of the comms I’m wearing. By then I should have gotten the info who and how many occupy the suite, while the shooter started engaging his target. From there it’s guesswork at best — if I spotted the camera, I may try to take it out and, depending on what I hear and what is relayed via comms, may decide to engage while he’s busy shooting. 50/50 odds of success or death IMO.
As just a guest — hell no.
remember this…
i was caught in it across town, Bully bikers attacking people. they can be very dangerous like a pack of dogs!
damn, so the chinese had frags-on-a-stick? awesome
A lot of guys would pay good money for that.
Well, yes, we not only want fracking guns, we also know it is necessary, you know, to the security of a free state.
While I like the idea, it reminds me of a saying: “Jack of all trades, Master of none.”
While I’m sure the kit gives you every carry option under the sun, I suspect it does not do any of the individual options particularly well.
‘Don’t let strippers in your house’
What a killjoy.
Who’d of thought that strippers would be such untrustworthy people?